Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

re: Cannafan's Return To Growing - Autos Indoors - Purples & Wildlings - Outdoor Grow

BTW, for those who might be wondering.....the homemade CFL fixture. This is made from an old bathroom cabinet lighting fixture. You can pick these up really cheap at garage sales and Habitat for Humanity places.
I attached it to a board and made an electrical cord for it, and then placed some furnace duct work pieces cut in half on top for the reflector wings. Each outlet will hold two bulbs with the outlet adapters. I have only 4 bulbs in for the seedlings.


Nicely done.. Also your seed spoon :)
re: Cannafan's Return To Growing - Autos Indoors - Purples & Wildlings - Outdoor Grow

Thank you... Thank you very much... I thought I was remembering what King had told me correctly but when Goof Ball 7Dust said it was wrong my head went in 20 different directions... Even fella told me I was right and now he is miffed cause I didn't just believe him...:blushsmile:....:circle-of-love:

The isue may be that 6.8 runoff means 7.2 soil.... or something like that. Was your water 6.8 to go in?

I am just now flowering clones from May 2014 (ragged) and seeds from Oct 2014 (luscious) that were bonzai'd by high PH soil. Once I added PH Down to lower water to 6.2-6.3, they markedly improved.
re: Cannafan's Return To Growing - Autos Indoors - Purples & Wildlings - Outdoor Grow

The isue may be that 6.8 runoff means 7.2 soil.... or something like that. Was your water 6.8 to go in?

I am just now flowering clones from May 2014 (ragged) and seeds from Oct 2014 (luscious) that were bonzai'd by high PH soil. Once I added PH Down to lower water to 6.2-6.3, they markedly improved.

Good Point Radogast, that makes perfect sense. :)
re: Cannafan's Return To Growing - Autos Indoors - Purples & Wildlings - Outdoor Grow

Interesting stuff Subbed.

:welcome: addonexus. Glad to have you here! :)

Well gang, good mornfternoon to all! It seems I now have 3 Purple cheese, the replacement seed popped overnight. Ah well, if the bad looking one doesn't make it I'm covered. If it makes it, the more merrier! :circle-of-love:
I put some garlic bulbs in a planter with the seedling cups to see if the camera is going to pick up sprouts covering 9-10 cups. One of the garlic bulbs broke soil overnight. Feisty bulbs they are! :laugh:
re: Cannafan's Return To Growing - Autos Indoors - Purples & Wildlings - Outdoor Grow

:passitleft: High Canna... Dumb question I know but I can't remember... What is the pH of soil supposed to be... King said maybe the reason my Jack Herer was looking so sad was due to pH so I went to the hdyro store and got a pH pen and checked the run off and it is 6.8.... I actually thought I was OK there but 7Dust was here when I did it and said it was way to high so now I'm all confused..:straightface: Also just got an email from the person who sent you a little something something for me and I probably won't be getting the tracking # till Tuesday and hopefully it will be there by then...:rollingeyes: so any how if you get a funny package with a funny name on it that you absolutely have no idea who it is... accept it anyhow...:blushsmile:...:circle-of-love:

I believe that your Jack Herer has a alkaline high pH grow medium and should be flushed. I would flush your droopy Jack Herer's medium with at least twice the volume of pH 6.5 adjusted water as pot size or until the runoff liquid is pH 6.5.
re: Cannafan's Return To Growing - Autos Indoors - Purples & Wildlings - Outdoor Grow

Well are going to LOVE this.
Apparently my return to growing was going to happen whether I initiated it with seeds or not.

Last year when everything happened and I disposed of all signs of plants, I had dumped some soil from plants in the woods off the back yard. I went to the area this morning to empty some old water and found these:




So far, I see 4-5 plants. Maybe a seed or two was in the soil? Maybe some roots that were still kicking and went dormant over the winter? Who knows. I have no clue what strain these are. So....I will dig them up carefully, plant them in a container and inspect extreme closely for bugs. I will even give them some SNS treatments before actually bringing them inside.

Too funny! :rofl::rofl:
re: Cannafan's Return To Growing - Autos Indoors - Purples & Wildlings - Outdoor Grow

I couldn't have dumped that soil in a more inaccessible place...the danged thorny blackberry bushes nailed me on every move. LOL

I got them up and transplanted. I appears there are 6 plants just in this one clump. I was not about to detangle those roots while in that spot, so they got planted as is.


There is definitely some spider mite or other critter activity. I'll let them get established in their new digs for a bit before I spray them. I made sure I had gloves and an old shirt on, and removed them before coming back into the house.


They will stay outside with the garlic shoots for now. I ran out of soil....just in time. LOL


Edit: Almost forgot, I think these may be White Widow clones. I found one of my plant I.D. tags near the area. But, .....I won't know for sure until they get going. These White Widows grew very tall and gangly.
re: Cannafan's Return To Growing - Autos Indoors - Purples & Wildlings - Outdoor Grow

Wow. Very cool. Mother Nature had your back.
The wildling gals. I hope they make it!
Good call on the separation. I grew AK47 a few years ago. Brought 1 plant in from outside. The dirty sneeky mites hid until flower. Boom, webs everywhere.
re: Cannafan's Return To Growing - Autos Indoors - Purples & Wildlings - Outdoor Grow

Wow. Very cool. Mother Nature had your back.
The wildling gals. I hope they make it!
Good call on the separation. I grew AK47 a few years ago. Brought 1 plant in from outside. The dirty sneeky mites hid until flower. Boom, webs everywhere.

