Hydroponic - Gigabud - Pineapple Express - OG Kush - Kandy Kush

from yesterday-

tall pheno giga:

one of the colas with lights on(tallest cola at rear of above pic):

OG Kush(u can see signs of def in the tips of the shade leaves- poor baby):

pines and gigs:

so not a huge increase in size, to be expected with my new information-fk it all.. but the OGK is still filling out and the tall pheno giga is fattening slightly.. as are the rest- slowly
no a happy chappy at all... pulled over to the room today to do a res change and add more shooting powder- found out my grow partner hasnt been shaking the fucking nutrient bottle when she adds nutes! and here i was wandering why the hell the ec reading was so low (approx read @1.2ec as opposed to the normal 2-2.2) so here i was scratching my head having to add extra nutes to balance the ec.. and even asked the said partner if they had been shaking the bottle thoroughly, with a "yeap, sure have" reply!!
so.. now i have a 5litre nute bottle that has had 3 weeks worth of unshaken nutes filtered off the top- making for an unbalanced ratio in what is left.. only having 3 weeks left i'll just soldier on and see how it goes.. lots of little things have been pissing me the fuck off with my grow partner and im just waiting to cut the lot so i can remove all of my gear and relocate it.
ok.. my rant is done LOL feeling slightly better but still with a PISSED undercurrent.. time for a much needed blunt wrapped sativa!! :cheesygrinsmiley:
anyhoo.. took some pics yesterday- which i'll upload in a few.

What's up Alk? Sorry to hear about the problems ya got going on but know oh so well what your dealing with when it comes to finding or even having a partner who keeps up on the details & that you don't have to double check on daily to make sure everything's working properly. I sincerely feel for ya sir and on a note that "shooting powder" you speak of I found at my local hydro store or a German made version of it & boy does that stuff cost some whoo coo bucks just for a quart size bottle which runs over $100.00 dollars here & I put back on the shelf instantly. Crazy!:thedoubletake: Anyway, take a puff or two of the good stuff and turn on the tunes then hope for the best come harvest I guess.:roorrip:
Also, I just threw my girls into a 12/12 cycle today and loaded another video on my You-Tube page to show the start of day 1 with the H.P.S. lights installed & lowered so their getting a little more then 2000 lumens over the canopy & with a transition from veg. to bloom nutrient solution for the first week of flowering. Keeping my fingers crossed for a good harvest in a couple months and wish I could find a hardworking and smart partner to relieve the stress myself! ttyl! ~Peace~:ganjamon:
Hey Brother I see them fattening up from the pics nice, Sorry on the simple mistake that you found, I never thought of it science wise like that with the E c , but I see now them seperating and loseing thier balance of nutes,ec and maybe buffering factors if poured unshaken.
Important Stuff in the quest for the best to make habit of,But your still looking Great, What def in that plant do reckon it is and in your system will or would you adjust anything since its only lightly affected one ?:smokin::peace:
Sorry to hear about the partner issue brother.
When others don't care as much as you do, things can get left out.
But when it's a one man show there's nobody to blame but yourself if something doesn't get done right.
That's why I don't think I'd ever team up with anyone.
I just don't trust that they'd have as much care as I would for the babies.

Those tips don't look too bad to me.
All my OG's at that stage showed a little bit of burnage.
I wouldn't worry about it too much at all.
Buds look incredible, which is what is most important.
+reps for sure buddy!
What's up Alk? Sorry to hear about the problems ya got going on but know oh so well what your dealing with when it comes to finding or even having a partner who keeps up on the details & that you don't have to double check on daily to make sure everything's working properly. I sincerely feel for ya sir and on a note that "shooting powder" you speak of I found at my local hydro store or a German made version of it & boy does that stuff cost some whoo coo bucks just for a quart size bottle which runs over $100.00 dollars here & I put back on the shelf instantly. Crazy!:thedoubletake: Anyway, take a puff or two of the good stuff and turn on the tunes then hope for the best come harvest I guess.:roorrip:
Also, I just threw my girls into a 12/12 cycle today and loaded another video on my You-Tube page to show the start of day 1 with the H.P.S. lights installed & lowered so their getting a little more then 2000 lumens over the canopy & with a transition from veg. to bloom nutrient solution for the first week of flowering. Keeping my fingers crossed for a good harvest in a couple months and wish I could find a hardworking and smart partner to relieve the stress myself! ttyl! ~Peace~:ganjamon:

yeah brother, the basic starter kit is a MAD price!! 300$ with a root excelurator that costs 160(dollars for my location) for 250mils! the shooting powder costs 35bux per sachet(=65gm??).. and i need half per res change (1 sachet does 100litres and my res is 50L)= 2.5 sachets for the final 3 weeks.. so i gotta spend an extra 105bux for the 3 sachets... a price i was willing to pay to check the shit out- if it pans out i might consider using it again.. but the stuff my mate uses, which i'll get into with my next journal, costs 3bux for 2 years worth! LMAO and i know his shit WORKS.. but im willing to experiment with this house and garden additive to see what it do, my bro.

