Gov's PlatinumLED Adventure With DocBud's High Brix Kit

Long time lurker... first time poster. Going to start my very first grow next spring and have been trying to wrap my head around all the dif methods of cultivating our beloved plant.

I've spent the last few months trying to educate myself as much as possible, trying to figure out what method I was going to "settle" on as every person seems to have their own way of doing things and swear it's the best. So, after going through piles of background research I decided to start going through grow journals which only added to my confusion...

Read journal #1 and mind is made up to do hydro under HiD's...
read journal # 2 and change mind to hydro and LED's....
read journal # 3 and change mind to organics and HiD's....
read journal # 4 and come across Sulphur Plasma and Magnetic Induction... you see where I going, lol.

Then I came across Doc's high brix and it really resonated with me so I read through his, and also Curso's, journal/s and realize I don't need to "settle" on a medium as nature has figured that part out over the last few million years... it just took someone with a passion to grow the best canna possible to break new ground (pun intended) for the rest to follow.

Choice of medium.... case closed! Thank you so very much, Doc.

Now... trying to decide on lighting is no easier than the medium. Although I really like the idea/s behind LED's trying to find the right manufacturer is a daunting task to say the least. Then I came across your journal, Gov. and it's a match made in heaven. You are using Doc's high brix and the very same LED's that I am leaning towards purchasing.

I am looking forward to following along as this grow will wrap up about the same time I am going to start mine. Couldn't get much better.

Good grief.... can't believe I typed all that when all I really meant to say was a quick howdy to the community and subbed in!!!

Sometimes my passion gets the better of me and I just can't seem to stop, lol.
Long time lurker... first time poster. Going to start my very first grow next spring and have been trying to wrap my head around all the dif methods of cultivating our beloved plant.

I've spent the last few months trying to educate myself as much as possible, trying to figure out what method I was going to "settle" on as every person seems to have their own way of doing things and swear it's the best. So, after going through piles of background research I decided to start going through grow journals which only added to my confusion...

Read journal #1 and mind is made up to do hydro under HiD's...
read journal # 2 and change mind to hydro and LED's....
read journal # 3 and change mind to organics and HiD's....
read journal # 4 and come across Sulphur Plasma and Magnetic Induction... you see where I going, lol.

Then I came across Doc's high brix and it really resonated with me so I read through his, and also Curso's, journal/s and realize I don't need to "settle" on a medium as nature has figured that part out over the last few million years... it just took someone with a passion to grow the best canna possible to break new ground (pun intended) for the rest to follow.

Choice of medium.... case closed! Thank you so very much, Doc.

Now... trying to decide on lighting is no easier than the medium. Although I really like the idea/s behind LED's trying to find the right manufacturer is a daunting task to say the least. Then I came across your journal, Gov. and it's a match made in heaven. You are using Doc's high brix and the very same LED's that I am leaning towards purchasing.

I am looking forward to following along as this grow will wrap up about the same time I am going to start mine. Couldn't get much better.

Good grief.... can't believe I typed all that when all I really meant to say was a quick howdy to the community and subbed in!!!

Sometimes my passion gets the better of me and I just can't seem to stop, lol.

Welcome to the club my friend.
Long time lurker... first time poster. Going to start my very first grow next spring and have been trying to wrap my head around all the dif methods of cultivating our beloved plant.

I've spent the last few months trying to educate myself as much as possible, trying to figure out what method I was going to "settle" on as every person seems to have their own way of doing things and swear it's the best. So, after going through piles of background research I decided to start going through grow journals which only added to my confusion...

Read journal #1 and mind is made up to do hydro under HiD's...
read journal # 2 and change mind to hydro and LED's....
read journal # 3 and change mind to organics and HiD's....
read journal # 4 and come across Sulphur Plasma and Magnetic Induction... you see where I going, lol.

Then I came across Doc's high brix and it really resonated with me so I read through his, and also Curso's, journal/s and realize I don't need to "settle" on a medium as nature has figured that part out over the last few million years... it just took someone with a passion to grow the best canna possible to break new ground (pun intended) for the rest to follow.

Choice of medium.... case closed! Thank you so very much, Doc.

Now... trying to decide on lighting is no easier than the medium. Although I really like the idea/s behind LED's trying to find the right manufacturer is a daunting task to say the least. Then I came across your journal, Gov. and it's a match made in heaven. You are using Doc's high brix and the very same LED's that I am leaning towards purchasing.

