First Grow and Boy Am I Excited

Thanks for stopping in Woodsman! I've always had a love for this plant, but unfortunately never have been able to make a hobby out of growing it due to legal circumstances surrounding said plant. I now have a medical recommendation, and have my own secluded place to grow. I am actually very interested in growing all sorts of stuff. I am just starting to attend college for a Horticulture Technology Degree, and I'll be learning all sorts of fun stuff (Irrigation, Organic/Chemical fertilizer production, pruning, soil & nutrients, etc). I look forward to using this knowledge to provide for myself in so many different ways (food, money/career pertaining to horticulture, and growing some of the best medicine available).

I look forward to getting dirty in the future, as I want to experience all facets of Marijuana cultivation. Soil is much more environmentally friendly as well (if you are into that kind of stuff)
Dude If you like that article do I have a movie for you !

It's called The Union : The business behind getting high
You can Google search and come up with a streaming in no time !

It is a very good documentary IMO.

Your ladies are looking good ! I'll be watching ! + Rep

Dude, thanks so much. I had not seen that particular one before. It is the best one i have seen. + rep
I just got up to date on your journal. Very impressive setup. Nice patience too! :bongrip: Great smoke like you been getting sure helps with that patience huh? :yahoo:

:peace: brother
That is how it should be Cateros, but unfortunately, there has been a lot of money made off marijauna being illegal, the propaganda still has people convinced, and there are "more important things" to deal with. One day though, one day.... Oh, by the way, I think this smiley looks like a rasta french candaian :cool:

Nic, if you move, you should put me up for a couple weeks so I too could join our brothers to the north. I've always wanted a green (immigration) card.....;)

I got stoned last night on my Volcano so I decided I'd post pics this morning.

At least I remembered to take pictures....

Here's the culprit.

Some yellowing of my newer growth has been occurring. This is a normal leaf w/ a yellowish one in upper right corner.

Here is a yellowish leaf (HPS makes it a little more yellow than it is).

A close up of the Afgooey I've been smoking.

Here's a top view. Most of those tops belong to just one of the ladies.

On another note, if you shop at a hydroponics store, ask them to contact Advanced Nutrients about their magazine, Rosebud. Lots of cool stuff inside pertaining to gardening and our "culture".

Here is a pic I took of the price and barcode. I like what it says on the bottom.

It's pretty cool that they are giving back something like this to customers! I've always thought AN is overpriced, but at least you get a beautifuly printed magazine out of it.:grinjoint:

Anyone have any input on the yellowing leaves? My Ph is 5.8. Ppm is at 1160, rez temp is from 68F-74F (lights off/on). I am following AN's feeding recommendations. I use tap water which comes out a 45 Ppm. I did switch from a T5 to a HPS about a week ago (I kept the T5 on with the Hps for a couple days and now I just use the Hps). Let me know if there is more info you need. Thanks everyone!:peacetwo:

As far as advanced nutrient prices they are higher thats true but you have to compare the way they make there nutes, they use fully chelated nutrients which creates a much wider ph range that the plant will still be able to uptake nutrients.

For instance with most hydroponic nutes we know we have to keep ph between 5.8-6.8 but with fully chelated nutrients the ph range becomes much larger before nute lockout,

Of course that isnt the best way to treat your plants and get good potency and yield but it does show that thru using a fully chelated nutrient that minor ph swings will not overly stress the plant and nutrient lockouts are not likely the only true nute problem you will have to look for is deficiencies.

Personally I feel that the advanced nutrients are worth the extra cost especially if you are the type of grower who believes that you should feed your soil not your plant.

I have tried to keep that thought in mind when determining my feeding schedule all the nutes and additives I give my plants are all administered based on the nutrient levels of course but I have found there are additives that not only increase macro nutrients but the micro nutrients as well but also have benefits for your microbe population,
Here is what my rez is at halfway into the first week of flower (after adding back one gallon of 5.5 Ph adjusted water). Also temp/RH.

Pic of the plants before finding good camera settings....

After finding good settings.....

I made my net pot lid shiny!

A friend brought over his harvest (about 16oz).

Some close ups of his buds.


I am really thinking about buying some seeds online within the next couple of weeks. Can anyone recommend good shops from experience? Also any info pertaining to what strains you have grown from seed company stock and how successful/challenging it was would be great. I like a lot of the stuff I see out there, but with plant limits, I think I should stick to Feminized seeds. Any input is appreciated.:peacetwo:
I am really thinking about buying some seeds online within the next couple of weeks. Can anyone recommend good shops from experience? Also any info pertaining to what strains you have grown from seed company stock and how successful/challenging it was would be great. I like a lot of the stuff I see out there, but with plant limits, I think I should stick to Feminized seeds. Any input is appreciated.:peacetwo:

The Attitude Seed Bank
Seen everyone here rave about this place, and they are a sponsor. I ordered some seeds from AMS and i was pretty happy.
Attitude is great... just a reminder to everyone... we can't mention anything that has to do with how they get from there to here... one of those funny rules to keep us safe!
Thanks for the heads up Obx. I appreciate all the positive input about Attitude. They seem to be leading the pack in seed distribution, and I love hearing the word "freebie". I'm thrifty at heart, but love to convince myself to spend money on stuff.

Duuuude, train that bad girl open, tie her down like the bondage show has come to town!

