
If this world had more people in it like RedDawg, it would be a much better world!

Yes it would Mr. Roseman :) And include yourself in that grouping too, as I do.

Good luck RedDawg, I have the same idea about trying to reveg and clone a favorite plant after I harvest her. I'll be watching with interest and sending you good vibes. They'd be ready just in time for a nice winter harvest.
Wow I just saw the harvest pics that looks sweet! How are you drying/curing them, and if you know what are the drying/curing temps and humidity?

I don't have a/c and it's going to be about 90 degrees & up to 90% hum while I'm trying to dry and cure. I'm pretty sure I'll screw it up but my plan now is just to hang them in open boxes in my hot/humid/dark garage with fans and watch them closely. They're going to dry faster than I'd like but I don't know what else to do. I'm more nervous about that than I was about the grow.... hate to go through all that time and effort and then blow it at the end.

Sorry if this is hijacking, great job with the grow Mr. RedDawg:bravo:
Yes it would Mr. Roseman :) And include yourself in that grouping too, as I do.

Good luck RedDawg, I have the same idea about trying to reveg and clone a favorite plant after I harvest her. I'll be watching with interest and sending you good vibes. They'd be ready just in time for a nice winter harvest.


Thank You my Friend.. !! .. And Thank You for the Good Luck and Good Vibes too.. !! .. I need ALL of them I can get for sure.. !!

Wow I just saw the harvest pics that looks sweet! How are you drying/curing them, and if you know what are the drying/curing temps and humidity?

I don't have a/c and it's going to be about 90 degrees & up to 90% hum while I'm trying to dry and cure. I'm pretty sure I'll screw it up but my plan now is just to hang them in open boxes in my hot/humid/dark garage with fans and watch them closely. They're going to dry faster than I'd like but I don't know what else to do. I'm more nervous about that than I was about the grow.... hate to go through all that time and effort and then blow it at the end.

Sorry if this is hijacking, great job with the grow Mr. RedDawg:bravo:

Im drying them in a CardBoard Box for roughly a Week or so (just until the outside edges start to get dry),, then Curing in Glass Jars.. You just have to remember to Rotate them often.. And the Temp. is about 60-65 Degrees with about 35-40% Humidity with a Fan gently circulating the Air.. I like to do both in a cool Dark Place.. ..

And youll do just fine Brother,, just try to keep an Eye on them as best you can.. ..

Your not High-jacking my Thread by any means,, and your more than Welcome to Post anything at anytime on my Thread.. Dont sweat it my Friend.. ..

Im always willing to share my Opinion,, although its not always going to be right Im sure.. lol ..

Thank You again for the good Wishes and Vibes too.. ..

Much Love and Respect to you and yours Mr.BlueDog.. !!
Congrates on the GREAT harvest Dawg! :goodjob:
You should be proud. :)

I'm curious, why did you leave some popcorn buds on the re-vegging plant???
Now of course I don't know for sure, but I would think you would want to take all the buds off her, then re-veg. Hmmmm
Congrates on the GREAT harvest Dawg! :goodjob:
You should be proud. :)

I'm curious, why did you leave some popcorn buds on the re-vegging plant???
Now of course I don't know for sure, but I would think you would want to take all the buds off her, then re-veg. Hmmmm


Thank You Mr.Green007.. I am Proud for sure.. !! !!

As to why I left the Buddz on the Lady,, mostly because Im not sure if I should remove them or not.. lol .. Most of what I have Read has said to leave the bottom 1/3 of the Lady,, including her Buddz.. But,, I am not sure at all.. I just thought it would be better to leave them,, then to WISH I had later.. lol .. That way if I do figure out that they dont need to be there I can cut them off,, if I had cut them already and found out that I should have left them,, I wouldnt be able to put them back on.. lol .. Should I cut them off.. ??

Much Respect to you and yours Mr.Green007.. !!
Cut them off, leave them on...I have no idea.

