InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

How about a bit of a late Monday update as I have a minute to get back to my own thread!

For this one I just want to talk about hash pucks, and I'll start by posting the video I followed on how to make your own hash press:

She's in Canada with different sized coins eh?, so I had to work with what was on hand at my house. Unfortunately for most of you in the US, I ended up using tuppence (2p coins from the UK), which fit perfectly into a 3/4 PVC end cap. You'll need to play with various sizes of PVC and coins, or save yourself the trouble and buy a pollen press from Ebay for $16!

Here's where I started:

What it actually took was two nickels and one quarter (to clear the stop ridge at the bottom of the end cap) and then the 2p coin:

Nickels first, then quarter, then the first 2p:

Fill it with kief:

Put the second 2p coin on top:

Crank down that C clamp really tight:

Very flat!

This is where the hole drilled in the bottom comes into play, along with a bit of the old ultra-violence. First I mashed a bit of cardboard in the hole to offer some protection for the nickel at the bottom:

Then the hammer and ice pick (Stalin would be so proud):

Out it comes (forgot the quarter in this one but you get the idea)!

I used my thumbnail to remove the 2p coins from top and bottom:

You can't really tell but there's a very nice profile of Queen Elizabeth :rip: on top.

And here is what I ended up with (from this):

I kept out a jar of the kief for easy use and put the pucks in a small ziploc in the fridge. Next weekend I'll do the DV/Chocolope!

I hope everyone's weekend was fun, and that those who celebrated Easter got to spend it with the bunnies they love.

I'd like to take a moment before the quotes to mention how lucky I feel that so many folks kept this place hopping in my absence! I'm doing an incredible amount of juggling at the moment and barely sat down for the last three days, so the fact that this place was alive with comments and conversations really makes me realize that this thread is a true community. :thanks: and :Namaste:

Frame that puppy behind UV resistant glass & one day your great grand kids can get $25 - $30 for it at a yard sale...
LOL excellent idea rob! Sounds like the perfect money loser. :laugh:
Last I heard it was knocking his socks off!
At your suggestion, my wife packed the PP with kief and smoked it. 30 minutes later she was fast asleep at 3pm. Goes to show what 4 year old weed can do! :hmmmm:
That's true Shed, I haven't used much of my cobs as I mostly forget I have them such is my dry herb vaping habit.
They last longer that way. :)
Another thing about storing the cobs, they can be hidden away a lot more easily than jars of cured herb. In fact if I am ever in an old folks home I will look for a hollow walking stick and stuff it full of cobs before I go in! Unless the dumb law has changed by that point and I can bring in a box of jarred bud!
Cobs and hash pucks both! That last pic represents 13 jars of AK-47!
Can I use Chihuahua pee? I seem to have gained one of them today as & Co stitched me me as well.
Sure! It's all an excellent source of urea nitrogen.
And don’t forget the Shedster says it’s in yer pool
Of course it is, it's in everyone's pool...especially those with young kids. ;)
The pool water? It passed me by!
Har! And I actually had to look up how to use H2O2 in a pool:

traditionally made cobs in Africa may be buried in a 'poo pile' to utilise the heat, it would be a bit crappy unwrapping them afterwards.
Interesting but efficient if you have a lot of poo on hand.
burying them in the garden compost bin if I have fresh grass clippings in there as then it gets nicely hot and would be perfect,
Yes, this seems like a better idea for those without access to a poo pile.
I don't know if i can link this but here is some more about the cobs and where you can get the seed for ass kicking cobs > Malawi Cob - traditional fermented cannabis alot of country's they Don't sell to !
Thanks sb!
I imagine either of these could work well. For me, I don't have family 'approval' so using the oven or rice cooker for 24-36 hours is not going to work for me.
That would be a long time to tie up a common appliance!
How did & Co hear me write that
LOL! Yet another of her superpowers. 👂
Yeah other way here. Its her biz and she’s been using a rice cooker for 30 years plus!
Seems fair to me!
i have a question:
end of rant...
Which rabbit hole was that?
Im sure you will put it to good use Shed
Thanks LM and nice to see you around these parts again! :ciao:
Congrats on your harvests and the massive prize package Shed! Well deserved.
Thank you Boo! Jarred up the LeC this weekend and into the second burp week on the ALK. Won't be long before it's all put to bed for a while.
I’ve been there once, in 2005 for the final Cream concert tour. It was amazing...
I bet, and you've been there a lot more recently than I have! Last time I was at the Garden was probably in the early 80s. ⏳
really makes me realize that this thread is a true community.
It's one of the pillars of this place as far as I'm concerned... :love:

