Anybody seen a plant do this?

I need to do the same thing mine don't have much side growth just getting taller. I'm outdoor and in central texas.
Look very similar Goddess! I'm in northern UK.. cold climate.. lots of rain.. could be why mine looks a lot darker than yours? What's your plan.. bend or chop?
Or just tie that top growing tip down so it's lower than most of the rest of the plant, which forces the plant to redistribute the auxins (plant hormones) that control such behavior to the portions that are now the highest part; they'll take off like they were the tops - but you don't lose the actual top of the plant in the process.
Is that what they call super cropping? Gona try something.. will die off in 2/3 month in this climate and seems a waste to me
Is that what they call super cropping? Gona try something.. will die off in 2/3 month in this climate and seems a waste to me

Super-cropping is similar because it's training the upper branches to grow horizontal instead of vertical. Giving more light exposure to future budsights. Inverting the Top will get you a lot more exposure, without topping like TS explained. People grow all kinds of shapes. I'm sure you'll figure out the best way to tie her down.

TS cracks me up. We need to burn one someday :rofl: I totally understand it now man
id just let that thing grow, leave it alone. Or, you could lay it on its side, held up so its not touching the ground,lol.Grow it like grapes.
A cannabis plant will naturally not grow wider than it's root roots, so generally speaking, your plant won't get much wider than your pot.
Growing outdoor, you want to get the absolute largest smart pot (or air pruning pot) you can

cant agree with that
Will those 10 or 20 gallon fabric pots work the kind they sell for tomatoes? I have a couple but I'm not sure if potting up again is a good idea I just re potted the small one into a container twice it's size.
Perfect, but like he said, wait until you get that rootball good and defined. When you have to water everyday and she is steady drinking, that's a good sign you can pot up
i would transplant it into alot bigger pot, mabey use some root stimulator top at 3rd or 4th node then keep training till you have a nice bushy plant, remember the bigger the root mass the bigger the yield can be.
i started using house and garden root stimulator and its amazing what its done to my plants, iv used up untill week 4 of flower then switched to cannazym.

im running 20l pots and the roots are just jam packed but not overkill! they now go through between 2-4L of feed a day!
i started using house and garden root stimulator and its amazing what its done to my plants, iv used up untill week 4 of flower then switched to cannazym.

im running 20l pots and the roots are just jam packed but not overkill! they now go through between 2-4L of feed a day!
Advanced nutrients has a micro organism 3 pack that blows the doors off everything.
Tarantula, Piranha, and voodoo juice!!

Or for a little less, great white seems to be the next best thing

Perfect, but like he said, wait until you get that rootball good and defined. When you have to water everyday and she is steady drinking, that's a good sign you can pot up
That's why I did the smaller one last night and so far she seems to be loving the roomier container. I'm a little worried about how light green the smaller one is because the other one is darker. It probably wasn't getting enough nutrients since the water was basically running straight through the last week so I was constantly watering.
Look very similar Goddess! I'm in northern UK.. cold climate.. lots of rain.. could be why mine looks a lot darker than yours? What's your plan.. bend or chop?
Not sure why its lighter but I'm assuming it's because the pot was too small and all the water and nutes would run straight through it. If I do anything I might try the bending vs the chopping but still undecided since I haven't done enough research I might do one and leave the other...
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