Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge


Your testimonial was very moving to read; inspiring, triumphant, motivating, and overcoming adversity...thank you for a great moment to smile in honor of you. :circle-of-love:
Hi Shawnee... It is so nice to have your breath of fresh air blow through here...... I always feel like I have been to the mountain when you fly by... Thank you for your very kind words....:circle-of-love:
I am so very happy and proud for you Dennise. I so much want to be free of the same types of chemicals. Alas, I am remain stuck in Floriduh but with luck will be able to make it to a smart State in the near future and once there be allowed to rid my body of the toxins that they call medicine.
Well I can now say without hesitation that it can be done... I have been on narcotics for well over 15 years... it's been so long I simply can't remember how long...:thedoubletake: It took me ~ 6 months and to be honest... Most of it was not by intent... I would notice I had forgotten to take a dose... cause I wasn't hurting.... so I would just skip it and then for the first time in a bunch of years about a week ago I went to bed and realized I hadn't taken one all day... got up the next morning... samething.... next day... next day... so as of today it's been a 7 days.... I won't go so far as to say I will never take one again... I don't do pain..:thedoubletake: but I was on 6 a day and until the oil... it was 6 every day.... Keep the faith and it will happen.. and Mo if your reading any of this... thank you and you know this is all because of you holding my hand..:high-five:....:circle-of-love:
Fella must be more than happy that you D. have found freedom to move more freely in your world.
:thumb: :thanks: :hug:
Yep you would think so...:straightface: Strange reaction...:blushsmile: for another day...:high-five:...:circle-of-love:
Question for those of you who are on CCO regimens, or know someone who is.

Have you suffered any allergies or have not been able to tolerate certain foods in your life, and if so, did the oil change those tolerance levels to a point that you can consume those foods without problems?

I know this is an odd question, but I'm trying to look at all of the things the oil affects with our bodies other than diseases.

IDK...:straightface: Morning Sunshine....:)...:circle-of-love:
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

I love you guys, you are so kind to each other...:love:

Fanny, I don't remember getting an itchy mouth after eating legumes lately, like I did sometimes before I started tacking...don't have a clue if there's a correlation.

SweetSue, I want you to rest assured and know to a certainty that our blessed oil will bring great relief to your sweet daughter. I'm not diagnosing or promising ..... it's knowing. Not with ego and science and bravado....quietly, and beyond doubt. Homeostasis is's the word?, but......calming.


Dennise, you can't imagine (but it's OK to try) how powerful your story and your reaction to our beloved oil have been in giving me the ... will... to press on and introduce the oil to others with MS and many other illnesses, and to hear back of incredible easing of suffering is like 'a wash, a shower of joy' to have helped.....with your story as a driving force. I think it's pretty cool and I thank you for your courage and example.

To all...I've heard from a woman this evening who had just returned from the emergency room. She presented with severe asthmatic spasms, chocking, coughing, vomiting, with savere muscle spasm of the frontal rib cage, and heart palpitations. She told me of experiencing these symptoms the entire night before, without sleeping or resting.
She told of receiving medication for pain...a narcotic.
She said they gave her a scrip. for bronchial dilation...a steroid.
They gave her a prescription for an expectorant....with alcohol.
A scrip. for lowering BP.
Another for 'mood improvement' to ease the worry.
Might as well throw in some aspirin and cholesterol meds while we're at it.
They shot her with dye that burned and said the second dose will burn worse...then gave it to her.
She almost died, of course.
They said they didn't know what was wrong but suspected a tumor was being a blood clot.....and asthma, and a pulled rib muscle.
Her friends have been telling her about treating various stuff with cannabis...she's 75...friends with ailments! lol
She's a right wing, john birch card carrying republican who has always thought pot smokers where drug addicts and scum.
She doesn't want all the drugs........she wants to use cco or vaping for some relief. I read on the asthma threads that cannabinoids and albuteral type rescue inhalers have equal bronchial dilation effects at 1 hour to two hours for smoking and to 4 hours ingesting. This has been known since the double blind study in 1976. Look it up yourself. Search 'asthma'. My imaginary friend Buck has been having great results using smoked pot and ingested oil as an expectorant in a COPD study in Santa Rosa, Calif.
This poor woman is having such difficulty just trying to heart goes my sister.