I hope life slows down a bit for you in the near future...
all work and no play, etc. :cheesygrinsmiley:
How about a bit of a late Monday update as I have a minute to get back to my own thread!

For this one I just want to talk about hash pucks, and I'll start by posting the video I followed on how to make your own hash press:

She's in Canada with different sized coins eh?, so I had to work with what was on hand at my house. Unfortunately for most of you in the US, I ended up using tuppence (2p coins from the UK), which fit perfectly into a 3/4 PVC end cap. You'll need to play with various sizes of PVC and coins, or save yourself the trouble and buy a pollen press from Ebay for $16!

Here's where I started:

What it actually took was two nickels and one quarter (to clear the stop ridge at the bottom of the end cap) and then the 2p coin:

Nickels first, then quarter, then the first 2p:

Fill it with kief:

Put the second 2p coin on top:

Crank down that C clamp really tight:

Very flat!

This is where the hole drilled in the bottom comes into play, along with a bit of the old ultra-violence. First I mashed a bit of cardboard in the hole to offer some protection for the nickel at the bottom:

Then the hammer and ice pick (Stalin would be so proud):

Out it comes (forgot the quarter in this one but you get the idea)!

I used my thumbnail to remove the 2p coins from top and bottom:

You can't really tell but there's a very nice profile of Queen Elizabeth :rip: on top.

And here is what I ended up with (from this):

I kept out a jar of the kief for easy use and put the pucks in a small ziploc in the fridge. Next weekend I'll do the DV/Chocolope!

I hope everyone's weekend was fun, and that those who celebrated Easter got to spend it with the bunnies they love.

I'd like to take a moment before the quotes to mention how lucky I feel that so many folks kept this place hopping in my absence! I'm doing an incredible amount of juggling at the moment and barely sat down for the last three days, so the fact that this place was alive with comments and conversations really makes me realize that this thread is a true community. :thanks: and :Namaste:


LOL excellent idea rob! Sounds like the perfect money loser. :laugh:

At your suggestion, my wife packed the PP with kief and smoked it. 30 minutes later she was fast asleep at 3pm. Goes to show what 4 year old weed can do! :hmmmm:

They last longer that way. :)

Cobs and hash pucks both! That last pic represents 13 jars of AK-47!

Sure! It's all an excellent source of urea nitrogen.

Of course it is, it's in everyone's pool...especially those with young kids. ;)

Har! And I actually had to look up how to use H2O2 in a pool:

Interesting but efficient if you have a lot of poo on hand.

Yes, this seems like a better idea for those without access to a poo pile.

Thanks sb!

That would be a long time to tie up a common appliance!

LOL! Yet another of her superpowers. 👂

Seems fair to me!

Which rabbit hole was that?

Thanks LM and nice to see you around these parts again! :ciao:

Thank you Boo! Jarred up the LeC this weekend and into the second burp week on the ALK. Won't be long before it's all put to bed for a while.

I bet, and you've been there a lot more recently than I have! Last time I was at the Garden was probably in the early 80s. ⏳
Great Tutorial on hash pucks Sensei, you are a great service to this community. CL🍀
Just my two pennies but your catch up made me laugh and took me back!

This is where the hole drilled in the bottom comes into play, along with a bit of the old ultra-violence.
Put 30 or 2 pence pieces in a sock, some ladies nylons over your face and a leather jacket on and you can walk in to any fancy dress party as an East London debt collector circa 1965.

