Fuzznutter's Organic Photos & Autos: Take 1

Re: Fuzznutter's CBD Skunk Haze & Special Queen #1 - Organic - LED

SugarX mind if I ask why you have to wait? Can you grow inside in a small area? Ole Rooster1 curious as usual.... :tokin:

Due to my current employment I'm unable to consume without termination. So these ladies will be waiting for me on the other side.

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Re: Fuzznutter's CBD Skunk Haze & Special Queen #1 - Organic - LED

You'll get there and you'll have jars of it again. This time it'll stick and you'll be able to avoid the Long Wait.

I will! I'm planning on jars and jars and jars and jars and jars full! :lot-o-toke: :laughtwo:

Due to my current employment I'm unable to consume without termination. So these ladies will be waiting for me on the other side.

So your current employment is only temporary and you'll have a different job this summer? That's a long wait. It puts my couple months into better perspective. :hug:
re: Fuzznutter's Organic Photos & Autos - Take 1

Day 13

Left to right: Special Queen #1, Skunk Haze (1), and Skunk Haze (2)

I know these are growing but it's happening SO SLOWLY! I keep waiting for them to take off but nothing yet. The humidity is staying fairly steady in the mid-60s now. The temps range from 72 to 77. They're not stretching like they need more light. I only water the cups every 2 to 3 days. I can't think of how to possibly make them happier.

Last night I soaked my auto seeds in water and planted them in Rapid Rooters this morning. The Rapid Rooters are not in their final pots yet because I don't have the closet ready, but I hope to have them planted in the pots before their heads poke up in a couple days. I planted 1 Dark Devil from Sweet Seeds (biggest seeds I've ever seen), 1 Bubble Gum from 00 Seeds, and 1 Quick One from Royal Queen Seeds. I just noticed yesterday the Bubble Gum auto breeder says to use a regular schedule of 18/6 for veg and 12/12 for flowering. Ugh. I don't think this is going to happen, but we'll see how she does. Chances are she'll run 18/6 with the other autos. I figure if I like her I might do a straight Bubble Gum auto run later with the recommended light schedule and see how it compares.

So the room swap has started. Last night everything in my husband's office was moved to the living room, dining room, and hallway. *Whimpers at the mess* There is a small change of plans. Though it is going to be extremely challenging, today I'm going to paint my son's new room. Him and my husband sanded and washed it down last night. This morning I've already got the trim taped up and those two are off to the hardware store to pick up new electrical sockets and wall paint. As I paint, they'll rewire all the outlets in the swap rooms. The new plan is tomorrow I'll install the new curtains and rods and they'll actually move furniture. It will probably take the rest of the week to unpack and organize the rooms, but that's mostly on them. I'll be putting the veg/auto closet together and recovering. There is going to be a lot of recovering when this is over. My body is literally trembling from the little bit I've already done. This is not going to be easy, but it should be worth it.

Oh I made something this week that I'm going to share tomorrow. It's just a silly little thing to pass time, but I'm not saying more until tomorrow. This is just a teaser. :laughtwo:

That's all for now. I'll be popping into other people's journals in between paint coats. :byebye:
re: Fuzznutter's Organic Photos & Autos - Take 1

You've been a busy . Fuzz! I think your ladies are looking good I feel ya on their early vegetative growth as I went thru the same just a few weeks ago, but your environment sounds good so I imagine it's only a matter of time before they show you their stuff.. .

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re: Fuzznutter's Organic Photos & Autos - Take 1

What a tease. :laughtwo:

They're happily growing roots to support all the dense colas they see in their future. I understand the impatience. I deal with it every single time. The reorganizing plans sound exciting. I fight that overwhelmed feeling about mid-point where you've made much more mess than you anticipated, and now someone has to clean it up. It's so satisfying when you're done though. I look forward to the photos of the new space.

Pace yourself Fuzz. You need to survive too. Sounds like you have a handle on it. Pigeons should be posting his Wake 'n Bake any minute now. :passitleft:
re: Fuzznutter's Organic Photos & Autos - Take 1

I did nothing to them today. However, I did put a humidifier in the closet last night when the humidity dropped to the mid-40s. That helped bring it up to the mid-60s/70 percent range. I wasn't sure how well it would work with the exhaust fan on, but fortunately it's working fine just turned up a little higher than normal.

If they are the only plants in there, you probably don't need the exhaust fan running yet. Just opening the space a couple of times a day will be more than enough air exchange. Later when you have larger plants in the same space you can use a clone dome to control humidity for your fresh sprouts.

In other news, I do believe my auto seeds will be delivered today! Yay! I need my title changed to "Fuzznutter's Organic CBD Skunk Haze, Special Queen #1, and Autos". How and who should I contact to see about this change?

