Aberration Goes Ker Bloom! - Perpetual

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

Yeah, garlic chives. Reputed to repel spider mites. I haven't treated with Azatrol in months and the worst I've had is the occasional fungus gnat, so I guess it's working. There are other kitchen herbs as well.

Thank you all.

If you have any questions about what I'm doing, I'm happy to answer. I'm always surprised at the lack of curiosity, given what I see in my own pictures.

I had a spider mite problem in my tron at one time.I did some research on natural remedies and chives were right there at the top.I have an aerogarden and had chives at the time so i transplanted them into the tron and after a couple few weeks,problem solved. ;)
Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

You said I could ask so don't be mad
What's the cucumber for? Your not one of those weirdos are ya? lol

My wife wanted me to start some some stuff indoors that was to be moved outside after the frost was gone. I never moved the cucumber plant out. Like the cactus it's just soaking up the spillover light, and doing well.

I have some baobab, bay laurel, and desert rose seeds I plan to grow in here too.

Ask away. I wouldn't be posting my grow here if I weren't a voyeur to some degree. So naturally, I'm happy to explain, take close-up pics, or whatever. ;)

I had a spider mite problem in my tron at one time.I did some research on natural remedies and chives were right there at the top.I have an aerogarden and had chives at the time so i transplanted them into the tron and after a couple few weeks,problem solved. ;)

Sweet! They do seem to work well. I should probably start another batch. Too bad they don't keep out cat hair.

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

Transplanted MTN2 to a 10 gal pot. Transplanted clones (4 OC, 2 MTN, and 1 MTO) to small pots. Watered in with myco and bigfoot. pH 6.24 @ 23.3 C
-> KK:
1. Pre-flush: 1/2 gal. 
   Per gal:
	 1  T  liquid bone meal
   pH 6.18 @ 22.8 C

2. Feed: 1 gal.
   Per gal:
	 2  t  Soil Nute
	 2  t  PGE
	 3  t  Notrazyme
	 1  oz yucca
	 1  T  Biggest Bloom
	 1  T  liquid bone meal
	 2  t  Feather Tea
	 1  oz Amino Blast
	 1  T  Bioactive
	1/2 t  Carbon sweet
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
         1  T  Calcium Syrup
	 1  t  Companion
   Adjust to 1400 ppm.
   Brought up with liquid lime to pH 6.25 @ 22.4 C
--> MTN1, OC5:
1. Pre-flush: 1/2 gal. 
   Per gal:
	 1  T  liquid bone meal
   pH 6.18 @ 22.8 C

2. Feed: 1 gal.
   Watered down feed recipe above to 1010 ppm
   Brought up with liquid lime to pH 6.24 @ 22.3 C
-> POG1, POG2, PG4:
1. Flush: 1 gal water.

I went to a counterculture gathering with probably 20K people (based on previous years) today. Had a lot of fun. Got a refill of the magic. And some tie-dye. :)

But that means I did zero trimming today. Lazy stoner.

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

OK, so today I decided to clean up the girls in veg. Here's a pano of the result. The pano app blurred it all a little, but you can see what's happening. If you want a closer look at something, ask (dunno why you would, but 🤷 )
Anyway, I need to do something about those herbs over in the far right corner next. Just not today. ;)


I trimmed them all up. I took clones. I only need 6, and here they are:


Since I needed so little for the clones, the rest went here:


Getting close to watering and trimming time again.

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

-> POG1, POG2:
1. Flush: 1.5 gallons water.
-> KK:
1. Pre-flush: 1/2 gal. 
   Per gal:
	 1  T  liquid bone meal
   pH 6.24 @ 22.2 C

2. Feed: 1 gal.
   Per gal:
	 2  t  Soil Nute
	 2  t  PGE
	 3  t  Notrazyme
	 1  oz yucca
	 1  T  Biggest Bloom
	 1  T  liquid bone meal
	 2  t  Feather Tea
	 1  oz Amino Blast
	 1  T  Bioactive
	1/2 t  Carbon sweet
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
         1  T  Calcium Syrup
	 1  t  Companion
   Adjust to 1400 ppm.
   Brought up with liquid lime to pH 6.28 @ 21.9 C

It's taking forever to trim the Trainwreck. We'll have it licked tomorrow, but we have two more plants to cut up before the Kaia Kush is ready in a week or so. Yikes!


I hooked up a 35 gallon sump for the flood table, so now I can just water with drain to waste. I don't have to empty little trays. Yay.

I love how nice and clean your grow room is. Looks great. Still can't think of any questions.

Wait. Clean? Look at the veg room! It's a wreck!



Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

Aberration... awesome grow, been following for a while...

Don't mean to hijack your thread, but you seem like the perfect person to answer this question for me!

What is your favorite early flowering nute(s) that you use?

I have used kool bloom for all of flowering but have realized that it is really only meant for the last 2 weeks or so, so I am looking for some real good early-mid flowering nutes that will really do some work on my girls.

