Aberration Goes Ker Bloom! - Perpetual

There are nice friends, but I gave them some clones. I also gave them BBX.3G, BBX.3H (both BigBud x BlueMagoo), and L.5P ('lavender' indica). They make a lot of hash and they needed plants. We helped each other, really.


Anyway, I also took some cuttings today:

5 x Super Lemon Haze
5 x Tangerine Dream
5 x Matanuskan Thunderfu@k
5 x Grape Kool-Aid
5 x BigBud x BlueMagoo
5 x Blue Dream

Next up: feed report. ;)

I also gave them BBX.4A and BBX.4B, plus 2 rooted Northern Lights that I didn't report into my system because I didn't plan to keep them. I don't know why I even rooted them.

GKA.1A (Grape Kool-Aid) expired and I think GKA.1B will as well. This GKA isn't likely to be staying around if it doesn't clone so well. It would have to be some da#n fine buds to make me work that hard.


The oldest Blue Dream, the Trinity, and the Afghani Hindu Kush are all in flush now. I don't think the AHK is giving me anything anymore. She's done growing. I don't think I'll get anything useful out of her besides weird pictures and a lame story, honestly.

The two youngest Blue Dreams in bloom have started to really rev now. The pistils are popping and they are both increasing their nutrient/water intake. BDs do that. :D It's part of their magic. Someday I'm going to photo-document a BD grow from clone to bud with pictures every day. Then I'm going to string them together like a time lapse. It'll be beautiful.

I am really pleased that I am caught up on transplanting and cloning. Now I need to hit the bug-fogging with azadirachtin and spinosad and make it a habit before my next transplant clone round (about a month). If I can get the habit of once a week I think they will stay under control as long as I use good clean gardening habits: never enter a grow space in dirty clothes or after being outside. Ideally, take a shower and put on fresh clothes. Close doors immediately. Treat my house for bugs around the foundations regularly. That way as long as I'm not bringing dirty plants in, I'm pretty good for bugs.

Bugs suck. Especially spider mites. I get them from time to time, but since I know what I'm looking for I catch them early and often no longer see them on that plant after "treatment". Treatment consists of emergency fogging with the azadirachtin/spinosad mix in veg, and picking damaged leaves in bloom. As long as you are vigilant, you can usually find them on the shadowed side of the plant, down low, in a little. Those speckled leaves. I pluck them if I find them.

Often you find the damage in "columns" on the plant, where leaf overlaps leaf, that overlaps leaf, that overlaps leaf, etc. They don't fly or jump, but they do fall from the underside of a leaf to a leaf below, where they will crawl to the underside (or maybe eat thru, I dunno, but they get there), reproduce, and repeat. So when you find a leaf with mite damage, look up and down and you may find a trail.

Often I can just manage them until harvest if I find them in bloom. They stay on the leaves at first, so if you keep up, they never really invade the bud. My trimmer knows bugs when she sees them (she usually shows me) and she hasn't seen any in a while, despite minor outbreaks in bloom.

But that's no way to live my life and no way to grow good weed. OK, it actually is a way, it's just a lot of work. So a really clean new bloom room, all clean plants that have been regularly hit with a safe bug-kill-fog all thru veg, and clean habits should make for a much better solution. It is my goal. Sometimes I wish I could quit my day job and just grow weed. I'd do a much better job of it.

I think I'm going to eventually get Tyvek coveralls. I can zip those on over my clothes and slip into 'garden' slippers and a hairnet on my way in. Wash my arms, hands, and face an I should be pretty 'clean'.


[action report]
==> Bloom - Pre-harvest flush (3)

BD.5S (62/71 days) : 2.00 gal
TRN.1D (62/71 days) : 2.00 gal
AHK (48/57 days) : 0.75 gal

-Mix (5) gallons.
-Per gallon:
1 oz Clearex
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.21 @ 21.3 C

==> Bloom - Pre-feed flush (4)

MTP.1J (50/65 days) : 0.50 gal
MTP.2A (50/65 days) : 0.50 gal
BD.6D (21/70 days) : 0.50 gal
BD.6E (21/70 days) : 0.50 gal

-Mix (2) gallons
-Per gallon:
1 T liquid steamed bone meal
1 T Yucca
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.29 @ 20.8 C
1 t blackstrap molasses