Its a strong party look!

It's one of the pillars of this place as far as I'm concerned... :love:

I hope life slows down a bit for you in the near future...
all work and no play, etc. :cheesygrinsmiley:
This is truly amazing. Look at the usage example in Merriam-Webster's definition of "pillar."

2 a: a supporting, integral, or upstanding member or part
a pillar of 420
Yep, Shed's a real stand up guy. :bravo:

Best I can do as a retired guy is, as the wife says ...

"He doesn't work very hard or very long, but he does still work."

Howdy ITS, thanks for the tutorial on pressing kief. Not quite sure what it is used for, but I'm sure it is something good. I have a question or two for ya when ya get a chance. It is about when you were toting outside plants inside every evening to start the flowering period sooner. I'm hoping to get my girls finished flowering by the time the folks up-wind of me, growing questionable sexed plants, have pollen floating down wind from them. My thoughts are to bring them into a totally dark room at around 6 in the evening, then, after it gets dark naturally outside to move them back outside, so they can receive the sunlight at six ish in the mornings. Will the natural moonlight at night when I move them back out mess with them, causing them to re-veg? Or, do I need to leave them in the total darkness, and get up every morning and move them outside? I'm sure hoping I don't have to get my grumpy old self outa bed every morning for 8 to 9 weeks. Any advise you can give me, or any of the other smart folks posting on here have any advise, would greatly appreciate it. Thanks again for all you do.
Shed I been on for like 5-6 yrs. and this is still the place to come hang whether there is alot or a little going on and I THANK YOU SIR ! oops i have grown outside and the moon is not always wide open (at least not around here ) so i don't see it making them go back to veg BUT perfect darkness is always going to be better Just my 2 cents
I wpuld guess - the old original strains, your malawian, afghan etc would be attenuated to full moon level light at summer solstice at night. That woukd come every season. How much that was bred out through the strains we grow today is anyone’s guess. Maybe some strains more susceptible to light leak than others. Presumably stiff marked as good for outdoor grows retains that natural defence. Its street lights and stuff I’m worried about for my balcony grow.

It's one of the pillars of this place as far as I'm concerned
Aww thanks Carcass! I see it really as just a really cool place to hang out with like-minded folks. :)
I hope life slows down a bit for you in the near future...all work and no play, etc.
Me too. I'm getting through enough that I can begin to see the bottom of the pile!
Great Tutorial on hash pucks Sensei, you are a great service to this community. CL
Thank you Captain! Not sure it's any more useful than the video except for folks who like the quick hits of pics rather than having to watch someone say oot and aboot. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Just my two pennies but your catch up made me laugh and took me back!
LOL glad to bring a bit of joy to your already sweet life! :high-five:
Put 30 or 2 pence pieces in a sock, some ladies nylons over your face and a leather jacket on and you can walk in to any fancy dress party as an East London debt collector circa 1965.
Its a strong party look!
This is truly amazing. Look at the usage example in Merriam-Webster's definition of "pillar."
2 a: a supporting, integral, or upstanding member or part
a pillar of 420
That's very sweet but truly untrue. Neither I nor this journal are anything the site wouldn't stand up fine without.
Yep, Shed's a real stand up guy.
Best I can do as a retired guy is, as the wife says ...
"He doesn't work very hard or very long, but he does still work."
LOL thanks Graytail. I'm starting to get the feeling I'm at my funeral though!
Howdy ITS, thanks for the tutorial on pressing kief. Not quite sure what it is used for, but I'm sure it is something good. I have a question or two for ya when ya get a chance. It is about when you were toting outside plants inside every evening to start the flowering period sooner. I'm hoping to get my girls finished flowering by the time the folks up-wind of me, growing questionable sexed plants, have pollen floating down wind from them. My thoughts are to bring them into a totally dark room at around 6 in the evening, then, after it gets dark naturally outside to move them back outside, so they can receive the sunlight at six ish in the mornings. Will the natural moonlight at night when I move them back out mess with them, causing them to re-veg? Or, do I need to leave them in the total darkness, and get up every morning and move them outside? I'm sure hoping I don't have to get my grumpy old self outa bed every morning for 8 to 9 weeks. Any advise you can give me, or any of the other smart folks posting on here have any advise, would greatly appreciate it. Thanks again for all you do.
Thanks oops and always nice to have you stop by! It's also nice to hear about the growing schlepping community here (first Carcass, now you...).

