Bignstrange's 4x4 800W COB LED Grow Tent - Promix - New Grower - Drop In!

Nice work man, heavy N there, might slow down bud production a bit, try feeding just water for a couple waters, my guts telling me you have some salty soil lol

Getting there Bigbud!
Simply amazing! Beautiful ladies! You are doing Superb Sir! That Bruce Banner got me like we rarely get our hands on "Named Strains" But I do love looking at them
Thanks man! Inspired to do a good job to show everyone what a new grower CAN do if they put their mind to it!

Bruce Banner is now one of my favorites for sure-extremely good for anxiety, appetite, insomnia, and general well being. Nice heavy indica but keeps you energetic until you hit the burn out . perfection
Wow Big, I gotta say - you're about to have a massive, impenetrable, incorrigible JUNGLE/FOREST in your tent xD
So much green my heart is skipping beats :circle-of-love:

They look beautiful, as does the bud you're smoking on - wish I had some of that Bruce Banner for sure ;)

Have an awesome night Big Homie

Thanks Shorti! Your 10 g monster clone definitely lent some inspiration ;P

Hope you've been well, Bruce Banner here for the sesh now ;P

Let's do it Shorti! :passitleft:
I agree Hortishorti, big your garden is looking great. Such big girls yet so flat. Lol you trained that canopy perfect man. Setting yourself up for some serious flowers! .

When's flip day?
Thanks Kevin! I actually changed the timer last night which makes today (12 03 17) the first day of flower! Bombs away!. .
Morning Big!! ... Smoking some blue dream to wake up this morning. I hope you, the girls and your 20 babies are aight. I got a nursery myself! 16/17 clones all made the first cut for me and they are all monsters due to them being in flower and now we wait. maybe I'll need that new tent sooner than later!

Let's get selling some sweaters! Lol I sold my first 2 on Friday so we're at 100 for new lights/tent...stay tuned;) Take care big guy

Lol trying to sell my family but we're broke af over here too XD I'll see what I can do .

We're doing good! Woke up this morning n the temps read 100 degrees in the clone dome but I think the humidity got to the sensors in the hydrometer so I just unplugged the mat n well take more measurements later lol see if the screen starts working again XD getting a bowl of rice to help draw out the moisture .

Sorry I was away yesterday-had a bit of an emergency and had to take the dog into the vet :/ he's getting better but long story short were watching and waiting for him to improve, hoping for the best. He seems a lot happier today so I'm hoping we keep rolling that way :3
I've been very well Big! Just working a whole bunch and missing my 420 family :circle-of-love: I'm so happy my 10g monster clone lent you inspiration, you're gonna have one of the most beautiful gardens on this entire website by the time this is over. I'm so proud of you and I hope you give yourself the credit you deserve :love:
Goodmorning Big! Hope you're having an awesome day!
Thanks Shorti! Happy Sunday! I hope your day is good too! I have a few pics here from last night since I didn't get to do an update :3

So the clones- as explained above we had some insane temp spike but I'm hoping it's an inaccurate reading! Hopefully we didn't cook our clones lol they are looking cute but still no roots :S let's go weee babes!


I also decided to chuck salt, we will find a nice replacement with some solid growth to be our replacement mother for our salt n Peppa duo :3

Peppa on the other hand got transplanted on day 30-after only being watered once in her last pot XD
Also got fed 420 ppm of love .
(I can get you my soup numbers if needed)





And then we switched the timer in the big tent last night so the girls got a long sleep and now on 11 hours off 13 on until were done stretch! These pics are last night, huge changes this morning!

They also got a modified feed yesterday containing a lower nitrogen content and a substantial bump in pk, lots of cal mag, and lots of pot ash based additives. Hoping the mix I gave them is what they need to kick start flowering :3 the mix came out around 820 ppm, added some silicate and ph was around 5.9 and fed to the smallest amount of run off.

Idea being to almost storm the plant with nutes since we did plain water last 2, and then we'll water it down when they are dry in a day or two. Ppm run off-keep in mind how little run off I got so it's not a good number to base things off, 1500 ppm so all other things being equal they ate about 400 ppm last week. I am fully aware it's not an accurate measurement, when I water next I'll get a better idea of what's up in that root zone. For now I'll lettem ride it out and we should be able to avoid deficiencies during stretch now!

I Also have some GPF uptake coming (fulvic acid supplement) which should help me manage the root zone a bit better :3 anyways enough if my psychotic plant handling procedure lol here's a couple pics from last night .

Sorry for the blur XD didn't turn my fans off for pics last night n these bushes are always dancing.

