Fuzznutter's Organic Photos & Autos: Take 1

Hope you Don't feel my post was judgy.. we all decide for ourselves :love: toxic poison or not idk it is found in the night shade plant so... I know its not as "harmful" as smoking, yet as someone who did fight to quit and that battle took YEARS to win you wont get a pat on the back from me on that one :reading420magazine: e juice or not it's highly addictive. :thedoubletake: I will never be slave to a substance again! Reason why I dont smoke erbs just edibles , the risk of reaching for a Cig is unacceptable for me :wood:

A Welcome update Fuzz

Grow healthy

Things are looking great Fuzz! Hopefully the sun is shining in your world and you're feeling better :). What a great community we have here!! The little ones are thriving and it's awesome to see! Keep on keeping on and don't let anything keep you down! Life is so short anyways :) :)

The sun is shining here and I do feel better, thank you!

Hope you Don't feel my post was judgy.. we all decide for ourselves :love: toxic poison or not idk it is found in the night shade plant so... I know its not as "harmful" as smoking, yet as someone who did fight to quit and that battle took YEARS to win you wont get a pat on the back from me on that one :reading420magazine: e juice or not it's highly addictive. Well I might go have just a little heroin today maybe???....I kid :thedoubletake: I will never be slave to a substance again! Reason why I dont smoke erbs just edibles , the risk of reaching for a Cig is unacceptable for me :wood:

A Welcome update Fuzz

Grow healthy


I respect your opinion, but out of curiosity, did you ever try quitting a 100% tobacco without additives of any sort? When I switched from store-bought cigarettes to organic, additive-free, roll-your-own tobacco I actually went through FULL physical withdrawal for over a week - while still smoking! Fortunately, having the cigarettes I made myself prevented a psychological withdrawal and kept me from going insane. It's always been the psychological part that drew me back to smoking. The hand to mouth action is ridiculously addictive for me. Interestingly, when I made the switch the amount I smoked naturally reduced to about 1/3 without my even trying. When I then quit the cigarettes I made myself, I had very little physical withdrawal. Again, it was the psychological part that was most difficult, and even that was manageable after the first couple days. I truly believe that nicotine is overly demonized as a result of the numerous dangerous and addictive additives used by tobacco companies.

Now, while there are some medical uses for nicotine, I'm not going to sit here and say anyone should be using it just for the heck of it. However, I can say that I have better results with nicotine than any prescription anti-anxiety or antidepressant I have ever tried. In fact, most pharmaceuticals are incredibly dangerous for me because of a genetic condition I have that makes it very difficult for my body to break down monoamines. Heck, an SSRI or even over-the-counter decongestant or cold medicine has the potential to kill me. In fact, I've had numerous brain bleeds after doctors attempted to help me with pharmaceutical treatments before we understood why I was ill.

I don't need a pat on the back, and I don't need anyone to agree with my choice of anxiety treatment. All I care about it is not committing suicide because of fluctuating hormone levels that I can do very little about. If a hit of nicotine can reduce or stop those thoughts and feelings, without hurting anyone else, where is the harm in that and who is to say the danger from nicotine is greater for me than the danger of not using it. Every person is an individual. I believe each person has the right to choose treatments that work best for them without being judged by those who have never walked a day in their shoes.

That said, I find marijuana to be the most effective for me with the least amount of side effects. However, that's a few months off...

I get what your saying. Its easy for me to sit here after the fact. Making your own mix and nutes is a beast in its own. I havent had the nerve or brain power to attempt it yet. I have tried a few different soil mixes in some of my outdoor grows. But I have found FFOF to be easier and works great. Although I have been putting together a wish list to start making my own soil. But FFOF so far works great thru the whole thing. Not sure HOW organic it really is. And I also cheat with nutes using bottle nutes. Organic.....but bottle. Maybe one day I will try to go all the way self sufficient. But just not skilled enough yet in growing in general.
I witnessed the same thing with my husband when he switched to rolling his own cigarettes. His consumption dropped immediately to less than six cigarettes a day, down from at least a pack a day of purchased packs. He found the hand rolled ones more satisfying too, since they were fresher. He quit 15 years before he died, and never lost the urge.

I wish our country was progressive enough that we could support each other between harvests. It hurts me to see needless suffering by people I care about. We'll try to keep you giggling enough to make the time fly.

Thank you everyone for your support. It means a lot. I'll admit this upset and confused me enough that I had quite a bit of trouble sleeping last night. I certainly did not mean to anger anyone with my posts. However, I'm ready to move on and get back to the grow.

Photos - Day 22
I'm really happy with how they all look now. They're greening up and getting a healthy shine to them.

Special Queen #1

CBD Skunk Haze (1)

CBD Skunk Haze (2)


Bubble Gum - Day 5

Dark Devil (1) - Day 5

Dark Devil (2) - Day 3

Quick One - Day 4. I'm not sure what is up with her and her curling leaves. Everyone else seems fine. I'm keeping an eye on her but I'm not sure if there's anything I can do. There always has to be one problem child.