Report your first post in the thread to the mods and let them know what you'd like it changed to. I've even asked them to fix typos for me when the edit timeout has expired, but I try not to do that very often. :)

Edit: Maybe I've just been looking at too many auto journals, but do my babies look small for their age? I can feel the paranoia returning!

They look healthy, happy, and on the verge of exploding. The changes over the next two or three days will be amazing. Love this stage. Adding an inch of growth everywhere in late veg isn't nearly as exciting as seeing the three fingered set come in to kick the next set into high gear.... and onward from there.
re: Fuzznutter's Organic Photos & Autos - Take 1

Day 14

Left to right: Special Queen #1, Skunk Haze (1), Skunk Haze (2)

Isn't Special Queen pretty? :shhh: Shhh, don't tell, but she's my favorite right now. I think she's gonna be a looker.

There still hasn't been any explosion of growth. Still waiting. Any day now... :straightface: I watered them with 1 tsp aloe gel per quart of bubbled water. I've been inching the amount of aloe up slowly since I haven't used it before. It certainly isn't hurting the plants. Next time I'm going to have to look for the flakes everyone else uses because the gel could get expensive when they're in larger pots.

The new auto seeds are happily sitting under a lamp to keep them toasty warm, but not too warm. I don't expect to see them until Monday or Tuesday.

Waiting for the autos to finish is going to be like waiting for Christmas, which is hard for me because I put a lot of time and effort into my gifts and I look forward to everyone opening them. So I was thinking... :)

Remember when you were a little tiny person in kindergarten or so and you made a Christmas advent calendar of Santa and every day you'd glue a cotton ball to his beard? Well, we're going to do something similar except it's an advent calendar for my birthday and it's a marijuana leaf with little white trichomes being added every day. When the leaf is full, it's time to harvest! :laughtwo: I know it's silly, but I'm making a deal with myself: If the plants finish before my birthday, great, I'm smoking them up, and we're celebrating big time that day (Big 4-0). However, if they're not done, I promise not to remove a bud until my birthday. The calendar will be a daily reminder of this promise. BUT if my birthday comes and no plant is done yet, someone is losing an arm and going to meet my dehydrator. Plain and simple.


I told you it was silly! Sorry I couldn't get a better picture. It's hanging on the door to my half bath, and it was hard to get a good distance while still keeping it in focus. I probably won't post an updated pic of this every day, but I'll do it at least once a week.

Okay, I still have another coat of paint to finish before the swap commences today. My muscles seized up yesterday and I had no choice but to wait it out. Very frustrating but we'll get it all done today. I'm feeling confident. :thumb:
re: Fuzznutter's Organic Photos & Autos - Take 1

Got me hooked. Will definitely be following. Curious on how the cbd strains turn out. I picked 3 Royal Medic seeds up that I plane on growing this spring.

Wubbba Lubbba Dub Dub
re: Fuzznutter's Organic Photos & Autos - Take 1

Got me hooked. Will definitely be following. Curious on how the cbd strains turn out. I picked 3 Royal Medic seeds up that I plane on growing this spring.

Wubbba Lubbba Dub Dub

:byebye: Hi Rick! Thanks for following!

I'm curious how this CBD strain is going turn out as well. Right now it's still too early to tell, but they look like they might be a bit finicky. It's something that doesn't really come across in the pictures but they just don't look as bright eyed and bushy tailed as the Special Queen. They may turn around in the larger pots with a different soil mix, but I've got my eye on them. CBD Skunk Haze wasn't my first, second, or third choice but at the time I put the seed order in it was one of the few sativa-leaving CBD strains in stock. It's early though. They might knock my socks off. I hope they do. If not I have CBD Yummy and CBD Nordle planned for the next grow tentatively planned for March.

If you start a journal for Royal Medic in the spring please send me an invite! I'd love to see how it grows and read your report on it.
re: Fuzznutter's Organic Photos & Autos - Take 1

I'm gonna sit over here in this comfy corner spot where you so thoughtfully left a mat for me to sit upon and wait for a while to see if pictures are forthcoming. I have a couple videos I'd planned on watching. Tap me on the shoulder if you need me. I get so focused sometimes I'm lost in it. :laughtwo:
re: Fuzznutter's Organic Photos & Autos - Take 1

Amazing looking little ones Fuzz! Im here for the ride :) Your setup is awesome! Oh and who can blame you for chopping an arm if things arent ready for bday time lol.. Id do the same!!

Why thank you! Hopefully later today I will be unveiling the 2nd closet sans blackout curtain. Turns out I never realized the window in my son's new bedroom was wider than those in his old room. I had to use the curtain rod planned for my veg/auto closet in there instead. The new one will be here tomorrow though. Plenty of time.

