Dutchman’s Pheno Hunt!

Great update, Dutch! Everything is looking nice and green. :high-five:

Have you noticed a significant benefit to adding the Mykos at transplant?
This is the first time I’m putting it to use so I’ll let you know but my initial response is yes! They all took great after the transplant and are growing strong. I’ll be able to really judge when I investigate their rootballs and if I notice an increase Vigor I’ll be sure to keep it updated
Nice clean setup.. GL with the clones....... I 'myself' like the aeroponic style with the spray jets for clones.. But as long as she works... . Keepem Green
June 1 - Day 29

Hey everyone what’s goin on! I have a ton a photos to get through this update so I’ll let them do most of the talking!

Training Day was here and I spread and tied down all the ladies!

Well that was fun! On a final note for this quick update ... SUCCESS! I’ve got the beginning of roots pushing out of a few clones in the Bubble Cloner !!

Excited to see them long white roots! I’m pretty happy with this little Bubble Cloner so far! It’s doing a great job and makes cloning a lot easier!

More fun to come tomorrow so until then I hope you stay safe and stay medicated!!
You have seriously been bit by the quadline bug!! Very nice job!You'll be a master at it in no time. Looks like it takes awhile. Just wondering. Have a great Sunday! Cheers
Looking fantastic Dutch!
Thanks Bobby! They will fill these pots out well and then flip day is around the corner!

Cant keep a good Junger down.
Mooie Bloometjes!
Haha thanks Rider! This jungle is just beginning!

You have seriously been bit by the quadline bug!! Very nice job!You'll be a master at it in no time. Looks like it takes awhile. Just wondering. Have a great Sunday! Cheers
I have indeed Bode! I really enjoy this training technique and it gets me involved with my plants a lot more which is really enjoyable for me!

Coming along super
Thanks Penny!
June 1 - Day 29

Hey everyone what’s goin on! I have a ton a photos to get through this update so I’ll let them do most of the talking!

Training Day was here and I spread and tied down all the ladies!

Well that was fun! On a final note for this quick update ... SUCCESS! I’ve got the beginning of roots pushing out of a few clones in the Bubble Cloner !!

Excited to see them long white roots! I’m pretty happy with this little Bubble Cloner so far! It’s doing a great job and makes cloning a lot easier!

More fun to come tomorrow so until then I hope you stay safe and stay medicated!!
Always on point over here.
Hey Dutch, just caught up with your grow again and great journal so far as usual mate I must say, your garden looks awesome with all those plants, nice selection for flowering this time round can't wait to see them all shoot up
Why is WC#1 so sad?
To be honest I’m not 100% sure yet. They’ve all been treated the same but one thing I’m noticing about all of the WC phenos is they are hungry. They have demanded more food than the others so far and I have been feeding them a bit heavier. I’m going to be investigating the roots on WC#1 and WC#3 tomorrow and see how they look. I’ll get it sorted out though! A grow wouldn’t be a grow if there wasn’t challenges along the way!

Hey Dutch, just caught up with your grow again and great journal so far as usual mate I must say, your garden looks awesome with all those plants, nice selection for flowering this time round can't wait to see them all shoot up
Hey Tomuk! Thanks for getting through the journal and following along again I appreciate it! I hope you enjoy the show and as always don’t be afraid to jump in along the way! Hope your well
June 3 - Day 31

Hey everyone what’s goin on! Got a nice easy update again tonight with a few photos so let’s light up and dive in!

Well the ladies needed a spread out and adjusting of the ties today so that’s what they got! After opening them up a bit more I’m seeing some good growth across the tents so tomorrow I’ll be doing some defoliation to open up the inner nodes and encourage those growth tips to stretch out!

These purple Gorilla autos are actually surprising me with the stretch and as they continue to get bigger I’m looking forward to see how they turn out! The Budsites are beginning to push out pistils so we should be seeing some budlets forming soon! Can’t wait! Here they are loving it in the 3x3 tent under the SP-150s!

