Group Grow - Autos Only - Seeds Must Be In Soil By The 25/07/2017 Latest

Aren't long enough for what? As soon as there's a tip of a rootlet visible, a seed should be in the ground (/perlite/soil in a cup/etc.). It's not doing a thing other than using up that tiny little finite amount of stored energy that's packed inside the seed case with the plant embryo.

For that matter, the seed should be planted before the rootlet appears. But I don't usually do that, either. So I felt hypocritical even typing that sentence :icon_roll.

If you see a little white tip, put the seed where the little embryo inside it can begin growing.

Not for an auto man . Auto go in final pot this case 5gal pot . I like to get a good jump start on root depth so when I plant the tap root it's down a good inch or so already so it makes it easier for her to hit the bottom
Of that pot I Want that root going deep bud.. then it can reach sides ways everywhere the better the root and vegetation stage the more better the fruits no? Again this is me and how I try to make sense of growing cannabis. Hmm we have bumped heads but let's see where we can meet at least? Lol
Haha for sure AK! I love taking pics of my girls as they grow. Here is my setup. The 5 gallon smart pot in the back is where I plan to drop their new sister.

Also I have a journal on the other two going on the link below. .❤️

CKS Candy Cane Auto Journal - First Grow

CKS Candy Cane Auto Journal - First Grow


Baby girl (no name yet):

It's a great plant brother I am
Growing three of them outdoor ....

I've grown then indoor was my first attempt at a true grow... still one of the candy canes grew 4 ft tall lol other about two . Hit about 3.5 ounces off both though. Like I said now I got some pay back to do I am going to try to hit 5-7 oz a plant outdoors this first time in 5 gallon pots.

I hope you like that plant she loves cal mag btw way. Keep her green . Any questions ask away .
Not for an auto man . Auto go in final pot this case 5gal pot .

In nature, they go in the biggest pot of all - the ground. Well, actually, they usually go on the ground, lay there through the Winter, and sprout in the Spring. And, yes, that includes the Ruderalis (that provides the genetics which cause flowering to happen automatically) - a species of plant that most people who encountered it through the centuries tried to eradicate.

It's still here, lol. I understand wanting to see good root development. But until the root system is planted, it's doing nothing but "draining the tanks" (so to speak), and there's not much stored energy to draw from.

Not to mention (but I will ;) )... As far as I have been able to tell, the reason that people stick auto-flowering varieties into their final pot as soon as possible is so that the roots don't get disturbed or reach a point where their growth is restricted.

<SHRUGS> It isn't a big deal, I suppose. We routinely inflict all kinds of cruelties on our cannabis plants, and they usually still give us a harvest. But it's a case of "every little bit helps."

Hmm we have bumped heads but let's see where we can meet at least? Lol

Little disagreements don't bother me. If everyone else agreed with me... (a) life would be too boring to live, (b) I'd never learn anything, and (c) I'd have to go get a new set of friends, lol.

Debate is GOOD! (Or, like someone once said, war isn't any fun if the other side doesn't bother to show up ;) .)

I used to debate religion and politics a lot. But everyone seemed to end up getting p!ssed off when I'd counter their arguments. Felt like I was debating with a bunch of whiny kids on the playground. So now I mostly just debate things that have something to do with cannabis. If someone gets upset, they can always hit the bong a few times....
My bad, i feel dumb now lmao. I didnt realize this was the same thread i was already in, thought it was a new one. Im too tired to stay awake any longer, been up for 25 hours already.
Highly debatable. Ive transplanted autos many times with no stress and theyve all gotten 4ft and over

Of course it's debatable. Most things are. I'm willing to learn that I'm wrong about stuff. I don't get mad - I appreciate the education.

And I don't know much about auto-flowering strains. (Kind of why I'm participating in this thread.)

Have you done side-by-side grows with multiple plants (from the same parent plants, if possible - but at least the same strain), where one set of plants went immediately into their final containers, and the other set went through transplanting into successively larger pots? I really have no idea, personally. I do wonder if what people are seeing when they report issues in this regard is only a sign of the usual "transplant shock" that can cause growth to pause for a few days, depending on how it's done. With an auto-flowering variety that follows its own schedule, I suppose this could be... unpleasant, if the clock continued to tick during such a pause. IDK.