I finally remembered to sprinkle the top of all my pots with DE and neem meal this morning after I took pictures. A couple people have reminded me the last couple days and before I actually got up and did it something would distract me and I'd forget. Over and over again. :blalol:

I also adjusted the LED lights down for everyone. The photo LED is about 25 inches above the plants now and the auto LEDs are about 30 inches.

Nice starts you have, very healthy looking indeed. I really must try auto seeds at some point. Keep up the good work! TC & cya soon.

Thank you! I really didn't have an interest in autos until I decided to make a veg closet and realized I'd have an empty grow closet for a few months. We can't have that! So with that realization my interest in autos peaked real quick. :laughtwo:

:thumb: Everything looks good Fuzz. Sorry if its been said. But what are your plans. LST, All Natural, Maybe just a topping? I always like seeing how other people tackle their grows.

Thank you! The photos I have decided to mainline. I've been waffling between that or manifolding. Initially I thought manifolding for the faster veg, but now I have at least 2 months before the autos are done and a longer, slower veg seems a better option. The autos I will top once and gently LST. I'm not going to tie them horizontal but just stretch out their limbs for better light penetration. Unless, of course, someone with more auto wisdom comes along and has a better recommendation. I'm open to suggestions at this point.

arteekay's been doing exactly what you suggest lately. It's been an evolution in his style over the past year. They're pulling down 4-6 per plant. These things catch your attention. :laughtwo:
arteekay's been doing exactly what you suggest lately. It's been an evolution in his style over the past year. They're pulling down 4-6 per plant. These things catch your attention. :laughtwo:

Yeah, he's rocking it! I have to confess though, after lifting those 8-gallon pots wet a time or two already, I'm less keen on the idea of mainlining with them than I was in the planning stages. However, I bought some neat 16" Grow-Through hoops and I really want to use them. :laughtwo: I'll try to remember to put one in a pot and take a picture tomorrow morning. I know a lot of people grow without any support but I always get frustrated trying to hold branches up the last few weeks. I think these will make it a bit easier. Then again, they might not. Time will tell.
Have you ever tried tomato cages? There was a member a while back that did his while grow like that.
Have you ever tried tomato cages? There was a member a while back that did his while grow like that.

Actually, I went out to my shed and brought one of my old tomato cages in and tried it out in a pot (pre planting). It felt...restrictive. Plus I'd have to get my Dremel out to cut it to a better size. That seemed like a lot more work than hitting Buy on Amazon at the time. :rofl:
Good morning everyone! First off, here is the picture of the grow-through hoop I'll be using later in veg. I'm hoping it will support the branches and if needed support any bamboo stakes I might need later in flower. Those things normally fall over on me if branches get too heavy. Hopefully if they're supported inside the hoop it will work better.


Note: None of the plants have thrips. The white specks are just bits of diatomaceous earth.

Photos - Day 23

Special Queen #1

CBD Skunk Haze (1)

CBD Skunk Haze (2)


Quick One - Day 5. She's still not looking quite as healthy as the others, but she doesn't look like she's about to die either. *shrug*

Bubble Gum - Day 6

Dark Devil (1) - Day 6

Dark Devil (2) - Day 4

My kitty, Mr. Plush, who had the femoral head ostectomy earlier this year, is continuing to show so much improvement on CBD oil it's very gratifying. I have an outdoor enclosure for my cats to go outside and lounge but the entrance is through a pet door installed in a window high off the ground. It takes multiple jumps for the cats to get up to it. Then when they're outside I have shelves for them to lay on and use to get back up to the pet door. It has been impossible for Mr. Plush to use because he couldn't make the jumps. Well today he did! I think my jaw hit the floor when I saw him come through that pet door this morning! *Happy Dance* :goof:
Good morning everyone! First off, here is the picture of the grow-through hoop I'll be using later in veg. I'm hoping it will support the branches and if needed support any bamboo stakes I might need later in flower. Those things normally fall over on me if branches get too heavy. Hopefully if they're supported inside the hoop it will work better.


Note: None of the plants have thrips. The white specks are just bits of diatomaceous earth.

Photos - Day 23

Special Queen #1

CBD Skunk Haze (1)

CBD Skunk Haze (2)


Quick One - Day 5. She's still not looking quite as healthy as the others, but she doesn't look like she's about to die either. *shrug*

Bubble Gum - Day 6

Dark Devil (1) - Day 6

Dark Devil (2) - Day 4

My kitty, Mr. Plush, who had the femoral head ostectomy earlier this year, is continuing to show so much improvement on CBD oil it's very gratifying. I have an outdoor enclosure for my cats to go outside and lounge but the entrance is through a pet door installed in a window high off the ground. It takes multiple jumps for the cats to get up to it. Then when they're outside I have shelves for them to lay on and use to get back up to the pet door. It has been impossible for Mr. Plush to use because he couldn't make the jumps. Well today he did! I think my jaw hit the floor when I saw him come through that pet door this morning! *Happy Dance* :goof:

Warms my heart. My oldest spent the night outside Sunday. Shocked me. She only occasionally goes out during the day but to sleep outside....wasn't in her play book.

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