GG7's Indoor/Outdoor Grows!

Thanks Tweleve! :thumb:

I wish you much success with your attempt to create your own GDP strain! That would be cool!

I'm up early after our weather station sounded an audible frost alert warning alarm in my bedroom over the rapidly falling temperature outside. 33.5 F right now and falling.

I just got done bringing all the smaller plants that could be carried into the house, but GDP #3 is still out there covered in two layers of plastic along with all the big Urkles and the White Rhino female that are not covered. It usually gets the lowest at around 6AM, so unfortunately it looks like the temp is going to drop below freezing back there. I am probably going to loose all the big Urkles and the White Rhino to this freeze, but there is nothing I can do about it.

This is the risk you take with natural flowering up here at this altitude in October. In addition to the Cannabis, we still have peppers and tomatoes out there too, so we could loose everything remaining outside if it stays below 32 for more than an hour or so.

I'll let everyone know what the final verdict is later today.

I hate to hear that Goose maybe they will pull through.:Namaste: I might be having the same problems in the weeks to come most of mine are about three to four weeks out. Do the low temps kill the plants or is it the frost?
Temp Update

Its now dropped to 32.9 F as of 6:45 AM PDT, but a freeze is literal, so as long as it stays above 32 the plants "should" be able to survive it. I think we have seen our low for the day thank god!

We are forecast to be starting a warming trend today that will last well into next week, so with any luck, this will be the last really cold overnight until I harvest everything back there.

I'll snap some photos of the Urkle and the White Rhino later this morning. One very interesting development I just discovered is that the White Rhino female's buds are turning purple! Does Rhino have that capability? Its got more of a distinct lavender/violet color than the GDP flowers do.

That was a surprise! Obviously brought on by the really cold nights this past week.
Temp Update

Its now dropped to 32.9 F as of 6:45 AM PDT, but a freeze is literal, so as long as it stays above 32 the plants "should" be able to survive it. I think we have seen our low for the day thank god!

We are forecast to be starting a warming trend today that will last well into next week, so with any luck, this will be the last really cold overnight until I harvest everything back there.

I'll snap some photos of the Urkle and the White Rhino later this morning. One very interesting development I just discovered is that the White Rhino female's buds are turning purple! Does Rhino have that capability? Its got more of a distinct lavender/violet color than the GDP flowers do.

That was a surprise! Obviously brought on by the really cold nights this past week.

Good morning my friend!

That frost will do a number on plants and fruits for that matter. If those plants stay below freezing for too long they usually shut down production all together. Sounds like you are keeping a close on it, which I knew you would! :high-five:

That is a really interesting about your rhino, maybe a strange pheno as they are suppose to "white" not purple rhino LOL - I don't remember you saying if you had clones of those or not, but you might want to keep that pheno alive which might either be really great or not.

Good morning my friend!

That frost will do a number on plants and fruits for that matter. If those plants stay below freezing for too long they usually shut down production all together. Sounds like you are keeping a close on it, which I knew you would! :high-five:

That is a really interesting about your rhino, maybe a strange pheno as they are suppose to "white" not purple rhino LOL - I don't remember you saying if you had clones of those or not, but you might want to keep that pheno alive which might either be really great or not.


Hi MS!

Unfortunately, I never took any clones from that plant when I had the chance. I don't care for the sativa type plants cause they grow so tall with very little outward branching.

Its really interesting that these Purple Urkles are not changing color. I'm now starting to wonder if they are really Purple Urkles, and not some other strain that doesn't change.

I got them from the same source as the BBK clones on the same day. This would be the first instance of a clone not being what it was claimed to be for me. It still looks like nice bud though, so I will harvest and dry it either way. It has a very strong aroma. Like Pinesol! Not sure if I care for that smell or not. Shall be interesting when I dry and sample them.
I'll take some frost from ya, the weather here is bipolar, one day it's cold the next hot as witch's breath. Hope your plants are doing good. How much longer do they have till harvest? The WR turned purple? Nice!

Hi again my friend! :Namaste:

I had been planning to harvest GDP #3 on the 9th which would mark week 8 for that one. Will have to check the trics with my scope today or tomorrow and see whats going on. The Urkles, Northern Lights and that White Rhino all have at least another full week to go from today. The BBK minis are getting close too. Might chop those the middle of next week.

All depends on how much room I have left in the drying closets after the last GDP harvest.

I trimmed up about 75% of the GDP 1 bud this morning and currently have them laying out on parchment paper. Still a little too most for jarring, but at least I got over half of the drying closet free now. :thumb:

GDP #3 is about twice the overall size of 1, so it will likely be double the amount of bud I got from GDP 1. We shall see in a few days hopefully.
Just uncovered GDP 3 and found that almost one entire main cola had succumb to BUD ROT! :rollingeyes:

I think it was destroyed by Powerdery Mildew getting into the bud and killing it, but, it could have been the cold too. It appears to be the only bud effected. I knew something was wrong when the leaves were brown and pulled out really easily, and then the bud just fell apart in your fingers if you put the slightest pressure on it.

Its too bad cause I put it on the scale and it weighed 6.5 ounces!

Oh well, three more where that came from not counting all the lower ones.

I didn't bother with a photo, cause I doubt it would transfer in a one dimensional image. Would probably just look like a normal bud.
Weekend Update 1
Purple White Rhino and Northern Lights! - GDP #3 Almost Ready!

OK...Well...The plants survived the first winter storm of the season pretty well even with the low this morning of 32.9 degrees F!

