First Grow of Many

I want to get a 4x4 tent and grow in there then I also want to try hydro.

Cool, a 4x4 will give you a good amount of space. You can build a Deep water culture hydro unit really cheap if your a handy person. I built a couple for a buddy of mine and they cost about $45-$50 in materials each, and they hold 8 plants each. I prefer hydro myself, i find its less mess than dealing with soil or coco.
How cost effective is hydro how often do I need to replace the water and all that lol got a link to a basic hydro explanation

I change my water once a week, most people who do hydro do that, but it also depends on system size, res size, how many plants, how fast they are eating the nutes and such. I use 12.5 Gallons of mix per week, but my res holds up to 20 gallons. the more experience you get using a hydro system the better you will get at dialing in the proper nute amounts for the strain of pot your growing. I've been growing more than 20 years and find hydro to be really easy at this point, but i cannot deny the learning cure is a bit steeper than growing in coco or soil. If you screw up when you feed your plants in hydro you'll see the effect within a few hours, though flushing your root zones is MUCH easier in a hydro setup, since all you do really is drain you res and re-fill it with corrected nute amounts.
So explain what I would need to make that 40-50 dollars setup if you don't mind

a 10 or 15 gallon rubbermaid or similar bin with a lid
6-8 3.5 inch net pots
air pump
12 inch air stone
2 or 3ft of air line
enough clay pellets to fill the net pots, or use neoprene collars to hold plants in place in the net pots.( i prefer neoprene collars, easier to clean than pellets)

and a 3.5 inch hole saw bit/blade and drill (obviously the drill and saw bit can add to the cost if you don't have them)

you can also get pre-built systems that are just like what i described on ebay for 50-80 bucks depending on the # of plant sites. I found this one on Ebay, not sure if this site will let me post a link, but i'll try...
NEW Large Design Complete Hydroponics DWC Hydro Garden Plant Grow BOX System KIT | eBay
Ok so I have decided that next month I will start buying my tent and hps/mh and things of that nature gearing up to move mid july but I have a question or two for you guys 400 or 600 watt ballast for a 4x4 area and next question should I top the NL now or wait?
I have thought about led and seen some nice led grows but as far as I have seen for a very good led it is going to be pretty expensive to get a set compared to an hps mh going for 150 - 200 on ebay or amazon
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