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I had seeds that would take over a week to sprout, so be patient. Some times they do surprise you. Always plant a few seeds extra in case one or more never sprouts. I planted 10 for my 8 plant grow. 9 sprouted

Thanks for the info I pulled back the soil just to see where it was at and I should have sprouting by the end of the week I use a 500 mo dropper to water becuSe I don't want to flood it with water, still want to water but not kill it so I'll keep you updated
Looking for a high CBD / high THC strain to add to my list of strains to investigate......ANY suggestions? Frida and ACDC are already on the list but their THC levels are miniscule.
Looking for a high CBD / high THC strain to add to my list of strains to investigate......ANY suggestions? Frida and ACDC are already on the list but their THC levels are miniscule.

I'm growing Bubblelicious, and because of that, did some searching and come to find it's medium THC and high CBD.
Can rapeseed oil be used as an organic pesticide spray? Not canola oil but rapeseed oil itself? I literally cannot find info about rapeseed oil pest spray anywhere but I know other vegetable oils work so can rapeseed oil?
Looks like a gal to me 2!

I'm going against the grain here and leaning toward male- just doesn't look right for a girl- they push pistils - even baby pistils when they start showing sex and your plant looks like a cluster forming but zero pistil- i have only seen cluster forms like that - specifically- with males. still may surprise me but I think you are getting some balls forming. Hope I'm wrong!
I'm going against the grain here and leaning toward male- just doesn't look right for a girl- they push pistils - even baby pistils when they start showing sex and your plant looks like a cluster forming but zero pistil- i have only seen cluster forms like that - specifically- with males. still may surprise me but I think you are getting some balls forming. Hope I'm wrong!

That's honestly what's got me confused
hello everyone!

so im planning my next grow, ill be planting seedlings in 500ml pots then im wanting to do this aswell as clay pebles around the 500ml pot aswell so really its 500ml of coco in 18L pots with the rest clay pebbles, will this work?

i can never seem to plant in rockwool cubes for some reason, they never survive.

ill be using 2 wilma 4 pot systems.



Hey Higher, I actually make Wilma and Atami hydroponic systems and what you propose will be fine. But the real game changer is obviously the rock wool cubes and all clay pebbles with a good dripper. I'd love to see some pics of your setup if possible. Good luck bro.
Hey Higher, I actually make Wilma and Atami hydroponic systems and what you propose will be fine. But the real game changer is obviously the rock wool cubes and all clay pebbles with a good dripper. I'd love to see some pics of your setup if possible. Good luck bro.

Also if you struggle with the rockwool cubes you could always try peat cubes instead.
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