I have read that when an auto-flowering plant becomes sufficiently rootbound, that it can more or less stop vegetative growth. Again, IDK. I've only grown three auto-flowering plants to date. A couple years ago and one more recently. The more recent one went okay, but I didn't expend much effort, light, etc. so it was just a little thing with not much bud. And it didn't really do much for me, to be honest. I'd like to try an auto-flowering sativa with only maybe five to ten percent indica in its genetics to see if I'd like such a strain. But I'm limited to the seeds I have on hand. I don't have much to choose from right now. I was given a few Crop King auto-flower mix and I think also one each of two Sweet Seeds strains, Cream Caramel Auto and Blow Mind Auto. I'm thinking I grew one of the Sweet Seeds, but I'm not sure. I basically had my head up my arse for a while where the grow was concerned, and someone wanted me to grow them a little bud during that time. Not really a useful learning experience :icon_roll .

I just had a worrisome thought about where I might have left my seed jar. I'm off to look in the...

...attic <SIGH> .
Ive done side by side grows with auto blueberries, this is my 4th time growing a pack of 7 seeds from dutch passion. And ive grown the auto ultimates 3 times. Both did the side by side grow with directly planted into final pot vs transplanting. Im actually doing it again and the results are very much different. The rootballs are different, the ones i transplanted are the much bigger ones versus the ones that have been placed in their final pots. I guess its just the denseness of the rootmass in general. Ive been growing autos for 4 years non stop. I have some experience my end but im no expert. Im not much of a reader, more of a doer and find out. Its best to transplant when you see roots popping out the bottom of the pots, about 1cm long sticking out the bottom. Thats prime time to transplant as long as your soil is dry so its alot easier to pull out the rootmass without it being wet and sticking to the pot like warmed up peanut butter on your butterknife. The growth between the two were the same speed, only difference is one was about 40 percent larger due to compact rootmass. Thats my opinion and experience though
So, like so many things in life, I just felt a <WOO HOO!> - followed immediately by an <OH NO!> .

I found my seeds.

They were in the attic. I was sitting here sweating buckets, and when I crawled up into the attic it felt like moving from a freezer to a blast furnace. Doggone it. I hope someone reads this and sends me a good, swift (virtual) kick in the pants for that. I was really depressed a while back, so I gathered up a bunch of cannabis-related items. Thought I'd start a few, maybe cheer myself up. So I found myself looking at the pile, and I realized that I'd just waste any seeds that I germinated, because I'd end up failing to care for them. So, I decided to carry the box up to the attic so it'd be out of the way but still all on one place for when I felt up to the task and then return my seeds to the refrigerator.

<OOPS!> <BLEEPing> seed jar was right there on top of the box. So was an envelope with some seeds in it. I hope they're still viable. I hope some of them are, at least.

Let's see what I've got here. I haven't looked through them in a while, so we'll just do it together, lol:

In the envelope are three Barney's Farm single-seed cards. I have one each of Amnesia Lemon, Liberty Haze, and Critical Kush. I got excited for a moment when I saw a fourth card - Pineapple Chunk, a strain I've read lots of good reports on - but that one was empty and just didn't get thrown away.

In the jar are several tiny Ziploc type baggies:
"Advanced Female Seeds - Icebreaker, feminized"
"TH Seeds - Wreckage"
"Bag seed males" (several)
"Unknown Bag Seed females" (several)
"Bag Seed from a big party" (several)
Sweet Seeds - Cream Caramel
Sweet Seeds - Blow Mind Auto (Hmm... I thought I grew one of these Sweet Seeds strains. I grew an auto-flowering something :confused: )
"Blueberry x Red Plant x Medijuana, non-feminized" (bunch of these, maybe as many as 20)
"Blueberry x White Widow" (Several - six or seven)
"Huckleberry Fem." (Two)
"Sour Diesel Fem"
"CBD Crew - CBD OG Kush Fem"
"CBD Crew - Nordle Fem"
"CBD Crew - CBD Therapy Fem (Unstable)"
"Heavyweight Seeds - Fruit Punch Fem"
"????" (I might have been told this was something special by someone who has since passed on.)
"Zamaldelica potential male"
"Zamaldelica potential females" (Three; I've read good things about this sativa cross.)
"Crop King - Bubba Kush Fem" (Two)
"Crop King - Train Wreck" (Two - I think these are auto-flowering, because I just checked CKS' website and the only Train Wreck I saw was auto.)
"Crop King - Assorted Autos" (Three or four (one might be cracked). I thought there were more in this one, maybe this is what I grew previously, IDK.)

And that's it except for my few remaining Sensi Seeds Jack Herer and Serious Seeds Kali Mist.

So... IDK what to grow, lol. Suggestions?
Ive been growing autos for 4 years non stop. I have some experience my end but im no expert.