I am looking forward to following along as this grow will wrap up about the same time I am going to start mine. Couldn't get much better.

Good grief.... can't believe I typed all that when all I really meant to say was a quick howdy to the community and subbed in!!!

Sometimes my passion gets the better of me and I just can't seem to stop, lol.

Welcome to the club my friend.

Yes it's a long road, but you've come to a great place! Docs kit, platinum'll do great if your environment is dialed in!
Welcome CannaCanuck. :welcome:

lol, you are in the same situation as so many other folks right now. Hopefully, things will continue to change for the better and information won't be so cloak & dagger to acquire. I think you're on the right track with Doc's kit, and I will mirror what has already been posted. The first thing to achieve is a stable, controlled grow environment (for indoors). That of course folds into what lighting solution you choose as well as size of grow area, etc,.

I can say without hesitation, the PlatinumLED P300 :: Platinum Grow Lights is just what the doctor ordered for my cabinet. Noise is minimal, heat removal a non-issue (still necessary, but could be accomplished in this cabinet with even a portable desk fan if I had to). With these benefits, the bottom line is still "how do the plants like the lights?", and this little 8bk is thriving wonderfully.

I won't knock HID, MH, or any other lighting solution, but the benefits of LED's goes beyond the obvious of lowered power costs and less heat. I've found the trichome production and overall potency are also positively effected by the use of LED's, and the plant structure is also improved (i.e. tight internode distance and shorter plants) making them a better choice for most indoor growers as well, IMO.

With those considerations, I can also say PlatinumLED is the best solution available right now when ALL aspects are taken into consideration. Mark has explained it in detail in another thread, but the cost of these lights, dollar for dollar, is superior to any other LED grow light manufacturer. Again, less juice, less heat, more useable PAR and a 5 year warranty. Easy choice for me, but sit back and relax. I'm confident the next few months will merely prove it.

Hey, I have a buddy in Sask! I told him it must be a godforsaken place as I never meet anyone from there. I guess I'll have to recant that statement from now on. ;)

Awww... shucks.. y'all are too kind..

*shuffling feet*

No, really though.. you have no idea how excited and proud we are to finally give the community a quality product at an accessible price. It seems like we're finally at the point in LED grow light history that the curves between technology and reasonable price have intersected at the right point. A couple of years or even a year ago it just still was not perfected.. and even though we've been doing this for a couple of years, it wasn't until the last driver revision about 3-4 months ago that the final product really hit it's stride. I'll be honest.. we didn't even realize what we had until we got around to PAR testing the current version.

We knew they were BRIGHT AS HECK when we flipped the switches for the first time.. but THIS bright? You should have seen me running back and forth making sure the PAR meter wasn't faulty! I mean.. our P450 light drawing only 274~watts is putting out higher PAR value than a California Light Works 800w top of the line light. Seriously. These things are blowing away the PAR value of lights using twice as much power.

This isn't sales.. this is serious awe on our own part. For real. We love this stuff more than you guys could ever imagine. LEDs, electronic technology, indoor horticulture.. all something that I personally have been passionate about for years and years years before ever grasping the reigns of something such as this. The passion comes from the heart and the awe is genuinely impartial.

Anyway.. enough caffeinated rambling.. *slurrrrrrrp*

Hey all! I wanted to drop an early-week update as I had enough going on that an update now would make it easier for the next one.

8bk is really starting to hit her stride. I think I've kept a slightly harder wind on her than I have in the past, but otherwise parameters are the same save the light. I'm digging the fact this plant really seems to think highly of this PlatinumLED P300.

I've watered regularly, but lightly feeding at about 300ppm. Her first full-reservoir feeding/watering should go down on Wed.



The other three beans that had cracked haven't poked their heads out of the plugs yet, but it'll take a few more days before I start to get concerned.

...but that hasn't kept me from moving forward in preparing their home for the majority of their remaining lives. lmao, call me Mr. P300! Yep, I'm so pleased with what I've seen (personally and second-hand), that I picked up 3 more PlatinumLED P300's!



Sadly, I dug through my boxes of miscellaneous grow-related stuff and could not find the last set of yoyo hangers I thought I had, so I could only hang two of the new lights. A trip to hydro store is in order tomorrow and I'll remedy that in short order.

