Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

I'll make a batch as soon as it gets here (Amazombie says thursday).
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

I did work on that John, that's why we are legal up here :cheesygrinsmiley:

I tried in my old alma matter.
I sold out, then moved out.
Thanx to ppl like you, some states have come to their senses.
It's obviously legal here, but we're still looked on as stoners by most of the walking dead.
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

So Canna, you have ordered both the fondue pot and the still?

I got the Fondue pot in used condition, but excellent and a great deal. That was before I discovered the distiller, and found one in gently used condition for a nice price. I splurged for that, which will hold off my next seed order a bit longer now. I figure it's going to save me a ton of money on that clear expensive stuff in the bottle.....

BTW, it's federally illegal to use a distiller to make alcohol.....unless you have a distillers license, I'm told.
I am planning to make lots and lots of "essential oils", and of course lots of distilled water..... {{wink wink}}
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

I tried in my old alma matter.
I sold out, then moved out.
Thanx to ppl like you, some states have come to their senses.
It's obviously legal here, but we're still looked on as stoners by most of the walking dead.

I've found that it is as easy to talk to an 80+ year old person as to a 25+ year old person about Cannabis/CCO, people here are very open about Cannabis being legal and most are for it. Very refreshing Cajun.

Remember people: When using the term Pot/Marijuana most people will think "Stoner", but when using the term Cannabis it makes it a lot easier to think "Medicine".

Hey John, do you use the Charcoal filter when using the Megahome water distiller? Thank you Johnnymegadudehomeoilmakingstillusingkindofagreatguy :thedoubletake::drool:
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

I tried in my old alma matter.
I sold out, then moved out.
Thanx to ppl like you, some states have come to their senses.
It's obviously legal here, but we're still looked on as stoners by most of the walking dead.

This attitude is so frustrating to come up against. I mean, many of us are stoners, but the idea that there's something wrong with choosing to relax with cannabis or to use it to open the creative gates of the mind is just wrong. Over fifty years of propaganda....... It's gonna take a while to overcome that.

I think I'm finally making some headway with members of the family I'm visiting. It's only taken a month. LOL!

I'm 62. I don't have ten more years to fight it out in PA. They're gonna drag their feet to the bitter end, and I, for one, won't be hanging around to wait for it to happen. My desire is to be legal.
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

I've found that it is as easy to talk to an 80+ year old person as to a 25+ year old person about Cannabis/CCO, people here are very open about Cannabis being legal and most are for it. Very refreshing Cajun.

Remember people: When using the term Pot/Marijuana most people will think "Stoner", but when using the term Cannabis it makes it a lot easier to think "Medicine".

Hey John, do you use the Charcoal filter when using the Megahome water distiller? Thank you Johnnymegadudehomeoilmakingstillusingkindofagreatguy :thedoubletake::drool:

One of the biggest changes I've made since joining :420: is that I almost always refer to it as cannabis.
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

I've found that it is as easy to talk to an 80+ year old person as to a 25+ year old person about Cannabis/CCO, people here are very open about Cannabis being legal and most are for it. Very refreshing Cajun.

Remember people: When using the term Pot/Marijuana most people will think "Stoner", but when using the term Cannabis it makes it a lot easier to think "Medicine".

Hey John, do you use the Charcoal filter when using the Megahome water distiller? Thank you Johnnymegadudehomeoilmakingstillusingkindofagreatguy :thedoubletake::drool:

I use the term Medical Marijuana because that is how it appears in state laws
However, this medical office treats Marijuana as the brand name :rofl: and Cannabis as the generic name :loopy:
Almost off the opiods :cheer:

re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Update. We both tacked last night. I slept soundly till 5:45. I am usually up once or twice a night at least. Mrs. Groomer (and yes she is a dog groomer too:) ) slept until about 3 but woke up due to some pain (lyme related I am sure.) I told her if that happens again tonight to take another small tack. We will see how the energy level is today.

I also have an appointment with my Neurologist today. He has been in favor of cannabis, but doesn't know much (anything) about it. I am hoping I can educate him this visit!! Thanks all!!! :peace:
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

SG, thanks for the update. I just love to read when someone has slept well. That's such an important part of this. True restful sleep.

Radogast, that is too funny. I was surprised to see it actually listed on a document. :)

You need that camera now? Let me know....