I'd say that the above statement qualifies you as being much closer to one than I am, for sure. I hope, if/when I get something new growing, that you'll be happy to advise me.

Im not much of a reader

Err... I'm sorry? Lol. I don't try to write lengthy posts, it just sort of happens.

Its best to transplant when you see roots popping out the bottom of the pots, about 1cm long sticking out the bottom. Thats prime time to transplant as long as your soil is dry so its alot easier to pull out the rootmass without it being wet and sticking to the pot like warmed up peanut butter on your butterknife. The growth between the two were the same speed, only difference is one was about 40 percent larger due to compact rootmass. Thats my opinion and experience though

Thanks for sharing your knowledge!

Just to clarify, one was ~40% larger. And that's the one that you transplanted up in steps, NOT the one that went straight into its final container?
I'd say that the above statement qualifies you as being much closer to one than I am, for sure. I hope, if/when I get something new growing, that you'll be happy to advise me.

Err... I'm sorry? Lol. I don't try to write lengthy posts, it just sort of happens.

Thanks for sharing your knowledge!

Just to clarify, one was ~40% larger. And that's the one that you transplanted up in steps, NOT the one that went straight into its final container?
Yes. The one i transplanted was the bigger one. I meant im not much of a reader when it comes to finding things out, but rather do things and see what the hype is all about lol. I can only learn from hands on experience.
Liberty haze is a real crowd pleaser.

The Barney's Farm singles came as freebies when I ordered the Jack Herer and Kali Mist. Usually, anything that might be sativa-dominant (it has Haze in its name) goes straight to the front of the line. But I really need to grow something that won't turn into a cross between a giant tree and a giant bush this time. I only have the one seed of it, and I'm (tentatively) planning to wait until I can do a scrog grow with it, either with it as the only plant or with it being given, IDK, around eight square feet of the grow.

I don't know anything about a lot of the ones on my list. So if anyone has grown some of them, and can give me suggestions about which ones are likely to be smaller / more compact, I'd really appreciate it.

I didn't really remember having quite so many choices. The "mystery" bag seeds are out of the running for this one. So are obvious sativa-dominant jewels (Zamaldelica). I'm really thinking about an auto-flowering strain in order to fit in with the thread (and because y'all have "talked me into it," lol - and I have become curious).

Can someone confirm - or deny - that a Crop King Seeds Train Wreck must be an auto-flowering strain? I only see it listed as an auto-flower on their website now, but this seed came from 2016, maybe earlier. IDK whether or not they had a non-auto version in the past.

And then there are the two Sweet Seeds strains, both auto-flowering. I looked at the breeder's descriptions, the Cream Caramel Auto is listed as "third generation auto-flower" and the Blow Mind Auto is listed as "fourth generation auto-flower." They mean that in terms of improvements, not necessarily plant generations. That plus the description leads me to believe the Cream Caramel might reasonably be expected to be the smaller of the two.

And I have the three (possibly four) Crop King Seeds "Auto-flowering Mix."

I'm leaning towards the Cream Caramel Auto. I'd be thinking about the CKS autos, instead, but they're "mixed," so I have no way to predict anything about the resulting plant beforehand.

So... Cream Caramel Auto? Yes? No? Something else? Quit jabbering in your thread, lol?
Yes. The one i transplanted was the bigger one.

Okay, thank you for verifying my understanding of what you posted. This is reassuring. So I won't worry overmuch about any potential need to transplant, and will simply take the usual care when doing so.

I meant im not much of a reader when it comes to finding things out, but rather do things and see what the hype is all about lol. I can only learn from hands on experience.

With me... Reading doesn't cost money. There is far less potential for disaster. And - you probably guessed this - I like to read in general.

But I understand about learning by doing. That's me, too. Even the things I read a great deal about, it takes the act of going through the thing myself to really lock in the knowledge. And I often learn something that wasn't mentioned in what I read.

So I'd have to say it's a combination of reading AND doing for me. I used to just do. That helped make me poor ;) . Something about not reading the instructions until after I've caused breakage, ha ha. These days, I make it a point to "RtFM" first.
The Barney's Farm singles came as freebies when I ordered the Jack Herer and Kali Mist. Usually, anything that might be sativa-dominant (it has Haze in its name) goes straight to the front of the line. But I really need to grow something that won't turn into a cross between a giant tree and a giant bush this time. I only have the one seed of it, and I'm (tentatively) planning to wait until I can do a scrog grow with it, either with it as the only plant or with it being given, IDK, around eight square feet of the grow.

I don't know anything about a lot of the ones on my list. So if anyone has grown some of them, and can give me suggestions about which ones are likely to be smaller / more compact, I'd really appreciate it.