and yeah brother.. we have had a blast with the last 2 years of growing together.. i started it with her to help her out in a way i KNEW would benefit her as she *apparently* suffers from depression and anxiety attacks etc(im not big on labelling shit when i believe its just LIFE throwing a curve ball) so it was a 'kill 2 birds with one stone' thing.. helping her with MMJ AND some extra cash at the end of each hit for upgrades to make her life easier(car maintenance, clothes for kids etc etc) but when i invest a heap of cash and time in a grow i EXPECT it to be reciprocated by backing me up with maintenance and keeping it running smoothly when im not there.. u know the deal well brada.. this time though, her head just aint in it.. and its been having to repeat myself over n over again.. and excuses... so- time to help her to get her own gear and set herself up... and i'll help her do that plus support her with info and advice when she needs it /|\ but time to take my gear and set it up elsewhere :cheesygrinsmiley: which isnt a bad thing at all! :thumb:

cool brother, i'll def check your new clip out! thanks for the headsup too ma man! take care young fulla ;]
they look great, maybe the plants liked that ec better. do you normally get such sugary plants?
Hey Brother I see them fattening up from the pics nice, Sorry on the simple mistake that you found, I never thought of it science wise like that with the E c , but I see now them seperating and loseing thier balance of nutes,ec and maybe buffering factors if poured unshaken.
Important Stuff in the quest for the best to make habit of,But your still looking Great, What def in that plant do reckon it is and in your system will or would you adjust anything since its only lightly affected one ?:smokin::peace:

hey there closet!
yeah brother, its a bit of a science ;] its just like body building or training... if you want to see gains in your body then you need measured doses of proteins(approx 25grams per meal) u need COMPLETE proteins and carbos etc to meet your bodies needs for an efficient metabolism and building mass. everything compliments everything else.. same with plants and gaining weight and size for the flowers. in most hydro nutes you have 2 parts- one part macro minerals and one part trace elements and micro minerals.. with the flairform greendream line its all 1 part- so its pretty important to shake really well to ensure thorough mixing to get that 'slurry'- with every bottle having been calculated to contain a complimentary amount of each component, when it isnt shaken well you just dont get that balance and thus it effects the overall outcome.
even though im happy with the grow i dont want to invest money in something that could have been so much better if 'someone'
just remembered to shake the damned bottle! HAHAHAHA.. there have been other issues too, with the lighting cycle which is just another spanner in the proverbial worx.
BUT this is ok... life goes on and we just have to soldier on and do what we can with what we have at that time to make it succeed.. or lessen the damage if indeed damage has occurred. its not THAT bad :cheesygrinsmiley: i just get pissed when i spent alot of cash on nutes etc and have expectations.. making things as simple as i can for her and finding out small things like this are happening is discouraging but atleast its not something like brother Vick has just had to deal with with having to relocate his gurls for a landlord inspection! :cheesygrinsmiley: that would piss me off a little more loL
thanks closet :peace:
Sorry to hear about the partner issue brother.
When others don't care as much as you do, things can get left out.
But when it's a one man show there's nobody to blame but yourself if something doesn't get done right.
That's why I don't think I'd ever team up with anyone.
I just don't trust that they'd have as much care as I would for the babies.

Those tips don't look too bad to me.
All my OG's at that stage showed a little bit of burnage.
I wouldn't worry about it too much at all.
Buds look incredible, which is what is most important.
+reps for sure buddy!

thank you brother! and thanks for the reps ma man!
im glad you made it through your present ordeal too! we were all wandering what the heck was going down and wishing you all the best! good solution with the shed :cheesygrinsmiley:
yeah Vick, i'll be going solo after this- for sure.. you hit the nail on the head, going solo is not only ones own responsibility but one reaps the rewards at the end of it without having to halve it! loL win/win all the way.. it wasnt just the grow though.. it was also finding a way i could help my grow partner help herself... and let her see how easy it is to not only grow her own meds but help herself with a little cash at the end of it too... and believe me, she needed it! but alas things have changed with this grow and im coming up against a heap of little things which all add up.. i'l be bringing all my gear back after this one and setting up myself :cheesygrinsmiley: which im absolutely looking forward to :thumb: thanks for stopping in Vick, welcome anytime brother
they look great, maybe the plants liked that ec better. do you normally get such sugary plants?