Isn't it weird how the world goes round, things cycle, what starts out...returns, recycles, comes back?

This is happening to the person who made my recovery possible.

Made last summers outdoor crop possible.

Bought the solvent, oil making equipment, still.

If you know anything about treating severe asthma with sister and I would love to hear from you.

May God keep and bless you all, my friends.

re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Hey John I feel for ya bro. I started my 48 yr old cousin with COPD on the oil a couple of weeks ago, I read somewhere that a guy treated his in 2 months( not sure how reliable the source was). The only problem I am having with not only my cousin but a few others .....THEY DO NOT FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS! This can be very frustrating at times, We all spend valuable time and effort to help individuals but it is hard to help someone who will not help themselves at times. Now some of you Oilers please do not take offense to this just stating what I have been encountering. I do realize people are apprehensive to face the unknown, but i adamantly agree that individuals need honest faith & belief in this medicine for it to work for them. So John I will strictly keep on my cousin to take the Vitamin Weed oil several times a day so we can see if this is actually contributing to the healing process and hopefully give some insight to others on these respiratory diseases. Please oilers do not feel I am being insincere to the individuals who need this Awesome Medicine, I am just a compassionate person like you all who puts other peoples needs in front of your own.:circle-of-love:
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Also my cousin has been a hard core pot smoker and unfortunately cig smoker(copd) for years so believe me he is not weary of the potential BUZZ.
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Hey John I feel for ya bro. I started my 48 yr old cousin with COPD on the oil a couple of weeks ago, I read somewhere that a guy treated his in 2 months( not sure how reliable the source was). The only problem I am having with not only my cousin but a few others .....THEY DO NOT FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS! This can be very frustrating at times, We all spend valuable time and effort to help individuals but it is hard to help someone who will not help themselves at times. Now some of you Oilers please do not take offense to this just stating what I have been encountering.. .. Please oilers do not feel I am being insincere to the individuals who need this Awesome Medicine, I am just a compassionate person like you all who puts other peoples needs in front of your own.:circle-of-love:

You are, in my opinion, an oiler.
Keep on being a compassionate person who puts the needs of others beside your own.

(I'm only a future oiler, so my opinion may not matter :) )
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

John and Panacea,

The asthmatic issues, and respiratory issues such as COPD, are something I personally really need to get feedback on from people who are either treating themselves or treating others. At some point I have several relatives who are going to need alternatives to what they are prescribed. The oil regimen did help with my own COPD, but I have a mild case of it. Certainly not something like those who wind up in hospitals in serious conditions. My Dad's emphysema is getting to the point that he is probably going to need a Cpap soon to be able to sleep at night.
So, if at all possible...please keep posting your results no matter what the actual outcome is with it, pro or con. We need to know this.

Love to you all

re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

You are, in my opinion, an oiler.
Keep on being a compassionate person who puts the needs of others beside your own.

(I'm only a future oiler, so my opinion may not matter :) )

Oh, stop that! :laugh:

We are very much looking forward to how this goes for you and the Mrs. Your user comments are much anticipated after you've put the plan in action. Get that oil made already! :cheer:
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Hey John I feel for ya bro. I started my 48 yr old cousin with COPD on the oil a couple of weeks ago, I read somewhere that a guy treated his in 2 months( not sure how reliable the source was). The only problem I am having with not only my cousin but a few others .....THEY DO NOT FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS! This can be very frustrating at times, We all spend valuable time and effort to help individuals but it is hard to help someone who will not help themselves at times. Now some of you Oilers please do not take offense to this just stating what I have been encountering. I do realize people are apprehensive to face the unknown, but i adamantly agree that individuals need honest faith & belief in this medicine for it to work for them. So John I will strictly keep on my cousin to take the Vitamin Weed oil several times a day so we can see if this is actually contributing to the healing process and hopefully give some insight to others on these respiratory diseases. Please oilers do not feel I am being insincere to the individuals who need this Awesome Medicine, I am just a compassionate person like you all who puts other peoples needs in front of your own.:circle-of-love:

