Fuzznutter's Organic Photos & Autos: Take 1

re: Fuzznutter's Organic Photos & Autos - Take 1

*Paces nervously back and forth*

Day 8

Left to right: Special Queen #1, Skunk Haze (1), and Skunk Haze (2)

It's difficult to see in the picture, but the first sets of leaves have twisted ever so slightly over night on SH(1) and SQ. SH(2) doesn't appear to be affected much, if at all. It's not severe, but I don't know what is causing the issue. Just before I noticed the problem today I did water with a 1/4 tsp aloe per quart of plain bubbled water. Could the aloe I used last time have caused it? I guess since I used more this time if that's the issue it will get worse and I'll know then. It seems unlikely though. :hmmmm:

I was going to lower the lights an inch or two, but now I'm afraid to change anything because I don't know what caused the twisting. I do have a fan blowing slightly on them, but that's not new. Humidity is about 60%. I put a bowl of water with a wet towel in there to try and bring it up a few more points. Temps are staying fairly steady around 75 degrees. I haven't checked pH because I read it wasn't necessary with organic soil grows... Let me go check that...

Ok, just checked. The runoff from the cups has a pH of about 6.6, but the water from the bubbler has a pH around 7.6. Should I adjust the bubbler water down a smidge?

This could be nothing. It could be something minor that will correct itself when they are transplanted to the larger pots in a couple weeks. Or it could be the beginning of the end of the world! * runs in panicked circles waving hands in air* What do I do?! What do I do?! :goof::goof::goof:
re: Fuzznutter's Organic Photos & Autos - Take 1

I see no problem..so no panic coooooooool and calm...
My tap water has an average of 8 PH
they look happy so far. :Namaste:
re: Fuzznutter's Organic Photos & Autos - Take 1

I see no problem..so no panic coooooooool and calm...
My tap water has an average of 8 PH
they look happy so far. :Namaste:

*Deep breath* Yes, I am calmer now. I've been checking on them constantly and they don't appear worse. I'm hoping maybe the fan was just blowing on those two a little too much or something. I repositioned it so they have a calmer breeze. *Fingers crossed*

On a side note everybody, my seed order for my next photo grow arrived today! I'm sorting them all into a nice card box like I saw SweetSue put hers in. This will hopefully keep me from losing them. I've lost TWO orders of seeds before and have never found them. I keep thinking I will one day, but nope. Sometimes I put things in obvious places that aren't so obvious months later. :laughtwo:

And for more good news, my auto seed order cleared customs! :woohoo: Any day now. Any day.
re: Fuzznutter's Organic Photos & Autos - Take 1

*Paces nervously back and forth*

Day 8

Left to right: Special Queen #1, Skunk Haze (1), and Skunk Haze (2)

It's difficult to see in the picture, but the first sets of leaves have twisted ever so slightly over night on SH(1) and SQ. SH(2) doesn't appear to be affected much, if at all. It's not severe, but I don't know what is causing the issue. Just before I noticed the problem today I did water with a 1/4 tsp aloe per quart of plain bubbled water. Could the aloe I used last time have caused it? I guess since I used more this time if that's the issue it will get worse and I'll know then. It seems unlikely though. :hmmmm:

I was going to lower the lights an inch or two, but now I'm afraid to change anything because I don't know what caused the twisting. I do have a fan blowing slightly on them, but that's not new. Humidity is about 60%. I put a bowl of water with a wet towel in there to try and bring it up a few more points. Temps are staying fairly steady around 75 degrees. I haven't checked pH because I read it wasn't necessary with organic soil grows... Let me go check that...

Ok, just checked. The runoff from the cups has a pH of about 6.6, but the water from the bubbler has a pH around 7.6. Should I adjust the bubbler water down a smidge?

This could be nothing. It could be something minor that will correct itself when they are transplanted to the larger pots in a couple weeks. Or it could be the beginning of the end of the world! * runs in panicked circles waving hands in air* What do I do?! What do I do?! :goof::goof::goof:

Please don't go out of your way to find the slightest thing wrong with your plants. They are gorgeous. :slide::slide::slide:
re: Fuzznutter's Organic Photos & Autos - Take 1

Please don't go out of your way to find the slightest thing wrong with your plants. They are gorgeous. :slide::slide::slide:

Aww that's very sweet, but I swear two of them are twisted (twisted sisters - :laughtwo:) and you just can't tell in the pictures. LOL. Tomorrow everyone gets a close up!