Psycho WW Day 63

Jewel BC Day 62

Her fans are actually wider then my hand is long, just mind boggling, I really think jewel would be gorgeous outdoors <3 will be keeping a mother around for that exact reason <3

Angel WW Day 61
Angel has some insanely fruity, pungent, earthy smells coming off her already! Looks like a fruity pheno of white widow so I am excited! Gave the plants some sweet in their food yesterday so I'm hoping these sweet expressions keep showing themselves <3 Angel also has the most organized bud sites in my opinion, just gorgeous .

Moira BC Day 61

She really needed that food, let's hope she takes it up without issue .

Alecxks BC Day 61


Once I get those fulvics in there for uptake I bet well be going even faster and bigger in here :3 super super excited !

And day 01 of flip woo! The fun stuff finally begins lol thanks for being so patient with me while I went back and forth a million times on each decision and keep pushing stuff back XD it's just my style to wait until it feels right .

Anyways thanks for checking in everyone, I really appreciate all the love and support! These girls are loving life and I know for a fact you all have something to do with that so thank you <3

Hope everyone's having a great Sunday! The work never stops here, but I'll try my best to be around for a bit today, I really do miss y'all <3 soon hopefully I'll be able to just chill in a grow house with plants and talk to y'all all day lol maybe next year .

Anyways take care everyone, much love, if I don't get around to your journal, I'm sorry, I've been trying, there's just a lot of catching up to do and you know I don't wanna miss a thing!

Afghan haze for the sesh this morning! Please my friends, enjoy! :blunt: :passitleft: . . . . . . much love y'all <3
Bit late start on this one but I'm jump in anyways got some catching up to do haha
Never late man! Don't hesitate to ask questions in lieu of reading, it's basically an encyclopedia at this point XD

Welcome to the journal my friend, happy to have you! .
Never late man! Don't hesitate to ask questions in lieu of reading, it's basically an encyclopedia at this point XD

Welcome to the journal my friend, happy to have you! .
Cheers dude enjoying reading will continue later on . I should be setting up tonight will post some pictures later
I've been very well Big! Just working a whole bunch and missing my 420 family :circle-of-love: I'm so happy my 10g monster clone lent you inspiration, you're gonna have one of the most beautiful gardens on this entire website by the time this is over. I'm so proud of you and I hope you give yourself the credit you deserve :love:
I bet the switch to full time is quite an adjustment :S I've been peeking in at Chloe whenever I get a chance . she really is beautiful, I can already tell she's gunna yield some nice high grade for you! I've been missing my 420 fam too :( I hate not being able to keep Up with everyone lol, just too many good people I care a lot about on here! Definitely gunna have to make some reading time today <3 lol I don't deserve much credit I think these girls do, I can't imagine any other plant putting up with this level of manipulation lol I'm doing 3 to 5 supercrops a day and they just don't stop!

It's like when you find a special someone(not that I would know . ) and you can't help but feel that your the lucky one to have them lol that's how I feel about my ladies . nothing but love <3
Thanks . Excellent update!
I hear ya about being broke, tis the season eh? I really hope your dog is on the mend, that's never a fun time:(
Look at the roots on Peppa!! Shit that's crazy! Sorry to hear about your loss but it looks like you have a few good candidates coming up the line! Peace and love from the flatlands brotha✌️.....
Sorry to here about your dog big. Hope he gets better

Thanks fellas, I can count on one hand how many days I've been away from him in the last year, were a really close team him and I. He seems to be improving so we're just hoping he keeps on that path so we can have him around for a few more years! Fingers crossed guys <3 Thanks for the support, I'm sure the goofy pupper appreciates it .
Cheers dude enjoying reading will continue later on . I should be setting up tonight will post some pictures later
Nice man! Drop a link once you get it all put together! Shameless self promotion is encouraged here .
Thanks . Excellent update!
I hear ya about being broke, tis the season eh? I really hope your dog is on the mend, that's never a fun time:(
Look at the roots on Peppa!! Shit that's crazy! Sorry to hear about your loss but it looks like you have a few good candidates coming up the line! Peace and love from the flatlands brotha✌️.....
Lol Yea after 1000 vet bill yesterday it might be a hard sell to the fam n I honestly have no friends so well see XD I'll keep fishing for customers for you Newty! <3 I wanna see that epistar in your tent .
Congrats on flipping! The game is afoot! You have stuff growing everywhere lol. Like my house. Super fun! Doing a great job brother! .
Yaaay! Flip is so fun :3 I really can't wait to see how these Franken plants turn out! I have a feeling week 3 defol will be a ton of fun .

And yea I had to get more going to suppress my empty nest syndrome . also your journal got me motivated to keep stuff in rotation so I can always have some pictures from multiple stages of growth, there's just something cool about running it all at once :3

Thanks for the kind words Scooter! I'm hoping my photos turn out as nice as your autos do! Your definitely skilled, and your system is mint . very good stuff!
It's a stinky tent . day 01 of flip

I'm pretty confident these girls will fill in the gaps over stretch n the canopy should be legit lol
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