Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

agreed. i dont fit very well in current politics.
im a fan of benevolent dictatorships, but are tempered with a dash of democratic management by exception (imagine a king and a council of elders..what the king says is law, but if 90% of the council disagree they can veto...if either side cannot accept the descision it goes to public referendum)

im also a fan of free healthcare and unemployment support, but i would balance welfare with mandatory work in charity sectors and strong pressure to train in skills gaps the country has. a country NEEDS unemployed people when growing to adapt, most people choose to ignore this, lol.

there is a whole other bunch of crap im into, but im not about to write my political manefesto so ill shut up now, y'all will see what im like when i take over the world =D
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Back with the results from the pH meter test...

In short: it's fucked.

So, I got a new one. It has to soak in pH 7.01 for a few hours to see just exactly how far my pH solution is off, so I'll post more about the nutrient problem later.

Summary of test.

Places Milwaukee pH 600 tester in 7.01 reference fluid. Calibrated for 7.0. *Rinse* Checked against 4.01 reference fluid. Reading was 4.9. Calibrated down to 4.0. *Rinse* back into the 7.01 reference fluid. Reading was 6.3. MAH-THER FAH-KER!! Fine, I need a new meter then... preferably one that has a 2-point calibration, please. I'm now home with a new Hanna meter.

A nice compliment to my Hanna EC tester.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

glad you could narrow it down to the meter.
sorry you had to blow cabbage on something that you probebly didnt want to spend it on tho.
now get yer booty on the grow and makes some more wining buds Matey arrrr
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

glad you could narrow it down to the meter.
sorry you had to blow cabbage on something that you probebly didnt want to spend it on tho.
now get yer booty on the grow and makes some more wining buds Matey arrrr

Have you seen that? I'm blown away at the results thus far! YAY Green Fluffy Bunnies!
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Have you seen that? I'm blown away at the results thus far! YAY Green Fluffy Bunnies!

someone up there knows you need another nug jar for the upcoming harvest :) and its not that you dont deserve it!
arrr karma be her name! and a little know how helps too matey arr.
dont worry I will work the pirate thing out of my system by tomarrow arrr:)
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

when some one asks me my sign i just love to put up my pinky and index and say "anarchy doode!"
i know there has to be a system of living that beats all i have grand ideas that use a bit of all of them, i know the current big brother 50 million rules, charge ppl for breathing, do as i say not as i do, is not working! its sad when you cant find one person that feels the government is doing a good job, but its obviously not, i personally dont think social programs are at all the problem, its the fact that nobody can afford to live well, whens the last time you went to buy food and did not worry at all about the cost? or not notice half of everything has shrunk and gone up in price since the last time you bought it!!, when in history did a system work that makes every citizen a criminal without them even realizing it, such as is the case in the usa, most of us are doing something illegal (technically) before we ever leave the house, and im not talking about cannabis use, just your normal routine, its time for a reboot!
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

so yeah... New pH meter readings were actually below range.

Old meter: Veg 5.8 and Flower was 5.9
New meter: Veg, 5.29 and Flower was 5.43

Both have been adjusted to 5.85 and 5.81, respectively. We'll see what happens from here.

fantastic my friend, im well pleased that you only took a minor slap round the face, i think i would have cried for you if you lost some ladies due to fkn hardware malfunction....wish cisco did weed tools, lol

when some one asks me my sign i just love to put up my pinky and index and say "anarchy doode!"
i know there has to be a system of living that beats all i have grand ideas that use a bit of all of them, i know the current big brother 50 million rules, charge ppl for breathing, do as i say not as i do, is not working! its sad when you cant find one person that feels the government is doing a good job, but its obviously not, i personally dont think social programs are at all the problem, its the fact that nobody can afford to live well, whens the last time you went to buy food and did not worry at all about the cost? or not notice half of everything has shrunk and gone up in price since the last time you bought it!!, when in history did a system work that makes every citizen a criminal without them even realizing it, such as is the case in the usa, most of us are doing something illegal (technically) before we ever leave the house, and im not talking about cannabis use, just your normal routine, its time for a reboot!

lets face it, its all about the redistribution of wealth...i think if a persons profits were indexed against their countries gnp and their share of the tax bill was linked to this, life would be a lot fairer, i got no problem with zillionares, but they should pay a hell of a lot more tax than us on the breadline. christ i barely make it past welfare as a labourer unless i work so much i damage myself, if i then take on a second job i can expect 50% tax...on what planet is that fair when someone like bill gates will lose money if he drops a $100 bill on the floor and takes the time to stop and pick it up.
the richest men in the country should have the largest % of the tax bill and no cheating either.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

As someone who has been in the above situation I can tell you, absolutely, that what you laid out as fair only breeds contempt and eventually an 'F it, why should I risk all AND pay a higher percentage?' attitude by the very ones employing people. I'm living that reality right now.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

What really pisses me off is I've been seeing this for about a month, now, and never even though to go have my meter checked. My only thought was it had to be something environmental. Nope... it was me, with faulty measuring equipment. I will be walking around with a paper bag on my head for a while until my girls improve. May have to get a steak for this black eye I've been given...

Just goes to show you: If there is a possibility for anything to go wrong... IT WILL! Swine meter...
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

What really pisses me off is I've been seeing this for about a month, now, and never even though to go have my meter checked. My only thought was it had to be something environmental. Nope... it was me, with faulty measuring equipment. I will be walking around with a paper bag on my head for a while until my girls improve. May have to get a steak for this black eye I've been given...

Just goes to show you: If there is a possibility for anything to go wrong... IT WILL! Swine meter...

This happened to me not to long ago. they ended up replacing the meter. I now take a little more precaution when using my ph down. After adding the ph down I stir the mix well with my toilet brush, before I was just sticking my meter in the middle of the mix where I squirted a little ph down and swirling the mix that way.
The reason I say this is ph down doesn't seem to be much more than some acid (sulfuric) spill a little on your concrete or your arm and you will c for your self. your meters fiber is sensitive and I believe the acid over time will degrade the meters ability to read accurately.
I even stop by the auto parts store and pick up some motorcycle battery acid and make my PH down a super concentrate, and because of that I believe took my meter within a couple months of being new.
I also make my own ph up from baking soda and water just mix up a strong solution and use as normal. I use quit a bit of baking soda in a old H202 bottle fill it about 3/4 way wit water and add baking soda till you get a strength of mix you like. 1 squirt of the eye dropper and it raises .1 usally.

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