God's First Grow - COB & LED - Cuvee, Jack Skellington - SCROG

So here's what I picked up today, there wasn't much selection and I was in a rush.... I had to take the owners word on some of the stuff since I didn't have a ton of time.... have no probs replacing them with better ones as I go along

When I asked him for Fulvic Acid he gave me Liquid Gold, and for Humic acid he gave me Liquid Black Crystal

When I asked for something with amino acids he gave me House & Garden Amino treatment, then said $250....no way I'll spend that without knowing what it is

I picked up Botanicare SeaPlex as a form of kelp, and Grotek Pro silica for my silica, also picked up some alaska fish fertilizer just for the hell of it.

Anyone have any experience with House & Gardens by van de zwaan? They had a product called Algen extract which is kelp but also has amino acids in it. Anyone have any experience with their product lines at all? They seem easier to come by up here, but if they're no good I'll stay away!

I also ordered some Plus C and Mykos online, hopefully shipping doesn't take too long :)
So here's what I picked up today, there wasn't much selection and I was in a rush.... I had to take the owners word on some of the stuff since I didn't have a ton of time.... have no probs replacing them with better ones as I go along

When I asked him for Fulvic Acid he gave me Liquid Gold, and for Humic acid he gave me Liquid Black Crystal

When I asked for something with amino acids he gave me House & Garden Amino treatment, then said $250....no way I'll spend that without knowing what it is

I picked up Botanicare SeaPlex as a form of kelp, and Grotek Pro silica for my silica, also picked up some alaska fish fertilizer just for the hell of it.

Anyone have any experience with House & Gardens by van de zwaan? They had a product called Algen extract which is kelp but also has amino acids in it. Anyone have any experience with their product lines at all? They seem easier to come by up here, but if they're no good I'll stay away!

I also ordered some Plus C and Mykos online, hopefully shipping doesn't take too long :)

I've heard a lot of great things about the House and Garden line. Very popular at my hydro store
I did see a few people talk about it through brights journal, over time I'm sure it will be something I try as I learn more, but for now(unless I were to get a free sample .) it's gonna cost quite a bit to get everything here already lol
I also skimmed through something quickly where a guy claims you can make an equivalent at home very very cheap

Day 9 flower!!

Today I'm gonna hit them with no nutes and just what I bought yesterday

4.5gal mix
25ml CalMag
50ml Ha(80ml recommended)
5ml silica(let it sit first for 20 min with air stones before adding anything else)
20ml SeaPlex
20ml Fa

Letting it all sit for a bit, will check ph but unless it's 7 or over I won't adjust it, didn't get any dolomite lime yesterday unfortunately
So, gave them their feed with that mix.

Ph = 7.97
ppm = 840(250 from tap)

Didn't adjust my ph like I said I would, will explain why below.




She looks a lot better obviously then she did a couple days ago, and it could be hard to tell from the pics since it's just Iphone pics but......she really doesn't look as happy and full as I know she can, she is struggling, I have my theories as to why so we'll see.

Jack Skellington




She looks extremely healthy and happy, she should be some quality bud I hope. I still think I can get Cuvee back to greatness, time will tell.


Some changes I've noticed and I don't know if they're related. My medium is becoming more acidic, I didn't slurry today I'm still thinking it's around 5.3, but I noticed some physical changes as well.

Generally when I water, the water completely mixes in with the medium and you see a good mix of both water and the "soil" floating around. The past 2-3 feedings I've noticed that it seems to be the water is pooling more on top and the medium really isn't mixing in as the water runs through, the medium has become more "clumpy" or solid opposed to seeing lots of individual particles floating and mixing around... anyone know why that is? Is the medium breaking down more in the transition from veg to flower? Could it be because it's becoming more acidic?

I picked up some dolomitic lime today to start raising the PH up, I'll start with trying to raise .5, in 5 gal smart pots how much should I try to put into each one to achieve a .5 increase? Pots are pretty filled, maybe like 90-95% topped

As always thank you for your advice everyone :Namaste:
Here's the males, didn't get a chance to water them yesterday so mixed up their mix today

Jack Skellington

Starting to show heavy signs of deficiencies now(expected), looks like a couple pollen sacks opened up, think I'm gonna just hit him with water now and within the next week or so I'll chop him down


Hasn't really flowered too much the past couple days but still looking beastly

The females!!



She really responded well to yesterday's feed, looks so much healthier....little sign of a burn or something on the one leaf in her first pic, but nothing for concern, she looks way better today than she had the past few days .

Jack Skellington

Not flowering a whole lot yet, still seeing lots of strong growth, she'll be a beauty

Raised my light as far as I could today, I'm thinking for next grow I'm gonna cut 2 holes in the top of my tent, feed the ratchet ropes through the holes and mount them to the ceiling in the room the tent is in and that'll buy me an additional 9" of height for growth, being ill have primarily sativa dominant strains for the majority of my grows, it'll help a lot, my light get great penetration so I'm not really worried about that

Everything's looking fantastic though, glad to see them all so healthy .
Lol nice, I been looking at that looks pretty similar to xtreme gardening Mykos, I actually stumbled across a product at Walmart today that seems the same as that Loveland Radiate I had been talking about, it has IBA, NAA and Kinetin, not sure what I'll do with it yet, may conduct a little experiment next grow using it on half my plants but not the other half, I gotta read into its formula first though to see if it has anything too harsh for microbe life in it
It's believable, that xtreme gardening Mykos was made famous with those world record breaking pumpkins(over 2000lbs) so I could believe great white could have that much of an impact
Did a quick search of the 2, great white has 11 varieties in it and doesn't get the organic certification though I'm not sure why, Mykos has 1 variety and is certified organic
I guess you could say it refers to the number of species?
It has up to 15 different species of mycorrhizae fungi, it also incorporates 11 beneficial bacteria and 2 types of trichoderma which is another fungi and Mykos is only 1 specific fungi
Extreme Gardening was the first to hit NorCal.....many believe it to be still the best. I started w/ them from the start & never switched although I've added other microbe products too. EG Mykos contains the only mycorrihizae form needed, other is for like large trees, endo & ecto but I get the 2 mixed up. All those other bacteria aren't mycorrhizae but other useful bacteria. You can top dress it if you like Why Doe, plus they also have a water soluble version but it costs much more. Teas are for bacteria not mycorrhizae, they don't multiply but rather attach to roots via vast networks. Hope this helps. :Namaste:
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