First Grow of Many

Ok guys waited up for the lights to come on and so far so good it looks to be a very nice color and also seems to keep the temps relatively the same when switching from 2 to 4 I thought it might be bad but so far it is ok
Picture day!
You can see the indica is dominant in the NLxSK#1 I can see that being a short bushy plant and as for the KC the sativa is definitely strong in that one it just jumped for joy at the lights that I switched out went from a 3500k which I was under the impression was a 6k but wasn't so I changed to 4 5ks and the plants are loving them
You are indeed right jaamzhow I am currently trying to figure out how I am going to remedy the situation but the plants are doing great both growing pretty fast now with proper lights going to start prepping for the auto to start flowering in a couple weeks I am currently on week 4 should I start flowering soon
Sorry Flex man.I got side tracked and then backed up and then side tracked am running Age Old Organic's for almost 1 complete grow now.Pretty much all the girl's you see in my previous update's are on it.I don't know a hole lot about Dynagrow but see people using it.I do hear it's not bad for the price tho.I don't think AO is expensive but some may think so.I was using GH which gave me decent number's and good smoke.I will have to see what is to come of the finished product but over all I like the nute line.
Humboldt Nutrients Organic line and Roots Organic are good or kick ass soil like Humboldt,Vermi Fire, Just right Extra or good soil with Fish and seaweed + General hydro Cal mag with molasses. Age Old Organics is what I use in my soil. Fox Farm has boxes of Different mixes. The fertilizer should match your grow stye and time and money you want to spend.
By grow style what do you mean? And also just had some fire Purple Urkle I have never been a purp fan but woo that made me a believer lol. Also I fixed the issue with the reflector got it back on there so pics will be uploaded tomorrow.
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