I didn't really remember having quite so many choices. The "mystery" bag seeds are out of the running for this one. So are obvious sativa-dominant jewels (Zamaldelica). I'm really thinking about an auto-flowering strain in order to fit in with the thread (and because y'all have "talked me into it," lol - and I have become curious).

Can someone confirm - or deny - that a Crop King Seeds Train Wreck must be an auto-flowering strain? I only see it listed as an auto-flower on their website now, but this seed came from 2016, maybe earlier. IDK whether or not they had a non-auto version in the past.

And then there are the two Sweet Seeds strains, both auto-flowering. I looked at the breeder's descriptions, the Cream Caramel Auto is listed as "third generation auto-flower" and the Blow Mind Auto is listed as "fourth generation auto-flower." They mean that in terms of improvements, not necessarily plant generations. That plus the description leads me to believe the Cream Caramel might reasonably be expected to be the smaller of the two.

And I have the three (possibly four) Crop King Seeds "Auto-flowering Mix."

I'm leaning towards the Cream Caramel Auto. I'd be thinking about the CKS autos, instead, but they're "mixed," so I have no way to predict anything about the resulting plant beforehand.

So... Cream Caramel Auto? Yes? No? Something else? Quit jabbering in your thread, lol?
3rd gen seeds are f3's if im right. Those are pretty legit and killer seeds. Id pop all the autos and low stress train them
3rd gen seeds are f3's if im right.

Here is what I meant by the term "generation," as used by Sweet Seeds being different than actual plant generations:

Sweet Seeds said:
What is the meaning of the different Generations that identify the Sweet Seeds®’ Autoflowering strains?

When we identify our autoflowering strains in different genetic generations (3G, 4G, 5G, etc...) we refer to generational steps and not to the generations strictly speaking. We establish a new generational step every time the presence of Cannabis Ruderalis genetic in our autoflowering varieties is reduced. It usually occurs due to the cross with the photoperiod-dependent genetics.

Every time we cross an autoflowering genetic with a photoperiod-dependent genetic we gather 50% of the genetic of each of the parentals in the resulting hybrid, which is to say that in each cross we reduce the primitive genetic of Cannabis Ruderalis in 50%, as the autoflowering parental only transfers half of its genetic contents to the offspring.

Regarding the first autoflowering generation used by Sweet Seeds® as a start material to introduce the autoflowering genes in the rest of the autoflowering strains that we have developed since then, we think that it could feature 25% of genetics coming from Cannabis Ruderalis (this is something that we suspect, but we can not determine with certainty). When we used these genetic lines for breeding with elite clones from our bank of mothers, in the resulting hybrids from this cross we ended up with only 12,5% of Cannabis Ruderalis genetics and we designate these new genetics as 2G (second generation), due to the fact that a substantial genetic evolution occurred regarding to the first generation that featured 25% of Cannabis Ruderalis.

On the same way, the 3G varieties feature 6,25%, the 4g feature 3,125%, the 5G feature 1,562%, and so on. Every time we cross a last generation autoflowering genetic line with a photoperiod-dependent elite clone, we reduce in 50% the amount of Cannabis Ruderalis genetics present in the resulting hybrid.

At present time the percentage of Cannabis Ruderalis genetics left in the modern Sweet Seeds® autoflowering varieties is minimal and in that minimal segment we can find the genes that determine the autoflowering and the fast life cycle characteristics.

Those are pretty legit and killer seeds.

That's good to know. I did do some review skimming, and people seem to like both strains. The Blow Mind Auto might be more to my liking than the Cream Caramel Auto, to be honest - but the Cream Caramel Auto would probably fit better into the grow.

Id pop all the autos and low stress train them

I probably should have mentioned this, but: I have had a Jack Herer and a Kali Mist in vegetative growth for... IDK, since last Summer I think, maybe early Autumn. I later started one of the Huckleberry seeds that I was given. Things... happened, and I pretty much abandoned the grow completely for a while. They'd have been dead months ago, but the one person that has certain knowledge that I grow watered them when I was off being a depressed lump of <BLEEP>. Now, they've completely taken over the space, grown up to the 350-watt LED panel, been bleached, burned, ignored, abused, rinse/lather/repeat. The Huckleberry is smaller but still too tall (two main branches, a couple small ones that are screaming "clone material." It is the least abused of the three. The Jack Herer is TALL, and has many branches from just above the pot up, if it was a healthier plant, I'd have, IDK, eight to twelve baseball bat sized branches producing bud. But I have that many branches full of leaves, half of which are brown/crunchy. The Kali Mist... That one was like a giant bush stuffed into a phone booth. Poor thing. I was proud of the way it looked... once. The (very small) portion that's even vaguely under the light is still alive, but the bulk is off from the light, above the light, etc. and is more bare branches with a few leaves here and there.

