DV8 Reg Photo Grow For Science

Like IBC. Heres pic.


This smell will be weeks, not days I think. Can taste it still after transferring them this arvo.

Handyman wanted to come around to ours this morning, quote some outside work on the landlords house. I keep getting the eyerolls from Mrs DV8, hopefully sorted for a few weeks
What are you planning to do with it?

I think I’m gonna need another diagram…

What are you planning to do with it?

I think I’m gonna need another diagram…


Step one, cut hole in cage on side.
Step 2, cut hole in plastic.
Step 3, add door to opening.
Step 4 add plants and mesh to sit on.
Step 5 try not to pass out while tending to them.

Checked in morning, kids still alive, checked tonight, still alive, so for now it appears to be working.

Will re-home at least 2 to another grower in a couple weeks, or throw them out if he changes his mind. Will probably toss the runt unless it decides to get a wriggle on. We've had words, kind words so far, but theres a limit to my good graces.

All good intentions, still haven't been given any signs of sex yet.

If those good ones go on to be males I swear Im going to put them out in the street (not mine of course). Just have a sinking feeling its going to go that way.
Step one, cut hole in cage on side.
Step 2, cut hole in plastic.
Step 3, add door to opening.
Step 4 add plants and mesh to sit on.
Step 5 try not to pass out while tending to them.

Checked in morning, kids still alive, checked tonight, still alive, so for now it appears to be working.

Will re-home at least 2 to another grower in a couple weeks, or throw them out if he changes his mind. Will probably toss the runt unless it decides to get a wriggle on. We've had words, kind words so far, but theres a limit to my good graces.

All good intentions, still haven't been given any signs of sex yet.

If those good ones go on to be males I swear Im going to put them out in the street (not mine of course). Just have a sinking feeling its going to go that way.
DV8, serious question. What sort of lunatic starts typing Step one, not using a numerical symbol, then lists the following four steps using numbers?

But as far as your box goes I have a few questions

Question One) does it have airflow?
Question 2) do you have a light in there
Question iii) is this their permanent home
Question D) do you see how unpleasant it is to the eye not to have some sort of order when listing steps or questions?

And I have a feeling you are gonna have an absolute harem of girls.
Serious answer, I just type, get lazy. I mod elsewhere, something about spending so much time everyday clicking letters on the phone makes me apathetic, especially when things are busy around me. And being in corporate job for a few years where it was normal to get between 100 to 200 emails a week, more than half of which needing responding to. So in my own time Im way less structured.
That sort of lunatic.

Ok so it does get air in there, just natural exchange and flow. No artificial light in there, just the big yellow thing in the sky. I will still move them out to finish their lives in the bush. I have nearby spot they can dry at.

They could almost go now but I wanted to wait to see if cutting down to around 14 hours pushed them into showing gender before they shift. Driving all the way out there with males isnt worth the risk.

Just winging it, I knew Id be rusty, but its like riding a bike. Seemed a shame to miss the season, and I already decided in Spring not to bother with the veges this year as we were moving (without realising we would be so delayed).
Serious answer, I just type, get lazy. I mod elsewhere, something about spending so much time everyday clicking letters on the phone makes me apathetic, especially when things are busy around me. And being in corporate job for a few years where it was normal to get between 100 to 200 emails a week, more than half of which needing responding to. So in my own time Im way less structured.
That sort of lunatic.

Ok so it does get air in there, just natural exchange and flow. No artificial light in there, just the big yellow thing in the sky. I will still move them out to finish their lives in the bush. I have nearby spot they can dry at.

They could almost go now but I wanted to wait to see if cutting down to around 14 hours pushed them into showing gender before they shift. Driving all the way out there with males isnt worth the risk.

Just winging it, I knew Id be rusty, but its like riding a bike. Seemed a shame to miss the season, and I already decided in Spring not to bother with the veges this year as we were moving (without realising we would be so delayed).
They hopefully aren't far off the gender reveal :)

I'm still backing all girls. Like The Spice Girls Aussie style.
I like your confidence.

Here they are in their home. Not dead again.


They look like they are growing, they are definitely getting thicker through the stems, and pushing out the secondaries. Any ties getting outgrown in a day period so might get some overall size yet. Feel like Bonsais considering its Feb.

If bud throws anywhere near the power of the veg smell Id be be happy. They stink, they were noticable in their grow tubes with an open top, but in the IBC they nearly got the industrial cleaner smell covered. Absolutely Filthy.
I like your confidence.

Here they are in their home. Not dead again.


They look like they are growing, they are definitely getting thicker through the stems, and pushing out the secondaries. Any ties getting outgrown in a day period so might get some overall size yet. Feel like Bonsais considering its Feb.

If bud throws anywhere near the power of the veg smell Id be be happy. They stink, they were noticable in their grow tubes with an open top, but in the IBC they nearly got the industrial cleaner smell covered. Absolutely Filthy.
They look perfectly green :)

And I mean bang on perfect. .

Omg DV8 is it hot where you are? It is 6pm here and 32 degrees!
Omg DV8 is it hot where you are? It is 6pm here and 32 degrees!
Its been banging hot for days, been 20 overnight for what seems like weeks.

