A Mar-sian Darkness Falls In Otterville

Good Saturday morning!
I hope you're all well today. This morning I forensically went through the soil looking for the dda seed I put there 7 days ago. Obviously someone came in the night and stole it! So I loosened the soil some and put a new dda seed in it. Let's hope for a better life for this one.
I also decided to make the light hours 20/4 for this one. I need some light out time to foliar feed.
Ugh! Me too. Mine is so loud. I looked at the cloudline but didn't pull the trigger.

Me either. I'll be over once she's cured!! Warn the wifey . I'm a firecracker.
Barring that I'll probably order seeds and just go that route.

:love: :love: :love: BTW!
Hi V, that would make two firecrackers in the house. I might light on fire!:cheesygrinsmiley:
I’ve got cloudlines in my tents too and I can’t recommend them enough. Can’t blame anyone for passing though, they’re so expensive. But they’re worth it if you need it quiet. Mouse fart quiet is a hilariously accurate description! :laughtwo:
I’ve got cloudlines in my tents too and I can’t recommend them enough. Can’t blame anyone for passing though, they’re so expensive. But they’re worth it if you need it quiet. Mouse fart quiet is a hilariously accurate description! :laughtwo:
Now my 6 incher seems to scream in contrast. One day I'll have one. Christmas is in 88 days. Mouse fartz. It's fun to say!
Hey Craz. Thanks. Maybe it was your set up I saw that inspired me to make it. This sure is fun!

I hope it was! I was inspired by oldsalts muffler. But If they should operate even more efficient the main pipe should be substantially larger than inlet and outlets but its great to use a T form for exit to double the exit volume and halving the speed which the air travels.
I hope it was! I was inspired by oldsalts muffler. But If they should operate even more efficient the main pipe should be substantially larger than inlet and outlets but its great to use a T form for exit to double the exit volume and halving the speed which the air travels.
Oooooh that's more science than I came close to. Good tips, thanks. Next one will be better.
Morning Stoneotter.
I've jumped on the DDA band wagon too. After seeing the other post, I had to order some too!
The bucket mufflers are a great idea. I may steal that idea, but fill the bucket with something, as use it as an inlet filter.
I've got the AC cloudline fan with the digital controller, it's mouse-fart quiet.
When I was a kid playing hockey, my coach was pissed between periods. Bitched us out & said “I want it so quite in here I can hear a mouse fart!” That was at least 35 years ago. This is the only other time I’ve heard it. Still hilarious. Lol
Good sunday Morning.
Last night I got a chance to see Dennis DeYoung, a founding member of Styx recreate the album Grand Illusion and play all the Styx hits I forgot were so nice to hear. They blew the small houses roof off. He's 72 with a much younger band and they did justice to 70's rock and roll Styx style.
Speaking as a dinosaur, I have to say, as talented as this band is, there's little use for them today. We saw them in Lynn city hall auditorium(my original hometown), a small venue, and it was 3/4 sold at best. Huge talent. Our seats were balcony, center left aisle seats, 10 rows back. I figure we were 100 feet from the stage 30 feet high. Amazing night. It'll take today to recover. Worth it!
It's Monday morning and they are growing fine. I think they are 3 days above ground now. Any second and they're going to break out into some speed growing. Another 3 days I think when they get into my soil. Let's hope cause they're going to be flowering in a few weeks. Here's the little buggers today.

Good morning stoneotter :) Hope you don’t mind me pulling up a chair. I’ve haven’t run autoflowers before but plan to on my next grow after my current one finishes. The yields are astounding on certain specimens. Sending positive thoughts and aloha:peace::yummy:

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