I had the thought a while back that I needed to switch to flowering (err... ya think?). But it's like a 3'x3' space, and they're all up to the light NOW, so I would need to spread them out. One would be too much, methinks. Three... three, in their state, is a sign of complete stupidity of the grower.

So I had a thought: Why not take cuttings from them, root them, and flower them after slaughtering the parent plants?

That's where I'm at right now. If I can manage to do the above, I should have room for a small plant. I really want to clean the things up and flower them, but I can only even theoritically increase the size of the current grow space to 3'x5' or 3'x5.5', and I'd need to increase the light to match. I can add a 400-watt HPS (or dim it to 250 watts). But I'm not sure that I can deal with the extra heat at this time, and I'm not sure that my house can handle the extra load (30-amp service, almost exclusively pre-1940 "knob and tube" ungrounded (the two wires are mostly separated by a few inches, which at least lowers the fire risk :rolleyes3 ) wiring. My refrigerator isn't in great shape, but I'd like to retain the option of being able to buy cold and frozen food, lol. I have a sump pump in the basement - and, where most people probably have theirs in a hole to collect and pump out any water that runs into it from the basement, mine is sitting in a great big hole that isn't concrete-walled and -floored because its purpose is to pump water out of that hole before it flows into the basement. Looks like one wall of my basement is kind of... bowed. And it very much looks like the basement floor burst open and had to have a massive repair. I seem to have a #%^* SPRING under my basement floor, why did the builder not stop and fill in the basement to begin with, FFS? Anyway, my sump pump runs about every 15 minutes, 365 days a year, rain or drought. Can't unplug that. I also like to heat a meal in the microwave once in a while (especially in the Summer) and to turn on a reading light now and then. So I'm worried about overloading things. I have a great deal of trouble sleeping, but I'm also about half deaf and when I do manage to sleep... I wouldn't want to wake up in the midst of an inferno smelling roasted cat. Kind of worried. Also kind of thinking about saying screw it, giving the cat away (just in case), and hooking up the HPS. IDFK.

EDIT: (Edit of my previous edit :icon_roll .) Didn't want to take a chance on looking like I was even vaguely bending a rule.
Thats exactly what i meant lol. F3 is another definition for third generation

I kind of got the feeling after reading the bit that I quoted that there might have been several generations involved. That... they might have done a few crosses here and there which didn't lower the overall ruderalis content and, therefore, they didn't count as an additional generation. IOW, if they crossed two second-generation (or "second generation"???) auto-flowering hybrids, they wouldn't have called the resulting offspring "third generation." But if they crossed those offspring with a phototropic strain, they'd have then called those offspring "third generation."

But I don't really know. I also wonder if maybe they used the term to denote some sort of obvious improvement in their strain, then later added the explanation when people started wondering if their use of the "generation" term meant F₁, F₂, F₃, etc. I don't suppose it's all that important, either in the greater scheme of things or to me personally.

I do think I'm going to try to germinate my Cream Caramel seed. IDK if any of them are still viable after their vacation in the attic, but here's hoping. I guess I only have one day to get it planted, and I don't have any dechlorinated water. So I'm going to put some in a cup (and then go to bed shortly afterward) to do that. Then after I get up, if it doesn't still reek of chlorine, I'll drip in a little H₂O₂, wait a minute, then drop the seed in. It probably won't open before the 25th, so I'll have to choose between planting it unopened or giving myself a DQ for this group grow thing. Either way, I'll continue to follow along with the thread, because I think it's a great idea, everyone starting with the same general type of seeds (auto-flowers) and at around the same time. In a more open world, I'd be willing to consider chipping in one seed to a "pot" and then everyone could later vote on a winner to take all, lol. But... maybe we can do that in 2025?
Hey guys .. Loving the conversations and informationj getting shared :thumb: keep it up !
KingJoe- Dont stress buddy , your seeds are germinating which is good enough for me :) You part of the crew cant kick you out now haha.
Just got a couple of things to do and then my update will follow
I start my seeds, after a soak, in commercial potting soil. I think that the companies research what type of nutrients and how much are needed for seedlings. One of the concerns is salt build up over time. This foto shows an urn where I dump used potting soil from past seasons. You see the salt ring at the bottom leaching through. It's a valid concern.
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