I know, I know I'm being an overprotective mother, but I can't help myself. Once I have a few jars tucked away I will sit back and be like, "Yeah, whatever, eat junk nutes, stay up late, get yourself pollinated by that hermie at the end of the closet. I don't care. More seeds for me." I'm just not there yet. :blalol:
re: Fuzznutter's Organic Photos & Autos - Take 1

Aww that's very sweet, but I swear two of them are twisted (twisted sisters - :laughtwo:) and you just can't tell in the pictures. LOL. Tomorrow everyone gets a close up!

I know, I know I'm being an overprotective mother, but I can't help myself. Once I have a few jars tucked away I will sit back and be like, "Yeah, whatever, eat junk nutes, stay up late, get yourself pollinated by that hermie at the end of the closet. I don't care. More seeds for me." I'm just not there yet. :blalol:

Ole Rooster1 knows what ya mean sister. My jars are almost on empty and I'm still a few weeks out on some WW i'm running.:volcano-smiley: Your doing a good job, relax here try some of mine :passitleft::ciao: See ya later. Rooster1 a strolling
re: Fuzznutter's Organic Photos & Autos - Take 1

Ole Rooster1 knows what ya mean sister. My jars are almost on empty and I'm still a few weeks out on some WW i'm running.:volcano-smiley: Your doing a good job, relax here try some of mine :passitleft::ciao: See ya later. Rooster1 a strolling

TY Rooster! Worse case, take a branch early?

My wonderful husband found 2 jars last night in the back of a cabinet that had a little bitty bit of leftover buds in them. Enough for a couple days. One of the jars is C99, probably my all-time favorite. I'm going to try to save that one as a celebration for finishing the veg/auto closet in a couple weeks. The other jar has Blue Widow in it.

Now each of these jars are from a grow in early 2013 so I didn't know what to expect last night when I tried the Blue Widow before bed. It was soooo smooth! It just enveloped me in this warm, fuzzy hug. Off to sleep I drifted and then...my sister texted me. Oy vey was it hard to keep my eyes open to respond. My mind was awake (ok, awake-ish), but my eyes refused to stay open. Then because she was all upset and I had to try and calm her down it ruined my buzz and I had to go back for seconds. Then :sleep::sleep:. I look forward to the C99. :)
re: Fuzznutter's Organic Photos & Autos - Take 1

Day 9

Ugh, I think I messed the order of the group photo up. I'm certain the one of the left is Skunk Haze (1), and I believe the one in the middle is Special Queen and the one of the right Skunk Haze (2)


This is definitely Special Queen #1. She seems to have straightened herself out some overnight. I think she's gonna be purty. I love the big chunky leaves and squat structure of indicas but prefer the high of sativas. This little lady is a 50/50 hybrid.


This is the twisty Skunk Haze (1). I'm keeping my eye on her.


Last but not least, this is Skunk Haze (2). Sorry I didn't realize the picture was out of focus until now. My hands were shaking a bit this morning. I'll try to get a better one next time.

The only thing I did in the closet today is lower the light one more inch. It is now 29" above the tallest plant (Twisty).

The water and towel I put in the closet yesterday aren't really bringing the humidity up much, but it's not dangerously low. Every time I look it's hovering at 60%. I'm not sure whether I should throw a small humidifier in there or just leave things well enough alone.
re: Fuzznutter's Organic Photos & Autos - Take 1

60% humidity is fine I was searching for humidity tables and got this

seedling 60% - up to 80% !!!
Mine are around 60 too and look just fine :)
YOu will have a perfect environment with low humidity at late flower... when it needs to be 40% and below!
re: Fuzznutter's Organic Photos & Autos - Take 1

60% humidity is fine I was searching for humidity tables and got this

seedling 60% - up to 80% !!!
Mine are around 60 too and look just fine :)
YOu will have a perfect environment with low humidity at late flower... when it needs to be 40% and below!

Oh good. My notes show a minimum of 65% humidity for young seedlings. I'm feeling lazy and like your chart better though. :blalol:


My house gets so dry in the winter I'll be shocked if I have a humidity problem when these girls are ready to flower. Now the next one in summer...well all bets are off. The central air keeps the humidity levels down enough that I don't expect detrimental levels though. Plus I'm hoping to finish that grow before August when levels really hit the roof.
re: Fuzznutter's Organic Photos & Autos - Take 1

I was reading and searching a lot about this and it just made me confused one said this and one said the opposite..
Don't forget..this is WEED not a precious orchid or some other exotic flower.
We love this plant and it is generous when we make mistakes.
Try to place a bowl of water in there too if you want to raise the humidity. or one more towel.
but I think it is fine.
re: Fuzznutter's Organic Photos & Autos - Take 1

I was reading and searching a lot about this and it just made me confused one said this and one said the opposite..
Don't forget..this is WEED not a precious orchid or some other exotic flower.
We love this plant and it is generous when we make mistakes.
Try to place a bowl of water in there too if you want to raise the humidity. or one more towel.
but I think it is fine.

