Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

HI Leon,

I am so sorry about the things your father and your family are going through with this. I have not had any personal experience with IPF, so I really cannot say anything on that in specifics as to helping ease it.

I will do a little digging tonight and see if I can find anything more for you in the way of information or testimonials that give details on treatment.
Hopefully someone else on the thread here will have some information for you.

Thanks for posting your story. The more we learn on the different things that cannabis oil can help, the more people we can help.

Take care and give your Dad a hug from all of us.:hug:

Then take one for you...:hug:

Thank you for any information you can offer and your wishes =)
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

I know that the Concentrated Oil helped with my COPD, which is a lung issue. I was able to breathe better during the day and I didn't feel like I couldn't get a deep breath while lying down at night as much as without the oil. I am unable to take the oil due to job searches right now, and I've been off for a little over a month now. I have the symptoms that I did before I started on the oil.

IPF is more serious than, but has some similar things to COPD, and although there is no known cure for IPF, the symptoms of it can be controlled and eased with Cannabis according to the article below.

The clip below states what those symptoms are, and it talks about studies that have been done.
In the clip, they talk about vaping being the preferred method because smoking it is going to be very harsh on the lungs.
The article does not give a date of posting, so I have no idea if CCO/RSO had even been thought of then.
Just FYI:

I wish that when people post articles like this that mention "recent clinical studies", they would post the links to the studies! Ah well....

Note: The oil helps tremendously to control depression and bring up energy levels. Leon, I'm sure that with everything going with your father, there is depression and lack of energy among other things.

Yes my father does have many of those symptoms, depression, lack of energy, difficulty breathing etc. He is currently using a o2 machine at home to help bring his o2 levels up to normal levels. I was thinking that oils would be the best for him as he probably wouldnt want to vape or do anything directly to his lungs. Does he need any specific type of oil or is it just high concentrated CBD oil that I should be researching? Any well known creditable dispensaries in souther california that you can recommend that carry what I may need?
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

That's a good point, if they are selling oil. I can't remember right now where I found it, but it does seem like it was related to a dispensary. I was unable to find any study that they mentioned, but I did agree with some of the things they stated it would help, the depression and anxiety and breathing issues from personal experience. And that vaping was much easier on the lungs than the regular smoking it.

I read something about a video of woman who claimed to cure her IPF with the oil, but I never found that either.
Unless Cajun or someone can supply some documented information, it is still something little known in my own searches.


It seems a few people are talking about vaping oils, why not just consume under the tongue wouldnt that work as well? I donno know if my father will be comfortable with vaping. As for dispensaries do you have any recommendations on any good ones in southern calfornia that sell high grade medical CBD oil?
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge


The youtube video referenced by that link was

In the video, which I only watched a minute of, refers to a cannabis oil made from a strain "high in CBD" - not CBD OIL. CBD oil is different, and usually inferior in quality. The worst "CBD oil" sold contains no THC, CBD or other effective ingredients. The best CBD oil is made from leaves and stalks of hemp or low THC cannabis plants.

RSO(Rick Simpson Oil) or CCO is highly Concentrated Cannabis Oil made from the buds of a cannabis plant. For general health through cancer treatment, CCO made from cannabis buds high in CBD and moderately high in THC is often the best choice.

Someone more knowledgable than I will be along, in the meantime, start thinking CCO or RSO instead of CBD oil.. A google search for RSO and curing cancer will give you an idea of the power of cannabis oil for healing. It may lift your spirits. CCO/RSO really is about as close to a miracle drug as you can imagine.
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

It seems a few people are talking about vaping oils, why name just consume under the tongue wouldnt that work as well? I donno know if my father will be comfortable with vaping. As for dispensaries do you have any recommendations on any good ones in southern calfornia that sell high grade medical CBD oil?

The problem with vaping CCO is that an effective dose is likely to make the patient so high that they can not function - Think of the power of colonoscopy meds. Cant just vape that ! Same issue with under the tongue. -- under the tongue or edibles might be a PART of the treatment as they are very effective with pain management and elevating the spirits (hope and joy are an important part of healing) but the main treatment regimen is likely to be 'tacking' or suppository to be efffective - - but no need to add confusion by going into detalis on that until someone more knowledgable than I works with you to develop a specific plan.
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Just one more thing, and I don't think I shared the lung part on this board.

My wife had pulmonary embolisms with necrosis in both lungs after a severe ankle fracture in October (3 broken bones, no surgery).
Now, after medicating with smoked and vaped cannabis (that I gew :) ), the lungs are clear, she is able to walk (with a cane) and her medications are only warfarin/cumiden (a blood thinner) and medical marijuana. She is doing physical therapy twice a week and using a cane on uneven ground. She had a blood draw this morning and expects to be off the warfarin/cumiden soon - which will be great because then she can return to a diet with green vegetables, vitamin K, and resume her herbal supplements which are contraindicated while on warfarin/cumiden. She expects to be off the blood thinner in 6 months instead of the 12-18 months estimated by her primary care physician.

She expects never to be off medical marijuana due to fibromyalgia and other conditions, but her usage has gone back down from a little over 1 oz per week during the worst of the ankle pain to her more usual dosage of a little over 1/2 oz per week. Once I get a few more harvests, it will go back up in the form of CCO alongside vaping and smoking cannabis.
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

Just one more thing, and I don't think I shared the lung part on this board.