==> Bloom - Feed (7)

MTP.1J : 1.25 gal
MTP.2A : 1.25 gal

-Mix (3) gallons - LATE
-Per gallon:
1 T liquid steamed bone meal
1 T Biggest Bloom
2 t PGE
1 t Silica Blast
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
2 t Notrozyme
2 t Organic Supplement
1 t Soil Nute
--- t Big Foot (ord)
1 t Calcium Syrup
1/2 t Carbon sweet
2 T Amino Blast
1/2 t TM-7
Natural @ 940 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.12 @ 21.1 C
1/2 t Companion
1 t Hygrozyme

BD.6D : 1.25 gal
BD.6E : 1.00 gal

-Mix (3) gallons - MID
-Per gallon:
1 T liquid steamed bone meal
2 T Biggest Bloom
2 t PGE
1 t Silica Blast
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
2 t Notrozyme
2 t Organic Supplement
2 t Soil Nute
--- t Big Foot (ord)
1 t Calcium Syrup
1/2 t Carbon sweet
2 T Amino Blast
1/2 t TM-7
Natural @ 1180 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.18 @ 20.9 C
1/2 t Companion
1 t Hygrozyme

==> Large Veg (10):

SLH : 0.75 gal ea

GKA : 0.50 gal

MTP.2G, MTP.2H : 0.25 gal ea
BD.6J, BD.6K

L.5Q : feed to saturation

-Mix (4) gallons
-Per gallon:
1 T Pure Blend Pro Grow
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
--- t Big Foot (ord)
--- t TM-7
Natural @ 800 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.26 @ 20.8 C
1/2 t Companion

[/action report]

absolutely fantastic set up Abe. I love the closed circuit grows. The room construction has been very insightful.

Thanks. If there are any details I missed that you wonder about, feel free to ask.

Actually, I have a pile of details to dump anyway. Here is the future of my grow and how I plan it. First, what's coming up for harvest:

In a week I get to take down a Blue Dream, which is always a joy. The Trinity as well, which is a first, so I finally get to try some Trinity buds soon. I'll probably take down the Afghani Hindu Kush freak-out too. Maybe she can't handle her own stone, or maybe she's just broken - I'll know soon. :)

Beyond that, the Matanuskan Thunderfu@k girls in bloom will finish around the end of this month, and the two Blue Dreams will be done before the end of November.

The next set after that will be the Super Lemon Haze and the Tangerine Dream, another pair of Blue Dreams, and another two Matanuskan Thunderfu@k.

The round after that is the Cheese with a BigBud x BlueMagoo, yet two more Blue Dreams, and the Grape Kool-Aid paired with a yet-to-be-determined partner.

That takes me to March-ish for all three slots. :brows:

Making this work depends on a reasonable bloom duration estimate for each strain, and an origination and veg period of predetermined length. If I know how long it takes to ready a strain and how long it takes to bloom a strain, I can plan ahead.

Now I know that setting fixed bloom times is contrary to the sentiment of a lot of people, and I agree to a point. However, when something happens to delay plants in the garden, it often happens to all of them. When it does not it is usually a predictable strain having a predictable problem. In either case it is not hard to adjust on the fly to accommodate extreme events. That said, if you are consistent, and your garden's conditions are consistent, and the plants are always healthy, a given strain will often come out at exactly the same time every time. Now you can make predictions.

Blue Dream is heaven at 70 days. The 'lavender' indica is great at 45 days, but will rock your socks at 56. Most strains accommodate going a week or more longer than necessary. This allows for fudging the harvests by going long to get odd pairs to co-exist, etc. All of the strains I have grown so far can go from unrooted cutting to ready for bloom in about 3 months. I may revise that longer though.

Disclaimer: Please remember, this is my experience. Yours may differ. I don't know your grow, but this is what mine does with fantastic results. This is what I do. And I do it because it takes less time and fewer plants this way. Also, I'm kinda detail-crazy.

First, I use a desk calendar. One of the big ones where the pages tear off at the top and the grids are empty, so I can put my own dates in the squares. I the bought a bunch of the biggest magnetic clips Walmart sells. Three across the top will hold the calendar up on a steel door in the grow space. On the lower part of the door. That's important.

