First Time, I Hope This Is Where The Grow Journals Go


Well-Known Member
Strains: [3 plants] Afghani Kush(Next Generation)/White Kush – bag seeds from (Toronto Cannabis Seeds)/Hash Plant (Crop King Seeds – Hi Times)
Indica dominant strains.
Currently in Veg state (40 days for the AfkKush), 30 days for the White Kush, and 18 days for the Hash Plant.
Indoor Grow in Fusion Hut 3x3 tent.
Soil: (Promax potting soil, with MS-CS Organic Plant Starter with 18 species of Mycorrhiza)
5 gallon cloth pot for AKush, 3 gallon cloth for WKush and Hash Plant
1800 Watt X6 Cobb Light Led array from a Chinese company called HAO FST (Two 175W Metal Halide 4200k bulbs to be added for filling out veg and flowering stage.
Air cooled 4” fan with carbon filter – exhaust – intake filtered air! Small 6” fan rustling leaves. Current on/off time: 18 hours light, 6 dark.
Temperature: 82F RH: 41%
Fertilizer, first grow – attempting to use only organics: Earth Juice Grow, Earth Juice Micro Burst + Root Rescue Mycorrhiza. Earth Juice Bloom planned for flowering stage.
Ph of 6.5 when fertilizer added to plants (approximately every 4 days with large pot, and every 3 with smaller pots)
No pests yet, but our house does have fruit flies, that’s why I’m filtering the air coming in. I have neem oil planned for the little buggers if they show up. I realize that I have to apply neem oil to plants during dark stage.


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if the flies are hanging over the drains they are the type that won't bother your plants. still a good idea to keep them away tho.
Hey man, I hate to break it to you but you are going to be very disappointed with that cheap drop shipped china light you bought on amazon (probably) for less than $100. One of the fans is going to break within 3 months, and that will cause the LEDs to overheat and break. Do yourself a favor and DON'T buy lights on Amazon. I know it's tempting because theres usually good quality items on amazon, well yeah no not the case for electronics anymore. Almost all the items fulfilled by amazon are drop shipped over to their fulfillment centers and purchased on Alibaba. PlatinumLED Advanced Platinum, Mars Hydro, etc. And those lights suck. The COB lights you got are not good, I purchased one of those lights myself (the company goes by several names, all Chinese sounding because they know people wont buy from them again knowing its the same company).

Lights are the ONE THING you don't want to completely skimp out on. You should definitely spend the $20 and buy a Kill-a-watt. Do you really think you have an 1800 watt light? C'mon, have you ever even seen the light put off by a 1000 watt double ended HPS? No comparison.

If you want an LED light thats not going to break right away, has replaceable solderless parts that anybody can fix themselves (because sometimes parts break, and you dont want your entire light to break do you?) then check out one of these companies:
Horticulture Lighting Group
Optic 1/1XL (the other optic lights are actually extremely energy inefficient, and you can get better yields with lower powered lights)

If you want to pull 3+ pounds per harvest in a 4x4 or 5x5 tent, and dont care about energy savings then get a double ended (DE) 1000w Gavita HPS with a digital ballast.

If you can afford to get different lights for veg and flower, I would get a really nice COB or quanutm board fixture at 2700k or 3000k and get an AgroBrite Designer T5 fixture for germination/seedlings/veg. LED lights are expensive, and T5s aren't that energy inefficient (are better than some LEDs, thats for sure!) and T5s are actually full spectrum with UV and IR.

If you cant afford to get a T5 to veg under for seedlings, get a 4000k or 5000k COB or Quantum Board fixture. You will get tight node spacing like the T5s at less watts and less heat, but you need to keep the lights far away from seedlings/plants.

Well glad you said it bro..

Ive been done with LEDS for 2 yrs now in flower.
Just purchased the new Gavita pro e series. 1000w DE.
And am i stolked? YES!!
Glad to get meet another gavita fan.
I will be building a gavita grow room in about 10 days time.
So input will be appreciated.
Link in signiture.

Thanks VarChronica :Namaste::goodjob:
Strains: [3 plants] Afghani Kush(Next Generation)/White Kush – bag seeds from (Toronto Cannabis Seeds)/Hash Plant (Crop King Seeds – Hi Times)
Indica dominant strains.
Currently in Veg state (40 days for the AfkKush), 30 days for the White Kush, and 18 days for the Hash Plant.
Indoor Grow in Fusion Hut 3x3 tent.
Soil: (Promax potting soil, with MS-CS Organic Plant Starter with 18 species of Mycorrhiza)
5 gallon cloth pot for AKush, 3 gallon cloth for WKush and Hash Plant
1800 Watt X6 Cobb Light Led array from a Chinese company called HAO FST (Two 175W Metal Halide 4200k bulbs to be added for filling out veg and flowering stage.
Air cooled 4” fan with carbon filter – exhaust – intake filtered air! Small 6” fan rustling leaves. Current on/off time: 18 hours light, 6 dark.
Temperature: 82F RH: 41%
Fertilizer, first grow – attempting to use only organics: Earth Juice Grow, Earth Juice Micro Burst + Root Rescue Mycorrhiza. Earth Juice Bloom planned for flowering stage.
Ph of 6.5 when fertilizer added to plants (approximately every 4 days with large pot, and every 3 with smaller pots)
No pests yet, but our house does have fruit flies, that’s why I’m filtering the air coming in. I have neem oil planned for the little buggers if they show up. I realize that I have to apply neem oil to plants during dark stage.
Hi Dakotamoon, Looking good! Nice first grow. One of my grows got fruit flys in flower. I think they ate trichomes because they got crazy at flying! I mean fast and nuts flying all over the place. I'm not sure if that's really true but it might be. They didn't do much harm for what I could tell but they had a real good time.
Hope all is well in your world.

Is this grow still alive?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

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I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

New Grow day 1 of transplat 1\3 of tap root spouted out of seeds out of 3,its auto flower Sour Kush Placed it in a 2×2×4 Grow Tent And have my LED Maxisun 300 wt. light set in Veg about 12" away from solo cup its i have the light at 12 lumines its in FF - HF Medium Potting Soil. Question how much light at this stage? full 24 Or 18 -6 its my fitst actual nutrients just bottle water barely damp soil dont eant to over water and 81. degrees. 34% humidity..please give best advice preferably seasoned OG in Growing..No offense to newbie im one my self..✌
New Grow day 1 of transplat 1\3 of tap root spouted out of seeds out of 3,its auto flower Sour Kush Placed it in a 2×2×4 Grow Tent And have my LED Maxisun 300 wt. light set in Veg about 12" away from solo cup its i have the light at 12 lumines its in FF - HF Medium Potting Soil. Question how much light at this stage? full 24 Or 18 -6 its my fitst actual nutrients just bottle water barely damp soil dont eant to over water and 81. degrees. 34% humidity..please give best advice preferably seasoned OG in Growing..No offense to newbie im one my self..✌
Be careful with the light. I think you're too close at 12 inches but I don't know about the lumen setting. My cobs draw under 300 watts and I would go 3 to 4 feet for sprouts and 24 to 18 inches otherwise mostly 24. They're all different. As light time goes I normally go 18/6. Presently I'm fighting the cold so I haven't been able to get off 20/0.
Thanks you, im going consider that im move up, im not trying not to get it to stregh out but im goin to move it up to about 18 my lumuens are set @ 12 that i believe is good but i will move up to 18 i thought was to close as well..✌
Hope all is well in your world.

Is this grow still alive?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

If you need any help with posting photos, please read our Photo Gallery Tutorial.

I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

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