My thinking was cut them off and smoke them. Vegging plants don't usually have buds on them, so cut them off so all the plants energy goes into re-vegging, not bud support.

But like I said, I really don't know. Guess we'll find out won't we. ;)

Ohhh, just noticed - post 2K-007 !!! :rofl:
Cut them off, leave them on...I have no idea.

My thinking was cut them off and smoke them. Vegging plants don't usually have buds on them, so cut them off so all the plants energy goes into re-vegging, not bud support.

But like I said, I really don't know. Guess we'll find out won't we. ;)

Ohhh, just noticed - post 2K-007 !!! :rofl:


That makes sense to me.. Hmm,, maybe I should just cut them off completely.. ..

And Congrats on the 2,000 Post for you Bro.. !!

Much Respect to you and yours Mr.Green007.. !!
Congrats on the harvest Dawg:cheer::bravo:. Looks like good weight for just one lady.


Thank You kindly my Friend.. !! .. I think everything has turned out ok with everything taken into account.. ..

Much Respect to you and yours Bro.. !!
Hey there RedDawg!

That is a great harvest brother! Looks like some pretty fine smoke!!!

That is the real joy in get to smoke the final product of your labor's. You know what is in it, how it was raised and can feel completely safe smoking it.

Here is wishing you all the luck with your re-veg...only advice I can give you is to watch her will go sour if left wet and she will die...and she will not be drinking at all so go sparce on watering.

You might ask Woodsman...he successfully revegged his "Runt" from last grow.

:peace: brother and congrats again on the harvest :bravo:
Hey there RedDawg!

That is a great harvest brother! Looks like some pretty fine smoke!!!

That is the real joy in get to smoke the final product of your labor's. You know what is in it, how it was raised and can feel completely safe smoking it.

Here is wishing you all the luck with your re-veg...only advice I can give you is to watch her will go sour if left wet and she will die...and she will not be drinking at all so go sparce on watering.

You might ask Woodsman...he successfully revegged his "Runt" from last grow.

:peace: brother and congrats again on the harvest :bravo:


Thank You Brother.. !! .. Seems like She didnt do TOO bad for being just one little Lady.. Im Happy with the results so far,, to say the least.. ..

And Thank You too for the Good Luck with my Re-Veg too,, I need all of the Help I can get with Her.. Shes not in Soil though,, Shes in a little DIY Hydro/Bubbles Bucket type thing lol ,, is that bad.. ?? .. Im not sure who Mr.Woodsman is though,, do you think you could point him in my Direction.. ?? .. I would love to chat with him and get his Advise and Help if hes willing.. ..

Thank You again my Friend.. !!

Much Respect to you and yours Mr.MountainHighGuy.. !!
Nothing to laugh at all. Those buds look great RedDawg!

Best wishes with the re-veg.


Thank You Mr.President Sir.. !! .. Im actually impressed with the results so far,, especially with everything considered.. Im lucky I ended up with a Harvest at all Im sure.. lol

Thanks for the Best Wishes on my feeble attempt to Re-Veg this Lady too.. !! .. I need all of the Help I can get.. !!

Much Respect to you and yours Mr.President.. !!
Your scaring me with the Mr. President stuff. I can't handle responsibility..hmmm, maybe I could do it then. :rofl:

Mr. Pres will do just fine. ;)
Hey there Red!

Saw your harvest pics! Congrats on your harvest!!!

I wanted to let you know I took the plunge and bought a DWC starter kit from Stealth Hydro! I'll be coming in here and picking your brain a LOT now! I'll be watching your re-veg attempts as well!
Hey there Red!

Saw your harvest pics! Congrats on your harvest!!!

I wanted to let you know I took the plunge and bought a DWC starter kit from Stealth Hydro! I'll be coming in here and picking your brain a LOT now! I'll be watching your re-veg attempts as well!


Thank You young Lady.. !! .. Im glad your switching over to Hydro.. !!

I need all the Luck I can get with the Re-Veg,, I have my Fingers crossed for sure.. lol

Much Respect to you and yours Maam..

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