Grow #2

That is why it is only little spots then... resign yourself to giving calmag to the ones showing deficiency, for the rest of the grow, or at least right up to final budswell... You have some greedy plants. LED lights tend to bring this out in plants, as does RO water... we forget how many minerals are in our normal tap water.
I'd say growth is going well. no more LST I think. Whats done is done. Going to let them go now. have 5-6 or more tops all at the same level now per plant. Growing is starting to pickup and with any luck it will stay that way, or better yet speed up more. Time will tell.

Looking healthy @twnewell, your canopy is even so you should be fine to let them grow out now. There will always be 1 or 2 nodes that will want to get ahead of the others so you can just tie them down as they pop up above the others. Looking forward to your flower show! :party::ganjamon:
Looking healthy @twnewell, your canopy is even so you should be fine to let them grow out now. There will always be 1 or 2 nodes that will want to get ahead of the others so you can just tie them down as they pop up above the others. Looking forward to your flower show! :party::ganjamon:
I had that exact thing happen this morning. Tied it back down to keep it all even. This grow is going to be a blast. So excited to see how these ladies turn out.
The vertical grow has begun. Having to move my light up a couple of inches each day or so now. Also taking less and less time to drink up the water, thinking Saturday or Sunday will be up-pot day.

Takes 2L to water each pot and have a good amount of runoff with 5L pots.

New pots are 20L. So I’m thinking close to 32L to completely water 4 of these 20L pots. Hope to hell my math is wrong. That’s a load of water.


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And they get thirstier and thirstier as they're going to get
real good at mixing nutes and ph ing the water...but it's all worth it in the end...
Or not pH'ing the water ;).
Been not ph'ing my water on my current grow in pro mix and liking the results. and especially enjoying not having to deal with ph up ( still using ph down on the plain watering)
Wow @twnewell you’ll have to water real slow if you’re gonna wanna water each pot 8L’s of water without it all running out in my opinion :yummy: Watering to runoff is good but you do not want a lot. Imagine how much money you’ll spend on nutrients if you’re watering 32 liters at a time.
i’ve Got 5 x 20L pots and I water them 3-4 liters each depending how thirsty they are. Maybe your plants will be much hungrier than mine! :ganjamon::morenutes:
Wow @twnewell you’ll have to water real slow if you’re gonna wanna water each pot 8L’s of water without it all running out in my opinion :yummy: Watering to runoff is good but you do not want a lot. Imagine how much money you’ll spend on nutrients if you’re watering 32 liters at a time.
i’ve Got 5 x 20L pots and I water them 3-4 liters each depending how thirsty they are. Maybe your plants will be much hungrier than mine! :ganjamon::morenutes:
Time will tell. I hope your right.
Took every bit of 20L to water these ladies to a small amount of runoff. Will need more as the new promix gets totally intergraded with the old promix. Also raised the light to “10 from the top of the canopy to the light fixture.

Also made a siphoning setup with a valve for watering. Mix up 20L in a big jug, put a hose in it, suck on it to start the siphon, open and close the valve to control the flow and water away. Works well I have to say.

Also, looking for an opinion on these pots. These are taller then they are wide. “10.5 diameter and “13 tall. Would shorter,fatter pots be better?


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Continuing to tie the tops down. I think this will be the last time. I only have a 600 watt light for flower and I don’t want to have too many tops for not enough light. Going to check footprint of the 600 watt.


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Looking good @twnewell! Your fabric pots are DIY hey? Awesome man i love it and it seems your plants do too.
Nice training they have been opened up really well, i'm sure they'll explode with growth over the next week! :ganjamon::yummy:
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