Cottage 420's Organic Perpetual Indoor Garden

re: Cottage 420's 2015 Organic Grow With LOS & Kristalica - Sleestack x Skunk1

Whoa! Beautiful plants and pics! :bravo:
re: Cottage 420's 2015 Organic Grow With LOS & Kristalica - Sleestack x Skunk1

BB....... Whoa! That first picture is the Dark Devil? Oh yeah! Mine's not going to be as big as yours, what with your lights outpacing mine and my 11/13 schedule, but she's every bit as lovely. Your garden is so luscious. The Blue Thai is breathtakingly beautiful. I need to begin kelp foliars with my next batch.

When doing foliars, at what point in development do you discontinue them?

I like the way you hang them upside down as a whole plant. That's actually the way my mother dried a plant someone cut down and gave her once years ago. In my gardener's brain, this makes better sense than dicing them up, but maybe that's because I always dried herbs like that, with as much attachment as possible until reasonably dried. What's your reasoning on that?

The only concern I would have is the impossibility of washing it at harvest. I know mine will have gnats stuck in there.

I look at your pictures and wonder why more growers aren't using living organic soil mixes. Look at them! On a scale of 1-10, how difficult were they to grow, to this point?

Hey there SS - No pics in that round of the Dark Devil, however I did take a few yesterday that I will post here shortly but I'll get to your questions right now.

On folier spray - I don't do much. I did a few this round early and into about the 1st week of flower but not much at all. Reason is I don't have the proper sprayer. I use a squirt bottle from HD and it clogs as soon as I try anything other than water so it's kind of a pain to do but ya sometimes I do usually with watered down SST of some sort the last time I did it was with alfalfa SST but that was in veg/early flower before there were buds.

Hanging the plant whole I do IF the plant is small enough. This one was but it's been a year since I grew a small enough plant to hang like that. Basically I'm a minimalist - do the least work possible. The others will most likely get chopped apart and hanged (hung??) as separate parts. It's getting close for a few more ladies - I'm just waiting to see the pistols stop putting out white hairs but it seems they are still going strong and they have not stopped water uptake and in fact they are REAL thirsty. I'm watering heavy every day on the Krystalica plants which could be 1 or 2 weeks away. I suppose I should take a test bud and smoke it and see if I like the effect.
that lady after 4 days hanging is still dripping wet with resin. Wow that's going to be some strong meds there. I just took the root ball out of the pot that plant was in, it was root bound so I took the whole root ball out and put it in a slightly larger 7gal container with some more LOS soil I had going and amended that new soil with some more rock/stone dusts and planted another Blue Thai that was mini in a small container. Lets see how she takes off.

So the root ball was the entire 5gal pot so I added in another amended gal of LOS soil, cut out the stem and planted the new plant right in the middle of the root ball complete with live roots and all and into the flower tent she went. Very very easy and I didn't have to spread out newspapers to collect spilled soil or any of that mess. How easy is that? It took me longer to carry containers & water up/down the stairs.

I got some more clones going - cut a leaf off of a Aloe plant, scrape and roll the end of the cutting in the Aloe jell and stick them into soil, Ala Chinese style They've been doing that for 10K years or longer. It works I've done that with all sorts of plants.

How easy is LOS?? Lets see when I get home from work I carry 2-4 1 gallon water jugs up to the grow room, depending on how warm it was that day - less water if its cool more it its hot. Water the ladies, sit there in my chair for 10-15 minutes enjoying the flowers, close up the tent for the evening and tada... happy hour!

All the work is done in the worn bin/compost pile by the worms, not me, Oh and major preps to my wife for putting the daily collection of veggie food scraps and weeds from the garden into the compost bin. I really do have her to thank for a lot of things but growing gardens, she's got 2 green thumbs. Tomorrow I will post some of her flowers she's got going in the outdoor gardens. She's got it going on no kidding. I'm in charge of the indoor gardens and she's in charge of the outdoor gardens. I keep sprinkling some of my seeds (Fenungreek/alfalfa/Wheat berries) around the garden to see if she can identify them (keeping her on her toes)!

