Grow #2

Break that thing in bro!:bongrip:


Is that breaking it in good enough for ya...... I got to smoke 5 bowls out of it before I came home to see this. Our kitten got trapped in my room and jumped up and knocked it into my glass ashtray. So Now I'm smoking a phat :blunt: and took a few shots. I wanted to whoop her azz but then I thought, you know what the cat saw me puffing out of it and wanted to see what the big deal was and started to sniff it and knocked it over. Damn I wanted to shove my foot up her azz though. Oh well It is what It is, I guess I'm meant to smoke blunts...:party:

Why test fate..
Hey L-1 :bongrip:

Nice pipe! I love little glass pipes. I have 5 of them and always looking for another. They work so well and are easy to clean.

I'd like to see ducky too!

How ya doing OMM,

It was a nice pipe and got me plenty stoned the 5 bowls I got to smoke out of it. :roorrip::bong::bongrip::bigtoke::hookah:

I will try to get photos up tomorrow or the next day of Ducky and Fubar. My batteries are dead in the camera.
That sucks bro. Darn cats my old cat used to jump in the window to eat my jade tree and he must of killed like 12 of them by eating and knocking them off the table. I'm sure more glass will come your way. Can't wait to see your girls, glad to hear Ducky has recovered.
Yo, my man... get the catnip out show it to kitty and then flush it down the toilet.
"We're even" :rofl:

I can't keep a glass piece either, my last hit of a bong was at a friends house. He broke out his new Birthday present, a 4' bong with fancy chambers and colors. We smoked a few hits out it.... I broke it.

No bongs for me..
Man, Light-1-up that didn't last long :smokin::smokin:

Well it was nice. Poor cat probably jumped sky high when it broke, :yikes:

At least it wasn't a 4 footer like Sisco broke, Bet he's not invited over there again. :yahoo:

At least they are cheap! :bongrip:

Will be looking for the pictures Buddy, :peace:
That sucks bro. Darn cats my old cat used to jump in the window to eat my jade tree and he must of killed like 12 of them by eating and knocking them off the table. I'm sure more glass will come your way. Can't wait to see your girls, glad to hear Ducky has recovered.

Oh yaas soon as I get paid I will get me a differewnt one. Back in my youth I had problems with my cat eating all tops off of my plants. She would leave the bottom portioin and just go to town with the tops.

Yo, my man... get the catnip out show it to kitty and then flush it down the toilet.
"We're even" :rofl:

I can't keep a glass piece either, my last hit of a bong was at a friends house. He broke out his new Birthday present, a 4' bong with fancy chambers and colors. We smoked a few hits out it.... I broke it.

No bongs for me..

Damn a 4 foot bong your broke, that drug abuse right

Man, Light-1-up that didn't last long :smokin::smokin:

Well it was nice. Poor cat probably jumped sky high when it broke, :yikes:

At least it wasn't a 4 footer like Sisco broke, Bet he's not invited over there again. :yahoo:

At least they are cheap! :bongrip:

Will be looking for the pictures Buddy, :peace:

Yea she probably did jump sky high, but when I got home and went up to my room to grab my pipe to have a quick smoke, she came out from under my bed like I'm sorry Daddy. In a soft meow, she went meow she knew she did something wrong.. 10 bucks wasn't to bad, I learned a valuable lesson keep my glass in a drawer...

Or make sure the damn kitten is not trapped in my room, sneaky little Sh!t..
What going on everyone, it's been almost two weeks or so the time that Ducky has been recovering in The Bloom Room, she is looking quite healthy and ready to grow. I know she is small but if she is a female I plan on taking a clone or two If I can manage it. Her new nodes are very tight and close together, so we will see how she continues to grow. I plan on transplanting her into her final grow pot in about a week maybe two, have to make sure she is strong enough and ready for it.

Sideview of Ducky

Overview of Ducky

That messed up looking leaf is one of her old ones from when she took that break. Other than that she is looking quite good if I may say so.

On to Fubar she is at 55 days of 12/12 but only has been producing flowers for 35 days. This girl is starting to pack on some weight and making it get frostier everyday. I am so thankful that I've had no problems when it comes to this girl.



I might have to put a couple sticks in there to tie her up to. I will do this with in the next few days. It is great watching her branches sway in the breeze, knowing that it only makes her stronger. I think I will give her just plain water and another good flushing over the next two weeks. I'll use just plain tap water and let it sit for two days before I use it.

Both of my girls together

All comments, helpful hints and construtive smartazz comments are always welcome.
Fubar looks great L-1 :grinjoint:

Ducky is looking good too. You can snip off the damaged part of her leaves. Won't hurt her at all. She can't use the damaged part anyway.

You just may need to brace Fubar up soon. An addition you will happily make!
I swear I can smell Fubar from here! :bravo:
Fubar looks great L-1 :grinjoint:

Ducky is looking good too. You can snip off the damaged part of her leaves. Won't hurt her at all. She can't use the damaged part anyway.

You just may need to brace Fubar up soon. An addition you will happily make!
I swear I can smell Fubar from here! :bravo:

Man she is starting have a sweet/ kinda tropical fruity smell. Wow her scent must be doing wonders, because for her smell to get there would have to go against the jet stream... Anything is possible my friend.. I fixed my little weight problem by putting her back colas up against the wall.. That will hold them up quite nicely for a while I think.

Fubar looks pretty sturdy, The ugly Duckie will need some luvin, but you know how to treat the girls right so no problems there.

Yea I know Ducky anit pretty now, but give her some time she's the ugly duckling, It takes time for her inner beauty to show...
Well it's day 56 of 12/12.. Day 36 of producing flowers.

The hairs on her are about 35% amber and 65% white and she is still putting on some new growth. I am really excited about my grow going this long, I have had many problems in the past and hope those are in the past. Two weeks to go and we will be at Day 70 of 12/12 and her harvest I guess so we will see. This is a 70 day flowering time from what I have read about this strain. I gave her a much needed drink today, I like to let my soil get dry before I water her again. I don't really know why, but it works.

Here is one of my branches that is nothing but flowers:yahoo:

Pretty flowers

This looks just sweet as hell

wow I like what I see

Overview of Fubar

With her up against the wall, I think she will need a trimming. That is what I will do with in the next few days. She is doing quite good minus the stuff on her leaves. A good flush will do her wonders I think and she has done had her last shot of nutes. The crazy thing is the tops I cut off a week or two back, have grown more than all the rest. They have swelled up and gonna be popcorn nugs, just like the rest of her. I can see that now, not that there is any thing wrong with popcorn nugs don't get me wrong. I can already see how this girl is gonna dry, lots of popcorn nugs on a stem, remove the stems and you got a lot of nugs, with no seeds or stems...:yahoo:
She sure is frosty looking L1U! Won't be long now, be patient :tokin:

That she is my friend. I thought is was hard not to cut her a few weeks back but now I really want to chop her.....lmao

She has about ten days to go, today is day 60 of 12/12. I'm glad I have a sack to smoke on until she is ready..

Same thing Blue said. They look good Bro! :yahoo:

Thanks OMM, good to hear from ya bro..
Put the skizors down and walk away from the plant :skeptical: lol I know how you feel partner, I'm half baked on some LS that I just took from the bottom. I'm probably at around 5 grams of quick dried buds from all 5 plants.

Flush that biatch with some mOlasses and she'll still get fatterer. Yes, fatterer. :)
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