Carcass' $150 Low Budget Grow 2019

Nice work on those two plants. :thumb:
Some day I hope to figure out autos, but in the mean time I'll enjoy watching yours.
Thanks, Beez!
Some day I hope to figure out autos,

Me too! Although they're always a crapshoot- that Kalashnikov auto is going to be a shorty- 12" tall, and I think that's it for her...but, they can't all be gems!
The Iced Grapefruit (photo) is going to be a different story...although she's still only 4" tall (but 18" wide)
She'll do some growing after this Thursday's flip to 12/12 (day 44)
I was going to do an update today, then the granddaughter showed up...and she isn't going to let me do anything but play with her- not sure why, but little babies just love me...
If your hardware stores are open you can get a small roll of Romex wire and strip them from there.

Too bad cell phones haven't been invented! Oh well. :cheesygrinsmiley:

None of our stores other than food and drug stores are open currently as we're going through a third Covid wave with the variants. All items I need from a store needs to be ordered online ahead of time and then picked up at the door.

I ordered garden wire from Canadian Tire and I ordered pipe cleaners from Michaels and Felonious was kind enough to go and pick them up for me yesterday. :battingeyelashes:
I was going to do an update today, then the granddaughter showed up...and she isn't going to let me do anything but play with her- not sure why, but little babies just love me...

I love babies and toddlers. They're just the best age then, IMO. Little kids love Felonious as well.
Hi carcass! :passitleft:Looks like you have your hands full. I dunno what it is about these kids, they keep bringing over new clones all the time! They brought out two this year, Wyatt and Orion, we are so blessed!
Anyways, things are looking great over here. I'm gonna get my cataract fixed in my right eye today so wish me luck. Tired of the fuzz.
Smile and stay stoneder
I'm gonna get my cataract fixed in my right eye today so wish me luck. Tired of the fuzz.
Smile and stay stoneder

Best of luck to you on your cataract surgery today, @Fredwak ! That's something in my future, too.
I ordered pipe cleaners from Michaels
Michaels is where I got my gummy bear and lego molds- they seemed overpriced at the time, but they're gonna last forever, so I guess they were worth the $12.00 each....
They're just the best age then, IMO. Little kids love Felonious as well.
They sure are! I'm enjoying it while I can, because it doesn't last long!
I'm gonna get my cataract fixed in my right eye today so wish me luck.
Good luck, Fred! I've got the same thing coming up in a few years, according to the eye doctor- not affecting my vision yet, but they will be soon-
That's something in my future, too.
Yet another one of the joys of getting old... :straightface:

And, since it's Monday, it must be Update Time!
Both plants are doing pretty well- the ex-runt Iced Grapefruit is 41 days old today, and I'm probably going to flip her to 12/12 on day 44 (Thursday) she's still only 4.5 inches tall, but what she lacks in height, she makes up for in width (18.5") She was last fed on 4/5- 44g of GeoFlora veg nutes...

Her main branches have all grown out past the edge of the pot- I used "outriggers" last time to tie the branches down, and they were a pain in the ass, so...I came up with something a little different this time around- like my regular hooks, but an "extended" version- these will work up to 3" past the pot edge, which is just about right for what I'm trying to do here...
hook 1a.jpg

Lots o' sticks...

No yellowing leaves on this one, she seems pretty happy with her feed so far....and she's loving that Hydra-1000 light @70watts

she's a little bit short to do a silhouette shot, so here's a Saugaview® outside the box:

And then there's the little 48 day old Kalashnikov auto- She lives outside during the day now, and I bring her in at night to hopefully keep the moths from laying eggs on her and causing caterpillar problems a few weeks down the road...

She's got a few yellowing leaves down low- Not sure if it's just natural aging, or if the GeoFlora nutes aren't supplying enough nitrogen. She got her second (44g) dose of GeoFlora bloom nutes on Friday,
which was actually 3 or 4 days early, just in case the yellow leaves are because she's hungry.

Here's a bud- nothing special, at least not yet....

She's greening up a little from her early feeding on Friday...she was, and still is a bit more pale than I like to see...she needs water later today, so that should wash some more of the GF nutes down into the soil.
It'd be nice if the sun actually came out, but that's probably not going to happen today...55f out there now, and that's probably the high temp for today...

And that's about all I've got today...

Thanks for looking, I really appreciate the support!
And please, continue to stay safe out there- we don't want/need another wave of this covid $hit going around ....:peace:
Ex-runt Iced Grapefruit is looking great, and I will not hold you to the Thursday flip since you took the time to put "probably" in italics. :cheesygrinsmiley:

At 4.5" tall plus stretch plus colas, you will probably get back to your award-winning 17" again, so all's good height-wise!

The yellowing on the Kalash is kind of expected I would think, since GeoFlora Bloom is 3-5-5, probably based on the mistaken assumption that plants need more P and less N in flower. If yours continues like that, I'm wondering if sticking with Veg through flower (5-3-4) makes more sense. Maybe a little Terp if a K boost seems needed.

I will not hold you to the Thursday flip since you took the time to put "probably" in italics.
Yeah- it'll be Thursday as long as she's 6 inches tall by then, a few days longer if she's not
If yours continues like that, I'm wondering if sticking with Veg through flower (5-3-4) makes more sense. Maybe a little Terp if a K boost seems needed.

That's a good idea, Shed! I was considering half and half Veg/Bloom, but since I'm pretty well set for Terpinator, I'll go with just Veg+Terp
Unless she greens up more in the next few days- if that happens, I'll probably leave things as they are...
Your girls are looking nice.

an "extended" version- these will work up to 3" past the pot edge
So, it’s not really clear to me from your pics or maybe it’s my old eyes. Are you using these to push the branches out so to speak?
I should have posted a better pic earlier- They are actually for holding the branches down when they've grown out past the edge of the's a couple of pics to show what they do...I want the plant to be wider than the pot, so I have to hold them down past the edge.
From here on, I'm letting the branches grow upward, but they still have to be held down for awhile.

Thanks for the compliment, Boo!
They're going to keep growing once they reach the edge anyway, so I'm just holding them down while they do.
If I only held them down till they reached the edge, the plant would only be 10 or 11 inches wide- this way, I can make the plant 18" wide before I let it go vertical- I'm trying to use all the space in the box when the plant gets a little bigger- wall to wall plant, if possible (sorta like your Chocodope, but smaller:))
Yes, I guess you could say that- I'm pushing (holding) them down from above ,instead of pulling them down from below, like with the suction cups
Actually, the suction cups don't want to stick to that painted pot, so I had to come up with another way to do it, and I've got a shit-ton of that wire... :)
Yes, I guess you could say that- I'm pushing (holding) them down from above ,instead of pulling them down from below, like with the suction cups
Actually, the suction cups don't want to stick to that painted pot, so I had to come up with another way to do it, and I've got a shit-ton of that wire... :)
Thank you! There is goodness in both pulling and pushing (if you can figure out a way to push safely - and it looks like you have!). :thanks:
Thank you!
You're welcome, Boo!
For future reference, There's no way you could ever be a pest - I just need to learn to give more complete answers in the first place- Mrs.C. has mentioned that to me...a few times :)
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