I had mentioned that my White Rhino plant had turned a beautiful purple a few days ago, so here are those shots everyone has been waiting for!

Purple White Rhino!


Oddly enough, the Northern Lights plant has also turned purple! Obviously a reaction to our VERY cold overnights the last two weeks.

Purple Northern Lights


GDP #1 After the Chop


GDP #3 Bud Shots

Not as purple as GDP #1 was, but it still has a lot of purple hues in it. Doesn't really show at all in these bright contrasty photos. Will probably get darker in the next few days.


Its hard to get good photos this time of the day due to the high contrast of the sun, so that is all I am going to post for this update. I'm going to try and get some sharper images of the White Rhino later. The wind was blowing back there when I was trying to take these and the buds were swaying in the breeze, thus the slightly out of focus images you saw above.

Stay tuned for the next weekend update tomorrow and the big GDP harvest on Sunday! :thumb:

Weekend Update 1
Purple White Rhino and Northern Lights! - GDP #3 Almost Ready!

OK...Well...The plants survived the first winter storm of the season pretty well even with the low this morning of 32.9 degrees F!

I had mentioned that my White Rhino plant had turned a beautiful purple a few days ago, so here are those shots everyone has been waiting for!

Oddly enough, the Northern Lights plant has also turned purple! Obviously a reaction to our VERY cold overnights the last two weeks.

GDP #1 After the Chop

GDP #3 Bud Shots

Its hard to get good photos this time of the day due to the high contrast of the sun, so that is all I am going to post for this update. I'm going to try and get some sharper images of the White Rhino later. The wind was blowing back there when I was trying to take these and the buds were sawying in the breeze, thus the slightly out of focus images you saw above.

Stay tuned for the next weekend update tomorrow and the big GDP harvest on Sunday! :thumb:


Sorry to hear about the rot my friend :rip:!
The pics look so nice and almost ready. I think it is just crazy how everything you touch turns purple! I thought you were suppose to have a greeen thumb! :rofl::rofl:

Great as always and can't wait for the chop chop photos!

Talk to you soon!


Sorry to hear about the rot my friend :rip:!
The pics look so nice and almost ready. I think it is just crazy how everything you touch turns purple! I thought you were suppose to have a greeen thumb! :rofl::rofl:

Great as always and can't wait for the chop chop photos!

Talk to you soon!


Thanks MS! :laughtwo:

The irony of the whole thing is that the only plants NOT turning purple are the PURPLE URKLES! :icon_roll

I hated having to throw out that HUGE and HEAVY nug, but I didn't want to risk getting sick from smoking it.
Sorry about the rot my friend. Like you said though better safe then sick.
Looks like you will be smoking purple all winter long. :thumb:

Hey! Thanks HMG! :thumb:

Good to see in here again! :)

I went ahead and snipped off the rest of the cola that had the rot at the top portion. Figured it would be better if I dried it now and avoid any potential rot getting into this "clean" part of that branch.

You can see how HUGE these nugs are! The purple shows up a lot better in these interior photos, although the camera made them look more blue than purple. I think it was the light coming in through the kitchen window.


This flash photo brings out more of the natural color balance of the bud.

Very nice, once again, GG7! :bravo:

Those buds just look amazingly beautiful.

Sorry to hear about the 6.5 oz. of bad bud, but I don't think you'll be running out of smoke anytime soon! :)
Just uncovered GDP 3 and found that almost one entire main cola had succumb to BUD ROT! :rollingeyes:

I knew something was wrong when the leaves were brown and pulled out really easily, and then the bud just fell apart in your fingers if you put the slightest pressure on it.

I didn't bother with a photo, cause I doubt it would transfer in a one dimensional image. Would probably just look like a normal bud.

Don't feel bad Goose, I lost several buds to those catapillar bastards.
The symtoms you described were identical to what I experienced. Only difference is after pulling out the brown clump of the bud, beneath it lies a pillar inside eating the hell out of my bud. Now if that isn't bad enough, they leave black pillar crap all around where they were eating. Isn't that a slap in the face! I guess they don't follow that ole rule, "Don't s**t where you eat." :rollingeyes:
:tokin:Send some of that weather my way! we are still having lows in the low to mid fortys. plants look killer bro.
Don't feel bad Goose, I lost several buds to those catapillar bastards.
The symtoms you described were identical to what I experienced. Only difference is after pulling out the brown clump of the bud, beneath it lies a pillar inside eating the hell out of my bud. Now if that isn't bad enough, they leave black pillar crap all around where they were eating. Isn't that a slap in the face! I guess they don't follow that ole rule, "Don't s**t where you eat." :rollingeyes:

I hear ya! I'm very glad that our climate protects us from having to deal with many of the common pests found at lower elevations. Up here, the only realy problem is White Fly and Brown Fly, but I generally deal with those on the peppers. Aside from the constant threat of powdery mildew, the cannabis doesn't seem to have any insect pests that live up here. At least I haven't seen any evidence of bug infestations.

As far as my rotten nug goes... It could still have been the cold temps since this cola was touching the clear plastic tarp I put over the plant during the storm. I don't know how Cannabis bud reacts to freezing temps. Does the bud fall apart like this if it gets hit with a frost or freeze? I've never had a near freeze event this early in October before, so no experience dealing with frost killed plants. I usually get the entire crop in before the 15th or so, and that is normally around the time we start getting storms and winter cold fronts.

I'll send the catepillars your way.. haha :biglaugh: <Just kidding!>

No thanks i have been battling three kinds of catepillars they suck! I think i won!:wood::blunt:
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