Just went through nearly a month of 30s, dip under right around 8pm as the sun gets low. And humid on and off for weeks, like fucking Darwin most days.

Cool change coming in tonight though low to mid 20s for a cpl days before going up into 30s again.
Sounds like nice days. Our summers I don’t think it drops below 20 often. Days can be over 30 for long periods of time. I’d take that over the current -19 with blizzards. Lol.
The constant heat does become exhausting by March tho.

I would have happily swapped with you yesterday. It was 38 degrees here!
Now theres some good heads drop by. Grabbed a couple pics where they are still pulling nutrients out from the bottoms. Eventually they are loosing their chlorisis and withering. Thought Id slowed it but its not really going away.

Anyone have a diagnosis? Might even pop up and take it to the broader members.


I wont add my thoughts until I hear from you guys. But happy to answer any questions or get better shots tomorrow.
Now theres some good heads drop by. Grabbed a couple pics where they are still pulling nutrients out from the bottoms. Eventually they are loosing their chlorisis and withering. Thought Id slowed it but its not really going away.

Anyone have a diagnosis? Might even pop up and take it to the broader members.


I wont add my thoughts until I hear from you guys. But happy to answer any questions or get better shots tomorrow.
Good morning @DV8 Hope your having a good day my friend.
I apologize I can't remember, what's in your pots and what are you feeding her?
Is it only on lowers your having an issue?
Looks like a minor nutrient def.
We can figure out why.

Stay safe
Thanks for coming in @Bill284.

Let me first personally congratulate you on your win. Well deserved from the time you take with others in many areas, a credit to your wonderful conduct, not just as a member but as a person in general.

Yes, only on the lowers starting from the bottom advancing upwards. Has started with an opaque discolouration in patches on the fan leaves that brown off. Also some noticable yellowing that seems to work from the tips back toward the connection with the stem. If left long enough, complete yellowing and discarding.

Media is a combination of seed raising potting mix, coir worm castings, and garden soil (well composted and mature manures with ammendments) with perlite added.

Feeding is with common garden bottled products, Nitrosol (blended NPK solution with some macros) GoGo juice, and a PK product. I can get pics of contents if required although GoGo has no ratio info. These are applied at recommended garden strength or slightly higher. In addition I use a few epsom salts, molasses, and nettle tea.

My guess is the coir upset the balance, or saturating them with an excess that has caused a lock on another, or using the PK shifted the PH too far.

They do not appear to be suffering greatly by any means but if it can be diagnosed Ill be happy to take steps to address it.
Grabbed a couple pics where they are still pulling nutrients out from the bottoms. Eventually they are loosing their chlorisis and withering. Thought Id slowed it but its not really going away.

Anyone have a diagnosis?
I'm at loss on what to suggest. It looks to me to appear minor. My plants usually start with having a similar lower leaf yellowing off after vegging a bit in soil only. And when the wind gets gusty, it often whips the leaves around so they get some brown bruising or tears. Overall your's look good, the green leaves in some pics look good and perhaps a bit 'dull' but I think that is simply due to it being that they were photographed in the shade.

Anyway, you're in great hands with @Bill284! I wish I could be more help.
Thanks for coming in @Bill284.

Let me first personally congratulate you on your win. Well deserved from the time you take with others in many areas, a credit to your wonderful conduct, not just as a member but as a person in general.

Yes, only on the lowers starting from the bottom advancing upwards. Has started with an opaque discolouration in patches on the fan leaves that brown off. Also some noticable yellowing that seems to work from the tips back toward the connection with the stem. If left long enough, complete yellowing and discarding.

Media is a combination of seed raising potting mix, coir worm castings, and garden soil (well composted and mature manures with ammendments) with perlite added.

Feeding is with common garden bottled products, Nitrosol (blended NPK solution with some macros) GoGo juice, and a PK product. I can get pics of contents if required although GoGo has no ratio info. These are applied at recommended garden strength or slightly higher. In addition I use a few epsom salts, molasses, and nettle tea.

My guess is the coir upset the balance, or saturating them with an excess that has caused a lock on another, or using the PK shifted the PH too far.

They do not appear to be suffering greatly by any means but if it can be diagnosed Ill be happy to take steps to address it.
Hey thank you my friend.
Sorry I'm slow today just a bit hectic.
I didn't break it down but nutrients seem ok.
What's your ph?
How often are you watering and how much?

Stay safe
Hey thank you my friend.
Sorry I'm slow today just a bit hectic.
I didn't break it down but nutrients seem ok.
What's your ph?
How often are you watering and how much?

Stay safe
I have not checked ph.

As for watering Ill wet the top of the pot after 48hrs if its really dry but just enough to be moist at the very top only.

Watering is up to the plant, but would be around the 4 to 8 day mark, w/f/f, to runoff, wait until the pots feel and look light.

They seem to take around 1 litre to 1.5 at the moment.
Tracking came through for second order. Can only hope it goes as smoothly as the first.

Will add a few more strains to the seed bank and give me a chance to spread the love in line with the old Hippie spirit within. Wont need them all to see me sorted for a good long while between the total mix of photos and autos.

Good morning bloke :)

Who are you buying them through?
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