Here is a pic of one of 2 girls that are just about done....the picture is from day 41 so this strain is definitely a fast finisher.

She looks real tattered but that is because I was real aggressive with the side lighting, trying to really get those side buds...

The lighting situation is; 1-1000w hortilux and 1-400w hortilux.

We hung it horizontally for the first 4 weeks of flower and then we decided to hang it vertically, along with the 400w.

Luckily, we have 3 mothers of her going now, we had a good feeling this strain was going to be good, because it really smelt in veg. So the plan is to do a sog in 2liter soda bottles with this strain... very dense/thick buds.

Like I said, I think they look great, and I am not upset with the result, BUT... kool bloom did turn her into a semi-hermie at about day 30 or so, bananas started to appear, but we really toned down the kool bloom and we started picking them, and now they stopped producing (at least on the outside of the buds) :cheer:

So basically, what can you recommend to me for early flowering nutes... We have the clones in an ez-cloner and once they root we will get them in the 2 liter bottles and veg for about 10-14 days, and then start flower.

Should I get some pure blend pro grow for the 2 weeks of veg? What would you recommend for that quick veg time just to get them ready for flower.

And, my main question... What kind of nutes would you recommend for flowering (weeks 1-5,6).

We are growing in pro-mix, fyi.

:thanks: :smokin: :smokin:
Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

PBP Veg works great for me and it seems to have a good reputation. The stems seem to get fatter at the bottom, and I think it means they like it. I don't use it at the strength recommended on the back though. I mix it up and then dilute or add more to reach a target PPM. I'm terribly inconsistent, but I'm getting better. I wish I could set nutrient strength to follow a curve on a graph, but it seems one could do better if you read individual plants and responded to their needs. I'm haphazard at best still.

As for bloom, I have only used the local organic nutes from Oregon's Only Organics Company. So I can't compare to others, and in all likelihood you don't live nearby and thus probably can't get these nutes. Sorry. I have heard that the PBP Bloom works fine, but I also hear that it diminishes flavor compared to what I use now. If they happen to sell Oregon's Only Organics Company nutrients where you live, let me know and I will try to explain my nutrient strategy with them.

I'm just trying to learn the ropes of the practical side of growing. I have studied and read for years, prepared for months, and even assisted others with individual procedures, but none of that really prepared me for running my own grow. Thanks for the compliments though.

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

Mini Smoke report:



Harvested 18 days ago. Hits hard. Not day bud. I can't do anything. Ruins coordination. Can't keep track of what I'm doing. Nice for pain. A tad harsh - needs to dry more slowly. Curing it for a while should help a lot. Very sweet perfume-like smell when ground. Not enough flavor for my weak tongue to identify. Maybe better later?

The lavender is my sledgehammer when it comes to pain relief. I usually prefer something else a little more functional, but when that fails, Lavender saves the day every time. This batch of Lavender will meet my needs just fine.



Harvested 14 days ago. Nice buzz so far. Needs more jar time for my taste still so this is preliminary IMO. Tends toward back of the head, which means it's not ready to me. Smokes nice, smoothe. Has a kind of a soft fuzzy solvent smell when ground, but unlike solvent, doesn't burn your sinuses. You can actually enjoy the scent. Cool. I'm hoping this continues to improve with age and curing.

This plant was a weird mutant that never developed correctly. As such, I am pleased with this result. I got a fair bit of good bud from that plant.


I'm excited to see what these new plants I'm putting in now are going to do. They are growing so much faster and bigger than previous plants. They are already bigger than the PG4 is now, and I need to harvest it. They're going to be big.

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

OC3 has been promoted to bloom to replace POG1. Go baby, go! We're about 1/2 done with lovely POG2. PG4 is ready. In a week, KK will be ready too. It gets Clearex tomorrow.

-> MTO1, MTO2, OC1, MTN2 (all are veg):
1. Feed: Wet to saturation.
   Per gal:
	 1.0 T Pure Blend Pro Grow
	  .5 t Companion
   850 ppm, pH 6.23 @ 23.0 C

-> PG4:
1. Flush: 1.5 gallons water.
--> MTN1, OC3, OC5:
1. Pre-flush: 1/2 gal. 
   Per gal:
	 1  T  liquid bone meal
   pH 6.18 @ 22.8 C

2. Feed: 1 gal.
   Per gal:
	 2  t  Soil Nute
	 2  t  PGE
	 3  t  Notrazyme
	 1  oz yucca
	 1  T  Biggest Bloom
	 1  T  liquid bone meal
	 2  t  Feather Tea
	 1  oz Amino Blast
	 1  T  Bioactive
	1/2 t  Carbon sweet
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
         1  T  Calcium Syrup
	 1  t  Companion
   Watered down to 1050 ppm
   Brought up with liquid lime to pH 6.24 @ 22.3 C