All in all I would say the hardest part of LOS gardening is water collection and carrying that about the house to water the ladies 15 minutes every day is all. Setting up a no-till pot is a once and done thing, collecting amendments but that's not really difficult. LOS = no meters, no muss, no fuss, a little mess, a lot of water, and a whole tent full of VERY HEALTHY plants.

I really believe in my heart and soul that LOS is the wave of the future in canna growing. Right now no one or very very few folks really know what 100% organic canna tastes and feels like. A few connoisseur growers/patients know and are probably keeping it quiet for good reason. Word will get out I'm sure. I'm a result oriented person with work and pleasure. The result speaks for itself.

I sent one of my pics, the one Rado liked ^^ there a few posts earlier to Mandala seeds whom created the Krystalica strain and I got a big pat on the back for a beautiful example of their Pheno Type C which is the rarest (5%) of the strain. I've got 2 of them and took cuttings so more to come there. Pheno C is a HUGE main cola with a largish bulb shape to the very top of the cola. The other one I've got going is getting very FAT and pretty big, arm sized!! I'm worried it's getting WAY top heavy.

Windy out...

Here's the Dark Devil a few days ago - it's getting blacker and purple/yellow more and more every day. My pics color is off, I may take her outside and take some pics. She's totally freaking cool looking in person and I'm sure she's going to be a knock out!! SweetSue is my inspiration to try autos. She's absolutely the best at growing them that I've seen and she grew with CFLs.

Just goes to show that we don't need to get all fancy smancy with nutrients/lights/grow rooms. I've come a long way in a short time thanks to you SS and a few others that set me straight with LOS.

Round ball with a learning curve... keep it green!

Dark Devil yesterday, a little clawing there she's thirsty (again) !








re: Cottage 420's 2015 Organic Grow With LOS & Kristalica - Sleestack x Skunk1

Day 78 in flower?? I think now that I just wrote "78" days in flower it's about time to take these ladies down. I'm waiting for some less humid weather tho to do a hang dry. At 85-90% RH without AC it's pretty humid, the buds wont dry in that weather unless I turn on AC and I'm not going to do that to dry buds, that sounds silly to me. Tomorrow we are getting a blast of cool dry air from Canada so mid-week may be my opportunity to chop here.

Watered yesterday with Malted Barley Tea (bought malted barley from a brewer that ground it for me) put into water and bubbled for ~24 hrs then diluted 1:4 ratio with water and added in some Coconut water at 1 cup per gal water ... made 4 gallons of water with the Malted Barely/coconut water and gave all the ladies a heavy watering.

Here's my first lady we chopped last week going into the curing container - she's SA-weeet smelling and very very sticky - got about 61gr. but she was the smallest by a long shot and was in the smallest container and was root bound and stopped growing so she got the early chop. I think she turned out fine!




Here's a few pics from yesterday:

Krystalica finishing and there's a Blue Thai plant there in the front - we've got 3 Blue Thai plants going and they seem to be packing on some weight pretty fast. I kept a few in VEG for pretty long and it didn't seem to help any as the first one I put into flower is the largest for some reason - could be earlier transplant into larger pots.

Larger pots = bigger plants <-- thats 100%, next round and pretty much from now on now that I have ly large no-till containers going it will be transplant from seedling to largest pot early on after seedlings can take the stress and let them go like that, if they get too large then we will do some selective grooming!

Here's a Blue Thai I had to FIM the top to keep her under the lights - so I didn't have to raise lights just fimmed the top and she's bushing out from the top down!! Very cool looking, I will get a side pic of this one here next.

My next post may be the day to chop the 3 remaining Krystalica plants (I've got clones going too), then the focus will change to the Blue Thai and Dark Devil Auto. They should be ready to chop in about a month.