As I start a page, I tear it off and add it to the old pages, just above that. That way, the current date is always in the top grid, and the next month or more stretches out below. If I want to see the past I flip up the top set of pages. If I want to see farther ahead, I flip up the bottom set of pages to find the future. Here it is now:


I have three pairs of plants in bloom at all times. They are on 'teams' if you want, but I call them 'slots'. There is a red slot, a blue slot and a green. You can see those colors in the day-zero and weekly count markings. There are orange ones too - that's the weird AFK, in her own little rotation. That's an anomaly.

Knowing how long a strain is expected to go means I can count ahead and mark potential harvest dates. I can also set transition dates to take early veg to mid veg, then to late, taper, and flush, which are the various recipe stages in bloom. I also track when I change the CO2, when I calibrate, and other notes like that.

Now that I know when a plant is going into bloom, I can count back 3 months to the origination time, which is when I plant a seed or take a cutting. Now I can plan successive sets of originate-bloom-harvest date sets. Most of the time this goes like clockwork and the result wows my grower friends, so that's good enough for me.

Knowing that, I have a planning white-board:


The vertical black lines that look so perfect are pinstripes from the local hobby shop. They don't discolor or come off unless you really try, in which case they peel right off. At the top of the first three columns are the slot colors. Those three columns are the slots. You can see how I map origination ('O'), bloom ('B'), and harvest ('H') dates for each pair. About half way down the board it just turns into origination dates. I don't have to decide until then.

Down the rightmost column is a simple list of harvest dates for whats in the slots. This view helps me better visualize the actual harvest order. Below that, in blue and very faded, are the average bloom times for what I have to choose from. At the lower left is all the strains categorized, kinda. A heart means I love it, lol. The asterisk means others really do and I expect to keep it. A ? or no notation indicates I don't know, which I guess is pretty obvious.

Other than that I just make notes to myself. There is a reminder to buy PBP:Grow and a pump. There is also the address for Sally's Beauty Supply, who would probably be horrified if they knew I was posting it here, but it's in the phone book, so whatever. I am told that they may have liter size squirt top bottles new and empty for sale. I could use those for nutes. But that's another story and I'm not going to tell it because I am stoned and trying not to ramble.

Any of that make sense?

I have other bits and notes, but that's the core of my planner. This way I need not keep more plants than necessary, which saves time and money. Leaving more for the other girls, of course!

Doing this now lets me work out a good way to represent the same information in a computer interface as well. At some point, this will all go digital. As soon as I get around to writing it. Soon. I'm thinking about the automated central controller I'm putting together too. So many projects...

[action report]
==> Bloom - Pre-harvest flush (3)

BD.5S (64/71 days) : 2.00 gal
TRN.1D (64/71 days) : 2.00 gal
AHK (50/57 days) : 0.75 gal

-Mix (5) gallons.
-Per gallon:
1 oz Clearex
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.17 @ 20.9 C

==> Bloom - Pre-feed flush (4)

MTP.1J (52/65 days) : 0.50 gal
MTP.2A (52/65 days) : 0.50 gal
BD.6D (23/70 days) : 0.50 gal
BD.6E (23/70 days) : 0.50 gal

-Mix (2) gallons
-Per gallon:
1 T liquid steamed bone meal
1 T Yucca
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.18 @ 21.1 C
1/2 T blackstrap molasses

==> Bloom - Feed (7)

MTP.1J : 1.25 gal
MTP.2A : 1.25 gal

-Mix (3) gallons - LATE
-Per gallon:
1 T liquid steamed bone meal
1 T Biggest Bloom
2 t PGE
1 t Silica Blast
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
2 t Notrozyme
2 t Organic Supplement
1 t Soil Nute
--- t Big Foot (ord)
1 t Calcium Syrup
1/2 t Carbon sweet
2 T Amino Blast
1/2 t TM-7
Natural @ 890 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.17 @ 21.1 C
1/2 t Companion
1 t Hygrozyme

BD.6D : 1.50 gal
BD.6E : 1.25 gal

-Mix (3) gallons - MID
-Per gallon:
1 T liquid steamed bone meal
2 T Biggest Bloom
2 t PGE
1 t Silica Blast
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
2 t Notrozyme
2 t Organic Supplement
2 t Soil Nute
--- t Big Foot (ord)
1 t Calcium Syrup
1/2 t Carbon sweet
2 T Amino Blast
1/2 t TM-7
Natural @ 1120 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.14 @ 21.1 C
1/2 t Companion
1 t Hygrozyme

