Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

re: Cannafan's Return To Growing - Autos Indoors - Purples & Wildlings - Outdoor Grow

Hey Canna, lovely...

Lucky dogs, volunteer cannabis...wildling cannabis...its such a ride this journal :)

Woof! :)
re: Cannafan's Return To Growing - Autos Indoors - Purples & Wildlings - Outdoor Grow

Edit: Almost forgot, I think these may be White Widow clones. I found one of my plant I.D. tags near the area. But, .....I won't know for sure until they get going. These White Widows grew very tall and gangly.

Ah you make me laugh.. I know what your talking about, plants ID card, but I read this and instantly thought you'd cleaned up any evidence inside your house, thrown away anything associated with it, then grown some with your name age address photo pheno type card staked into them.... Stealth :rofl::rofl:
re: Cannafan's Return To Growing - Autos Indoors - Purples & Wildlings - Outdoor Grow

I think I could scrape up a bud for ya...I'll have a look...
re: Cannafan's Return To Growing - Autos Indoors - Purples & Wildlings - Outdoor Grow

I'm hoping you'll still have some when I come up... :)

Maybe just on 4 weeks from now....yep I reckon that monster of yours...well...maybe there'll be some left :)
re: Cannafan's Return To Growing - Autos Indoors - Purples & Wildlings - Outdoor Grow

Ah you make me laugh.. I know what your talking about, plants ID card, but I read this and instantly thought you'd cleaned up any evidence inside your house, thrown away anything associated with it, then grown some with your name age address photo pheno type card staked into them.... Stealth :rofl::rofl:

Well, if they can figure out what a half a plastic arrow vane with "CWW1" written on it means.....they have my sincere admiration. LOL
re: Cannafan's Return To Growing - Autos Indoors - Purples & Wildlings - Outdoor Grow

High Canna thanks again :love:
I am so glad you got the culprits ,,an I love the idea of you having volunteer Ganja plants :circle-of-love:
The Universe gives us what we need ,,not always what we want but definitely what we need :thumb:
Have a great day there in the garden of delights :circle-of-love::420::circle-of-love:
re: Cannafan's Return To Growing - Autos Indoors - Purples & Wildlings - Outdoor Grow

Thanks Jaga. :)
4 of the Wildlings got their own pots last night. They seem to be doing well so far, and clear of critters. :)


I'm not sure if I am going to tackle untangling that group of 6 Wildlings or not. I could do it, but I'm not sure where the heck I would put them when things start to growing here. Conundrum.....I'll chew on that a while. LOL

Still waiting on the other Cash crop seed. Nuttin....I might drop another in water if it doesn't pop by Friday. I fear if I give up too early, I'll wind up using the final seed without needing to.

Hope everyone had a great day.

re: Cannafan's Return To Growing - Autos Indoors - Purples & Wildlings - Outdoor Grow

Hmmmmm....I could attempt an outdoor grow with those. That might be fun.
I'm going to look around this weekend for a spot with sunshine yet hidden....

Whatchathink? Is it too late to grow them outside? According to Mother Natures' schedule, she sprouted them a week or so ago from the looks of how tall they are.
re: Cannafan's Return To Growing - Autos Indoors - Purples & Wildlings - Outdoor Grow

Weeds grow anywhere, lol.. Had a plant grow in the city between cracks in the concrete footpath. Just a seedling we killed trying to dig out, but it was there, lol...You going to put them into the dirt or pots? Sunshine and dirt, you'll get big girls. Leave them veg, maybe throw a gal around them every couple weeks during veg... Grow for the year stress free ( except getting ripped) grow outdoors..
re: Cannafan's Return To Growing - Autos Indoors - Purples & Wildlings - Outdoor Grow

Weeds grow anywhere, lol.. Had a plant grow in the city between cracks in the concrete footpath. Just a seedling we killed trying to dig out, but it was there, lol...You going to put them into the dirt or pots? Sunshine and dirt, you'll get big girls. Leave them veg, maybe throw a gal around them every couple weeks during veg... Grow for the year stress free ( except getting ripped) grow outdoors..

I would grow them in dirt. Was thinking I could leave them in this pot for a week or so, then transfer them to a nice hole with the soil loosened around it mixed with my own soil, then top it with some of my grow soil.

Plenty of SNS products here to keep them bug treated while they grow. I have a small fenced area off my corral that would be perfect. Just have to find something to block the view from the house. That's easy to do. That way the larger critters would stay away from them. Danged deer and rabbits around here eat just about anything.
re: Cannafan's Return To Growing - Autos Indoors - Purples & Wildlings - Outdoor Grow

Hmmmmm....I could attempt an outdoor grow with those. That might be fun.
I'm going to look around this weekend for a spot with sunshine yet hidden....

Whatchathink? Is it too late to grow them outside? According to Mother Natures' schedule, she sprouted them a week or so ago from the looks of how tall they are.
Go for it Partner! You know outdoor growing is an Urban Cannabis Gardner's dream.
re: Cannafan's Return To Growing - Autos Indoors - Purples & Wildlings - Outdoor Grow

Go for it Partner! You know outdoor growing is an Urban Cannabis Gardner's dream.

