H00k Almost Shitz Brix: One More LOS First, Girlz 2018

Dark and dreary thunderstorm Sunday!...just how dark is it?...pole light came on just before noon!:eek:...FFS!:rolleyes:...was up early to see the girls off on their road trip...gonna make it to Sudbury today and then an easy day tomorrow to sneak in the back way to Hamilton to avoid the busy highways...
...got the girlz out and fed them their tea and pored over them with magnifying glass and loupe looking for any pests that are causing issues with a couple new growth sites...didn't see anything, but to err on the side of caution, mixed up a batch of pyrethrin and gave them a misting at lights out...also lowered the lights 4 to 8 inches...


...BD#1 and #2...





...new growth damage...

...didn't get a shot of Caramelo or PE, cause storm was fixin' to start and had to get the other girlz inside...

...Have a great Sunday!...maybe time to stream a movie or take a nap...hmnnnn...:hmmmm:...cheerz...h00k...:rollit:
...Yes I did FIM a couple...Thanks for that!...:thumb::high-five:...did they straighten themselves out eventually?...cheerz...h00k...:rollit::passitleft:
Yeah the leaves that look deformed like that just so happen to be the ones you pinched in half. Those will always look like that but the next set should be back to normal unless you fim again. You are most welcome bud! I have spent time trying to figure out what wa smunching things just to realize it was me lol!
G'day eh!...mix of sun and cloud and just over 80F in the shade...nice flat water today, so took the kayak out for a nice leisurely paddle over to the island out front...

...took the auto's out last evening for a good look see...still have a ways to go...mostly clear with some cloudy trich's...the DC hasn't got much attention in this journal, so I figgered' a photo op was due for her...given her diminutive size, she is really starting to pack on some bud weight and a perfect Christmas tree shape...


...the photo's are doing good...really getting some legs now...I swear they've grown a good few inches since Sunday...really liking the structure on most of these...the BD's seem more interested in going up rather than out...might have to intervene, and get physical with those two...couple shots of the big room this morning...


...have a great week!...cheerz...h00k...:rollit:
Yo H00k!
Proper update!
Dont get up. Ill let myself out!
60 degrees???????????? I run my cement pond at about 90 degrees........ Like a big ass hot tubs at night. I love to slip out there, strip buck ass naked and take a swim with all the steam coming off the water......... The sad thing is we only get about 2 months of good weather for swimming.

Girls look great there Dr Hook

Puttin the wood in Woody? Wait asking for a neighbor! :eek:o_O
It all happens in an anaroebic environment, shouldn’t be any way for microbes to survive,


Anaerobic - aerobic microbes
Hey there Mr Hook - all your AUTO girls look amazing and the veg plants are getting along nice in the sun. Long daze this time of year, eh?

I'm back home taking a break from trimming Blue Dream.

Be heading back up your way in a few weeks. Was hotter than hell up there over the holiday week. That wasn't right, first time ever getting over 30C every day for a week. Was brutal last week.

Fishing yeah was going to do some but the sun happened, no AC were were pretty hot.

So yeah happy belated Canada day was a great day out on the water and fire works too!

Sounds like your life is on track. Kids doing it right, wife helping get it done. Great job.

For your hip - try some physical therapy and/or go swimming. I was about get my hip replaced - same kinda feeling as you. Started working on improving my core muscles. Got some good help from a PT person that was fixing my ankle - Achilles tendon issue. She showed me some core muscle exercises. That and swimming ... all good now.

When it gets hard to sleep on your side thats when they start talking replacement.

I just switched to sleeping on my side with an extra pillow behind me at my hips. Proper bed is important.

I guess daze of running for fitness are in the past for me, but swimming has really helped. Can stretch all those tight muscles out without all the body stress.

G/L with the girls and the upcoming flower cycle. Glad to see your doing great with soil this round. It will just keep getting better each round.

Dumping old soil in your raised beds ain't a problem. Grow weeds in your raised beds! Problems solved! :high-five:

Been using old soil for my wife's outdoor flowers - her flowers are well over head high this year. first time. She's starting to love me a little more every day. hahahahaha

My hip I put off till I couldn't stand in no more. All I could do was sit or lay down. Dreaded even walking to the truck to go somewhere. Sure PT might help,, but when your quality of life is hurting,,, remember we only here for a minute,. Why we telling him Mister BBrown? He is a Doctor.......
I have little to very little love for doctors and my dad was a pediatrician.
Just sayin that many have ulterior motive and not your health these daze.

