Barney's Perpetual Hydro House


Thunder and lightning storm. Something got zapped, the power flickered off and reset my leccy meter.
It's working again! FFS I had free leccy for like 3 days. That's fuckin infuriating!
1.21 gigawatts!!!!! Sorry, had to!
@Barney86 I just had a bowl of Pink Kush with my wife, what's on the end of your flame?
Currently smoking my keif out the grinder cos can't get up the attic till lights on at 6 :(
Got some glueberry og kush auto up there though.
Been in the bucket about 5 weeks now so tasting pretty good. Wee bit of superskunk auto mixed in with it too but that one turned out pretty shitty tbh. Should've made it into hash. It got dwarfed in the Res and the gbk just took over and anhialated her.
Oh we were guessing that at work the other day, is that what it is?
My guess was 120 million times a thousand. Is that close?
I have no fucking idea, I'm stoned! It was a Back to the Future movie reference.

Still puffing on local supplies.
Should point out actually that the glueberry turned out to be really good for anxiety and depression. Nice light, happy stone. Bit like bluedream. Leaves you kinda fuzzy and warm. Uplifting and doesn't leave you confused.
Been giving it to a guy at my work who's struggling with the blues just now and it's making a big difference in his attitude.
I've got anxiety and it although I'm pretty good just now I've been keeping some on me at work just in case and it really does give a pretty instant relief of fairly bad episodes.
Buds are filling out nicely though. Barring any fuck ups they should get pretty chunky by the look of things. :) Still not cleaned that bloody Res out though.
Need to get it done today cos it's well out of balance now. Been about 8 weeks lol. Don't know how it's not went off yet cos I'm not using anything to keep it clean. miracles do happen :)


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Had too many close calls like. Was 8 hours away from getting busted last year. Got a gut feeling and stripped out just as i was about to plug in my seedlings. Council auditors wanted in my attic the next morning.
Cant wait to clear out for winter and burdon someone elses spare room with it lol :)
me too so many times mate. 100l tank emptied in my loft i one quick barrel tip. Was the scariest near miss ever at 6pm as we ate tea and the barrsge of water went past our lounge window too. Bedroom had a waterfall running off the lights and between the plaster boards, still dont know how the ceiling stayed up. All electrics went , powerless and drowned, Mrs Gg needed calming down from gathering the kids in the hallway to run. lol
took some convincing and some serious towelling out the rafters under the rockwool. Documented it in my last grow. lol
Made that crop very special , as this one will for you mate. lucky break to not have to get them in for the meter really.
Right troops it's time for a laugh at my expense.
Look what happened... :(
It was the back left plant that fell over.
Her roots were big enough to survive with minimal damage but the little one is officially fucked lol. :)
2 of the 3 survivors were damaged but not fatally. (I'm fairly sure....)
All 3 however were shocked and have since started an all out war for root control.
That's fuckin with the bud production and that's not good.
It was an experiment though.
First time I've tried it with 4 and I knew the risks.
Real shit part is that I've gotta leave that basically dead plant there as long as possible in the hope that the roots don't rot and kill the rest of them.
Occupational hazard of experimentation though. If your gonna fuck up it might as well be a good one eh :yahoo:
Thats shitty man sorry to hear that. I hope the 3 survivors produce for you.
Thanks buddy there's actually 5. Got 2 big coco lla ts too so no boggy thankfully. Lost my entire crop last time due to a light timer so it gave me a fright but pretty sure I'm good now :)
In these pics it's just the 2 coco plants in shot.
Currently feeding 800ppm which is about to be halved each week for the next 3 weeks then chop.

No flush for me folks.

Flushing is for toilets!

If you have to flush your run off it's wrong too as I'm currently proving.
Got 4 litres of run off that those pair sit in every day and reabsorb the lot.

Zero build ups.
Zero pH issues.
Zero lockouts.
Zero "over watering" issues.
Zero issues from sitting in the run off.

Fair few myths just busted there :)

They looking good! :thumb: How much longer before chopping them? I just finished my harvest, had to yell "timber" when the 7 footer came down lol.
7 footer mate? Can't be mentioning things like that without a picture man. We wanna see that shit!
Think my current lot are as tall as I've had.
I can usually keep them well under 3ft but got caught out this time.
Did you need to use ropes, pully system or a chainsaw lol
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