Jaga: My First Grow Journal

I looked at the pictures and dont see any foxtails that I can tell. I dont see the traditional swirl leaf that indicates foxtailing but maybe you see something different. Yes I think you will get about 40 grams once it is dry. Im never dead on from my predictions especially based on someone elses grow but I usually am in the ballpark. Congrats again.

Spimp I replied in the gun debate thread if you want to go read it. Take care all
I remember the first time i came across the fox tail... the budtender told me it was called spaceneedle (was a pretty good name on the spot for it) ha. nice flowers!!

Hey SmokerJoe, I am interested in your 'no fox tails' comment.
Fox tails as I've always understood are basically new growth calaxy's that shoot out away from the bud. But just as with many other growing terms, there can be more than one accepted definition.
The term 'suppercropping' originally was an all encompassing term referring to defoliation and lolly popping. Now (here) its used to describe bending the branches and whatnot.

Would you please define what you are calling fox tailing?
Thanks SmokerJoe.
Hey Trichomes! I cannot respond to your PM as I'm too "new" - a quick answer though - 310 dude! Also if you could please inform Jaga who also PM'd me - I'm not the "boat" person! Sorry, I'm Beardy and I'm new! :Namaste:
Hi Jaga thanks for the PM I'm sorry I'm not who you think I might be! I think I may have inadvertantly confused you by saying "I'm back" in a post - Nevertheless I hope to be friends on here!! Beardy:Namaste:
Hey SmokerJoe, I am interested in your 'no fox tails' comment.
Fox tails as I've always understood are basically new growth calaxy's that shoot out away from the bud. But just as with many other growing terms, there can be more than one accepted definition.
The term 'suppercropping' originally was an all encompassing term referring to defoliation and lolly popping. Now (here) its used to describe bending the branches and whatnot.

Would you please define what you are calling fox tailing?
Thanks SmokerJoe.

Sure, according to Ed rosenthal,Jorge Cervantes or professor lee(I forget which its why I list the top 3 most likely without reading for it but I will if you really want me to) Let me tell you that you are sort of right but allow me to elaborate to the best of my understanding.

Foxtailing is when the female cannabis plant hasnt been pollinated and it signals to the plant to start to create male flowers in a hurry to self pollinate before end of life. The new growth does stick out from the plant but it is usually a curly looking leaf. The leaf usually starts normal but mid leaf will make a break right and up kinda like a little spiral staircase. I don't believe I am misquoting as I have read these books so many times I just read them back to back a lot and so it pretty much all just jumbles together If you would like the specific person specific wording and specific page well I am working on other projects but Id be happy to find it for you and since it falls within the fair use category and not copyright infringement I will take a photo of the quote and display it in my gallery but either way I am glad to help and will read all of these books again soon because I did a quick glossary scan of every book and couldn't find it in a few moments .

So if you would like me to do this for you just let me know. Its over 1000 pages in total so let me know and give me hmm say 3 days to read word for word and you shall have your definitive answer. Sorry for not answering your post earlier I logged off after that one guy started cursing at me haha take it easy
Nice harvest buddy! :high-five:
Hey shanti baba

Congrats Jaga! :party: :party:

I'm guess the final weight at 59 and 1/3rd Bong Rips. :slide:

+reps my man!
:thumb:OMG if you are right that will be a personal best:circle-of-love:
I looked at the pictures and dont see any foxtails that I can tell. I dont see the traditional swirl leaf that indicates foxtailing but maybe you see something different. Yes I think you will get about 40 grams once it is dry. Im never dead on from my predictions especially based on someone elses grow but I usually am in the ballpark. Congrats again.

Spimp I replied in the gun debate thread if you want to go read it. Take care all
I remember the first time i came across the fox tail... the budtender told me it was called spaceneedle (was a pretty good name on the spot for it) ha. nice flowers!!

High Joe
I think I have the name wrong I meant these

I love your estimate an hope you or Spimpstar are right :thumb:

Hey SmokerJoe, I am interested in your 'no fox tails' comment.
Fox tails as I've always understood are basically new growth calaxy's that shoot out away from the bud. But just as with many other growing terms, there can be more than one accepted definition.
The term 'suppercropping' originally was an all encompassing term referring to defoliation and lolly popping. Now (here) its used to describe bending the branches and whatnot.

Would you please define what you are calling fox tailing?
Thanks SmokerJoe.
:popcorn:I love a good debate:circle-of-love:
Hey Trichomes! I cannot respond to your PM as I'm too "new" - a quick answer though - 310 dude! Also if you could please inform Jaga who also PM'd me - I'm not the "boat" person! Sorry, I'm Beardy and I'm new! :Namaste:

Hi Jaga thanks for the PM I'm sorry I'm not who you think I might be! I think I may have inadvertantly confused you by saying "I'm back" in a post - Nevertheless I hope to be friends on here!! Beardy:Namaste:
Great to have you here I did think you was some on else:welcome: an glad you came the ramshackle of a journal I have going here is ongoing so please come by :circle-of-love:
Sure, according to Ed rosenthal,Jorge Cervantes or professor lee(I forget which its why I list the top 3 most likely without reading for it but I will if you really want me to) Let me tell you that you are sort of right but allow me to elaborate to the best of my understanding.

