Tutankhamon & Pineapple Chunk Outdoors In Massachusetts

Ah, yes. I did forget. Probably the best way is mix say 5-1 water/tea and use it every water. It's organic, so it won't burn plants (just don't put raw manure in water mix, compost or kitchen scraps only).
Hopefully the cold will give you some nice colors.

I'd like to see that... I've grown many purple strains, but never finished them in cold temps, so never saw them change.
9/21 Fed with 4ml/gal Mammoth P, 10ml/gal biothrive, 3ml/gal calmag, 1tbsp molasses/gal in 12 gal rain water for pineapple chunk. 6gal for Tut.

These two were super healthy today. Tut's buds are still on the fast track of getting big. No sun so no bud porn yet. Pineapple chunk's pistols have started to change to brown. Only a few. Another cool pre fall day.

I ran out of fish shit and added Mammoth P for the first time. I'll be keeping an eye out to see any improvements or fails. I know the PM is there but it's not showing itself. I'll take it.
The good Lady Tut is making some sweet buds
Seeing that it's my first outdoor grow I wondered if I'd see this happen and it did. The Lady Tut's bud are swelling by the day. I assume the 2 week of heavy bud growth is under way! Just in time. As you know on close inspection I'm finding rotten bud and today I see what they look like from afar with wilting surrounding leaves. Now I know what to look for and give them the scissors. We will see where she leads.
Also, Pineapple Chunk is still going well,
though I think she's a week behind Lady Tut. Store is running out of wide mouth jars. Folks are using Oven Bake bags I've read? How's that working?
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