Yeah, a lot of varying opinions out there. I think even on low the fan in my tent is a sucking beast and limiting how high I can get the humidity. I have a large container of water and a wet towel in there with a fan blowing over it on low, my humidity went up like 1%. :laughtwo: This might change when the fan is doing double duty and sucking air from the veg/auto closet as well though.
re: Fuzznutter's Organic Photos & Autos - Take 1

Everything is looking good to me as well. Your leaves will bend/twist at times. If you have ever watched a time laps video of a plant grow you will see that it moves daily.
re: Fuzznutter's Organic Photos & Autos - Take 1

They look great. Most of my seedlings get that curl in the beginning. I ignore it, and it goes away as the plant gets stronger. As far as the fish water goes, I havent been able to get more than burnt tips with fish nutes....even when I am pushing the mix a bit. I read on here somewhere...please dont ask me where...that it was common practice for native americans to throw a fish in with the seeds when they were planting....

re: Fuzznutter's Organic Photos & Autos - Take 1

Everything is looking good to me as well. Your leaves will bend/twist at times. If you have ever watched a time laps video of a plant grow you will see that it moves daily.

They look great. Most of my seedlings get that curl in the beginning. I ignore it, and it goes away as the plant gets stronger. As far as the fish water goes, I havent been able to get more than burnt tips with fish nutes....even when I am pushing the mix a bit. I read on here somewhere...please dont ask me where...that it was common practice for native americans to throw a fish in with the seeds when they were planting....


Thank you both. It's funny so many people have this twisting happening and yet I've never noticed it before. I keep wondering if I just didn't pay enough attention in previous grows or what. To be honest, it was probably that I didn't pay as much attention because I was sicker then. If they weren't yellow or spotted, they were probably good enough. LOL. This time I have eagle eyes. With the autos I have coming up I'll take whatever I can get off them and be happy. These photos though are a different story, especially the CBDs. I have a couple family members I'd like to help out so yield is important. That means they have to stay healthy, and that means I'm watching them like a hawk. A hawk with eagle eyes. :rofl:
re: Fuzznutter's Organic Photos & Autos - Take 1

These photos though are a different story, especially the CBDs. I have a couple family members I'd like to help out so yield is important. That means they have to stay healthy, and that means I'm watching them like a hawk. A hawk with eagle eyes. :rofl:

I know what you mean...I have my niece with epilepsy, close friend with anxiety issues, and seem to have picked up a couple chronic pain cases because someone is running their mouth. I have no problem at all helping someone who needs help, I grow way more than I can smoke on my own, but it would be nice if my family would keep their traps shut :p
re: Fuzznutter's Organic Photos & Autos - Take 1

I know what you mean...I have my niece with epilepsy, close friend with anxiety issues, and seem to have picked up a couple chronic pain cases because someone is running their mouth. I have no problem at all helping someone who needs help, I grow way more than I can smoke on my own, but it would be nice if my family would keep their traps shut :p

#1 reason why I don't let people I know personally (family or not) about my grow. I just say I have a great connection that can get me what I need. he has a limited supply for people in medical need. When giving to friends and family you have to assume that they will smoke it with someone else and they always want to know where the bomb stuff comes from.
re: Fuzznutter's Organic Photos & Autos - Take 1

I know what you mean...I have my niece with epilepsy, close friend with anxiety issues, and seem to have picked up a couple chronic pain cases because someone is running their mouth. I have no problem at all helping someone who needs help, I grow way more than I can smoke on my own, but it would be nice if my family would keep their traps shut :p

#1 reason why I don't let people I know personally (family or not) about my grow. I just say I have a great connection that can get me what I need. he has a limited supply for people in medical need. When giving to friends and family you have to assume that they will smoke it with someone else and they always want to know where the bomb stuff comes from.

Loose lips. This is my biggest issue. I don't trust a single one of these family members to shut their mouth as to where they got it. Fortunately, they all live out of state so it's a little safer for me, but it's still not a risk I'm ready to take. No one outside of my home knows I grow and that is the way I hope to keep it. I've been trying to come up with some various "fibs" that would allow me to explain how I came to be in possession of this "medicine". I hate lying and usually avoid it at all costs, but this is a special case.

My other problem is these family members have little qualm about taking advantage of me and I need to prevent that as well. A third-party "connection" might be just what I need. I'm not sure they'll buy it though. I'm a rather adventurous person and I don't like playing by rules when they don't make sense. They know this. I'm certain they'll suspect I'm the source, but I also think they may play along with the whole charade to get what they want/need.
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