I was in line for a hip replacement. Went to the YMCA swimming instead. Hip still a little sore laying down at night but not bad enough I cant walk and not bad enough to need a new 1. My bro just got his 2nd new hip the other day.

Just suggesting to try something b-4 trying knife. Mine ended up being my core muscles were all tight and was fucking with my ability to remain balanced and my back ohh my aching back.

Once a PT person pointed that out to me a got me working on core exercises, lots of soreness and pain went away. I'm 60 so I dont expect a miracle but hey it aint broke no more so it don't need fixin. Just a little oil on the joints every now and again to keep the rust out.

That and when things do get sore, I get my trusty old wife to rub some comfrey salve on the sore spots. Problems solved, talking within 10 minutes and it lasts too. Must be a good match with the cannabis! New batch of comfrey salve in the works. B-ready in a few months. We will have enough to share. Hit me up.. I'll get a list going. Specially you Woody, you beat yourself up bad nuf and had some help. This is no joke good stuff.

Docs would have me in a wheel chair with a IV drip and an oxygen tank... thanks but no thanks. I'm gonna hold out for that shit.

My health issue is my BP - I think its related to all the Sativa freshies I've been puffing on for the last several years. I'm trying to cut back, really I am. :passitleft:
Oh wait, no I'm not.

But it's a thought. Doc I'm really really thinking about it. Hard this time. :smokin:
My hip was actually 'bruised' in the motorcycle wreck that left me paralyzed from neck down for about 18 months in the hospital. Avascular necrosis they called it. My wreck was in 86' my hip started to die in 94 which is when I got this one. It needs a revision now,, past due, but I have more important this to worry about.

But sure,, DOCTOR HOOK,,,,, JK,, Doctors do milk alot of patients with the means of paying the bill. Glorified Carpenters... But is times when you need a few nails tightened up. I can't call it only you can.

They wrapped my neck in metal and run 4 wood screws to hold it together.... That was a lifesaver that one,, or I'd be blowing thru that straw in a wheelchair the rest of my life. But then,, I if that happened,, I wood'nd be here now. Quality in life is the main thing.

And yes I'd try all options unless you see that ball or socket chewed up or your in too much pain and a Doctor can put a finger on it. . Before then carpenters get ahold of ya.
My hip I put off till I couldn't stand in no more. All I could do was sit or lay down. Dreaded even walking to the truck to go somewhere. Sure PT might help,, but when your quality of life is hurting,,, remember we only here for a minute,. Why we telling him Mister BBrown? He is a Doctor.......

hehehe...I am a procrastinator extraordinaire!...:rofl:...but...Yeah, I gotta move on this, sooner rather than later...I have long life genetics(tho' I've prolly shortened them with lifestyle...lolool)...should prolly try to maximize them...

I have little to very little love for doctors and my dad was a pediatrician.
Just sayin that many have ulterior motive and not your health these daze.

I was in line for a hip replacement. Went to the YMCA swimming instead. Hip still a little sore laying down at night but not bad enough I cant walk and not bad enough to need a new 1. My bro just got his 2nd new hip the other day.

Just suggesting to try something b-4 trying knife. Mine ended up being my core muscles were all tight and was fucking with my ability to remain balanced and my back ohh my aching back.

Once a PT person pointed that out to me a got me working on core exercises, lots of soreness and pain went away. I'm 60 so I dont expect a miracle but hey it aint broke no more so it don't need fixin. Just a little oil on the joints every now and again to keep the rust out.

That and when things do get sore, I get my trusty old wife to rub some comfrey salve on the sore spots. Problems solved, talking within 10 minutes and it lasts too. Must be a good match with the cannabis! New batch of comfrey salve in the works. B-ready in a few months. We will have enough to share. Hit me up.. I'll get a list going. Specially you Woody, you beat yourself up bad nuf and had some help. This is no joke good stuff.

Docs would have me in a wheel chair with a IV drip and an oxygen tank... thanks but no thanks. I'm gonna hold out for that shit.

My health issue is my BP - I think its related to all the Sativa freshies I've been puffing on for the last several years. I'm trying to cut back, really I am. :passitleft:
Oh wait, no I'm not.