My wife had pulmonary embolisms with necrosis in both lungs after a severe ankle fracture in October (3 broken bones, no surgery).
Now, after medicating with smoked and vaped cannabis (that I gew :) ), the lungs are clear, she is able to walk (with a cane) and her medications are only warfarin/cumiden (a blood thinner) and medical marijuana. She is doing physical therapy twice a week and using a cane on uneven ground. She had a blood draw this morning and expects to be off the warfarin/cumiden soon - which will be great because then she can return to a diet with green vegetables, vitamin K, and resume her herbal supplements which are contraindicated while on warfarin/cumiden. She expects to be off the blood thinner in 6 months instead of the 12-18 months estimated by her primary care physician.

She expects never to be off medical marijuana due to fibromyalgia and other conditions, but her usage has gone back down from a little over 1 oz per week during the worst of the ankle pain to her more usual dosage of a little over 1/2 oz per week. Once I get a few more harvests, it will go back up in the form of CCO alongside vaping and smoking cannabis.

That just warms the heart Rad. She scared us all there. :laughtwo:
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

That just warms the heart Rad. She scared us all there. :laughtwo:

It was both a disaster and a blessing.

While she was unable to care for herself, I spent the longest time I have ever spent in a caregiver role - not long in comparison to your times as a caregiver, but enough time for me to experience the rewards of doing little things for her on a daily basis, pulling the drapes as I tuck her into bed. making her sausage, eggs and toast for breakfast, dropping her off at the curb in a wheelchair, a walker, a cane.

I found caring for her a rewarding service rather than an extra burden. I have felt this before, but this was at a much larger level than just opening the car door for her.

The second reward is: I have worked from home and not had to go into the office for 6 months :)
I'm going to miss being a full-time stay at home worker !
No guilt or explanations when watching a video as a reward for a task completed :)

g'nite SweetSue
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge


The youtube video referenced by that link was

In the video, which I only watched a minute of, refers to a cannabis oil made from a strain "high in CBD" - not CBD OIL. CBD oil is different, and usually inferior in quality. The worst "CBD oil" sold contains no THC, CBD or other effective ingredients. The best CBD oil is made from leaves and stalks of hemp or low THC cannabis plants.

RSO(Rick Simpson Oil) or CCO is highly Concentrated Cannabis Oil made from the buds of a cannabis plant. For general health through cancer treatment, CCO made from cannabis buds high in CBD and moderately high in THC is often the best choice.

Someone more knowledgable than I will be along, in the meantime, start thinking CCO or RSO instead of CBD oil.. A google search for RSO and curing cancer will give you an idea of the power of cannabis oil for healing. It may lift your spirits. CCO/RSO really is about as close to a miracle drug as you can imagine.

Thanks for pointing that out. I am still learning all these terms .. It does say she uses an oil high in CBD not a CBD oil.
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge


I'm clear on the other side of the country here. Not familiar with California at all, so I can't refer you anywhere.
There are collectives beginning to be sponsors here on site. I don't know how many we have at the moment, but I found one rather quickly:

Harborside - California Cannabis Dispensary

And the link to the sponsors here on site, it may have more if you scroll through it:

Sponsors | 420 MAGAZINE ®


And Radogast, thank you. That video must be the one I had been seeing blips about when I was doing my search the other day. Going to watch that in a bit. :)
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

It was both a disaster and a blessing.

While she was unable to care for herself, I spent the longest time I have ever spent in a caregiver role - not long in comparison to your times as a caregiver, but enough time for me to experience the rewards of doing little things for her on a daily basis, pulling the drapes as I tuck her into bed. making her sausage, eggs and toast for breakfast, dropping her off at the curb in a wheelchair, a walker, a cane.

I found caring for her a rewarding service rather than an extra burden. I have felt this before, but this was at a much larger level than just opening the car door for her.

The second reward is: I have worked from home and not had to go into the office for 6 months :)
I'm going to miss being a full-time stay at home worker !
No guilt or explanations when watching a video as a reward for a task completed :)

g'nite SweetSue

I handled the role of primary caregiver better than I thought I would in the beginning. We hadn't anticipated that it would drag on for twenty years. It was a constant battle to get him to accept that I never, ever thought of it as a burden. I couldn't have done enough for that man who loved me so passionately without condition.

It was wonderful to watch from the sidelines as you so effectively took over her care. What a bonus to be able to work from home. Has that time ceased now or do you still have more work-at-home time avail?
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

I handled the role of primary caregiver better than I thought I would in the beginning. We hadn't anticipated that it would drag on for twenty years. It was a constant battle to get him to accept that I never, ever thought of it as a burden. I couldn't have done enough for that man who loved me so passionately without condition.

It was wonderful to watch from the sidelines as you so effectively took over her care. What a bonus to be able to work from home. Has that time ceased now or do you still have more work-at-home time avail?

I had a phone meeting with my boss that ended an hour ago. The conversation of when I physically return to the office hasn't come up - at all. I'm not inclined to mention it. :)
re: Cannabis Oil Users Cafe & Lounge

I found this is in the scientific facts section under the Alzheimers' thread. There may be more there in regards to Dementia, but I'm also not sure if what you need help with is a result of Alzheimers or not. Either way, there is a study link in it that you might check if you have time. I haven't read it:

Study Says Cannabis May Help Reverse Dementia From Alzheimer's

I will look later, and see if I find anything on strains etc. for you to peruse.

Edit: I actually just read through that link....I found no study whatsoever. Just references to what the "study" showed.
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