What part of the instructions aren't they following? I'm not asking this flippantly. I'm an educator by nature and training who just spent twenty years fighting to keep my husband alive. Part of our success with that was his ability to ALWAYS follow instructions, unless it was his wife encouraging him to eat better and get more exercise. :straightface: But I'm interested, because motivation interests me too, and there may be some creative solutions to these little challenges.
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

John and Panacea,

The asthmatic issues, and respiratory issues such as COPD, are something I personally really need to get feedback on from people who are either treating themselves or treating others. At some point I have several relatives who are going to need alternatives to what they are prescribed. The oil regimen did help with my own COPD, but I have a mild case of it. Certainly not something like those who wind up in hospitals in serious conditions. My Dad's emphysema is getting to the point that he is probably going to need a Cpap soon to be able to sleep at night.
So, if at all possible...please keep posting your results no matter what the actual outcome is with it, pro or con. We need to know this.

Love to you all


One of my daughter's challenges is asthma. She's learned to control much of it without her inhaler, but we'll watch for changes when she starts. How to document that? I need some standard measure she can check every day. Have to work on that with her. Good thing we live right next door (such a 'Burgh thing it's laughable :laughtwo: ). I'll see her every day. She's ten steps away. LOL!
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Just a quick thought here in regards to Sue's post on following instructions.

When I was caring for my Uncle here, who is a Diabetic, a recent amputee, has had a kidney transplant, blood pressure issues, and heart troubles....well you get the picture on what and how many prescriptions he had. He had so many medicines he had to take at different times of the day and different amounts that even the visiting nurses staff had a hard time getting them straight for him. It was out of control. Most of the time, the not following instructions was due to him forgetting what he was supposed to take and when, or taking the wrong dosage and then forgetting if he took it at all.

My point of this is, I found the neatest thing for medicine reminders with patients. They have cell phone/android apps that are called "Pill timers" or "Med Helpers" that have great features on them.
I wish I had known about those when he was here, I think it would have helped him and his caregiver to have a phone next to him buzzing when it's time for a med or a BP check, or sugar check etc.

Check them out, you might find it's useful. :)
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

One of my daughter's challenges is asthma. She's learned to control much of it without her inhaler, but we'll watch for changes when she starts. How to document that? I need some standard measure she can check every day. Have to work on that with her. Good thing we live right next door (such a 'Burgh thing it's laughable :laughtwo: ). I'll see her every day. She's ten steps away. LOL!

I would have her document each time she uses her inhaler currently, and then document each time she uses it after starting the oil regimen. A little calendar or notepad with a format on it, date/time etc. that is handy for her.
My mom keeps a calendar hanging on the wall right next to the kitchen table chair that she puts notes on all day long. Wherever your daughter spends most of time during the day would be a place to keep it.
Just my thoughts.....

re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

I love you guys, you are so kind to each other...:love:

Fanny, I don't remember getting an itchy mouth after eating legumes lately, like I did sometimes before I started tacking...don't have a clue if there's a correlation.

SweetSue, I want you to rest assured and know to a certainty that our blessed oil will bring great relief to your sweet daughter. I'm not diagnosing or promising ..... it's knowing. Not with ego and science and bravado....quietly, and beyond doubt. Homeostasis is's the word?, but......calming.


Dennise, you can't imagine (but it's OK to try) how powerful your story and your reaction to our beloved oil have been in giving me the ... will... to press on and introduce the oil to others with MS and many other illnesses, and to hear back of incredible easing of suffering is like 'a wash, a shower of joy' to have helped.....with your story as a driving force. I think it's pretty cool and I thank you for your courage and example.