Dark devil auto day 48ish:

re: Cottage 420's 2015 Organic Grow With LOS & Kristalica - Sleestack x Skunk1

not much to report... just watering with a new SST - Malted Barely with fresh nettles. My mix is 1/2 cup malted barley that I had the supplier grind for me for brewing beer - which is cracking the hulls enough so that the enzymes are available which is what I want (the enzymes). Nettles need no introduction... they are super food for the soil. I bubbled the mix for 6-8 hrs and then let it sit for another 12 hrs, mixed it 2 cups into a gallon of water and top drench. Been doing this for a few days... Keepin it green



Blue Thai - shes taking off lots of frosty buds and shes 30 days from finish easy


Krystalica still letting them go - seeing more white pistols - harvest any day now when I feel like it




This is the Kali X AK she had to be fimmed - she was taking off to the ceiling.. gave the main cola a hair cut and she stopped vertical reach and started buds... nice

Another Blue Thai a little behind her sister but she's going to catch up! She's getting a little late afternoon sun.
re: Cottage 420's 2015 Organic Grow With LOS & Kristalica - Sleestack x Skunk1

Wow BB. Your girls always stun me. The Krystallica is amazingly colorful and the Dark Devil..... That intense coloration is wonderful. I haven't noticed that with mine, but then you're the more talented gardener. You are slamming it! :bravo:

Oh yeah, almost forgot. Congrats on the harvest. :thumb:
re: Cottage 420's 2015 Organic Grow With LOS & Kristalica - Sleestack x Skunk1

Nice cola formation :bravo:

Have you looked at Krystallica's trichomes?

Hey there Rad - thanks buddy they've been stacking up for quite some time now. According to the website from the seed company the Krystalica is a 75 day strain (flowering time). Day 85?? (I think) and looking at the trichome pics they are ready. I've got a smattering of ambers on 2 of the 3 ready for harvest. The middle one which I mistakenly topped for some reason??, trichomes are all cloudy no ambers.

Now this grow is proof that topping a plant not only lengthens the flowering time but reduces yield! To prove that statement I will weigh the tops of the 2 plants that I did NOT top and weigh the two tops that grew out of the one plant I did top. What I will see is a DRASTIC reduction with yield weight. So there's some science to the reason for NOT topping a canna plant, and I'm looking at the results right in front of me . Hard to argue with science and results to back up the science!! My common sense was telling me that trimming and topping is not going to yield better than leaving the plants grow natural. To each his own, I'm going with the science and will not be topping any more plants, I have been messing a little bit with "fimming" the next round coming up and I will write a separate reply about that endeavor, which I think is turning out positively.

Trichome pics :

This is the plant on the right in the family pic - few ambers



This is the middle lady (topped) - thought they were no amber but there are some more than the other 2!!



This is the plant to the left Pheno type C (5% of Krystalica are type C) - this is the one Rado like the pics of (ad so do I!!) This one is surprisingly very few ambers but they are there...look close



re: Cottage 420's 2015 Organic Grow With LOS & Kristalica - Sleestack x Skunk1

Science. Gotta love it. :love:

Fabulous trichome shots BB.
re: Cottage 420's 2015 Organic Grow With LOS & Kristalica - Sleestack x Skunk1

Obervation and theorizing are the early steps of science. The scientific method adds in,designing a test for the theory, conducting the test, analyzing and reporting the results, and testing again to ensure outcome is repeatable.

Great trichome shots. Are you going for full couch-lock ?
re: Cottage 420's 2015 Organic Grow With LOS & Kristalica - Sleestack x Skunk1

Obervation and theorizing are the early steps of science. The scientific method adds in,designing a test for the theory, conducting the test, analyzing and reporting the results, and testing again to ensure outcome is repeatable.

Great trichome shots. Are you going for full couch-lock ?

Not going for couch lock at all actually. Although it seems to be popular around these parts!?? It's time to chop now, I'm just being lazy errr maybe locked to my couch!!

