Cannafan's Variety Grow - Blueberry Gum/Delicious CC/Hawaiian Skunk Haze/THC Bomb

Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

If I remember correctly, I was told that the pollen on the leaves would make the pistils reach for it and maybe produce even more seeds?
Not sure if that's accurate, but what the heck. Can't hurt to try it. ;-)

Can't see a downside! :D
Maybe we'll see the pistils stretching with the next updates :)
Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e it just me...

...yes it's just me, those pics are a little sexy ;)
Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e it just me...

...yes it's just me, those pics are a little sexy ;)
It's not just you...
Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

Here are a couple of the pollinated buds after only 9 hours from pollination. You can see that the pistils are already starting to react, shrinking in. And I think some of them did actually reach for the pollen. LOL I'll probably find some brown ones tomorrow morning.



And yeah...I see that kitty hair in there. I have to keep constant watch for those. :)
Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

Boy that just looks so nice. I can't wait to see your seeds Cannafan. I just started CS spraying my #2 Fast and Vast. Hoping to get some of that pollen. It like finally getting a shot of Mezcal after drinking plain old Tequila for twenty years. Just so sweet and smooth.

Nice going Cannafan. Just so dang professional. I hope I learn part of what is inside your noggin...

Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

Boy that just looks so nice. I can't wait to see your seeds Cannafan. I just started CS spraying my #2 Fast and Vast. Hoping to get some of that pollen. It like finally getting a shot of Mezcal after drinking plain old Tequila for twenty years. Just so sweet and smooth.

Nice going Cannafan. Just so dang professional. I hope I learn part of what is inside your noggin...


Well thank you kindly, WJ :)

I am excited for you and I'll be looking forward to how you come out with your seeds. :cheer:

Let's hope that if you learn part of what's inside my noggin it's from the part of my noggin that still makes sense.

Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

It's a good day. :cheer:

My miscellaneous crap stuff is done, so I went to check the girls. The trichomes on the BG2 are mostly cloudy, so not too long now. The BG1 is still clear. The Widow masters under the LED and HPS are getting really tall and have lots of buds.

The pollinated branches are doing well, they shrunk up quite a bit overnight. I should have some pics this evening on those and the flower girls.

Hope everyone is having a great day. It's FRIDAAAAAYYYY!

Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

Hey Partner, I found a boy last night in the Bloom Tent & did a modified version of what you suggested. If it lives it lives, if not so what...

Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

Let's hope that if you learn part of what's inside my noggin it's from the part of my noggin that still makes sense.


:biglaugh: :rofl:

If my noggin no longer makes sense, could I even tell? :D

Hey Partner, I found a boy last night in the Bloom Tent & did a modified version of what you suggested. If it lives it lives, if not so what...


hehe those of us that do forms of LST like to joke about abusing our ladies when we tie them down, but that poor dude! :blalol:
I hope your plan is to poke your head in there and breath on him several times a day. He's gonna suffocate under there if you don't get him some air. I'm sure you're aware, but just in case. :winkyface: Don't feel offended or anything that I'm pointing out the obvious. :Namaste:
Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

Offended? KNOCK IT OFF HIKER! If I get my panties in a ball over someone helping me Then I'm a real "you know what"...
Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

You wear panties?!?! :thedoubletake: :yikes:

I thought you were a guy. :winkyface: :blalol:
Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

Ha, ha... :rofl:
I'm all man Hiker! That's just what friends & I say when one of us is (now you're making me say the word) acting like a Bitch.

"Don't get your panties in a ball"
Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

hehe I know. I've used the expression too, but usually directed at others. :winkyface:
Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

LOL... well I've been known to get my panties in a ball once in a blue moon. :laughtwo:
Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

Yeah, I was thinking about the air thing. Also, you could put some wooden dowels in there, or something similar...stick them in the pot so they are higher than the plant and let the plastic rest on that instead of the actual plant. :)

Panties in a ball is quite uncomfy for guys....I hear.

Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

You know Partner, it's not even heavy plastic. It's the thin cover that's over your shirts when you pick them up from the cleaners. But still, I'll keep both yours & Hikers advice in mind. May make some adjustments when I get home.
Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

You know Partner, it's not even heavy plastic. It's the thin cover that's over your shirts when you pick them up from the cleaners. But still, I'll keep both yours & Hikers advice in mind. May make some adjustments when I get home.

Ahhh...the dry cleaners plastic. That is pretty lightweight. :)
Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

a tomato cage might make a good frame for your tent. if you already have some bamboo stakes they would work too.
Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

I like that tomato cage tent idea. I'm going to file that in my good noggin side file cabinet. :thumb:

damn I wish I had that sorta control. It all goes in my 'bad' side. hmmm maybe there is no 'good' side.
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