H00k Shitz Brix & A Couple Of Other Things: Girlz 2019

.heh...I'm terrible at smell descriptions...kinda sweet, but something else more earthy...chicory maybe?... :hmmmm:...not

It's not just me!!!
I get "nose wash" really bad... I guess I just subconsciously block out odors. (I'm a plumber) :laugh:

I try my best to describe each strain, I'm betting it probably sounds like jibberish. LoL.... Like a teenage girl trying to explain her weekend plans... lol

-Nosey McNosernot

It's not just me!!!
I get "nose wash" really bad... I guess I just subconsciously block out odors. (I'm a plumber) :laugh:

I try my best to describe each strain, I'm betting it probably sounds like jibberish. LoL.... Like a teenage girl trying to explain her weekend plans... lol

-Nosey McNosernot

... :rofl:...yeah, it has to be pretty distinct for me to catch it...like ammonia or skunk...usually falls under dank...:rolleyes:;)...although I did a Strawberry Blue a few years ago that was totally recognizable and very nice smoke....cheerz...:high-five:...h00k...:hookah:...
Evenin'...just a quick update...with the exception of the younger killer, the girlz in the basement were ready for a drink...another light trans...5 ml's in a gallon of lake water...got them outside for that and to catch some solar...

killer stayed inside...

...hump day for the werkin' stiffs...just another day for us ole' farts...enjoy!...cheerz... :high-five:...h00k...:hookah:...
What ya got growing behind 'em? Looks like the start of a garden back there.
Those are some happy and healthy plants Hook, looks like they’ll be ready for bigger pots soon! :ganjamon::morenutes:
...thanks PW...thinking about up potting soon...maybe a week or so...thinking also another trans with the roots powder in the hole and on the roots, when I do...then get into alternating with growth ?,,, sound good brixer's?...cheerz... :high-five:...h00k...:hookah:...
They look very healthy. You still have a ways to go before transplanting. Let them go bone dry then drench them, when you have to water them every day or every other day start doubling up the drenches. You should hardly see any "dirt" when you pull the root ball. It usually takes at least 8 weeks for this to happen if you let them get bone dry between waterings and dunk them when you do water. Most of mine are more like 12 weeks in 1 gallon pots before I consider them ready to flip.
Hey h00k! Plants looking great! What Neiko said but a couple notes. When he said double up drenches, that means do the same drench twice in a row not double the amount of drench. I agree you have a while before up pot but Duggan up pots when it's convenient for him then vegs a little while longer in big pots. Also, when they're bone dry, they get water and next time give full strength trans and I've been liking the Duggan method for ease, it's 15ml of drench per gallon of water plus tea say 3-5ml. Easy peasy lemon squeezy!
Thanks Ween!...yup I understood that...they've had 2 light trans now, so next drink will just be water with a splash of tea...after that I'll go with a couple growth...wash rinse repeat...I'll prolly split the difference on up potting...can't see myself leaving them in 1's for 12 weeks...having followed so many brix journals, I see subtle differences in style, but all with outstanding results, so I'm trying to stay close to kit instructions, while adapting some others methods...I appreciate all comments/advice from the experienced brixers... :thumb:...cheerz...:high-five:...h00k...:hookah:...
Lookin' great, Bro! :welldone:

Brothers Neiko & Ween have you straight on letting them get good & rootbound before up-potting.

Only as an FYI, these days I've been feeding very heavy and do 2ml per gallon of soil on all drenches plus 1ml per gallon of soil of tea (VERY "easy peasy"! :laugh: ). The plants take it well and I like to make sure there's heavy microbial action. I'm not recommending you do this, but it is what I've been doing.

That being said, looking at the fade on the OE, maybe I should have gone lighter on the CAT drenches with that one? :hmmmm:
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