thanks man! well, the def symptoms have only really been showing up in the plant that is closest to the res and the OGK which is the one furthest away from the res.. at first i had thought it was something to do with the simple fact of their physical location relative to the reservoir but upon finding out that the nute mix has been way out im kinda relieved to place the blame on that.. the OGK flower development has been ok its just showing signs in the leaf which isnt major but still SLIGHTLY disconcerting... it justs like zits suddenly infesting your face or boils on yer arse or something.. nothing MAJOR but still annoying as fuck LOL as im almost borderline obsessive with my shit i like to keep em happy as long as i can.
it wasnt so much that the EC was so low.. as i was topping it up with well mixed slurry to a norm of approx 2-2.2... i normally end up with an EC around 2.2-2.4 in the last weeks before flushing anyway... it was more that the balance within the slurry itself wouldve been way out and the ratios within the remainder of the bottle will be out of balance also.. 75$ for that bottle.. it all adds up.
well, the sugary covering of trichs i believe depends on the plant itself- the strain.. but i believe that you can take any plant to its max as you can (with time) take anyone to a gym and get results no matter who they are or what condition they are in.. its just designing a training plan, provide optimum conditions and a healthy feeding schedule for that strain in particular that will meet its metabolic and dietary needs IMO to get it to yield good yields and produce a great amount of trichs(its probably quite obvious by now i train quite a bit too as i use it as an analogy alot haha).. others may disagree with this but thats just how i see it.. dont get me wrong brother, im just a noob and still have so much to learn myself! :cheesygrinsmiley:
hey closet!
sorry bro, i didnt answer your question.. when i was looking at the pictorial guide earlier i was thinking it MIGHT be the makings of a potassium def.. but im not sure tbh! im relieved to hear Vick say he was getting a little burnage on his OGK's too so im less concerned.. but im still seeing alot of the OGK foliage in general have a discoloration at the edges and tips- similar to the pot deficiency pic in the guideline... ONLy the ogk tho.. the rest seem fine- apart from minor signs in the closest plant to the res.. a gigabud that has different symptoms altogether.. that looks like a little phos def more than anything else... but all in all everything is doing ok :cheesygrinsmiley:
i wonder what effect temps have on trichs?

im sure temperature would have an effect on trichome production.. hotter would decrease their production as opposed to cooler.. but colder again would do the same i am sure.. there would of course be other environmental and hereditary considerations too.
try this article:
Chemical ecology of Cannabis

"Temperature may play a role in determining cannabinoid content, but perhaps only through its association with moisture availability. Boucher et al. (1974) reported an increase in cannabinoid content with temperature (32o C. vs. 22o C.), however, some variables such as increased water loss due to accelerated evaporation and plant transpiration at high temperatures were left unaccounted. In contrast, Bazzaz et al. (1975), using 4 Cannabis ecotypes of both tropical and temperate character, demonstrated a definite decrease in cannabinoid production with increased temperature (32o C. vs. 23o C.). Later studies by Braut-Boucher (1980) on clones of 2 strains from South Africa revealed a more complex pattern of biosynthesis according to strain, gender and chemical homologue produced. Clearly, further study of this parameter is needed."

"The production of cannabinoids and their associated terpenes in Cannabis is subject to environmental influences as well as hereditary determinants. Their biosynthesis occurs in specialized glands populating the surface of all aerial structures of the plant. These compounds apparently serve as defensive agents in a variety of antidessication, antimicrobial, antifeedant and UV-B pigmentation roles. In addition, the more intense ambient UV-B of the tropics, in combination with the UV-B lability of cannabidiol, may have influenced the evolution of an alternative biogenetic route from cannabigerol to tetrahydrocannabinol in some varieties."

the first 2 highlighted experiments SEEM to contradict each other but i am sure this would be largely dependant on the different strains.. some strains being able to handle heat stresses more than others etc, which i think is what they were saying with "however, some variables such as increased water loss due to accelerated evaporation and plant transpiration at high temperatures were left unaccounted."

and the last highlight seems to allude to defensive mechanisms as being contributory to cannabanoid production also, which, imo, is absolutely fascinating stuff!