Well, I'm seriously putting some thought to this. LOL I'll have to think of a catchy name for the grow in honor of urbanite partner. ;-)

This grow is getting much more involved than I had expected. But that seems to be what happens with my grows.....:rofl:

I'm willing to bet that there will be more seedlings sprouting up in that area where the pots were dumped and I will be watching for them.
re: Cannafan's Return To Growing - Autos Indoors - Purples & Wildlings - Outdoor Grow

That's just the nature of a Grower; it always turns out to be more in depth than planned Partner.
re: Cannafan's Return To Growing - Autos Indoors - Purples & Wildlings - Outdoor Grow

I'm picturing an inverted V-shaped trellis 6 feet tall bound together at the sides with rabbit fence. Something decorative on the house facing side.
It would make a nice south facing scrog.. although deer might see that as a vertical buffet plate loaded with flower buds.


A simple cattle fence and plastic greenhouse might be easier - still needs rabit fence though :(
re: Cannafan's Return To Growing - Autos Indoors - Purples & Wildlings - Outdoor Grow

I'm picturing an inverted V-shaped trellis 6 feet tall bound together at the sides with rabbit fence. Something decorative on the house facing side.
It would make a nice south facing scrog.. although deer might see that as a vertical buffet plate loaded with flower buds.


A simple cattle fence and plastic greenhouse might be easier - still needs rabit fence though :(

I totall agree a trellis in a V would be a great way to grow them ,, plus it would look wonderful:circle-of-love:
re: Cannafan's Return To Growing - Autos Indoors - Purples & Wildlings - Outdoor Grow

My seedlings are inside behind a sunny window for around 2 months.. Once there around two foot and stems have thickened I transplant outdoors, around end second month of spring.. You'll find they'll veg till around start/mid second month of summer.. I'd go into dirt. You'd have good soil around your property.. Dig a hole meter circumference by 2.5 deep. Fill with good soil. Move some bush compost and get all that good dirt underneath. Could even throw a bag of mushroom compost and heap of basalt with it and blend.. Just feed with a good kelp concentrate and earthworm concentrate, add some ben micro baccies, gal watering every couple weeks, if that.. I said this to somebody, sorry if it was you and I'm repeating, but pest; don't worry, don't deal with every critter out there, only the boisterous ones. Caterpillar in bud? Flick it off or leave it. There'll be more predators looking after it than harming ( famous last words, lol) honestly though, you could prep a hole leave it come back end if autumn and harvest 10+ ounces.. You going to split the journals or cannas outdoor and purples? Oh yeah, deer and rabbits love cannabis or rather anything leafy and green. Deer are hard to keep away. Good luck with that one..
re: Cannafan's Return To Growing - Autos Indoors - Purples & Wildlings - Outdoor Grow

My seedlings are inside behind a sunny window for around 2 months.. Once there around two foot and stems have thickened I transplant outdoors, around end second month of spring.. You'll find they'll veg till around start/mid second month of summer.. I'd go into dirt. You'd have good soil around your property.. Dig a hole meter circumference by 2.5 deep. Fill with good soil. Move some bush compost and get all that good dirt underneath. Could even throw a bag of mushroom compost and heap of basalt with it and blend.. Just feed with a good kelp concentrate and earthworm concentrate, add some ben micro baccies, gal watering every couple weeks, if that.. I said this to somebody, sorry if it was you and I'm repeating, but pest; don't worry, don't deal with every critter out there, only the boisterous ones. Caterpillar in bud? Flick it off or leave it. There'll be more predators looking after it than harming ( famous last words, lol) honestly though, you could prep a hole leave it come back end if autumn and harvest 10+ ounces.. You going to split the journals or cannas outdoor and purples? Oh yeah, deer and rabbits love cannabis or rather anything leafy and green. Deer are hard to keep away. Good luck with that one..

Hey Grizz, those are great tips. I'm printing that one out. LOL Yeah, the deer and the rabbits would be the problem here. However, the area I have in mind is going to fix that for sure. I'll post some pics over the weekend. It already has fencing around it (chicken wire and boards with a little lean to hut in it too. It was an area I had cordoned off for bad little chickens who were egg eaters. ;-) The biggest problem I may have is too much nitrogen in the soil from the chickens and some very large birds I had here. I might get a soil test done. Nitrogen is good, but too much is not good either.

I love the ideas of the trellis you guys! I don't have a V-shape trellis, but I have some trellis fencing in the barn! That is going to work perfectly to block the view yet still keep side lighting coming in.

I really can't do two journals, so maybe I'll acquire a name change on this one once I make up me minds.

I have to say, I'm kind of excited about this. Always wanted to try an outdoor grow, and you're right worries on minor bugs. Spiders and ladybugs will help control those. Despite how much I hate spiders, they do some good. They eat other bugly's. :thumb:
re: Cannafan's Return To Growing - Autos Indoors - Purples & Wildlings - Outdoor Grow

Another thing to look for/ think about is the autumn sun. It drops quick those last few weeks. You want at least six hours direct sunlight at that time. Don't know who's more excited... Especially growing gifts from Mother Nature, lol...
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