The Joy Of Growing - SweetSue Goes Perpetual


Sue - you should enter this in the NotM contest for Christmas. :bravo:

I agree 100%, thats a damn nice looking bud sue, amazing purps :circle-of-love:
I actually have to disagree with that video
as far as temps go hes using a whole room it isn't the same in a tent
my temps in my tent can be almost 10 degrees higher because its not in a open room but in a tent
and my plants can transpire pretty well because I let my plants get closer to the light I like between 6-10 inches
outside my tent in the 70's in my tent can get up to 82 when it gets real hot
average in my tent 76-78 this is f
I also disagree with the water temps
I'm lucky to have 70 f water temps its never that low
hydroguard help with that
as far as density its not all because of the light genetics play a big role
ive grown different strains under the same method not all are the same
some are super dense and some are spindly and airy I'm lucky to have only grown a few that came out like that
all seeds from the same plant also wont grow the same its why people like to pop many seeds of the same strain and take the best looking ones
I myself will only pop one bean at a time and work with whatever comes out of it

just my 2 cents

Your two cents is a reflection of your well-documented experience, so thank you for caring enough to toss it in. We'll be watching Atrain test out the temps to see how that holds up.

Reading your post Cronic, it occurred to me that we have this enormous base of cultivators with years of documented experience that apparently discounted some of what the "professionals" espouse. Interesting.

Tead, I was surprised that you weren't aware of willow water. That was when it occurred to me that I've no idea how you, personally grow. I'll be paying you a visit later to correct that oversight. :battingeyelashes:
I agree 100%, thats a damn nice looking bud sue, amazing purps :circle-of-love:


Sue - you should enter this in the NotM contest for Christmas. :bravo:

I have some sweet LED lights that would be the perfect size. I have some super-miniature ornaments from a specialized tree that I could decorate with. :laughtwo:

Hahaha! An art project for the day. Stage will appreciate that. :laughtwo: I don't see another plant making a serious advance against his, so let's glitz the thread for the holiday. Game On!
I was showering and realized Major said NOTM" but I heard and read "POTM". :laughtwo: It gets better. My tiny Dark Devil Auto qualifies as an entry in both categories. :battingeyelashes:
This is amazing. Purple butter. Made my Monday :) Hope all goes well with the cleaning up and so forth!

Glad I could help Glimmer. :laughtwo: Really good brownies too. Nice tingly head rushes. I'm thinking about starting my birthday celebration a day early and have a second one this morning. :battingeyelashes:
I have some sweet LED lights that would be the perfect size. I have some super-miniature ornaments from a specialized tree that I could decorate with. :laughtwo:

Hahaha! An art project for the day. Stage will appreciate that. :laughtwo: I don't see another plant making a serious advance against his, so let's glitz the thread for the holiday. Game On!

She is well and truly "Auto" decorated, nothing more needed!
The Dry Cycle


I'm pushing it to the limits here, and I know it. All I can do at this point is to sit back and watch it go. I laughed right out loud when I typed those words. :laughtwo: No way will I be sitting back. My current list of chores in advance of leaving includes:

- Jar everything up and attach written instructions for the burping process.
- Pack my suitcase. I'm a woman comfortable with her natural beauty, free of embellishments. I travel lighter than most. Enough clothes to last four days and toiletries. No need to weigh it down. I'm essentially going home for vacation. :laughtwo:
- Wash everything that was in the tent (lights, bulbs, trays, crates, etc.) and pack into the tiny closet for storage.
- Get soil totes processed and a tad over wet before I leave.
- Plant clover in no-tills.
- Set up SWICK for 10 gallon pot in crate.
- Scrub the bathroom down, change the sheets and make sure the kitchen sink is clean on the way out. These three steps make all the difference when you return home.

Tomorrow I celebrate my first birthday without Dale in 35 years. It's waves of grief today, but not what you'd expect. I was just contemplating how different it feels today. Possibly because I've found a bit of focus for my life beyond planning the next grow, but it feels more like I'm standing in the shallows, letting the ocean wash around me than the locomotive broadside from the right its been all along. I suddenly realized I'd felt no lateral shift, but rather a sense of my feet being held by the earth. I think this may have been a significant moment. I find I'm no longer afraid of the grief. .....................Nope, can't find any more fear. :battingeyelashes: Good. Now it's time for the next stage.