==> Large Veg (10):

SLH : 0.75 gal ea

GKA : 0.50 gal

MTP.2G, MTP.2H : 0.25 gal ea
BD.6J, BD.6K

L.5Q : feed to saturation

-Mix (4) gallons
-Per gallon:
1 T Pure Blend Pro Grow
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
--- t Big Foot (ord)
--- t TM-7
Natural @ 800 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.23 @ 21.1 C
1/2 t Companion

[/action report]

Dude you are making me feel lazy and I don't need any help in that department. You have some serious organization skills and I completely agree I would love to quit the day job. I figure I'd need about 20 patients and 80 plants but the future is just so uncertain where our laws are concerned, and the day job just pays too well. It is the retirement plan though.
Don't feel lazy. I doubt I'm truly OCD, but I've been accused of it all my life for my detail-oriented approach. It drives my coworkers and my wife nuts, but it serves me well.

The ultimate goal of reducing the grow to numbers and dates is to automate as much as I can. I even have a plan for a computer controlled mixing/pH balancing/ppm adjusting/dispensing machine that could feed them on it's own. I would love to get a text while sitting in an Amsterdam coffee shop, find it's a message from my grow, and log into a secure website to observe and adjust. On a more down-to-earth note, I could spend more time with my wife and just prune, transplant, and harvest manually. I love growing, but I wouldn't miss spending 90 minutes feeding them if I could just spend 30 weaving a SCROG instead, you know? :smokin:

But it all takes time, and I already have a full time job and a family.

I think i remember some time back seeing you have chives in your veg area to help keep spider mites away, I was wondering how that has been working for you? I just discovered I have them
Don't feel lazy. I doubt I'm truly OCD, but I've been accused of it all my life for my detail-oriented approach. It drives my coworkers and my wife nuts, but it serves me well.

The ultimate goal of reducing the grow to numbers and dates is to automate as much as I can. I even have a plan for a computer controlled mixing/pH balancing/ppm adjusting/dispensing machine that could feed them on it's own. I would love to get a text while sitting in an Amsterdam coffee shop, find it's a message from my grow, and log into a secure website to observe and adjust. On a more down-to-earth note, I could spend more time with my wife and just prune, transplant, and harvest manually. I love growing, but I wouldn't miss spending 90 minutes feeding them if I could just spend 30 weaving a SCROG instead, you know? :smokin:

But it all takes time, and I already have a full time job and a family.


Hey there Abe!
I hear you loud and clear, I don't think I have it either, but I thoroughly document my grows as well.
Mine isn't so much for automation as it is for knowing each strains unique needs and to see if something I have changed or done as either effected them positvely or in some cases negitively.

Yep I too have the full time job and family obligations so I know right where you are!
Have a great weekend!
I think i remember some time back seeing you have chives in your veg area to help keep spider mites away, I was wondering how that has been working for you? I just discovered I have them

They did have some effect I think, especially if I constantly was trimming a few blades back to expose the oils. But in the end it was only help and didn't do the whole job I guess. I haven't been growing it lately. Even the cactus is ignored in the bloom room. Happily it can go forever with no attention.

Mites suck. In veg, hit them with something like azadirachtin (Azatrol) and/or spinosad (Monterrey Garden Insect Spray). In bloom up to about 2 weeks in you can still do that as well, but after that it's plucking time. Maybe you could wet a paper towel or a rag with rubbing alcohol and carefully and thoroughly wipe all the leaves, with attention to the underside. Don't smoke while you do it. I inspect them carefully and pluck all leaves I find contaminated. It's time consuming and a pain, but it keeps them from getting to the buds and I often eradicate them from plants that way. I can't wait to stop doing it though.

Hey there Abe!
I hear you loud and clear, I don't think I have it either, but I thoroughly document my grows as well.
Mine isn't so much for automation as it is for knowing each strains unique needs and to see if something I have changed or done as either effected them positvely or in some cases negitively.

Yep I too have the full time job and family obligations so I know right where you are!
Have a great weekend!