With that said I'll give m smoke report on my early harvest. It's been a couple weeks so pretty early but I've smoked a few fattys the last few daze. When I first light up I feel absolutely nothing, talking to my wife about "it's a "creeper" going to creep up on me after I smoke too much. But not to be let down, about the 3 hit my face warms up, I can feel my whole face getting warm like I'm having a serious hot flash but it's not going away and then I just start to giggle for no reason, followed by my entire body getting a tad warm but noticing all my aches and pains from the days work in the outdoor gardens disappear. Wow very strong and a bit racy too as I can feel my heart rate is slightly elevated. I cannot finish the joint. That was 2 nights in a row couldn't finish. Taste is smooth piney with a fruity finish and the smoke is dense - can't hit too hard or it's coughing until dizzy. So all in all I'm very happy with this grow/strain and I've got clones going so this will go a few more rounds.
re: Cottage 420's 2015 Organic Grow With LOS & Kristalica - Sleestack x Skunk1

Not going for couch lock at all actually. Although it seems to be popular around these parts!?? It's time to chop now, I'm just being lazy errr maybe locked to my couch!!

With that said I'll give m smoke report on my early harvest. It's been a couple weeks so pretty early but I've smoked a few fattys the last few daze. When I first light up I feel absolutely nothing, talking to my wife about "it's a "creeper" going to creep up on me after I smoke too much. But not to be let down, about the 3 hit my face warms up, I can feel my whole face getting warm like I'm having a serious hot flash but it's not going away and then I just start to giggle for no reason, followed by my entire body getting a tad warm but noticing all my aches and pains from the days work in the outdoor gardens disappear. Wow very strong and a bit racy too as I can feel my heart rate is slightly elevated. I cannot finish the joint. That was 2 nights in a row couldn't finish. Taste is smooth piney with a fruity finish and the smoke is dense - can't hit too hard or it's coughing until dizzy. So all in all I'm very happy with this grow/strain and I've got clones going so this will go a few more rounds.

This post made me smile so big. Way to go BB. The next batch should improve with the soil, so it'll be interesting to see how it ends up.
re: Cottage 420's 2015 Organic Grow With LOS & Kristalica - Sleestack x Skunk1

Not going for couch lock at all actually. Although it seems to be popular around these parts!?? It's time to chop now, I'm just being lazy errr maybe locked to my couch!!

With that said I'll give m smoke report on my early harvest. It's been a couple weeks so pretty early but I've smoked a few fattys the last few daze. When I first light up I feel absolutely nothing, talking to my wife about "it's a "creeper" going to creep up on me after I smoke too much. But not to be let down, about the 3 hit my face warms up, I can feel my whole face getting warm like I'm having a serious hot flash but it's not going away and then I just start to giggle for no reason, followed by my entire body getting a tad warm but noticing all my aches and pains from the days work in the outdoor gardens disappear. Wow very strong and a bit racy too as I can feel my heart rate is slightly elevated. I cannot finish the joint. That was 2 nights in a row couldn't finish. Taste is smooth piney with a fruity finish and the smoke is dense - can't hit too hard or it's coughing until dizzy. So all in all I'm very happy with this grow/strain and I've got clones going so this will go a few more rounds.

Is this is a Blue Thai smoke report?
re: Cottage 420's 2015 Organic Grow With LOS & Kristalica - Sleestack x Skunk1

Is this is a Blue Thai smoke report?

I wish - not the Blue Thai sorry for not clarifying, Krystalica - they are Sativa dominant but they don't get huge like a all Sativa would so there's some Indica in there somewhere. Since you mentioned the Blue Thai, I took a few pics today at lights out. Very very hot today, room temp was 95F, I need to do something about that. I was holding off on AC but looking at the ladies that need to be chopped, it's time for AC.

Blue Thai - she's catching up getting close she's a fast finisher:

Blue Thai - looking like she's coming down the back stretch already, there's senescence going on already. No biggie - some strains do it sooner than others, the main thing now is fattening up that main cola. The rest will fall in line.


Next up is one of my Krystalica ladies that I harvested right after taking these pics - this is the one that I topped to see if I would get a benefit from topping. I will be taking the 2 tops and do a weigh in and compare to the other 2 that are coming down tomorrow :



You can see the 2 tops here best:


Will they be the same weight at these 2 main colas? Notice the wiltage... it's time to chop. They are barely hanging on. My guess is that topping was a mistake and there's some science to back that up. More to come on that as I do my research and match the science up to the real world experience. Everything is the same here - soil amendments lighting .. I love these flowers and it's not a stink fest either, like my last 3 runs.





