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Not sure how I keep making these stickies. Sorry

Well I round start in pro mix hp I can help you out growing with it as I'm. Learning but have a better understanding now. Coco would be ideal just have to go vote lower in ph turn you would on soil if in not mistaken. Coco is hard to over water apparently. And very forgiven. I will be doing a test grow in it next grow around. More then welcome to tag along and learn together.
hi again to everyone!
does any of you ever used Rootit first feed? if so, when its the best time to add it to the water and give the plants the first feed? after the 2-4 leaves appear?

Well I round start in pro mix hp I can help you out growing with it as I'm. Learning but have a better understanding now. Coco would be ideal just have to go vote lower in ph turn you would on soil if in not mistaken. Coco is hard to over water apparently. And very forgiven. I will be doing a test grow in it next grow around. More then welcome to tag along and learn together.
Me?? Cool...if so. I have completed my 2nd grow and I am totally in love with my new hobby. I plan on getting a tent for my next round being a perfectionist or OCD (which ever it may be) I need better organization then a bathtub grow. That was a lot of unnecessary work I think. Especially with CFL' was messy and I think a tent would help with that.
Wish I could figure out how to friend someone.
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Me?? Cool...if so. I have completed my 2nd grow and I am totally in love with my new hobby. I plan on getting a tent for my next round being a perfectionist or OCD (which ever it may be) I need better organization then a bathtub grow. That was a lot of unnecessary work I think. Especially with CFL' was messy and I think a tent would help with that.
Wish I could figure out how to friend someone.
I'm not a perfectionist eithier . I can be creative but never took philosophy. Lol
Why do we treat plants in soil with higher ph and plants in hydro with lower ph? How do plants in soil soak up nutes at different levels compared to hydro is what I am asking.
Thats a great question!!!

Does anyone know the answer. At least on why ph should be different for soil or soilless mediums
SnarlyWeed, thank you for the reply and advice. I do have a 30x/60X magnifier. I will follow your advice the best I am able-the old eyes aren't what they used to be.
Reddot55 also welcome to 420

Even under bloom light. Looks like 50% pistols have darkened. If so, to early. Check the best you can like Snarlyweed said. And, I'd give it a couple of weeks. Autos aren't always ready by the time started on the box. lol;)
Reddot55 also welcome to 420

Even under bloom light. Looks like 50% pistols have darkened. If so, to early. Check the best you can like Snarlyweed said. And, I'd give it a couple of weeks. Autos aren't always ready by the time started on the box. lol;)
This is very true .. i can vouch first that. Specially if your a noob like me. But there are factors to consider. Stress . Girls are sensitive. Think of it as a woman and that time of month. Well, they are in that state 247. Must say these white cookies or mine non auto. Completely different growing going on. Learn we must . Share we don't have to but tis is nice. .
Or on our page it should say message in a orange color. Just click on by a persons profile. Hope it helps...✌️
Hmmmm...I see a green message option which I can't use until I post x amount of times..maybe that's it. I'm too new. You all are very kind. Thank you:)
I use Recharge which also is a mix and feed type benny. It has powdered molasses and of course the bacteria. I've been using it for about a year with nothing but great results. I presume the OG tea would also perform the same.
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