Foxtailing is when the female cannabis plant hasnt been pollinated and it signals to the plant to start to create male flowers in a hurry to self pollinate before end of life. The new growth does stick out from the plant but it is usually a curly looking leaf. The leaf usually starts normal but mid leaf will make a break right and up kinda like a little spiral staircase. I don't believe I am misquoting as I have read these books so many times I just read them back to back a lot and so it pretty much all just jumbles together If you would like the specific person specific wording and specific page well I am working on other projects but Id be happy to find it for you and since it falls within the fair use category and not copyright infringement I will take a photo of the quote and display it in my gallery but either way I am glad to help and will read all of these books again soon because I did a quick glossary scan of every book and couldn't find it in a few moments .

So if you would like me to do this for you just let me know. Its over 1000 pages in total so let me know and give me hmm say 3 days to read word for word and you shall have your definitive answer. Sorry for not answering your post earlier I logged off after that one guy started cursing at me haha take it easy
:thumb:I think I have what was called a space needle then
I do get things mixed up every now an then thanks for the information pal:thanks::circle-of-love:
Good morning jaga hope you and padma are in good health.
Sure, according to Ed rosenthal,Jorge Cervantes or professor lee(I forget which its why I list the top 3 most likely without reading for it but I will if you really want me to) Let me tell you that you are sort of right but allow me to elaborate to the best of my understanding.

Foxtailing is when the female cannabis plant hasnt been pollinated and it signals to the plant to start to create male flowers in a hurry to self pollinate before end of life. The new growth does stick out from the plant but it is usually a curly looking leaf. The leaf usually starts normal but mid leaf will make a break right and up kinda like a little spiral staircase. I don't believe I am misquoting as I have read these books so many times I just read them back to back a lot and so it pretty much all just jumbles together If you would like the specific person specific wording and specific page well I am working on other projects but Id be happy to find it for you and since it falls within the fair use category and not copyright infringement I will take a photo of the quote and display it in my gallery but either way I am glad to help and will read all of these books again soon because I did a quick glossary scan of every book and couldn't find it in a few moments .

So if you would like me to do this for you just let me know. Its over 1000 pages in total so let me know and give me hmm say 3 days to read word for word and you shall have your definitive answer. Sorry for not answering your post earlier I logged off after that one guy started cursing at me haha take it easy

No need SmokerJoe. I believe you. :) And I don't blame you for cooling off after the scuffle. :rofl:
I'm gonna continue to call what Jaga has there fox tailing mostly because I'm lazy and easily confused. ;) But I definitely appreciate the response and education sir. Thanks.

Hi Jaga :ciao:

p.s. I know many terms become accepted on some sites and may mean something else or originated as something else. I appreciate the clarification.
No need SmokerJoe. I believe you. :) And I don't blame you for cooling off after the scuffle. :rofl:
I'm gonna continue to call what Jaga has there fox tailing mostly because I'm lazy and easily confused. ;) But I definitely appreciate the response and education sir. Thanks.

Hi Jaga :ciao:

p.s. I know many terms become accepted on some sites and may mean something else or originated as something else. I appreciate the clarification.

High Spimpster :ciao:
well we no the true definintion for a fox tail now:high-five::welcome::party::circle-of-love::peace::circle-of-love:
No need SmokerJoe. I believe you. :) And I don't blame you for cooling off after the scuffle. :rofl:
I'm gonna continue to call what Jaga has there fox tailing mostly because I'm lazy and easily confused. ;) But I definitely appreciate the response and education sir. Thanks.

Hi Jaga :ciao:

p.s. I know many terms become accepted on some sites and may mean something else or originated as something else. I appreciate the clarification.

Well I wet searching last night and it really does seem that there are many different meanings. So you could be right. One site I visited said its when the buds look like a foxtail so who knows but what I want to know is why there are so many meanings to it and which is the real one?I'm a new grower myself only grown for 3 years so far so I want to make sure my info is correct because im still learning myself.
Well I wet searching last night and it really does seem that there are many different meanings. So you could be right. One site I visited said its when the buds look like a foxtail so who knows but what I want to know is why there are so many meanings to it and which is the real one?I'm a new grower myself only grown for 3 years so far so I want to make sure my info is correct because im still learning myself.

The entire Growing Community was explained to me this way by a very Wise Man---
Most growers are Alpha's, Rebels, and Non-Conformist by nature... getting them to agree on anything is damn near impossible.

