Alafornia's 1st Time Multistrain Medical Grow

This is what I would do just my opinion. And of course as I stated before I do things then say damn why did I do that.


That looks doable. Thank you. Open to further advice.

Hey al - it’s hard to say now because I would have topped about 3 nodes ago ;)

Let’s take Northern Lights as an example. If it were me I would top it leaving only 4 nodes behind, so you’d be cutting of 2-3nodes at least. Try not to panic about ‘losing all that plant’. While that grew roots and general strength and health were developing :thumb: You’re going to have to just do stuff and see what happens!

This grow is going to be teaching you a lot about the topping and training aspects, partly because they’re all very advanced to be starting either of those actions. So my advice now would be to not sweat over perfection or even the effort to achieve perfection, and do a few different things just for the experience. The sheer health of the plants is certainly enough for you to revel in and be proud of, It also means they’ll be resilient to any external stressors.

I'd be willing to go down one or two nodes. I may be stubborn, so there's that. :D
Looking good there Alafornia, bet your heart rate shot up when you were training her. Hopefully, your tooth is getting better, and you are getting your strength back. Grow, Brother, Grow.

Anxiety was through the roof!

Tooth is somewhat better. Still a little sore. Didn't hurt much until the end of the day and that was with ibuprofen only. Added tylenol for the night. Strength is most of the way back.

Thanks for checking on me and the ladies.
Not sure if I dropped this link here previously, but beez0404 has a great tutorial on how he clones. That's the basic method I use (with a few mods) and my success rate is close to 100%.

Thanks, Shed. What is your recommendation?
My mods:
• I use ProMix HP and not BX (more perlite, better drainage)
• I use Dip'n Grow cloning liquid rather than hormone powder (I swear this is my secret sauce)
• I don't precharge my ProMix with anything, I just soak it with distilled water
• I don't start de-doming for at least a week or more, rather than 3 or 4 days. Sometimes I Ieave the domes on until I see roots (I do take them off for a couple of minutes a night just so the plants can breathe). I'm not in the hurry beez0404 is, nor am I retired :).
That looks doable. Thank you. Open to further advice.

I'd be willing to go down one or two nodes. I may be stubborn, so there's that. :D
What tends to happen is we debate so long on what we wanna do that we end up missing the ideal moment for a specific training. What you need to do is do what you think is right for you. Your plants will survive and so will you. Ive grown several plants and tried different training topping or both just to see what gets me the best results. My plants have always survived and i learned from taking a chance. Do lime you did with nikkita you took her and made her play a game of twister all by herself and shes recovering fine. You just made her a stronger plant. Peace in Cali.
My mods:
• I use ProMix HP and not BX (more perlite, better drainage)
• I use Dip'n Grow cloning liquid rather than hormone powder (I swear this is my secret sauce)
• I don't precharge my ProMix with anything, I just soak it with distilled water
• I don't start de-doming for at least a week or more, rather than 3 or 4 days. Sometimes I Ieave the domes on until I see roots (I do take them off for a couple of minutes a night just so the plants can breathe). I'm not in the hurry beez0404 is, nor am I retired :).

I have some Clonex gel. That should suffice. Looks like a good method to the newbie. :D
What tends to happen is we debate so long on what we wanna do that we end up missing the ideal moment for a specific training. What you need to do is do what you think is right for you. Your plants will survive and so will you. Ive grown several plants and tried different training topping or both just to see what gets me the best results. My plants have always survived and i learned from taking a chance. Do lime you did with nikkita you took her and made her play a game of twister all by herself and shes recovering fine. You just made her a stronger plant. Peace in Cali.

Paralysis by analysis (or as I say "thoughtfully deliberate")? That's me! (usually).

Just hoping for some last day options 1. in case there's something I haven't thought of and 2. I highly respect and value the opinions I receive here. As I am becoming more confident I am also becoming more independent. I appreciate everyone's support/help.
Hi, Al- I just want you to know that I'm not ignoring the topping questions-it's just that i'm not exactly sure how or where to do it on plants that are as big as yours-I use Uncle Ben's technique
(grow to 5-6 nodes,top above second node), so the plants are usually about 6 inches tall when I do it. (and quadlining is even a little different)
So I'm going to learn while you do...I'm sure there's a right way to do it,I just don't know what it is...
Hi, Al- I just want you to know that I'm not ignoring the topping questions-it's just that i'm not exactly sure how or where to do it on plants that are as big as yours-I use Uncle Ben's technique
(grow to 5-6 nodes,top above second node), so the plants are usually about 6 inches tall when I do it. (and quadlining is even a little different)
So I'm going to learn while you do...I'm sure there's a right way to do it,I just don't know what it is...

Everyone may be learning right along with me! :D

By tomorrow I'm just going to have to pick something to do and live with it. Thanks for checking in!
we end up missing the ideal moment for a specific training
Paralysis by analysis
Stoners, eh!

Good day Al, done 2 clones by accident and it was one of my better ideas (newb n all)
an accident left me with a viable sample, had some cheap rooting powder, misted thre or four ti,mes a day for a week and it took off. it was three inches at cut, 4weeks later its 3 feet
Being so close to harvest I took a little to sample off my amnesia, seriously blew me (and more importantly my wife) away. Then it dawned my clone was from same girl. The clone is just gearing up to donate 15-20 cuttings for an excellent sog in my next round.
Saved a few pennies, a couple weeks training and now, because of sample, i know how its gonna perform when its harvested.
Clones are great.
Stoners, eh!

Good day Al, done 2 clones by accident and it was one of my better ideas (newb n all)
an accident left me with a viable sample, had some cheap rooting powder, misted thre or four ti,mes a day for a week and it took off. it was three inches at cut, 4weeks later its 3 feet
Being so close to harvest I took a little to sample off my amnesia, seriously blew me (and more importantly my wife) away. Then it dawned my clone was from same girl. The clone is just gearing up to donate 15-20 cuttings for an excellent sog in my next round.
Saved a few pennies, a couple weeks training and now, because of sample, i know how its gonna perform when its harvested.
Clones are great.

Thanks, @WankirA . Glad you and the wife got a good sample from your grow and you have a clone from the same plant! And that plant will give more clones! Good stuff!

I am as likely to follow @Blazing Rooster 's suggestion as any right now and I should be able to take more cuttings later. Shedding a little of the anxiety and gaining just a bit of excitement back again.
Good to see you doin well with your Girls Al, keep ya chin up, they will reward you for your patience.
Pity your soo far away....I got this kick arse full melt........
lol. In a better world.
Good to see you doin well with your Girls Al, keep ya chin up, they will reward you for your patience.
Pity your soo far away....I got this kick arse full melt........
lol. In a better world.

Thanks, @Lowrider72 . If you're ever in the neighborhood let me know.
Good morning!

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