Every outside grower has to deal with moonlight (and every light sensitive plant as well), so don't sweat it. Nearby streetlights or outside sensor lights could be more of a problem, but moonlight is baked into the genetics of short-day flowering plants.

Are you going to journal your outside grow? Drop a link here if you do. Seems like ages since I've seen your plants!
Shed I been on for like 5-6 yrs. and this is still the place to come hang whether there is alot or a little going on and I THANK YOU SIR ! oops i have grown outside and the moon is not always wide open (at least not around here ) so i don't see it making them go back to veg BUT perfect darkness is always going to be better Just my 2 cents
:thanks: sb.
Its street lights and stuff I’m worried about for my balcony grow.
This...thanks Nick!
How about a bit of a late Monday update as I have a minute to get back to my own thread!

For this one I just want to talk about hash pucks, and I'll start by posting the video I followed on how to make your own hash press:

She's in Canada with different sized coins eh?, so I had to work with what was on hand at my house. Unfortunately for most of you in the US, I ended up using tuppence (2p coins from the UK), which fit perfectly into a 3/4 PVC end cap. You'll need to play with various sizes of PVC and coins, or save yourself the trouble and buy a pollen press from Ebay for $16!

Here's where I started:

What it actually took was two nickels and one quarter (to clear the stop ridge at the bottom of the end cap) and then the 2p coin:

Nickels first, then quarter, then the first 2p:

Fill it with kief:

Put the second 2p coin on top:

Crank down that C clamp really tight:

Very flat!

This is where the hole drilled in the bottom comes into play, along with a bit of the old ultra-violence. First I mashed a bit of cardboard in the hole to offer some protection for the nickel at the bottom:

Then the hammer and ice pick (Stalin would be so proud):

Out it comes (forgot the quarter in this one but you get the idea)!

I used my thumbnail to remove the 2p coins from top and bottom:

You can't really tell but there's a very nice profile of Queen Elizabeth :rip: on top.

And here is what I ended up with (from this):

I kept out a jar of the kief for easy use and put the pucks in a small ziploc in the fridge. Next weekend I'll do the DV/Chocolope!

I hope everyone's weekend was fun, and that those who celebrated Easter got to spend it with the bunnies they love.

I'd like to take a moment before the quotes to mention how lucky I feel that so many folks kept this place hopping in my absence! I'm doing an incredible amount of juggling at the moment and barely sat down for the last three days, so the fact that this place was alive with comments and conversations really makes me realize that this thread is a true community. :thanks: and :Namaste:


LOL excellent idea rob! Sounds like the perfect money loser. :laugh:

At your suggestion, my wife packed the PP with kief and smoked it. 30 minutes later she was fast asleep at 3pm. Goes to show what 4 year old weed can do! :hmmmm:

They last longer that way. :)

Cobs and hash pucks both! That last pic represents 13 jars of AK-47!

Sure! It's all an excellent source of urea nitrogen.

Of course it is, it's in everyone's pool...especially those with young kids. ;)

Har! And I actually had to look up how to use H2O2 in a pool:

Interesting but efficient if you have a lot of poo on hand.

Yes, this seems like a better idea for those without access to a poo pile.

Thanks sb!

That would be a long time to tie up a common appliance!

LOL! Yet another of her superpowers. 👂

Seems fair to me!

Which rabbit hole was that?

Thanks LM and nice to see you around these parts again! :ciao:

Thank you Boo! Jarred up the LeC this weekend and into the second burp week on the ALK. Won't be long before it's all put to bed for a while.