Haha, was your friend just haulin' a pound of weed just to come show you? That's craaaaaaazy. :rollit:
Yeah, he was on his way to disperse it to it's owners. We are both medical patients in WA, and they allow you to have no more than a 60 day supply on you or at your residence. It's not like we are cruising around with something like that all the time. Last year they defined what the "60 day supply" is. I can have no more than 24 Ounces of dried marijuana, and no more than 15 plants at any stage of growth. This may seem cool, but the law is very vague. The bad thing is, if a police officer feels like being stubborn or just plain out mean, they can do whatever they want. So unfortunately, I have a slight phobia of police, which really sucks because I support law enforcement! I just don't want to be dragged through the legal system any more than I have because of marijuana (even though I now have a recomendation from a licensed physician).

I've looked up some info on LST and I'm very interested. The only thing is, I don't want to have to modify the bucket or the lid. Is there a simple way for me to open up my canopy with limited modification (i.e. plant ties, weights, wire, etc). If someone could post any good links on this subject that would be great.:grinjoint:
I've looked up some info on LST and I'm very interested. The only thing is, I don't want to have to modify the bucket or the lid. Is there a simple way for me to open up my canopy with limited modification (i.e. plant ties, weights, wire, etc). If someone could post any good links on this subject that would be great.:grinjoint:

Try "supercropping" - all you have to do is pinch the stem HARD where you want to bend it, basically making it flat for about an inch, then fold over the top and pinch the fold to keep it there. The top will turn back towards the light by the next day. Be sure to get the stem flat before you fold it, or you might break it.
Supercropping will give good results, and extra weight on that stem if done right.

Otherwise, can't you hook up some binder clips to the rim of your bucket or something? I use the edge of my netpots, but you seem to have em under your foil... I don't know.

Basically, just find a way to get some light to those secondary shoots so they can become medium colas, but without removing any foliage.
Thanks Obx

Thanks bud. I checked out your grows, and you are inspiring man. I love how you try new things and evolve over your grows. I see a very promising future for myself with all of the useful info I get from all these great 420 Members.:reading420magazine:

I just want everyone to know it is cool to post your own pics, or someone else's pics if you feel like adding to the discussion or showing examples. I am a very visual learner and this forum is full of great photos by a bunch of great growers (you guys!):bravo:
Re: Thanks Obx

Thanks bud. I checked out your grows, and you are inspiring man. I love how you try new things and evolve over your grows. I see a very promising future for myself with all of the useful info I get from all these great 420 Members.:reading420magazine:

I just want everyone to know it is cool to post your own pics, or someone else's pics if you feel like adding to the discussion or showing examples. I am a very visual learner and this forum is full of great photos by a bunch of great growers (you guys!):bravo:

Hey bro also to help you out in your grow I reccomend you get a copy of the marijuana grow bible or the marijuana growers guide deluxe edition at the very least both can be found on amazon and are only $15 each and if you go with a hydro gro also pick up the hydroponic grow bible it has lots of info on mainting different hyrdo systems as healthy as they can be. Also has blueprints on how to build different systems and emergency procedures for crisis situations in your crop.If your gonna grow in soil there are alot of greenhouse keeper guides for new growers that explain how to deal with hundreds of different soil grow emergencies. These books are INVALUABLE as most of the information to deal with any type of plant emergency can be applied to your crop.
This is long winded, I apologize ahead of time.:grinjoint:

Thanks for the positive feedback concerning supercroping. I am definitely using that method during my next grow. Is it a good idea to combine an early FIM (after 3-4 sets of true leaves form) with supercroping? That way I have more tops to start with, or is this counterproductive because the plant might become stressed?

I have been giving the grow some thought. Something has come up and I might be relocating within the next month or two. This is actually a good thing. Right now I have a landlord, who is actually my neighbor. They obviously don't know I grow, and I am always paranoid they are going to come over for something (repairs, emergency, etc) and discover it. I'm located out in the rural area, and the piece of land I'm on is private and set back from the main road. Great place except the landlord business.

The opportunity that has arose is as follows; one of my very good friends just found out his wife wants a divorce, so he is stuck with a mortgage payment all by himself on their 3 bedroom house in town. Moving in would save my girlfriend and I a couple hundred per month, which would be great! This friend is a very stand up guy whom I trust 99.99% (I don't trust anyone 100%, not even myself). He knows I am a medical patient, and he also smokes. I have talked to him about growing occasionally (telling him he should grow his own as it would save him a ton of money), but never let him know that I have started. I'm 99.99% sure he would be supportive of the idea to grow at his place as well as not talk about it.

Here are some pros. Cheaper, lots of locations for grow area (garage, bedroom, big shed in back), he's an electrician, no Landlord, closer to everything=less driving, he's a trustworthy friend.
And the cons. More people in a closer proximity and the problems associated with that, one more person knowing about "the grow", and there are probably more, but when I'm stoned (which I am :roorrip:) I become very optimistic.

I am a medical patient and do plan on following my state guidelines. So legality isn't such a big issue.

Any feedback would be appreciated as I value your opinions. You all grow in different situations so maybe someone has something that will make me think/see from a different perspective.

Any thoughts?:bigtoke::thanks:
Don't think your landlord can evict you if your legal, not 100% sure on that tho

Growing in the house would be alot easier to control everything prob, if you've got that carbon filter i'm sure your fine with people in close proximity...but the more people who know the less safe your crop is, hope this guy can keep your secret!! You gonna haul your plants over there if you move?
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