Here they are turned on, but I have them set to about 4 ft height simply to light the area. When I get the hanger tomorrow, I will drop them down and see what kind of coverage I can with super-dense waves.



I'm excited and really happy to see this finally coming together...

EDIT: I'd be a straight dick if I didn't point something out here as well. I had commented early
on regarding short power cords. I open the lights and what do I find?


Yep, a white 10' power cord! big :thumb:
BEAUTIFUL!!! So excited to follow along ourselves!!

I have to say out of everything.. that these are my favorites.. as that's the proof contained within the pudding, right there. HEALTHY, dark green, compact, tight internodal growth. One super happy, healthy baby girl you have there! I mean think back.. that was just a sprout not that long ago.. and now you have a rapidly maturing and very healthy plant.

I had to scroll back just now in order to realize that she's barely 2.5 weeks old at this point!! I mean.. look at photos from even just last week or a couple of days ago. Amazing.

Plants do funny things when you give them plenty of fine tuned spectrum.. like grow.. very well.. :love:

BEAUTIFUL!!! So excited to follow along ourselves!!

I have to say out of everything.. that these are my favorites.. as that's the proof contained within the pudding, right there. HEALTHY, dark green, compact, tight internodal growth. One super happy, healthy baby girl you have there! I mean think back.. that was just a sprout not that long ago.. and now you have a rapidly maturing and very healthy plant.

I had to scroll back just now in order to realize that she's barely 2.5 weeks old at this point!! I mean.. look at photos from even just last week or a couple of days ago. Amazing.

Plants do funny things when you give them plenty of fine tuned spectrum.. like grow.. very well.. :love:

I can say without hesitation, this lone 8bk looks better at 2 weeks than any of the others I've done.
Wow Mark, you got those numbers quick man! Selfishly, I was really quite interested in the comparison numbers because of the direct relevance to my grow, but they really put in perspective how different these 2 lights really are. I know Mars II lights grow good cannabis. That's not in question (nor has it been), but for me, I can't say enough how nice it's been to be able to expect the same or better results using less than 1/3 the juice and dealing with only 1/3 the heat too. We'll see more as things continue to move forward.

Wow Mark, you got those numbers quick man! Selfishly, I was really quite interested in the comparison numbers because of the direct relevance to my grow, but they really put in perspective how different these 2 lights really are. I know Mars II lights grow good cannabis. That's not in question (nor has it been), but for me, I can't say enough how nice it's been to be able to expect the same or better results using less than 1/3 the juice and dealing with only 1/3 the heat too. We'll see more as things continue to move forward.


FWIW, LED wasn't an option for me even two years ago.

Producing substandard bud was never the plan....but things have changed and now LED is becoming the smart choice. As far as indoor growing goes, the LED option is not only's starting to dominate.
Agreed Doc. I know 2 years ago I looked at LED as an option too and decided it was far too expensive for what, at the time, were unqualified claims (or inconsistent anyway). Some of those paradigms still persist and some light companies (mfg's and resellers) don't help much as they spoon-feed the masses what they want to hear to sell lights.

As LED's become better (look at those PAR numbers!) and many of those paradigms start to shift and people become better educated, many of those claims are revealed for what they truly are...and we growers get better products.
Absolutely. I really feel like the performance curve has finally increased to a point where it's now adventageous over HPS even heat and peer savings notwithstanding. The type of growth you get with a quality, complete banded light is just amazing. Less stretch, tight intermodal growth and HEALTHY plants. Growth that now.. if you do it right.. will exceed that of HID lighting.. not to mention all the other benefits such as decreased power draw and cool running fixtures.

This just wasn't the case a couple of years ago.. but with the quality of diodes improving and further testing and results with refined spectrums, we're finally there as Doc says.
great info + reps , I was unable to find the 4'x4' grid par readings on your site. could you please post here for us.


Yes absolutely! That is high on the to-do list. We have the readings, we just need to create the graphics for them and fully post them on the website. Thanks for the reminder about that..
I stopped at the hydro store today and snagged the last set of yoyo hangers. I setup the timer and had to turn them on...





Now if these beans would just show...
Very nice and clean. Like.
I stopped at the hydro store today and snagged the last set of yoyo hangers. I setup the timer and had to turn them on...


Now if these beans would just show...

What your not like the rest of us and have tons in the freezer...LOL.

I love the look of this light. It's sooo bright...LOL.
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