But it's a thought. Doc I'm really really thinking about it. Hard this time. :smokin:

...Yeah Bob...that doctor thing...not a big fan either(except for my neurologist)...so much so my family doc nearly dropped me for lack of activity...I'd go see him, but for the strike at the clinic...seriously looking at the walk in clinic option next week, but dread the wait time that comes with that...
...got 5 years on Ya, and don't expect miracles either, but will be be checking out any alternatives, before any knife action, as soon as I get looked at...
...Made some cannabis salve about a week and a half ago with peppermint and tea tree oils...used it on the hips and lower back for a few days, and noticed an improvement on the lower back when working on plants in that half bent mode under the lights...made a shit load, but it is a lil greasier than I would like, so kinda not used it for the last couple days...backs sore again, so will dig out those old work tee's and lather up...
...sucks getting old, when Ya' have more spunk than your grand kids, and the body of an old fart...lolool......cheerz You guy's...h00k...:thumb::high-five:
I have little to very little love for doctors and my dad was a pediatrician.
Just sayin that many have ulterior motive and not your health these daze.

I was in line for a hip replacement. Went to the YMCA swimming instead. Hip still a little sore laying down at night but not bad enough I cant walk and not bad enough to need a new 1. My bro just got his 2nd new hip the other day.

Just suggesting to try something b-4 trying knife. Mine ended up being my core muscles were all tight and was fucking with my ability to remain balanced and my back ohh my aching back.

Once a PT person pointed that out to me a got me working on core exercises, lots of soreness and pain went away. I'm 60 so I dont expect a miracle but hey it aint broke no more so it don't need fixin. Just a little oil on the joints every now and again to keep the rust out.

That and when things do get sore, I get my trusty old wife to rub some comfrey salve on the sore spots. Problems solved, talking within 10 minutes and it lasts too. Must be a good match with the cannabis! New batch of comfrey salve in the works. B-ready in a few months. We will have enough to share. Hit me up.. I'll get a list going. Specially you Woody, you beat yourself up bad nuf and had some help. This is no joke good stuff.

Docs would have me in a wheel chair with a IV drip and an oxygen tank... thanks but no thanks. I'm gonna hold out for that shit.

My health issue is my BP - I think its related to all the Sativa freshies I've been puffing on for the last several years. I'm trying to cut back, really I am. :passitleft:
Oh wait, no I'm not.

But it's a thought. Doc I'm really really thinking about it. Hard this time. :smokin:
I had my left hip done 2yrs ago I almost couldn't walk my wife had to put my shoes and socks on of they xrayed it and almost all the cushion substance that goes between the bones in there was almost gone it was bone on bone in one spot you cant fix that with pt or ointments my femur was shaped wrong a birth defect its all good now I can walk 5 mi if I want for me it was either the replacement or I was going to spend the rest of my life in a chair the hell with that!:cool:
So...quick update...Delicious Candy got the axe today...a good percentage of amber's along with mostly cloudy and some clear trich's...the SM's prolly have another week or so...photo's will prolly get watered tomorrow...was thinking tonight, but the pots still had a lil' weight...

...last couple of hours under the sun...


...tray of buds/trim...

...in the bag for a few days...

...roots...some big mains almost down to the bottom of a 5 gal. pail...

...usually we get a few flocks of white pelicans stopping by this time of year on their migration route...usually by their lonesome...this year, they are being accompanied by large numbers of Cormorants...never have seen it before...bout' a week ago, had a flock of 20 or so with a hundred or more Cormorants...heading down to the shed this a.m....

...that's it for tonight...have a Great finish to the weekend!...cheerz...h00k...:rollit::passitleft:
So...quick update...Delicious Candy got the axe today...a good percentage of amber's along with mostly cloudy and some clear trich's...the SM's prolly have another week or so...photo's will prolly get watered tomorrow...was thinking tonight, but the pots still had a lil' weight...

...last couple of hours under the sun...


...tray of buds/trim...

...in the bag for a few days...

...roots...some big mains almost down to the bottom of a 5 gal. pail...

...usually we get a few flocks of white pelicans stopping by this time of year on their migration route...usually by their lonesome...this year, they are being accompanied by large numbers of Cormorants...never have seen it before...bout' a week ago, had a flock of 20 or so with a hundred or more Cormorants...heading down to the shed this a.m....

...that's it for tonight...have a Great finish to the weekend!...cheerz...h00k...:rollit::passitleft:
those buds look good hook I will await your report on that delicious candy love the lake pic probably due to weather change for the commarants have a good night bud!:passitleft:
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