I would bet its just a matter of people putting there own spin on terms and techniques. Some we all end up recognizing as correct-- FIM, LST, etc. Some are a product of being cool and sticking-- Sea Of Green-SOG, and some are cool and original spins of a terminology that may not want to be used- Fluxing. :) And others are just really stoned people saying "whoa dude... that looks like a Lollipop". :rofl:
No truth to any of these, just my twisted warped sense of reality i guess. :goof:
:amen: Spimp
Got a new journal Running Jaga. You and Padma and everyone else is invited!
On our way
Well I wet searching last night and it really does seem that there are many different meanings. So you could be right. One site I visited said its when the buds look like a foxtail so who knows but what I want to know is why there are so many meanings to it and which is the real one?I'm a new grower myself only grown for 3 years so far so I want to make sure my info is correct because im still learning myself.
Now this dosent surprise me :thanks:
The entire Growing Community was explained to me this way by a very Wise Man---
Most growers are Alpha's, Rebels, and Non-Conformist by nature... getting them to agree on anything is damn near impossible.

I would bet its just a matter of people putting there own spin on terms and techniques. Some we all end up recognizing as correct-- FIM, LST, etc. Some are a product of being cool and sticking-- Sea Of Green-SOG, and some are cool and original spins of a terminology that may not want to be used- Fluxing. :) And others are just really stoned people saying "whoa dude... that looks like a Lollipop". :rofl:
No truth to any of these, just my twisted warped sense of reality i guess. :goof:
Wonderfully put :hookah:
I like the bit about being an Alpha non conformist:headbanger::passitleft:all this sounds like its going to be a way off befor we get Latin names for our lil terms :high-five:
the number one best thing though is being part of 420 :thumb:the worlds largest an nicest non conformists:yahoo:

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:Just love this place,, best of days to you Reg spimp an Smoker :love::love::love::love::circle-of-love::peace::circle-of-love:
Jai Jaganatha
jaga! :high-five: saw your footprints, lurking around and thought id stop by and see if you were around

to help me enjoy these well cured buds :passitleft: :passitleft:

i hope your Padma is not working you too, hard. i was very happy to read that your Doc found

you had those 5 rocks that did not belong in any human. stop by my yard, i put up some fresh Fluxy pics of

her most recent stretch, restrain & torture. the new boat will accommodate your whole family and mine.

Gibraltar straight sounds like a gap, id like to slide through. we just cant let you drive the boat anymore,

after you eat those cannabrownies washed down with that moonshine you make. I still cant get your bloodstains

off my dock where yiu passed out last time, remember? the time you sank the boat and I had to bail you out.

im just glad it put a smile on your piehole. another congrats a great harveest, I dont think that plant

was that ugly, how's she taste? I think you are ready to be a fellow fluxer, whatta ya think?

keep it green, if you have a chance, take a look at my other girl, she looks a little pale,

i gotta get her out of that air-pot tommorow, nite, nite. zzzz:circle-of-love:
jaga! :high-five: saw your footprints, lurking around and thought id stop by and see if you were around

to help me enjoy these well cured buds :passitleft: :passitleft:

i hope your Padma is not working you too, hard. i was very happy to read that your Doc found

you had those 5 rocks that did not belong in any human. stop by my yard, i put up some fresh Fluxy pics of

her most recent stretch, restrain & torture. the new boat will accommodate your whole family and mine.

Gibraltar straight sounds like a gap, id like to slide through. we just cant let you drive the boat anymore,

after you eat those cannabrownies washed down with that moonshine you make. I still cant get your bloodstains

off my dock where yiu passed out last time, remember? the time you sank the boat and I had to bail you out.

im just glad it put a smile on your piehole. another congrats a great harveest, I dont think that plant

was that ugly, how's she taste? I think you are ready to be a fellow fluxer, whatta ya think?

keep it green, if you have a chance, take a look at my other girl, she looks a little pale,

i gotta get her out of that air-pot tommorow, nite, nite. zzzz:circle-of-love:

Hell she wasnt so ugly I guess but when I see most folks an they like you have such pretty girls:Namaste:
The straights it will be then :passitleft: there are a few great smokes going around our world,,,an thanks she is real nice no paranoia :high-five:
a nice strong relax with a euphoric feeling that anoys the hell out of Paddy cause I didnt stop chatting yet :rofl:poor girl Hey my fav trich I thought that she looked healthy the girl you say is pale ,,she is maybe a tad light but some are not so green ,,,, darn right I wanna do a flux :thumb:I am gonna select a seed for a straight 12 12 grow all the way through cause I have a messed up Sativa in there that I dont have a clue what is wrong I have tried more nutes I tried flushing with water Now I am trying more nutes:cheer::cheer:and she does look like she is getting a lil better ,,,she the reason for the 12/12 grow cause I dont have a veg / flowering room its an all in one opperation:thanks:for giving me a second chance to come on another voyage:surf:one time at least we are going to get to our act together an get over to the USAso take care with fluxy an have a wonderful snooze you wonderful person:circle-of-love::peace::circle-of-love:
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