Dennise - No Longer The Newest Of Newbies - Not Growing In MG - Perpetual

Oh please eat some of it. It is so good and it is so potent! I am going to have to give part of it away or I will eat the whole sheet. I didn't put any icing on it (or I would be puking by now) but I have eaten 2 big ol' pieces. I made it sugar free but it certainly isn't anything else free.... It sure does make me feel stress free though and typing is getting real hard again........:circle-of-love:
hows the mars 400 so any changes ??
It seems to be working well. The 2 group grow girls that are in there have grow substantially over the last 2 nights and I have got the temps under control now but still deal with the rH. I opened the back flap this morning and added but yet another little fan which makes 3 in there now but the humidity has come down quite a bit since adding it. The rain is supposed to be out of here by tomorrow and the weekend is supposed to be warm and nice so that should help a lot. So all in all getting her dialed in and I think she is gong to be fine. Really need that yo-yo to get here cause I'm going to need that 8/9" soon......:circle-of-love:
High Dennise Happy Thurweed day :thumb:
High Cronic... Happy Fryday....:circle-of-love:
What I meant to say was:

I hope you baked enough to get the whole class baked! ;) My mistake...
I assure you a large class would get baked on this baked goodness. I slept like a baby....:circle-of-love:
Hi, Dennise - With a plant that size, you can increase the solution to full strength (1 tbsp / gallon of water) any time you want to. Looks great!

:thanks: I have ordered some fabric pots that I will be replanting her in as soon as they get here and with her next watering I will increase step 2 to full strength. I think she is looking amazing and her color is much brighter than the Fox Farm girls. They both look good but there is something about the color that I wish I could get on the camera but it just doesn't show up that well. As soon as her new home gets here and she gets replanted I will post more pics.......:circle-of-love:
I was just about to say this about the Growology :) plants love it in veg! Gitt my big girl loved the D&S in veg! :) Most healthy girl I had through ve not a single problem! :)

Hi Light... That is great to hear cause as we have all come to know I don't like problems much.......:circle-of-love:
Hey Dennise
I feel such a fool I never realiezed you had a journal on the grow ,,, mind if I pull up a seat ??
Wo you have some lovely girls in your garden they look wonderfull I havent seen all so im gonna try an make time to back trackGreat one:circle-of-love:
Hey Dennise
I feel such a fool I never realiezed you had a journal on the grow ,,, mind if I pull up a seat ??
Wo you have some lovely girls in your garden they look wonderfull I havent seen all so im gonna try an make time to back trackGreat one:circle-of-love:

So happy you are here Jaga. I love taking pics as you will see so it is kinda easy to follow along just by looking at the pictures. I am actually sitting here rolling a doob out of the closet girl I chopped last weekend. She is not only a looker but she works really good too....:passitleft: I'm so glad you made it....:circle-of-love:
So happy you are here Jaga. I love taking pics as you will see so it is kinda easy to follow along just by looking at the pictures. I am actually sitting here rolling a doob out of the closet girl I chopped last weekend. She is not only a looker but she works really good too....:passitleft: I'm so glad you made it....:circle-of-love:

Cool I just been taking some hits on the bio diesel MMMm not bad a little Sativa with a fair punch of Indica
I got ta tell ya them Girls you got are a beautiful Green:hug::passitleft:things started to go on an uphill today i hope my fortune allso is yours
Keep on growing :popcorn:I in one of those love the world an eveyone in it moods :)
Got a biggie question guys.... I just pulled 11 nanners off the buds in the closet. I think I should go ahead and chop them before they contaminant one of my medical gals or something awful like that. One of the clone family 4 girls is in thee too but I don't care about her getting hit as I do the others. I know not all of those came up over night but I have been really diligent since my freak out last week and only 2 of them for sure was open. I got most of them just as they were popping out. I took a bunch of pics and as soon as I can get the other girls locked up for the night I will load them so you can see what the trichs and what not look like. Well as good as I could get them. They are milky and a tiny bit of amber but if it is as good as what I cut last week I will be happy for sure and can only guess these 2 will be better because of time and general quality of the plants. Any how I will be back shortly with pics so you guys can tell me what ya think but I don't see anything else happening but more nanners which means more seeds and I don't want seeds......:circle-of-love:
Yeah, sooner or later you'll contaminate something. That wouldn't necessarily be awful, 'cause it's nice to have seeds, but ...

She's 'mokable and she's hinting that she's gonna be a headache, so ... flux her, as it were. :cheesygrinsmiley:

On to the next ones!
you might want to get it out of there
High Dennise Happy Freeweed day to you and a Chronic weekend :thumb:
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