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

Aberration: What a change from months ago. I am impressed with your patience and pulling some off. I had doubts long ago, and have followed along incognito to see you bloom into an experienced gardener. Your Mentor has been instructing you well. Your attention to details and creative solutions have pulled in some great medicine for you. Keep up the great work.
Say Aloha to my very old home state for me..
Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

--> MTN1, OC5:
1. Pre-flush: 1/2 gal. 
   Per gal:
	 1  T  liquid bone meal
   pH 6.22 @ 25.4 C

2. Feed: 1 gal.
   Per gal:
	 2  t  Soil Nute
	 2  t  PGE
	 3  t  Notrazyme
	 1  oz yucca
	 1  T  Biggest Bloom
	 1  T  liquid bone meal
	 2  t  Feather Tea
	 1  oz Amino Blast
	 1  T  Bioactive
	1/2 t  Carbon sweet
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
         1  T  Calcium Syrup
	 1  t  Companion
   Watered down to 1130 ppm
   Brought up with liquid lime to pH 6.25 @ 24.8 C

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

The POG2 is completely in the drybox now. Tomorrow, I should be able to start taking some of the TW out, but it's going to take several days before it can all come out. It looks a tad airy, but it's absolutely covered in trichomes. :cheer:

That leaves just PG4 and the Kaia Kush of the first six. PG4 starts coming down tomorrow night, and KK mid to late next week. Then I should have a 5-6 week break in the trimming. That's good, because if it were to go on too long, I fear it would cause a mutiny. ;)

I'm out in the garden, getting high and looking at the buds. Whee!

Edit: I forgot to mention that I put OC1 into bloom today to replace POG2. Also, OC5 and MTN1 are budding well and got huge. OC5 is now roughly 2.5' x 3.5' and 3' tall. I need to raise the lights daily. That means they are averaging better than 1.7" per day (the length of a chain link and the minimum I can raise - often it takes 2 links). :popcorn:

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

Pictures!. Pictures are always fun. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Here's a picture of POG2, right before we got started this evening. Looks like her knickers are around her ankles to me. (wink, nod, lol)


Here's a picture of the budding on OC5. MTN1 is very similar. This picture accidentally came out pretty good IMO. :chuckle:


Finally, here is a haphazardly focused pic of a sizable POG2 bud, and not the top. What's in focus looks pretty nice when it's been carefully manicured. I save the valuable trimmings, never fear. That's still fresh, so it is hard as a rock. I expect it to loosen some as it dries: :smokin:


I like pictures. They make this more fun. You might have noticed I upped the picture size a notch. Is this too big for anyone? I know some forums have real issues with pictures that break the frame, etc, so I don't want to post them at full size (8 mp, so they would be too big to upload anyway), but I want them to be big enough to really see detail.

Let me know folks - most of my forum posting for years has been in a notoriously rude forum where anarchy is the rule and politeness the exception, so I'm still trying to get a feel for the etiquette here. I keep expecting to mindlessly post something offensive in some way and only realize after, when it's too late.


Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

High Aberration - great pic update.

We try really hard to prevent anarchy and trolls. Faux pas are treated with kindness and training ;)

Large pics like the above are just fine. Some browers resize automatically so that slight lower space bar won't present itself. Personally, I use IE because it's weakest at these new fangled auto adjustments and I like to see the worst case presentation while moderating.
Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

OK. That sounds easy and fair. Thanks.

I appreciate the compliments folks.

We started harvesting PG4 tonight. It's late. It'll take a couple evenings to finish. It's gonna be interesting at 10+ weeks. :gasp:

The first of the Trainwreck came off the stems today and into a big ceramic bowl covered with newspaper. Should be better than the plastic one was, and I have two of these I just bought. I tried some of the dry-but-not-jarred ATW and it's fantastic. Pics tomorrow maybe. I'm beat.
-> MTO1, MTO2, MTN2 (all are veg):
1. Feed: Wet to saturation.
   Per gal:
	 1.0 T Pure Blend Pro Grow
	  .5 t Companion
   875 ppm, pH 6.19 @ 23.9 C
--> OC1, OC3:
1. Pre-flush: 1/2 gal. 
   Per gal:
	 1  T  liquid bone meal
   pH 6.22 @ 25.4 C

2. Feed: 1 gal.
   Per gal:
	 2  t  Soil Nute
	 2  t  PGE
	 3  t  Notrazyme
	 1  oz yucca
	 1  T  Biggest Bloom
	 1  T  liquid bone meal
	 2  t  Feather Tea
	 1  oz Amino Blast
	 1  T  Bioactive
	1/2 t  Carbon sweet
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
         1  T  Calcium Syrup
	 1  t  Companion
   Watered down to 1140 ppm
   Brought up with liquid lime to pH 6.21 @ 24.3 C
-> PG4, KK:
1. Flush: 1.5 gallons water.

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