Kali AK looking good. Actually I gave all the ladies some malted barely with nettle tea for the last 3 days (diluted with a lot of water) - it really did wonders to get the younger ladies to bulk up the buds.

Kali x AK


Our other Blue Thai - she's a little behind the big one probably 3 weeks but on schedule and getting it on with the malted barley tea - oh and they all got some organic coco nut water .... I say looking Grrrreat and I'm off to take a puff or 2.

re: Cottage 420's 2015 Organic Grow With LOS & Kristalica - Sleestack x Skunk1

Oh BB, so beautiful. The yellowing. Leaves may be due to runaway temps, don't you think? They're so close now it doesn't really matter, I guess. Congrats on the harvest beginnings. That younger Blue Thai is incredible. You do such amazing things with yours.

I need to consider your process of feeding the soil diluted teas over three days. Do you see how that mirrors the HB CAT drench? I suspect they do very similar things in very different ways. Still asking too many questions about a kit that's supposed to be accepted at face value. Sorry, I slipped there. :laughtwo:
re: Cottage 420's 2015 Organic Grow With LOS & Kristalica - Sleestack x Skunk1

Hey there Ranger thanks for the reps. :thumb: Someone once told me it's all about the genetics when getting the most of of the ladies. So yeah, the Krystalica has turned out real nice. I love smoking it too and very very easy to grow, they respond very well to proper treatment. For folks that like to train/LST and the like, this strain I think is made for that.

SS on the Malted Barley tea - I make a 3 1/2 gal pot of it - bubble for 6 hrs not too much and add a handful of nettle leaves and leave it sit with a towel covered (not the lid) as I want a small amount of air to get in there - actually I take the towel off 2x a day to let fresh air in. This mix can sit for several days, just don't want to make alcohol which you can smell (I used to brew beer so I know what fermenting barley smells like). With wild local yeasts and airborne bacteria, alcohol production takes a pretty long while to get going +1 week so the mix keeps ok in room temps. So I take 3-4 soup ladles full into a 1 gal container and fill with water. Top drench that mix. I did that 3 days in a row and well you can see what it did for the Blue Thai - they both took off as did the Kali-AK. Then just regular water for 2 waterings. Today I will check to see if the mix is still ok (no alcohol or vinegar smells), if its good I'll do another, if I smell and vinegar smell it goes to the compost bin and I'll start another batch.

Runnaway temps... yeah wow 98F yesterday that was hot but not all that humid. I turned on the AC this am tho, that should keep temps under control. Here were we live this time of year can get very hot and very humid QUICK. I really don't like AC, but on those dog days it's nice to have. Ladies don't seem to mind too much as long as they get adequate water EVERY day.

The ladies with yellow leaves are done... I'm chopping the other 2 down tonight when I get home.
They use up the stored nutrients in the leaves which is why the big fan leaves turn uniformly yellow (senescence). This process is completely normal and expected. Those yellow leaves turn directly into big buds. These plants usually shut down water intake which is my sign to chop but that has not happened with the last 2 plants yet!! But I'm chopping none the less.

I think I'm going to hang them in my bedroom - they smell very nice, my wife said "flowery" last night. Not like green canna at all. Kinda surprising actually, I don't have to worry much about my neighbors and smells!
re: Cottage 420's 2015 Organic Grow With LOS & Kristalica - Sleestack x Skunk1

Hey there Ranger thanks for the reps. :thumb: Someone once told me it's all about the genetics when getting the most of of the ladies. So yeah, the Krystalica has turned out real nice. I love smoking it too and very very easy to grow, they respond very well to proper treatment. For folks that like to train/LST and the like, this strain I think is made for that.