I won't be getting my distiller unit until around the 18th, so you will have the first "shot" at this process that we will be able to view, if allowed here. I'm not real sure on that, because of the process. We will see if it gets opinions by the moderators.
Distillers have come a long way in the way they are made and the safety aspects of their design, not to mention the prices are within reason finally.
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Good morning groomer,
Thanks for the check-in.
If ya don't mind me asking, what time did you and Mrs. Groomer turn out the lights and how easy was falling asleep?
Just looking for a base line of normal vs. tacking.
Any hang-over feeling in the a.m.?
Remember to eat before tacking, day and night.
And drink twice as much good water as normal. No, more!
Your neurologist should be interested! Cannabis is a well known neural protectant. Best discovery in his/her field ever.
Lots of info on YouTube for them to study.

re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Good morning groomer,
Thanks for the check-in.
If ya don't mind me asking, what time did you and Mrs. Groomer turn out the lights and how easy was falling asleep?
Just looking for a base line of normal vs. tacking.
Any hang-over feeling in the a.m.?
Remember to eat before tacking, day and night.
And drink twice as much good water as normal. No, more!
Your neurologist should be interested! Cannabis is a well known neural protectant. Best discovery in his/her field ever.
Lots of info on YouTube for them to study.


She was a little tired this am. We had a light day at work so she left by noon. We tacked after eating last night. Drinking plenty of water. I would say she was asleep in 10 minutes after going to bed. Maybe 20-30 minutes after tacking. :peace:
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Hey Fanny, good morning!
Tell me more about your extra (it is extra, right?) camera. Does it do vid? iPhone too expensive. Cleaned out this month.
Bought a couple new knives (collector) at $500, then $500 vet bill, then still at $220, then $400 KleenXtract, syringes....yeah...within reason............!!!
Thought I had a little disposable income this month...not any more. I disposed of it.

Rado, cool to see it listed with other meds!!! We're on our way!

re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Hey Fanny, good morning!
Tell me more about your extra (it is extra, right?) camera. Does it do vid? iPhone too expensive. Cleaned out this month.
Bought a couple new knives (collector) at $500, then $500 vet bill, then still at $220, then $400 KleenXtract, syringes....yeah...within reason............!!!
Thought I had a little disposable income this month...not any more. I disposed of it.

Rado, cool to see it listed with other meds!!! We're on our way!


:laughtwo: I'm with you John. I let my daughter dispose of my extra income while I was here. Now things I intended to purchase for the next grow are on temporary hold. Your priorities are well-placed though. There's a strong pattern of long-term planning on display in that list.
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Hey Fanny, good morning!
Tell me more about your extra (it is extra, right?) camera. Does it do vid? iPhone too expensive. Cleaned out this month.
Bought a couple new knives (collector) at $500, then $500 vet bill, then still at $220, then $400 KleenXtract, syringes....yeah...within reason............!!!
Thought I had a little disposable income this month...not any more. I disposed of it.

Rado, cool to see it listed with other meds!!! We're on our way!


Dang, this one doesn't do more than about 20 seconds of video. But I have another idea. I'll email ya. I have a strange work schedule the next two days and won't have time until possibly tomorrow afternoon to get back with you. A change in shifts and very nasty weather to complicate it further.
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

And drink twice as much good water as normal. No, more!

John, can you clarify this statement for me? Most of us are slightly dehydrated to begin with, so my inclination is to encourage more water. Why would it be limited to twice the normal when tacking?
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

I won't be getting my distiller unit until around the 18th, so you will have the first "shot" at this process that we will be able to view, if allowed here. I'm not real sure on that, because of the process. We will see if it gets opinions by the moderators.
Distillers have come a long way in the way they are made and the safety aspects of their design, not to mention the prices are within reason finally.

I know this is a different distiller unit that you're referring to above, but I got this solvent question.

So North Carolina and Virginia do not sell Everclear 190 proof. Highest alcohol content offered in stores are 151. So it appears that if I use a 151 proof product I will have to use a Fractional Distillation Apparatus to get a bottle of Everclear to 190 proof. Is that right?

Here is what I've found as a picture of one.


These things are a little pricey but I'm saving quite a bit of $ each month not buying from street dudes. I'm sure if I look a little harder, a unit could be pieced together somewhat cheaper or can be found in a package a little less expensive. There is the cost of stands and connection hardware and a burner of some sort. Never thought I go back to chemistry class.

Anyway, if any of you can give me some idea if I'm on the right track here regarding the solvent I'd surely appreciate it.
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