To all...I've heard from a woman this evening who had just returned from the emergency room. She presented with severe asthmatic spasms, chocking, coughing, vomiting, with savere muscle spasm of the frontal rib cage, and heart palpitations. She told me of experiencing these symptoms the entire night before, without sleeping or resting.
She told of receiving medication for pain...a narcotic.
She said they gave her a scrip. for bronchial dilation...a steroid.
They gave her a prescription for an expectorant....with alcohol.
A scrip. for lowering BP.
Another for 'mood improvement' to ease the worry.
Might as well throw in some aspirin and cholesterol meds while we're at it.
They shot her with dye that burned and said the second dose will burn worse...then gave it to her.
She almost died, of course.
They said they didn't know what was wrong but suspected a tumor was being a blood clot.....and asthma, and a pulled rib muscle.
Her friends have been telling her about treating various stuff with cannabis...she's 75...friends with ailments! lol
She's a right wing, john birch card carrying republican who has always thought pot smokers where drug addicts and scum.
She doesn't want all the drugs........she wants to use cco or vaping for some relief. I read on the asthma threads that cannabinoids and albuteral type rescue inhalers have equal bronchial dilation effects at 1 hour to two hours for smoking and to 4 hours ingesting. This has been known since the double blind study in 1976. Look it up yourself. Search 'asthma'. My imaginary friend Buck has been having great results using smoked pot and ingested oil as an expectorant in a COPD study in Santa Rosa, Calif.
This poor woman is having such difficulty just trying to heart goes my sister.

Isn't it weird how the world goes round, things cycle, what starts out...returns, recycles, comes back?

This is happening to the person who made my recovery possible.

Made last summers outdoor crop possible.

Bought the solvent, oil making equipment, still.

If you know anything about treating severe asthma with sister and I would love to hear from you.

May God keep and bless you all, my friends.

Good morning JohnnyOilSeed... It is a beautiful day in paradise...:blushsmile: and I hope you are having a blessed and green day... Actually the last label they decided to put on me was COPD... They sent me home with Albuterol... hit that sucker one time and thought I was gonna die...:thedoubletake: Still scratching my head why the hell you would give someone with the BP issues I have an amphetimine but what ever... I pulled out my vape and when I have that elephant feeling on my chest... That's what I do and it at least gets it down to a baby monkey sitting on my chest...:yikes: I refused the steroids from the get go cause I'm diabetic and they do terrible things to your sugars.... I had another chest x-ray last week I think it was... (Canna can you fact check me cause you know when I went) anyhow it showed no further enlargement of my lungs... and when I saw the original xray it was rather daunting...:yikes: but I can't say it really got any better... but it didn't get any worse... My Dr. is actually good with that for now because in his mind... it happened rather quickly... I had an xray 1.5 years ago and no visible lung expansion... 6 months ago... Oh Lordy..:straightface: but in 6 months it has at least kept it at bay.... Do I have scientific evidence this is what made it work... Nope... but I don't believe it did it all by itself so I would most certainly give it a try... Love ya JohnnyOilSeed curing the world....:high-five:....:circle-of-love:
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Yepper, it was last week or just a few days more than that D. :)

I would be so interested to know what my lungs look like now, it's been almost 6 years since the last actual photos of my lungs, which was the same time as the doc diagnosed "early signs of COPD" by listening to the the breathing.
After being on the oil regimen twice now at a good long steady pace, I am no worse than it ever was...but I would still love to see if there is any difference in a picture.
No health insurance at the moment, so I am not that interested to go out and pay for the test. LOL
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Now for question from the peanut gallery. The Bio Bomb (Rolls off the tongue so mch better then Canna-Budwig Proticol). I don't think that is something necessary for me and treating my MS. Maybe a little over kill. But how about my wife's Lyme? She has been tacking 3x daily and seeing improvement. She we up the dose? :peace:
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Well I can now say without hesitation that it can be done... I have been on narcotics for well over 15 years... it's been so long I simply can't remember how long...:thedoubletake: It took me ~ 6 months and to be honest... Most of it was not by intent... I would notice I had forgotten to take a dose... cause I wasn't hurting.... so I would just skip it and then for the first time in a bunch of years about a week ago I went to bed and realized I hadn't taken one all day... got up the next morning... samething.... next day... next day... so as of today it's been a 7 days.... I won't go so far as to say I will never take one again... I don't do pain..:thedoubletake: but I was on 6 a day and until the oil... it was 6 every day.... Keep the faith and it will happen.. and Mo if your reading any of this... thank you and you know this is all because of you holding my hand..
Interesting, I'm having trouble remembering to take my pain meds too :scratchinghead:
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