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Does anybody know the culprit?


Those are moth eggs, pinch that leaf off and destroy it. If they hatch they will reek havoc on your plant.
Hi guy looking for so advice on what additives I should buy

So currently I'm using
Canna Coco A&B as my base
Superthrive only 1st week
Magazyme gonna switch to cannazym
And a buget nute called Lucas nkp is 5-7-9

I'm running everything half strength

I'm looking to get ride of the Lucas and replace it with
liquid seaweed
or silica
Or dyna grow
Which do you guy think?
Hi guy looking for so advice on what additives I should buy

So currently I'm using
Canna Coco A&B as my base
Superthrive only 1st week
Magazyme gonna switch to cannazym
And a buget nute called Lucas nkp is 5-7-9

I'm running everything half strength

I'm looking to get ride of the Lucas and replace it with
liquid seaweed
dyna grow
Which do you guy think?
Can some one please answer a few q for me
Pic one the damn plant can't keep happy either she pretty n green or she is dying I'm at a loss nute burn? Light burn help....
Pic 2 bag seed this what I got does really look like true leaves
I'm new on indoor but pic one was plant straight to soil July 24 every time I put her in bag she perks up her medium is just organic soil with add perlite.. I'm using osmo. Nute. Now I transplant into a bigger cup and put her further down in soil she has also been topped... Pic 2 this are its first and second sets of true leafs it was geminated in water til tap root was over an inch then planted with 7 others the other have distintive tru leaves this one doesnt
I'm new to this so maybe someone else can inform better......
Not sure how either of those has been topped yet, looks like both of them only have 1 node by the looks of it, pic 2 def doesn't look like a true leaf unless I'm wrong about what a true leaf is
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