I try to learn from my records as well. :thumb:

CH (Green House Cheese) and GKA.1B (Grape Kool-Aid) are added to the veg rotation. CH (from seed) has 4 full nodes.

[action report]

==> Bloom - Pre-harvest flush (3)

BD.5S (66/71 days) : 2.00 gal
TRN.1D (66/71 days) : 2.00 gal
AHK (52/57 days) : 0.75 gal

-Mix (5) gallons.
-Per gallon:
1 oz Clearex
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.13 @ 21.7 C

==> Bloom - Pre-feed flush (4)

MTP.1J (54/65 days) : 0.50 gal
MTP.2A (54/65 days) : 0.50 gal
BD.6D (25/70 days) : 0.50 gal
BD.6E (25/70 days) : 0.50 gal

-Mix (2) gallons
-Per gallon:
1 T liquid steamed bone meal
1 T Yucca
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.28 @ 21.7 C
1/2 T blackstrap molasses

==> Bloom - Feed (7)

MTP.1J : 1.25 gal
MTP.2A : 1.25 gal

-Mix (3) gallons - TAPER
-Per gallon:
1 T liquid steamed bone meal
1 T Biggest Bloom
2 t PGE
1 t Silica Blast
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
2 t Notrozyme
2 t Organic Supplement
1 t Soil Nute
--- t Big Foot (ord)
1/2 t Calcium Syrup
1/2 t Carbon sweet
2 T Amino Blast
--- t TM-7
Natural @ 850 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.22 @ 21.7 C
1/2 t Companion

BD.6D : 1.50 gal
BD.6E : 1.50 gal

-Mix (3) gallons - MID
-Per gallon:
1 T liquid steamed bone meal
2 T Biggest Bloom
2 t PGE
1 t Silica Blast
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
2 t Notrozyme
2 t Organic Supplement
2 t Soil Nute
--- t Big Foot (ord)
1 t Calcium Syrup
1/2 t Carbon sweet
2 T Amino Blast
1/2 t TM-7
Natural @ 1090 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.25 @ 21.9 C
1/2 t Companion
1 t Hygrozyme

==> Large Veg (10):

SLH : 0.75 gal ea

GKA : 0.50 gal

MTP.2G, MTP.2H : 0.25 gal ea
BD.6J, BD.6K

L.5Q : feed to saturation

-Mix (4) gallons
-Per gallon:
1 T Pure Blend Pro Grow
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
--- t Big Foot (ord)
--- t TM-7
Natural @ 810 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.15 @ 21.8 C
1/2 t Companion

==> Small Veg (1):

CH : feed to saturation

-Mix (1) gallon
-Per gallon:
1 t Pure Blend Pro Grow
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
--- t Big Foot (ord)
--- t TM-7
Natural @ 510 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.22 @ 21.7 C
1/2 t Companion

[/action report]

[action report]
==> All veg - Fog for bugs (12)



L.5P, L.5Q
BD.6J, BD.6K

In hot water:
-Mix (2) gallons.
-Per gallon:
4 t Notrozyme
1 T Ful-power
2 t yucca
4 t Azadirachtin 1.2%
pH target: 6.40 (±.03) Actual: 6.39 @ 33.3 C
2 t Spinosad 0.5%

==> Bloom - Pre-harvest flush (3)

BD.5S (68/71 days) : 2.00 gal
TRN.1D (68/71 days) : 2.00 gal
AHK (54/57 days) : 0.75 gal

-Mix (5) gallons.
-Per gallon:
1 oz Clearex
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.21 @ 21.1 C

==> All - Weekly Beneficials (16):

MTP.1J (56/65 days) : 1.75 gal
MTP.2A (56/65 days) : 1.75 gal
BD.6D (27/70 days) : 2.00 gal
BD.6E (27/70 days) : 2.00 gal

-Mix (8) gallons
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.24 @ 21.1 C
-Per gallon:
1 t Gnatrol (Bt-i - Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis)
1/2 t Companion (Bacillus subtilis)
1 t Hygrozyme

SLH : 0.75 gal ea

GKA : 0.50 gal

MTP.2G, MTP.2H : 0.25 gal ea
BD.6J, BD.6K

L.5Q : feed to saturation

CH : feed to saturation

-Mix (4) gallons
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.26 @ 21.1 C
-Per gallon:
1 t Gnatrol (Bt-i - Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis)
1/2 t Companion (Bacillus subtilis)
1 t Hygrozyme

[/action report]

They did have some effect I think, especially if I constantly was trimming a few blades back to expose the oils. But in the end it was only help and didn't do the whole job I guess. I haven't been growing it lately. Even the cactus is ignored in the bloom room. Happily it can go forever with no attention.

