Thirvnrob's Green Crack Indoor LOS Grow

I up potted them into 10 gallon containers today. What a job! My soil mix is the Rev’s base mix with a healthy dose of Dynamyco mixed in along with a couple cups of mosquito bits. Fungus gnats be damned! I use this fuel container to support the 5 gallon bags while I work them out of said bags…
I added a flowering mix to the floor of the containers & flowering spikes as well - forgot to take pics.
Got them tied back down. One girl is well behaved & the other one is unruly. Go figure…
They both took 2.5 gallons of H20 with a microbial innoculant added. I’m taking a risk with keeping them in tents, but I’m hoping there’s enough vertical space to deal with. I wonder if I should give them cal/mag next watering? Also, these will be their final containers. I’m not opposed to watering them from the top, but I also wonder if there’s an easy way to turn this into a SIP?
Nice transplants! How much more height before you flip?

From all I've been told with my top-water-to-SIP transplant, it's best done with much younger before the 5th node. Mine was 8 or 9 nodes tall when I upcanned it and it was miserable. I had to repot back to a cloth bag to finally happy it up.
I remember that!
The tallest one is 18” which leaves me 32” of vertical space to work with during stretch. I can eke out another few inches if I have to. Obviously it depends on how much they stretch. The other one is 16” above the soil, so I have a tad more to work with in that tent. Honestly if I have to take them out of the tents I can do that, but I’m not up for it right now.
Looks like full and flat canopy to me! I can only imagine how neat and tidy your hair must be if that's unruly. :)
My hair is anything but neat & tidy. Remember, I’m a rockstar…
Sorry for the absence. I got to work for another week & there was also a death in Tammy’s family - her brother. It was expected, but still devastating. So we’ve been grieving & I’ve been working out of town but coming home every night. With a 90 minute drive each way, I was away for 12-13 hours every day, which helped with the decision to run the lights at night. I had been thinking about doing that because of the heat & it’s definitely helped with the temps during lights on. The bad thing about it is now I’m home all day & I have to do everything before noon. I also discovered today that I have light leaks that must be remedied tomorrow.
So there’s the verbal update. Pics are coming up.
These were taken August 11. My very first observation is that watering 10 gallon containers is very different from watering 5 gallon containers. They both took 2 gallons of water today with only a few drops of run off.
I lollipopped them Wednesday & flipped the lights. They’re running from midnight to noon. Apparently I only took one picture, but they both have a pretty even canopy and have just about filled up the 3’x3’ tents. Before the flip they ran from 7pm to noon. Having them in darkness for the hottest part of the day is definitely better. The temp was up to 87°F a couple times, even with the a/c set on arctic blast. After the switch to nighttime lighting, the high in the tents has been 78° & the low at 68° & that’s been consistent for three days now.
I lollipopped them Wednesday & flipped the lights. They’re running from midnight to noon. Apparently I only took one picture, but they both have a pretty even canopy and have just about filled up the 3’x3’ tents. Before the flip they ran from 7pm to noon. Having them in darkness for the hottest part of the day is definitely better. The temp was up to 87°F a couple times, even with the a/c set on arctic blast. After the switch to nighttime lighting, the high in the tents has been 78° & the low at 68° & that’s been consistent for three days now.
Good plan that's what I do run my lights at night 👍
It’s kind of difficult to gather my thoughts & remember everything that took place over the last couple weeks, so please bear with my randomness for a day or two.
@Gee64 @Keffka @StoneOtter When I up potted to the 10 gallon pots I added four flowering spikes & layered the floor with a flowering mix. Will this feed them through fruition or should I plan on top dressing them & if so, when?
If my life depended on telling you exactly what this soil mix consists of, I’d be a dead man, but it’s pretty close to this: FFOF, FF 3-4-3, EWC, COIR, Perlite, DynoMyco & some other shit. It’s basically the base mix for TLO 2.2
These were taken August 11. My very first observation is that watering 10 gallon containers is very different from watering 5 gallon containers. They both took 2 gallons of water today with only a few drops of run off.
That canopy Rob! oolala!
It’s kind of difficult to gather my thoughts & remember everything that took place over the last couple weeks, so please bear with my randomness for a day or two.
@Gee64 @Keffka @StoneOtter When I up potted to the 10 gallon pots I added four flowering spikes & layered the floor with a flowering mix. Will this feed them through fruition or should I plan on top dressing them & if so, when?
If my life depended on telling you exactly what this soil mix consists of, I’d be a dead man, but it’s pretty close to this: FFOF, FF 3-4-3, EWC, COIR, Perlite, DynoMyco & some other shit. It’s basically the base mix for TLO 2.2
Hey Rob, if it's a Foxfarm type soil I'd give her something. I'm familiar with Geoflora Bloom so that to keep it LOS. Everything else is excellent to have in there!
That canopy Rob! oolala!

Hey Rob, if it's a Foxfarm type soil I'd give her something. I'm familiar with Geoflora Bloom so that to keep it LOS. Everything else is excellent to have in there!
Thank you sir! I have to say I’m in love with the canopies myself! I’m just not sure about what to give them & when. My hope is to intervene as little as possible but I have a top dressing for flower that I concocted myself with the Rev’s recipe & Gaia Green amendments if I need them. I’m thinking about proactive measures…
Stretch is on! They’ve both grown 2” since Friday. And apparently I have a critter munching away in one tent. I’ve looked her over & can’t find any bugs, just the evidence.
I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of Tammy's brother, expected or not. May his memory be a blessing for all who knew and loved him. :(

In better news, the plants are looking terrific and 2 gallons of water into a 10 gallon pot of soil sounds about right from when I could schlep something that big! Water uptake tends to slow down after lollipopping but it doesn't take long to pick up again after the plant grows back all those leaves.

And that leaf damage looks more like physical damage rather than bugs to me, but good to keep an eye one to see if another shows up like that.
Thanks Shed.
I’m not sure how sufficient my lollipopping is. I strip them a little more each grow. I’ll get it figured out.
Now that you mention it, she is on a turntable to minimize schlepping but she does scrape the walls of the tent when I spin her around. I think you’re right - gardener mishandlization. <——See that @StoneOtter ?
Supposedly, this strain is susceptible to PM, so I’m trying to be diligent about thinning her out, but those leaves just keep coming back. I’m plucking leaves almost daily from one of them but the next day they look untouched. For instance, one of them really looks “crowded” towards the center all the time, but like I said, I’m plucking her almost daily. I’m really happy with these girls.
Yowza! 6 days after flip & they are stretching like crazy! I’m pretty sure they’re gonna have to come out of the tents. I prefer that anyway, but it means I’ll have some work to do soon. I’d rather be whipped with a chain than assemble or disassemble a tent…
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