hope this helps dude! :peace:
I dont know if you could get em any healthier? I truly think you are dialed in or close to it:)
I feel like i am at the other end of the spectrum and am far from being dialed in. I am doing something wrong and trying my best to figure it out. Probably the more is less aspect. I really want to try my hand at the RDWC setup I built last year and now that my Ranch's power has been upgraded I might just do that:) Shit brother I got 30 uni seals, might as well put them and the 1/4 hp chiller to some use eh?
+Reps for you spending your time teaching and proving if you keep at it great things will follow
A+ job
thanks dude..cause im running 90f at canopy, and i cant change it!

whats your temps?
I dont know if you could get em any healthier? I truly think you are dialed in or close to it:)
I feel like i am at the other end of the spectrum and am far from being dialed in. I am doing something wrong and trying my best to figure it out. Probably the more is less aspect. I really want to try my hand at the RDWC setup I built last year and now that my Ranch's power has been upgraded I might just do that:) Shit brother I got 30 uni seals, might as well put them and the 1/4 hp chiller to some use eh?
+Reps for you spending your time teaching and proving if you keep at it great things will follow
A+ job

heya sling!! ltns! :cheesygrinsmiley: thank you for the reps brother! sorry i havent been in lately but you know how hectic things can get with life shit and journals, pics, clips and maintanence :O im loving your frosty close ups bro! you have a great camera- something i seriously need to upgrade with my next harvest.. dude.. you got a HEAP of stuff going on! i wouldnt blame you for taking a little time to get it all dialed in... u been busy as HECK getting your op organised and up n running... like your RO drip- good things take time!! :cheesygrinsmiley: i wouldnt be discouraged at all if its taking a little longer, your attention to detail has always inspired me ma man... and i hope you dont compromise that skill by cutting corners and being hasty like some can.. me included! loL but YES bro, i can hardly wait to see your RDWC up n running! now that your power supply is more stable u should be safe *touches wood* :cheesygrinsmiley: when you get that pumping i KNOW things are gonna get HELLA CRAZY for ya- in a good way... im seriously excited for you brother- you deserve this success and more and i cant wait to watch you CRACK IT :cheesygrinsmiley:
much love to ya bro! and to your famz .. and reps back at ya ;D
No worries mate ( always wanted to say that lol) I know your also busy and I think your results are awesome. The pics I take are from a 2.3 MP Nikon about ten years old lol. to be honest the newer nikon I got for my wife is a ten MP and takes great shots but cant tell much of a difference. Keep up the great job your slammin em
hey meat!

i know you dont wanna risk losing lumens at your canopy level.. but if you're worried about the temp.. and you are seeing symptoms of heat stress in your plants??! then i would simply lift the lights a little.. put a fan facing up at your lights to aid in moving heat up and off your babies(if you havent already)... BUT, if your plants arent showing signs of heat stress then i wouldnt be TOO WORRIED...

there are also some additives that can aid in a plants ability to handle heat stress too, like flairforms "grostorm" for example (Improve Hydroponics Growth & Plant Yield | 100% organic based nutrient additive) also good for adding brix levels and oils etc. but this aint no cure to your prob.

my temps have been high this whole grow! this summer has been a freak and ive been hitting 32Celcius at midday.. so im glad ive been running grostorm as well as oscillating and extraction fans on full.. at canopy the temps are hitting 32C(=89F?) so im having similar issues man.. but as i mentioned a while back- our summer here has been killer and we are officially "drought country" up in here :O ive really needed that AC unit.. but i can only do what i can with what i have.
you could also try small DIY cooling units or rigs... even basic stuff might help to take that 90F edge off.. like ice-cubes in water behind your oscillating fan so its blowing cooler air... all part of the joy of growing brother.. rigging your own shit up- and having it work! :cheesygrinsmiley:

good luck with your heat issue bro! :peace:
No worries mate ( always wanted to say that lol) I know your also busy and I think your results are awesome. The pics I take are from a 2.3 MP Nikon about ten years old lol. to be honest the newer nikon I got for my wife is a ten MP and takes great shots but cant tell much of a difference. Keep up the great job your slammin em

LOL@"no worries mate" :cheesygrinsmiley: yeah work has been 10-12 hours somedays.. not physically difficult but mentally draining!! and im so damned happy i can get home and relax my brain with a few hash spots every evening... but i love it :cheesygrinsmiley: i prefer to be busy as hell- is where i excell.. a throw back to my chef days when madness reigned supreme ;]
dude, you're shitting me with your camera right??! LOL my cam is 2 MP but its simple.. and i have always preferred puter tech to camera tech- as ive never needed to use em b4 :p dam, i'll have to hit the opshops and see what i can find re the cam dptmnt :cheesygrinsmiley:

welcome anytime brother ^5
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