I'm gonna sit over here in this comfy corner spot where you so thoughtfully left a mat for me to sit upon and wait for a while to see if pictures are forthcoming. I have a couple videos I'd planned on watching. Tap me on the shoulder if you need me. I get so focused sometimes I'm lost in it. :laughtwo:

:laughtwo: I actually do have those exact puzzle mats you have but in blue. Just ignore the couple with claw marks in them. One of my fuzzy babies likes them too which is why I have to pick them up when I'm not using them. Just look in the hall closet if they're not already laid out for you. :blalol: Oh and may I recommend grabbing the sheepskin rug and putting it on top of the mat. It's so soft and warm on the tushy.
re: Fuzznutter's Organic Photos & Autos - Take 1

Day 15

Left to right: Special Queen #1, Skunk Haze (1), and Skunk Haze (2)

It's happening! While I don't see "explosive" growth, I definitely see an uptick this morning. They're growing! They're growing! *Happy Dance* :goof:

So the room swap is done - or at least mostly done. My husband still has a few things to sort and unpack but everything is in the new rooms. Today I will be completing the veg/auto closet, except for the curtains which I discussed in my previous post. May I just say I am so very impressed with myself. A year ago there is absolutely no way I could have done all of this in 3 days. It probably wouldn't have happened in even 3 months. It's amazing! While the CBD oil is not directly responsible for this, it has played no small part in this feat happening. I'm not sure exactly what it's doing, but it is definitely keeping inflammation in check and reducing pain levels enough to allow me to push harder and bounce back faster than before I started taking it. My husband has also been using it this weekend and noticed the same thing. I'm so happy!


Thank you all for joining me on this adventure! :thanks:
Re: Fuzznutter's CBD Skunk Haze & Special Queen #1 - Organic - LED

I've requested my thread be renamed to "Fuzznutter's Organic Photos and Autos - Take 1". Thank you arteekay for explaining how to do that. I'll have to remember to change my signature once the title changes.

So if I'm a bit scatter-brained in this post it is because I am celebrating the completion of the 2nd grow closet with the last bit of C99 I have! I've been saving it, and it is good. :)

That's right, it's done! it's done, it's done, it's done! :party::goof:

I had to make some creative decisions though. Closet #1 is in my bedroom. Closet #2 is in my husband's office (previously my son's bedroom before the swap). My original intention was to maintain the photo plants in Closet #1 with LED panels, and to put a T5 in Closet #2 for early veg of some autos and clones, and then to add a 400w HPS in there for flowering the autos. Ummm. No. That's not going to happen. I put that HPS in there and the temps were ridiculous. They weren't so high that it was unsurvivable but I just don't feel up to added trouble from excessive heat.

New plan. Closet #1 now has only 1 LED and Closet #2 has an LED and a T5. Remember how anxious I've been for the photo seedlings to hurry up and grow? Yeah, change of plans. I need them to go just a wee bit slower now. :laughtwo: They are now in Closet #2 vegging under the T5 and LED. The 3 Rapid Rooters with auto seeds have been planted in 3 gallon fabric pots and placed in Closet #2 under a single LED light. So again, the photos are now in the veg closet and the autos are in the flower closet. Whoo! My reason is the flowering closet allows for taller plants. I can keep the photos short during veg so they went to the office. When the autos are done, the photos will be moved into the flowering closet.

UGH! I just had this huge debate with myself about whether I should bite the bullet and buy another LED panel. My husband says yes, of course, but I waffled. I talked myself into it though. Of course. :laughtwo:

Oh, um pictures...Closet #2 in the office, sans doors:

Closet #2 with doors on:

Closet #1 with the auto pots:

*collapses* It's done! It's done, it's done, it's done! :goof:

Those 7-gallon pots are very difficult to lift. I'll probably use them for the next year, but once I pick some favorites and am working with clones more, I don't know. Smaller pots would be easier. Definitely not more than 3 gallons. Maybe I'll do a little closet Sea of Green in 1- or 2-gallon pots with clones. I figure I can get my variety fix by running autos in the veg closet. Decisions. Decisions.

Okay, I gotta go order a new LED panel. I'll be back in a bit.

Lots of work Fuzz!! Looking great and sounds like you've got a plan. I caught the LED bug as well and am sitting here staring at them daily looking at the "buy now" button haha. Are you ordering a third of the same or? I'm anxious to see all that purpley pinkish kinda red glow :)

Looking good. Let us know about the light that's been ordered. :goodjob:

Thank you! The 3rd LED light has been ordered. It's the GrowStar 360w MCOB, same as the first two. I figure they have a 2-year warranty from a site sponsor. Even if they die at 2 years and a day, I can live with that for the price point so long as they do a decent job.

I just realized I have another 3-gallon pot already filled with soil sitting empty in the corner of the flowering closet. The flowering closet that will have a 2nd LED light on Wednesday. That's ridiculous, right? That pot should have a plant in it! :) Yeah, I'm gonna go plant another seed. Now I just have to figure out which one to soak tonight. Hmmm...
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