Grandpa Tokin’s Perpetual

Happy Sunday Gramps!!! Looks like you're slowly getting back into the swang of thangs!!! Bet it feels good to have a bit of normalcy creepin back!! :goodjob::cool:
Thanks! Olive oil capsules sound gooooood. I’m making some spinach artichoke dip tonight. I wish it was medicated haha

Oh yeah, I’ve been using a quartz banger lately instead of an e-nail, but your temps sound right. I like a good low temp hit for the flavor.
GT I have a technical question about DWC cloning. I have a DWC cloner that I'm using, some strains clone fast and easy, some not so much. What additives do you use in your cloning process

I use Clonex gel right when they get cut, and Clonex cloning solution (30 ml/gal) in the cloner. That’s it. I mix with RO water and PH to 5.5-6.0.
Sup pops. Green days and such.... I would like to comment on your " honey " I guess some would call it shatter or dabs... I love the uniqueness of the texture.... That is truly a hard to find quality, I dont smoke it, but once my friends found out I work at a Grow, they were like you guys make dabs???? There are a couple of people at the grow that focus on that, and I really dont deal or see that much... I would venture to say though that the little I have seen of theirs, and yours, there is Huge difs in the end product... Theirs is alot more brittle, looking anyway, and quite a bit less transparent... Where as yours is more gentle velvet, and well honey looking... Is that the end product, or do you harden it out or something to that effect..??? My descriptions are of an educated man, but a oil/shatter noob... Hope you are well, and it seems you are moving right along.... Gotta love modern medicine.... Well and cannabis LOL.. Green days to all
Sup pops. Green days and such.... I would like to comment on your " honey " I guess some would call it shatter or dabs... I love the uniqueness of the texture.... That is truly a hard to find quality, I dont smoke it, but once my friends found out I work at a Grow, they were like you guys make dabs???? There are a couple of people at the grow that focus on that, and I really dont deal or see that much... I would venture to say though that the little I have seen of theirs, and yours, there is Huge difs in the end product... Theirs is alot more brittle, looking anyway, and quite a bit less transparent... Where as yours is more gentle velvet, and well honey looking... Is that the end product, or do you harden it out or something to that effect..??? My descriptions are of an educated man, but a oil/shatter noob... Hope you are well, and it seems you are moving right along.... Gotta love modern medicine.... Well and cannabis LOL.. Green days to all

I’m a little different I suppose...I usually let the Everclear extract sit in a dark, cool place for a few days to “cure” a little bit and let any extra alcohol evap. Normally, I use the Everclear extract for making my oil caps, but it can be dabbed. So, after letting it sit a few days I then decarb it and put it in oil (I used to use coconut oil, but after the myocardial infarction I’ve been using extra virgin olive it’s heart healthy). :laugh: However, this process takes several hours. I normally use my fresh frozen trim to make this and use bud for Rosin.

I mainly press Rosin for dabbing. It takes me about an hour or so to prepare the bud and heat up my DIY Rosin press. It’s quick and easy and ~8-10 grams of GG4 gets me at least a weeks worth of dabs...I will hit on it all-day-everyday. :yahoo:

Hopefully that makes sense...I’m pretty high already this morning. :thumb:
That's a beautiful bud! I guess I was spoiled when I was cloning my GG4 last year. It sprouted roots really quick. I swear it was cut and dip then in cloner for a week, week and a half and great roots. I'm trying to clone Some super silver Haze now and not having much luck. I ordered the clonex solution. I'm sure it's what I am missing
Ya, just down bypass boulevard and left onto GrandpaGlue lane.

At least thats what they told me at the gas
They just told me to follow the smoke signals lol
@Grandpa Tokin

Oh yeah, what temp do you like to hit your shatter at? I’ve been hitting it at like 650F.. I actually like it slightly hotter at 700F
Are you running Ti or ceramic? I like mine at 675 or so. It drifts up close to 7 but that's okay with me.
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