Mites suck. In veg, hit them with something like azadirachtin (Azatrol) and/or spinosad (Monterrey Garden Insect Spray). In bloom up to about 2 weeks in you can still do that as well, but after that it's plucking time. Maybe you could wet a paper towel or a rag with rubbing alcohol and carefully and thoroughly wipe all the leaves, with attention to the underside. Don't smoke while you do it. I inspect them carefully and pluck all leaves I find contaminated. It's time consuming and a pain, but it keeps them from getting to the buds and I often eradicate them from plants that way. I can't wait to stop doing it though.


they do suck indeed, upon further inspection I have them everywhere.. They're on my vegging plants, and on my 6 week flowering plants. I was killing them on veg, but I'm going to take your advice and start plucking leaves and cleaning buds off to get as much of them as possible.

How difficult are the chives to grow, are they something you can put on auto pilot and water every few days? I'd like to have something growing that continuously keeps turning them away, any help is better than no help as my grow room isn't fully sealed, If I were to get rid of them, they have an easy way back.
How difficult are the chives to grow, are they something you can put on auto pilot and water every few days? I'd like to have something growing that continuously keeps turning them away, any help is better than no help as my grow room isn't fully sealed, If I were to get rid of them, they have an easy way back.

That's bad news. Sorry to hear that. By the way, the alcohol is for leaves, not buds.

The chives are super easy to grow. They do just fine even ignored for week or more at a time. Use garlic chives.

@TheCrimsonK20: How goes the battle with the mites?

In theory the three plants in pre-harvest flush will come down over the next few days. We shall see how it works out. The trimmers had me scheduled, but I need to check in with them.

The Super Lemon Haze and the Tangerine Dream are about 24" tall each, so they are ready to go in when the slots open up.

Everyone else is doing great.

[action report]
==> Bloom - Pre-harvest flush (3)

BD.5S (70/71 days) : 2.00 gal
TRN.1D (70/71 days) : 2.00 gal
AHK (56/57 days) : 0.75 gal

-Mix (5) gallons.
-Per gallon:
1 oz Clearex
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.23 @ 20.6 C

==> Bloom - Pre-feed flush (4)

MTP.1J (58/65 days) : 0.50 gal
MTP.2A (58/65 days) : 0.50 gal
BD.6D (29/70 days) : 0.50 gal
BD.6E (29/70 days) : 0.50 gal

-Mix (2) gallons
-Per gallon:
1 T liquid steamed bone meal
1 T Yucca
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.16 @ 20.5 C
1/2 T blackstrap molasses

==> Bloom - Feed (7)

MTP.1J : 1.25 gal
MTP.2A : 1.25 gal

-Mix (3) gallons - TAPER
-Per gallon:
1 T liquid steamed bone meal
1 T Biggest Bloom
2 t PGE
1 t Silica Blast
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
2 t Notrozyme
2 t Organic Supplement
1 t Soil Nute
--- t Big Foot (ord)
1/2 t Calcium Syrup
1/2 t Carbon sweet
2 T Amino Blast
--- t TM-7
Natural @ 920 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.19 @ 20.4 C
1/2 t Companion

BD.6D : 1.50 gal
BD.6E : 1.50 gal

-Mix (3) gallons - MID
-Per gallon:
1 T liquid steamed bone meal
2 T Biggest Bloom
2 t PGE
1 t Silica Blast
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
2 t Notrozyme
2 t Organic Supplement
2 t Soil Nute
--- t Big Foot (ord)
1 t Calcium Syrup
1/2 t Carbon sweet
2 T Amino Blast
1/2 t TM-7
Natural @ 1100 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.15 @ 20.7 C
1/2 t Companion
1 t Hygrozyme

==> Large Veg (10):

