Cannafan's Variety Grow - Blueberry Gum/Delicious CC/Hawaiian Skunk Haze/THC Bomb

Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

Thanks Timmy! I agree that it was successful. I'm going to have to LST this strain early from now on, they get so darned tall! Not sure what I'm going to do with the one under the HPS light, I can't get that light any higher and that plant just keeps growing upward. I tried to bend the top down a bit and wound up breaking it, but it recovered within a day. Resilient gals!

I'm guessing the height's from the master side of the genes!
Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

Well, there's not much left in white pistils. The plants are doing their job. You can see calyx's forming in these pics where you see little tulip shapes with brown pistils coming out the ends.



Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

G13 Blueberry Gum 2? Here's how it looks today. One of the trichome pics has arrows showing the amber starting. I'm going to guess this one to take at least two weeks more. I will start watching for nanners closely just in case. This plant only stayed about a foot tall, maybe a bit more.







Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

Great update. I'm sure I speak for a few other members when I say "waiting for another one of those incredible time lapse vids".
Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

Great update & watching your plant have sex has been wonderful :)


Great update. I'm sure I speak for a few other members when I say "waiting for another one of those incredible time lapse vids".

Well, I did try the time lapse right after I pollinated. It didn't work out, it needs a close up lens of some kind. When I try to zoom it, the pixellation is terrible. I'm working on rigging up a close up lens on the camera. ;-) It will take some testing.
Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

Thanks partner, you motivated me to find my close up lens kit and I found a way to attach it to the time lapse camera. We will see how it does today, it's very hard to tell if it's focused or not until I do some recording. I pointed it at a section of the pollinated branch on THC Bomb. Wish it luck!


I have a +4 and a +10 stacked onto the lens. I used a piece of wire under the camera mount to form a shelf for the lens to sit on and then taped it too.
Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

Wow awesome. I can't wait to see it. We'll be literally watching the grass grow. :rofl:

I'm joking but really tho! :) cool
Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

Okay, it did some tweaking but I think I have the close ups lens doing the trick. I have two of these cameras, so I will probably put one on some newer the DCC, to see if we can watch a bud growth, and leave the other one on a pollinated area of the THC Bomb to see if we can see seed growth. The seeds will be an iffy, they are awfully small when growing and usually covered quite well by plant growth.
Hopefully we can get some decent time lapse in the next few days.

Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

Jesus,'re like an engineer, DIY person, photographer, plant breeder, master grower and on and on all wrapped into one package. Rock on, gurl!
Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

Jesus,'re like an engineer, DIY person, photographer, plant breeder, master grower and on and on all wrapped into one package. Rock on, gurl!

LOL! :thanks: I won't be a master grower until I can look at my plants and talk to them and they talk back to me in my language. :laugh:

I let no grass grow under my a**, that's for sure. My daddy brought me up to fend for myself and count on no one to do things for you. (He always said getting others to do your stuff for you was being lazy) Not to mention two brothers who pushed me past my limits many times. But I love em'.

Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

Jesus,'re like an engineer, DIY person, photographer, plant breeder, master grower and on and on all wrapped into one package. Rock on, gurl!
Oh you didn't know Shaw! I use to call her Princess Diy before she became my Partner & co-host.
Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

Your daddy sounds like a great man. Having 3 brothers myself, there is something to be said for being a female growing up with all guys. My daddy taught me that there was nothing that I couldn't do. That was back in the day before woman's lib. When it came along, I rode that wave to the max and took full advantage. Oh, what a ride!!!:high-five:
Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

Let's make this easy on ya REG,
grab a wire coat hanger and straighten it out. Then bend it about 3/4 from the top and form a half or full circle depending on how tall and wide your plant is. Then stick it in the pot and hang the light weight plastic on that. You could use two hangers, one on each side of the pot depending on how wide your plant is.
No money spent, and shouldn't take you 5 minutes.


Good Morning everyone!
So it was said, so it has been done!


Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

Hurray partner, the boy has some breathing room! I hope that helps out. :)

Timmy, I am very anxious to see the vids work out too. Trying to get a bud forming from a flower is going to take many days of filming, but at least I will be able to review the clips to be sure it's going to work. I'll leave the camera on two full days each time. The memory cards will only hold that much before having to clear them off at 1 picture each 5 seconds. It would be great if I could have the camera on the timer with the plants so I wouldn't have to record the 12 hours of dark, but if the power shuts down on them they do not save the recorded vid to the internal hard drive. That can only be done with a proper power down of the camera. Also, it won't go back on to the last used setting if the power just goes out, so no recording will be done. Kind of a PITA, but it is what it is. LOL
Re: Cannafan's Variety Grow-Blueberry Gum-Delicious CC-Hawaiian Skunk Haze-THC Bomb e

I've got a neighbour, elderly, we're mates and he 'walks' in the area.

Well his 'walks', at least once a week usually more, involve stopping in for a 'spell' and want's my undivided attention.

He enjoy's our 'spells' so much that if I'm not there, he'll let himself in, take a seat, and wait...!

Not terribly impressed, but somewhat am stuck with it.

Stinky cabinets don't help much either :)


That's it kids and a half brother in another state, so he's got no one, so it can be a little painful, but he's ok and we're mates :)

He loves the kids, the kids love know it's all quite symbiotic I guess :)

ummm... You don't have door locks down there? :blalol:

I would be much more worried about that than you seem to be. :bravo:

It sounds like he's basically 'family' though. Does he know what's in the "Stinky cabinets"? :biglaugh:


I keep having to tie branches up on this BG1 plant, they keep falling over


That's a good problem to have. :morenutes:

Thanks partner, you motivated me to find my close up lens kit and I found a way to attach it to the time lapse camera. We will see how it does today, it's very hard to tell if it's focused or not until I do some recording. I pointed it at a section of the pollinated branch on THC Bomb. Wish it luck!


I have a +4 and a +10 stacked onto the lens. I used a piece of wire under the camera mount to form a shelf for the lens to sit on and then taped it too.

Oh you didn't know Shaw! I use to call her Princess Diy before she became my Partner & co-host.

I was gonna make some reference to MacGyver, but I like that name much better. :bravo:

LOL! :thanks: I won't be a master grower until I can look at my plants and talk to them and they talk back to me in my language. :laugh:

Darn... so close!

OK now I have a new mission, get them to talk in MY language. And here I thought I was getting close to the title myself. I wasn't aware of this requirement. This might take awhile. :rofl:

btw, It's easier if you just learn their language. :winkyface:
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