Emmie's Perpetual Vegetative Grow Rooms - 2020-2021

Wow 36 plants I'm in awe! That is literally a dream come true,
I'm very excited to see you getting everything up and operational I hope you have plenty of time on your hands! I know I struggle training and watering all my babies and complain about having to make up like 4 gallons of nutrients hahah! You'll have your hands full with these babies any plans on automated feeding or all by hand?
I am sure that someday there will be a need to automate things, but right now everything is going to be done by hand. My biggest problem is going to be getting the water upstairs... currently there is no water up there and it will all have to be pumped or hand carried up the stairs. Wintertime is going to further complicate things as it is still unclear if I will be able to use the well, I have no RO installed and the nearest water kiosk is 25 miles away and I am not sure how far to trust the water filter on my fridge. Challenges are what make us stronger though... I look forward to solving these issues, one by one.
I am on a well and my plants LOVE it. Very fortunate to not have to do the entire RO water/filtered. You can't use yours just cause you're unsure of what's in the well water? I'd grab a big ole trash can on wheels and a water hose and bring that sucker up stairs fill up my trash can than roll back up my hose till next week haha, oh and mark the bucket on intervals of like 5 gals getting plumbing ran upstairs may cost a pretty penny if ya don't know a guy.

Edit -Reading back it sounds like you're just curious if you can you a well during winter. What we do is leave the water running at like a very slow steady flow all night whilst we sleep so our pipes don't freeze. We typically don't have an issue, but we also don't get very cold winter's where I'm at so I'm not sure how well that method works if you're living wayy below freezing temps.
Definitely true about patience... who knows, we might have more in the morning... I remain ever hopeful for a few more.

The legal plant count here in Missouri is 6 mature and 6 immature plants. Then add to that total my ability to add 6 more plants vegging and blooming for up to 2 additional patients for whom I am the caregiver, for a total of 18 plants vegging and 18 plants blooming. So yes, it is crazy that suddenly I am able to legally grow more plants than I ever attempted in my "test" grows throughout the years... I really believed that this day would never come.
Just be very careful with the plant count. The laws sound too subjective to me. Like here in Michigan anyone can grow 6 plants and hold 10oz at once. Caregivers can have 12plants per patient but still only 10oz each patient. I was over the 10oz limit after the 1st plant. What do they expect us to grow these things in, Dixie cups? Just saying with that many plants I’d read it, then read it again, then talk to a good weed lawyer.
Here in Canada possession limit is 30gm. Now you are allowed to grow 4 plants in total. This is the part I like if you grow it the law says your allowed to keep a reasonable amount in your home. But they don't specifically say how much is a reasonable amount.
No where could I find a limit anywhere lol like you put they just say be reasonable lmao
Here in Canada possession limit is 30gm. Now you are allowed to grow 4 plants in total. This is the part I like if you grow it the law says your allowed to keep a reasonable amount in your home. But they don't specifically say how much is a reasonable amount.
That’s what I’m saying. The lack of specifics makes me nervous.
All I can say is that my medical usage is very high and because of my tolerance level, I need multiple strains available so I can switch up daily. A bale of each sounds reasonable. Also, this isn't the city; we have one part time police officer and he doesn't seem to be inclined to be busy, so I doubt that anyone is ever going to come in here and count my plants. Just in case though, anything I publish will show me strictly following the law and I will never say otherwise.
Here in Canada possession limit is 30gm. Now you are allowed to grow 4 plants in total. This is the part I like if you grow it the law says your allowed to keep a reasonable amount in your home. But they don't specifically say how much is a reasonable amount.
I like the subjective loophole working in favor of the grower..How much is too much? :laugh:
Today brings no new players to the table, but the 4 that are going, are going well. I need to get them off of the floor this weekend... this is ridiculous. It might be a good weekend to start construction up there too. So much to do...

For now... our moment of zen:
Today brings no new players to the table, but the 4 that are going, are going well. I need to get them off of the floor this weekend... this is ridiculous. It might be a good weekend to start construction up there too. So much to do...

For now... our moment of zen:
this last one looks so cute waving her little round leaves at us as to say Hi'ya. :green_heart:
Hi @Emilya have you considered using gibberellic acid (GA3) or kelp supplement (contains natural GA3) to help germinate your older seeds?

How are you liking the new place so far? It reminds me of the old farm house I grew up in.
no, but I am sure it would help a bit. I am trying to prove that keeping that jar of seeds in the fridge all these years has paid off, and I was sure that the results of the last germination proved that to be true. I am still convinced that I don't have 22 plants up right now because of my mistake, using supersoil to try to germinate them.

I have started the process again, this time intentionally with the oldest seeds that I own, my old original White Widow seed run, just about 10 years ago. I have just put 10 of them in spring water, and all but one are floating.

I also happened to have come into a stupid amount of Fox Farm soil. Not only did I order some on the big online delivery store, but when I was in the local farm and home today, I was surprised to find bags of Happy Frog and Ocean Forest on the shelf without a price. When I inquired, and they told me $17.99, I bought a bag of each and I think I am going to go back tomorrow and buy whatever they have left. Back in the day, we used Happy Frog to germinate seeds, knowing it as a light starter soil. I will be using it the same way, in just a few days.
How are you liking the new place so far? It reminds me of the old farm house I grew up in.
Forgot this part of it :)
We are both loving the place! We have found it has a couple of quirks, but that is what it is, an old 1940's farm house that has been modernized and reinforced with siding, lifetime leafguard guttering, steel roof and doors, Pella windows, new floors, and updated electric, now including solar. This was exactly what we wanted, a low maintenance house. The back yard is lovely, and even now, pre-deck, firepit and plush lawn furniture, we love sitting out there in the shade of the evening. The neighborhood is fairly cool... the freaks to the left of me seem to like me, and the rest of them seem pretty intimidated by the addition of the expensive cars and yard equipment, but we seem to be fitting in well. The neighbors have been friendly, and a few have stopped by just to meet my dog! Judy, 2 doors down has a deaf sister and is proficient in a funny form of sign language... I like her already.
Forgot this part of it :)
We are both loving the place! We have found it has a couple of quirks, but that is what it is, an old 1940's farm house that has been modernized and reinforced with siding, lifetime leafguard guttering, steel roof and doors, Pella windows, new floors, and updated electric, now including solar. This was exactly what we wanted, a low maintenance house. The back yard is lovely, and even now, pre-deck, firepit and plush lawn furniture, we love sitting out there in the shade of the evening. The neighborhood is fairly cool... the freaks to the left of me seem to like me, and the rest of them seem pretty intimidated by the addition of the expensive cars and yard equipment, but we seem to be fitting in well. The neighbors have been friendly, and a few have stopped by just to meet my dog! Judy, 2 doors down has a deaf sister and is proficient in a funny form of sign language... I like her already.

This all sounds lovely and its always great to meet new people.
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