Dang Cajun, that would have peeved me off royally!
I just took the loupe to the plants and there are two pests on them for sure, Thrips and spider mites. I was sure on the spider mites just due to seeing the fine webs without the loupe.
I just took some SNS spider mite spray and lightly doused them and the soil around them. :)

And "Wildling Gals" is what they shall be called. I like that! :circle-of-love:
re: Cannafan's Return To Growing - Autos Indoors - Purples & Wildlings - Outdoor Grow

If you go down to the woods to day they in for a big surprise:thumb:
Now that is what I call the go ahead signs of excellent grow Karma :love:The Blessed Lord has (in my eyes) put his arm around in you,, and said "Girl your grow will be greathave a green hug from me an be confident that I am looking over yer grow"
I dont get why it happened honestly but WoW I do view it as a great:partyboy::partyboy::partyboy:
:circle-of-love::peace::circle-of-love:Best of days to ya and thanks for you support I really appreciate:thanks: it
re: Cannafan's Return To Growing - Autos Indoors - Purples & Wildlings - Outdoor Grow

Thank You Jaga! You have a wonderful B-Day. Enjoy yourself. :circle-of-love:

Good news, there are no spider mites. I double louped around those leaves, I did find a spider..but it's not a spider mite. Yey!
In the picture, you will see a white dot. That is a thrip. So I know I have those.
I did the best I could with a pic of this itsy bitsy spider. Kind of cute. LOL

re: Cannafan's Return To Growing - Autos Indoors - Purples & Wildlings - Outdoor Grow

The funny thing is that I thought the tiny holes in the leaves looked like trichs under the hps light.
So I was pointing out all the trichs on my awesome plants when it was pointed out to me that I had bugs.
Lesson learned...
re: Cannafan's Return To Growing - Autos Indoors - Purples & Wildlings - Outdoor Grow

The funny thing is that I thought the tiny holes in the leaves looked like trichs under the hps light.
So I was pointing out all the trichs on my awesome plants when it was pointed out to me that I had bugs.
Lesson learned...

Oh how embarrassing. I would have just crawled back into my cave. :)

Too bad I don't have any lady bugs around here yet. They would be singing while they patrol the plants...."Winner, winner...bugs for dinner!"
re: Cannafan's Return To Growing - Autos Indoors - Purples & Wildlings - Outdoor Grow

I believe that your Jack Herer has a alkaline high pH grow medium and should be flushed. I would flush your droopy Jack Herer's medium with at least twice the volume of pH 6.5 adjusted water as pot size or until the runoff liquid is pH 6.5.
Well that's sorta what I did... I did the flush on the girls while they were still in their 1 gallon pots then I potted them up to 7 gallon smart pots of Fox Farms 1/2 Happy Frog and 1/2 Ocean Forest... They looked markedly better this morning... especially the Jack Herer... She is reaching for the light for the first time in a long time so I am going with the pH was a bit to high as said... with run off of 6.8... the soil may have been higher.. any how I think it is fixed for now and hopefully they will continue to thrive from here on out.... At least it got me off my azz and got them potted up and getting closer to going under the big light....:high-five:... Oh and I don't know what the pH of the water was cause I use bottled purified water so I have never checked it... did finally check my tap water since I got the pH pen and it is 8.0... Sooo if I pH down to 6.5 and let it sit out for 24 hours for the chlorine to dissipate... does that mean it would be alright to water with...:confused: or since there are so many metals in the water here would it hurt the plants..:confused:.....:circle-of-love:
re: Cannafan's Return To Growing - Autos Indoors - Purples & Wildlings - Outdoor Grow

Hey D.
Most growers around here have switched from Ocean Forest & Happy Frog to FF's Lucky Dog. It has mycorrhizal & worm castings that OF & HF don't have.
The mix is identical to both OF & HF, but has all the root food they don't.
I haven't personally tried it cause I mix my own, but the Lucky Dog is almost identical to my soilless mix.
Just a quick thought.
re: Cannafan's Return To Growing - Autos Indoors - Purples & Wildlings - Outdoor Grow

Well are going to LOVE this.
Apparently my return to growing was going to happen whether I initiated it with seeds or not.

So far, I see 4-5 plants. Maybe a seed or two was in the soil? Maybe some roots that were still kicking and went dormant over the winter? Who knows. I have no clue what strain these are. So....I will dig them up carefully, plant them in a container and inspect extreme closely for bugs. I will even give them some SNS treatments before actually bringing them inside.

Too funny! :rofl::rofl:

Oh.. nice. My mother used to grow tomatoes every year and once in a great while she would go out to the patch to put in the new seasons seedlings and find one or two already there. She called them "Volunteer Tomatoes". LOL You have Volunteer Cannabis. hehe
re: Cannafan's Return To Growing - Autos Indoors - Purples & Wildlings - Outdoor Grow

Hey D.
Most growers around here have switched from Ocean Forest & Happy Frog to FF's Lucky Dog. It has mycorrhizal & worm castings that OF & HF don't have.
The mix is identical to both OF & HF, but has all the root food they don't.
I haven't personally tried it cause I mix my own, but the Lucky Dog is almost identical to my soilless mix.
Just a quick thought.

Ive not heard of Lucky Dog. Im gonna have to check that out.. thank you.
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