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Was curious when you guys think I should start flushing. Today starts week 9. Lower leaves are becoming canabalized.



thanks was just wondering ,,I put a g13 from my veg tent in with my autos that are finishing up and it took off 4 or 5 times the size as the others in the veg tent with cfls with giant fan leaves
thanks was just wondering ,,I put a g13 from my veg tent in with my autos that are finishing up and it took off 4 or 5 times the size as the others in the veg tent with cfls with giant fan leaves

What medium are you growing in, flushing is a little slower in soil and plants growing under cfl's tend to take a little longer. Does look to me like another week. They will tighten up some more and gain weight.
I think i over watered my plant... last night i watered her and this morning she was looking all droopy... anything i could do to help her. ?
Hey gang, in for a quick question. Should I take this off the plant and toss it? Looks pretty damaged but not sure by what. It's the only bud that looks like this.

Background: Blueberry autoflower, 61 days. Something was eating the leaves so did two days of Dr Earth Final Stop. Didn't help, so I went with BT yesteday (after sundown). Dead caterpillar today but this bud looks sick. It's on a bottom branch closer to the main stem. Upper bud on that branch is fine. Any advice? I'm thinking of snipping it off and using it in the canna lotion collection.




You can see the whole plant here:

It's on the front left branch.
I think i over watered my plant... last night i watered her and this morning she was looking all droopy... anything i could do to help her. ?

Unfortunately not really no.. give her plenty of light, and if it's in a pot you can hold the pot up and at an angle to help drain away excess water. She'll perk back up in no time and be praying for light. Don't water her again until shes pretty dry. What sort of soil are you using?
I think i over watered my plant... last night i watered her and this morning she was looking all droopy... anything i could do to help her. ?

Put a fan pointed towards the soil. You could always attempt to transplant to an air pot/fabric prune pot. If you do, be careful not to rip apart the root system.
Yeah i was thinking of doing that but i dont wanna transplant it and hurt it... so i might Just leave her in that pot and on my next grow use those type of pots... and okay pointed the fan right at the soil... hope it goes well
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