Even more reason to have a second brownie.

If I were going to enter the Dark Devil Auto it should have been yesterday that I took pictures. I may enter anyway, because I can, but I'll be happy to post it right here. This will be the first year in my life I did not put up a Christmas tree. German roots on my mother's side meant as an infant I "helped" mother hang my first ornament. This, then, is my tree for 2015, my gift to you all. What's really neat is my habit has been to put the tree up the day before my birthday, which is today. Sweet how that worked out.


I'm going to have that brownie, treat myself to some decent coffee and a run of Callanetics and turn into a cleaning fool for the rest of the day. I'll be seeing you guys around when I take regular breaks. I've lots of reading to get behind me too. I wish I had more time to visit. I'm still working on a way to be everywhere at once. :laughtwo:

Get out there and spread that joy guys. Make it sparkle. :battingeyelashes: :green_heart:

WAIT!!! I forgot ......................:hug: Good Morning :love:
Ok. This is a serious Birthday Celebration-quality high. :slide: :laughtwo:

Might not get as much done today as I'd planned. I'm thinking a walk is in order. Down along the river sounds nice. My Mother Nature persona just kicked in and I hear the labyrinth calling.
Ok. This is a serious Birthday Celebration-quality high. :slide: :laughtwo:

Might not get as much done today as I'd planned. I'm thinking a walk is in order. Down along the river sounds nice. My Mother Nature persona just kicked in and I hear the labyrinth calling.

I keep having to establish a little reward system for myself to get projects done.

Do this *insert your chore here*

Once done, go for that walk
I keep having to establish a little reward system for myself to get projects done.

Do this *insert your chore here*

Once done, go for that walk

I hear you Jim. :laughtwo:
If I were going to enter the Dark Devil Auto it should have been yesterday that I took pictures. I may enter anyway, because I can, but I'll be happy to post it right here. This will be the first year in my life I did not put up a Christmas tree. German roots on my mother's side meant as an infant I "helped" mother hang my first ornament. This, then, is my tree for 2015, my gift to you all. What's really neat is my habit has been to put the tree up the day before my birthday, which is today. Sweet how that worked out.


I'm going to have that brownie, treat myself to some decent coffee and a run of Callanetics and turn into a cleaning fool for the rest of the day. I'll be seeing you guys around when I take regular breaks. I've lots of reading to get behind me too. I wish I had more time to visit. I'm still working on a way to be everywhere at once. :laughtwo:

Get out there and spread that joy guys. Make it sparkle. :battingeyelashes: :green_heart:

That is perfect. A perfect little Christmas tree made of bud :) Enjoy your brownie, your high, your walk and your chores. Your birthday is around the corner and you're standing on the earth ...
Gratz Sue and Happy B day for tomorrow
nothing wrong with starting the celebration a day early :happy-birthday:
Gratz Sue and Happy B day for tomorrow
nothing wrong with starting the celebration a day early :happy-birthday:

I was just thinking about you. Whoa! I was getting ready to track you down with wishes for a speedier recovery. Hope you get back up to snuff soon. :hug:

Thank you. I love birthdays. :laughtwo:
I was just thinking about you. Whoa! I was getting ready to track you down with wishes for a speedier recovery. Hope you get back up to snuff soon. :hug:

Thank you. I love birthdays. :laughtwo:

still getting better slowly the breathing is whats screwed now I really need to quit the tobacco smoking its really affecting me when I recover from chest congestion
example my friend was stuck on the side of the road earlier so I pulled out my jack I just wanted to eliminate
what was causing the grinding noise to I jacked up the front corner to spin the wheel
just spinning the jack to get the van up I was out of breath so I feel a lot better but the breathing hasn't gotten back to normal yet
it will slowly I hope sooner than not cause its hard to go back to work if I run out of breath
Have a Great Week Sue :circle-of-love:
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