The colours on some of these girls stalks and stems are just amazing so far! Canuk Cookies has a vibrant deep purple which I’m really hoping comes out in flower!

Now the CBD girls have finished their first week and as they leave the seedling stage I’m looking forward to seeing how they grow! With not much information or pictures to go off of this CBD strain will be a bit of an unknown for me. I’m not sure of the flowering time and after talking with @DrSeeds there isn’t much in the way pictures so far either so I’m happy to take the leap and see what wonders these little gems hold!! CBD#2 has a bit of a lanky stalk on her so in the big tent with the additional air movement she was a bit floppy so I had to assist her for now! A little support and she’s standing strong! Here are the CBD girls on Day 7 today!

Next up is the clones in the Bubble Cloner! I was excited when I seen the start of root nodules the other day but today there is visible and physical roots! I’m really pleased this Bubble Cloner works and I’m excited to put it to good use in the upcoming months! I’ve got a lot of clones I’ll be taking and this will definitely help! Check out my roots! Small but mighty! Hah!

Anywhooo that’s about it for this update! I’ll be sure to take a bunch of photos tomorrow during the defoliation process!

Stay Medicated!
To be honest I’m not 100% sure yet. They’ve all been treated the same but one thing I’m noticing about all of the WC phenos is they are hungry. They have demanded more food than the others so far and I have been feeding them a bit heavier. I’m going to be investigating the roots on WC#1 and WC#3 tomorrow and see how they look. I’ll get it sorted out though! A grow wouldn’t be a grow if there wasn’t challenges along the way!

Hey Tomuk! Thanks for getting through the journal and following along again I appreciate it! I hope you enjoy the show and as always don’t be afraid to jump in along the way! Hope your well
I'm good thank you, hope alls well in the Dutch household, I love following your journals, they are very well detailed with excellent picture quality, out of all your plants im wanting to see how the bad azz kush's flower for you as mine have got a real nice purple colour to the buds at the moment and are the densest out of all my plants
June 5 / Day - 33

Hey!!! Happy hump day everyone! I’ve got a picture packed update for tonight so let’s spark this blunt and puff on through!

First I wanna start with my Bubble Cloner! Super pleased with how well it’s working so far and after adding in some new clones last week I’m pleased to report it’s a huge success! Roots have begun to form on almost all the cuttings now and it won’t be long till it’s time to transplant!

Next up are the CBD girls! They are growing bigger each day and now that they have entered early Veg stages in expecting them to take off! I’ll be giving them their first light feeding next watering! I let them stretch a little to much in the beginning and they were on the lean so I supported them the other day! Since then they have been strengthening their stems and beginning to stand upright on their own! Here they are on Day-9

Moving right along now I want to touch base on my 2 sad Wedding Cake plants. These 2 have been looking sad this past week and I’ve been trying to figure it out. Yesterday I transplanted them both and fave them a stronger feeding because I have a feeling I have just been to light on the feeds. After a healthy sprinkle of MYKOS in the hole and on the rootball I settled them both in and watered. Today when I got home from work they were both looking much better already! I hope this trend continues and these 2 sort out their troubles!

Finally I get to the real fun! All these quadline girls were in need on a select defoliation today so I pulled out the snips and went to work! After a some spreading and tying down of the branches they are all nice and open soaking up the light! I’ve got some before / after / during of the process so enjoy!

The Purple Gorilla Autoflowers are doing fantastic and will be receiving their first feeding of BudExplosion this week when they get watered. This is a PK booster from GreenLeaf nutrients which I’m introducing for flowering. Weeks 1-2 the dose starts low and increases until week 5 where it levels out for the remainder until harvest.

Once I get further along and have selected my Pheno mothers I plan to test the BE and it’s effectiveness on a round of clones plants. I’ll leave one without BE, one with an increased amount with and the rest with it normally compare end results!

Well that’s another action packed update down and there’s plenty more to go so hang on tight cause this rides just ramping up!

One Love and Stay Medicated!
Wow, Man, you're really having fun at this!! Very nice work! Cheers
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