SLH : 0.75 gal ea

GKA : 0.50 gal

MTP.2G, MTP.2H : 0.25 gal ea
BD.6J, BD.6K

L.5Q : feed to saturation

-Mix (4) gallons
-Per gallon:
1 T Pure Blend Pro Grow
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
--- t Big Foot (ord)
--- t TM-7
Natural @ 820 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.23 @ 20.5 C
1/2 t Companion

==> Small Veg (1):

CH : feed to saturation

-Mix (1) gallon
-Per gallon:
1 t Pure Blend Pro Grow
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
--- t Big Foot (ord)
--- t TM-7
Natural @ 550 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.10 @ 20.2 C
1/2 t Companion

[/action report]

I harvested BD.5S (Blue Dream), TRN.1D (Trinity), and AHK (Afghani Hindu Kush). AHK is likely a waste of time. I took pictures. Wierd and not very productive.

I put SLH (Super Lemon Haze) and TDR (Tangerine Dream) into bloom.

[action report]
==> Bloom - Pre-harvest flush (2)

MTP.1J (60/70 days) : 2.00 gal
MTP.2A (60/70 days) : 2.00 gal

-Mix (4) gallons
-Per gallon:
1 oz Clearex
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.13 @ 20.9 C

==> Bloom - Pre-feed flush (2)

BD.6D (31/70 days) : 0.50 gal
BD.6E (31/70 days) : 0.50 gal

-Mix (1) gallon
-Per gallon:
1 T liquid steamed bone meal
1 T Yucca
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.15 @ 20.8 C
1/2 T blackstrap molasses

==> Bloom - Feed (2)

BD.6D : 1.50 gal
BD.6E : 1.50 gal

-Mix (3) gallons - MID
-Per gallon:
1 T liquid steamed bone meal
2 T Biggest Bloom
2 t PGE
1 t Silica Blast
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
2 t Notrozyme
2 t Organic Supplement
2 t Soil Nute
--- t Big Foot (ord)
1 t Calcium Syrup
1/2 t Carbon sweet
2 T Amino Blast
1/2 t TM-7
Natural @ 1140 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.25 @ 20.3 C
1/2 t Companion
1 t Hygrozyme

==> Large Veg (10):

SLH : 0.75 gal ea

GKA : 0.50 gal

MTP.2G, MTP.2H : 0.25 gal ea
BD.6J, BD.6K

L.5Q : feed to saturation

-Mix (4) gallons
-Per gallon:
1 T Pure Blend Pro Grow
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
--- t Big Foot (ord)
--- t TM-7
Natural @ 800 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.18 @ 20.7 C
1/2 t Companion

==> Small Veg (1):

CH : feed to saturation

-Mix (1) gallon
-Per gallon:
1 t Pure Blend Pro Grow
1 t Cal-Mag
1 T Yucca
--- t Big Foot (ord)
--- t TM-7
Natural @ 490 ppm
pH target: 6.20 (±.10) Actual: 6.30 @ 20.1 C
1/2 t Companion

[/action report]

how much does your SLH stretch in bloom? Mine almost triples in size, I feel bad that the 5 I just put in bloom are all 12" tall lol, it will make for some good smoke though, I love that strain, really stretchy, but when topped, they yield like a mofo. How long do you flower yours for?

Battle with the mites is going really well, I actually made my own solution to take care of them and it is working really well. I took a 32oz spray bottle and used a drop of dish soap, 5ml of pure rosemary oil, and the rest with water, and then I spray the hell out of all the under side of the leaves. It's mainly pure oil, so I sprayed my plants that are 6 weeks in bloom and they're doing much better already. I was initially worried about possible mold, but it dried very quickly. I took a few leaves that were fairly infected and inspected them under a scope about 15 mins after I sprayed, and they were all dead. I've been doing it daily in veg, and every couple of days in flower and have seen a significant drop in their numbers. I'm going to keep it up for a month, then just do it once a week until I don't see any more signs of them.

I'm glad this worked, cost me 10 bucks for 2oz of the oil from GNC.
hey abe,
can't wait to see the super lemon haze. Have you smoked any of that before or just heard good things? I saw that it was a cup winner and it does look great.

sorry about that last post, I am still working my way through your gigantic journal and just got to page 65. I check out your latest posts and then resume where I left off. I didn't realize you've been growing the Lemon Haze for a year and a half now. I'm glad I don't have to wait to read about it.
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