I bet, and you've been there a lot more recently than I have! Last time I was at the Garden was probably in the early 80s. ⏳
My old boss would be proud of you .too, he’s a Captain in the Cicero,IL. Outfit. Jimmy the Icepick Inendeno. CL🍀
Well thank you smokesbetter, Nick and InTheShed. I sure wasnt looking forward to getting up early every morning to set the girls back out. Whew.... I won't be journaling this go around either, dont have a decent camera to to take unfocused pictures with anymore. Again thank you ITS, Smokesbetter and Nick. Thanks to all of you for the advise.
How about a bit of a late Monday update as I have a minute to get back to my own thread!

For this one I just want to talk about hash pucks, and I'll start by posting the video I followed on how to make your own hash press:

She's in Canada with different sized coins eh?, so I had to work with what was on hand at my house. Unfortunately for most of you in the US, I ended up using tuppence (2p coins from the UK), which fit perfectly into a 3/4 PVC end cap. You'll need to play with various sizes of PVC and coins, or save yourself the trouble and buy a pollen press from Ebay for $16!

Here's where I started:

What it actually took was two nickels and one quarter (to clear the stop ridge at the bottom of the end cap) and then the 2p coin:

Nickels first, then quarter, then the first 2p:

Fill it with kief:

Put the second 2p coin on top:

Crank down that C clamp really tight:

Very flat!

This is where the hole drilled in the bottom comes into play, along with a bit of the old ultra-violence. First I mashed a bit of cardboard in the hole to offer some protection for the nickel at the bottom:

Then the hammer and ice pick (Stalin would be so proud):

Out it comes (forgot the quarter in this one but you get the idea)!

I used my thumbnail to remove the 2p coins from top and bottom:

You can't really tell but there's a very nice profile of Queen Elizabeth :rip: on top.

And here is what I ended up with (from this):

I kept out a jar of the kief for easy use and put the pucks in a small ziploc in the fridge. Next weekend I'll do the DV/Chocolope!

I hope everyone's weekend was fun, and that those who celebrated Easter got to spend it with the bunnies they love.

I'd like to take a moment before the quotes to mention how lucky I feel that so many folks kept this place hopping in my absence! I'm doing an incredible amount of juggling at the moment and barely sat down for the last three days, so the fact that this place was alive with comments and conversations really makes me realize that this thread is a true community. :thanks: and :Namaste:


LOL excellent idea rob! Sounds like the perfect money loser. :laugh:

At your suggestion, my wife packed the PP with kief and smoked it. 30 minutes later she was fast asleep at 3pm. Goes to show what 4 year old weed can do! :hmmmm:

They last longer that way. :)

Cobs and hash pucks both! That last pic represents 13 jars of AK-47!

Sure! It's all an excellent source of urea nitrogen.

Of course it is, it's in everyone's pool...especially those with young kids. ;)

Har! And I actually had to look up how to use H2O2 in a pool:

Interesting but efficient if you have a lot of poo on hand.

Yes, this seems like a better idea for those without access to a poo pile.

Thanks sb!

That would be a long time to tie up a common appliance!

LOL! Yet another of her superpowers. 👂

Seems fair to me!

Which rabbit hole was that?

Thanks LM and nice to see you around these parts again! :ciao:

Thank you Boo! Jarred up the LeC this weekend and into the second burp week on the ALK. Won't be long before it's all put to bed for a while.

I bet, and you've been there a lot more recently than I have! Last time I was at the Garden was probably in the early 80s. ⏳
Im not a big talker but wow love it o_O
My old boss would be proud of you .too, he’s a Captain in the Cicero,IL. Outfit. Jimmy the Icepick Inendeno. CL
Oh yeah, you don't mess with Jimmy. :nervous-guy:
dont have a decent camera to to take unfocused pictures with anymore
I'll take blurry pics and good descriptions! Or just stop by to let us know how the schlep is going. :high-five:
Please don’t be! Wish you many years to come
Maybe ramp up the K just in case though?!
LOL thanks Nick, I appreciate it. I think I'm well past needing just potassium though. ;)
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