Dennise Growing With Twilight's Spider 16

Sugar on Queenie is looking good...and the babies look happy as can be...You're a great momma ! :thumb:
Just wondering ,,,now that you have the installed fans, is a fan needed to blow like through them to strengthen the stalk or stem ? :hmmmm:

Yes a fan should be used to circulate air through your plants. The wind allows the stems to strengthen against the movements as well as providing proper air circulation through the vegetation.
Sugar on Queenie is looking good...and the babies look happy as can be...You're a great momma ! :thumb:
Just wondering ,,,now that you have the installed fans, is a fan needed to blow like through them to strengthen the stalk or stem ? :hmmmm:
There is a desk fan in the front left corner... I guess I have just never caught it in the pics.....:circle-of-love:
Yes exactly! Most growers have osculating fans in their grow spaces to move air, constantly moving and agitating the plant promoting vigorous, healthy, and stable growth! All plants need that to stand up.
Hi Max... Thanks for the info but there is a fan in there......:circle-of-love:
Yes a fan should be used to circulate air through your plants. The wind allows the stems to strengthen against the movements as well as providing proper air circulation through the vegetation.
Yes Sir... I remembered... The humidity hasn't been bad here of late but it will be and once they get bigger I know I will most likely have to add an additional fan or the larger one.....:circle-of-love:

If you look in the very left corner you will see the front of the fan.....:circle-of-love:
Good morning, Dennise. Phew, well now we've got the light coverage sorted out and established the fact that you do run a fan.....:rofl:.....I just wanted to say how pretty that Kush is. I also have a SJ tent and am disappointed about its flimsiness. It's certainly not the cheapest for its size on the market. When your cleva fella makes a frame could you take a few snaps please? I'd love to see a professional's solution.
Dah-nnise would suit me better at times... What's up Cronic..:confused:....:circle-of-love:

Tas I'm sorry they were only small bowls. I started with the 1 hitter on the bong and topped it off with 2 dobbies with 7Dust when he brought me 3 bags of Fox Farms...:yahoo: You gotta love a garden selling stuff fella that delivers... especially when you live in the middle of nowhere.....:circle-of-love:

Sounds like and awsome morning :)

Not too small mind :)

7Dust...username obviously, who delivers fox farm...on a saturday?, and has time to sit a spell.... :)

I'm moving :)
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