SS on the Malted Barley tea - I make a 3 1/2 gal pot of it - bubble for 6 hrs not too much and add a handful of nettle leaves and leave it sit with a towel covered (not the lid) as I want a small amount of air to get in there - actually I take the towel off 2x a day to let fresh air in. This mix can sit for several days, just don't want to make alcohol which you can smell (I used to brew beer so I know what fermenting barley smells like). With wild local yeasts and airborne bacteria, alcohol production takes a pretty long while to get going +1 week so the mix keeps ok in room temps. So I take 3-4 soup ladles full into a 1 gal container and fill with water. Top drench that mix. I did that 3 days in a row and well you can see what it did for the Blue Thai - they both took off as did the Kali-AK. Then just regular water for 2 waterings. Today I will check to see if the mix is still ok (no alcohol or vinegar smells), if its good I'll do another, if I smell and vinegar smell it goes to the compost bin and I'll start another batch.

Runnaway temps... yeah wow 98F yesterday that was hot but not all that humid. I turned on the AC this am tho, that should keep temps under control. Here were we live this time of year can get very hot and very humid QUICK. I really don't like AC, but on those dog days it's nice to have. Ladies don't seem to mind too much as long as they get adequate water EVERY day.

The ladies with yellow leaves are done... I'm chopping the other 2 down tonight when I get home.
They use up the stored nutrients in the leaves which is why the big fan leaves turn uniformly yellow (senescence). This process is completely normal and expected. Those yellow leaves turn directly into big buds. These plants usually shut down water intake which is my sign to chop but that has not happened with the last 2 plants yet!! But I'm chopping none the less.

I think I'm going to hang them in my bedroom - they smell very nice, my wife said "flowery" last night. Not like green canna at all. Kinda surprising actually, I don't have to worry much about my neighbors and smells!

Have you shared this method with BlueJay's thread? I ask because the general consensus over there is that you don't need to use an enzyme tea more often than once weekly, but you seem to have come up with the LOS equivalent of the HB CAT drench. Fascinating. I only have a couple weeks at most with my Dark Devil. Do you think she'd benefit from this? I don't have any nettles though, drat! I wonder if it would have a similar effect to do a simple malted barley grain/kelp meal tea over the three days?

edit: need to find some nettles
re: Cottage 420's 2015 Organic Grow With LOS & Kristalica - Sleestack x Skunk1

Have you shared this method with BlueJay's thread? I ask because the general consensus over there is that you don't need to use an enzyme tea more often than once weekly, but you seem to have come up with the LOS equivalent of the HB CAT drench. Fascinating. I only have a couple weeks at most with my Dark Devil. Do you think she'd benefit from this? I don't have any nettles though, drat! I wonder if it would have a similar effect to do a simple malted barley grain/kelp meal tea over the three days?

edit: need to find some nettles

Hey there SS - Well with the Barley Tea, I'm a waste not want not type. So making a nice batch of Malted Barley Tea and tossing half of it just goes against my nature. So I thought hey why don't I dilute it a bunch. The weather's been hot and humid so I thought straight up Barley Tea would be too much sugar and maybe cause me issues like mold. Don't need any of that this late in flower and ruin my crop! So I thought I could get the same benefit if I dilute it and water in over a few days. It worked freaking amazingly with the younger plants - they went from buddletts to full on colas over night, no kidding. So I just kept it going, they were hot and thirsty and drinking it up so I took that as; "gimme more", so there we have it. The big girls drank it up too and gave me their last ditch effort and threw out a bunch of white pistols yesterday and they are done. Put this run to bed I just chopped the 2nd to last lady and the other one will get chopped tomorrow. I'm letting her go one more night to see if she's still thirsty.

I gave everyone water today cept the last big girl (she's the biggest one) and chopped. I will say the plant that I did NOT top is probably 2x the weight of the one I topped so hey there it is. I'll take a pic of the 2 plants hanging side by side. Non-topped girl WAY larger all around.

My hands a sticky wont wash off - is that a good problem to have - yeah you right! :cheer:

Here's a tribute pic right before chop of Pheno C Krystalica 2015 She's a beauty!




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