Jandre2k3's Intelligent-Gro Testing: Phase 1


MK2 3/18
these 14 Harlequin clones will be vegging under T5 until MK3 is operational, at which point we'll divide them in half, growing half under LED in MK3 and half under HPS in MK2. Then we'll be adding some Lamb's Bread and Tangerine Dream to this SOG as well, to fill in the gaps.
MK2 3/18
these 14 Harlequin clones will be vegging under T5 until MK3 is operational, at which point we'll divide them in half, growing half under LED in MK3 and half under HPS in MK2. Then we'll be adding some Lamb's Bread and Tangerine Dream to this SOG as well, to fill in the gaps.

"Maybe," on the TG and LB.... It depends on what we get from the clones in root right now... if we don't have enough for a proper comparison as well as leave a good mother for the bonsai trays, we'll have to leave them out. That would be introducing variables to which I am not wanting to account for in the final analysis of this phase.
I am the other way around. I rather pay extra for something already built than to DIY. I have way to little time and to much to do so My time is very value able to me

For me, to just go buy something deprives me of the joy of making it. I like to create, plan, build, and finish a nice piece. It increases my enjoyment when using it after it is complete. The added benefit is that I can make it to my exact specifications. If I go buy something, (a cabinet in this case) I am forced to use someone else's idea of perfect, which may not be perfect for me.
Yeah it feels better making things. More of a joy and accomplishment. I wouldnt dare mess with making a lighting fixture my expertise is computers but Ive made sheds and things like that it was fun. I dont mind sanding as much as most people. But your setup is very nice.
Yeah it feels better making things. More of a joy and accomplishment. I wouldnt dare mess with making a lighting fixture my expertise is computers but Ive made sheds and things like that it was fun. I dont mind sanding as much as most people. But your setup is very nice.

And I'm not even done yet! hehe, thanks! I need to get the reflective mat in, the irrigation, the exhaust, and electrical... I'm far from done, but the next update on that will be this weekend sometime... FINALLY I have weekends off.
What would you use to turn a 6.5X 5 apartment closet into 2 separate rooms light sealed and all? I was thinking a large styrofoam wall with the mylar on both sides but im sure there are a lot better alternatives. I cant make structural changes to much to the existing apartment walls. Thanks
What would you use to turn a 6.5X 5 apartment closet into 2 separate rooms light sealed and all? I was thinking a large styrofoam wall with the mylar on both sides but im sure there are a lot better alternatives. I cant make structural changes to much to the existing apartment walls. Thanks

Velcro, and a big piece of panda film.
Panda film hmm im gonna have to look that up. Heard of it dont think I ever looked it up though. Where can that be bought? Will it cause any heat issues?
Looks like home depot should have it thank you jandre reps for you
Looks like home depot should have it thank you jandre reps for you

Panda Film is most often gotten from a garden supply shop, is white on one side, and black on the other.

Get LOTS of velcro, stick the felt side onto the wall, and the scratchy side to the plastic... Voila! instant divider! And it's easily opened for easy access to the other side. just make sure you run the velcro ALL THE WAY AROUND... not just pieces here and there...
Yep. Only intend to acess either side when their lights are both on as well as overlap the corners a bit. Got to pass it by the mrs though every idea I have she denies haha since we dont own our place and all. If we did it be getting its own room about 20X15 divided into 4 areas veg,flower,motherplant,clones/seedlings. Thanks for bouncing ideas though Setting up is a lot of fun.
For me it wasn't "less expensive" it was "the right look and the right size" I've spent over $250 on raw materials, so far on this box, but I am glad to do it for something that more exactly fits my needs rather than settle for a tent with standard dimensions and will suffer from "tent suck". Besides, this is "mine" and will no one else has one exactly like it. MK2 is close, but MK3 is the beast for my room.

If you can make the drive, you know where I am, and you know you're always welcome.
yeah sometimes i too dont care if it costs more i want it my way,the only caveat is my mobility issues as long as i can physically do it i will,when i got my tents i was in a rental and what i wanted to do was not feasible in the future im going to build a quad spaced room 8x8 veg/flower and 4x4 mom/baby rooms .:thumb:
i need to put my feet in the pacific its been 20+ yrs and i need it every 5 at minimum, spiffy and i need a vacay maybe we can pull it off in 2014
For me, to just go buy something deprives me of the joy of making it. I like to create, plan, build, and finish a nice piece. It increases my enjoyment when using it after it is complete. The added benefit is that I can make it to my exact specifications. If I go buy something, (a cabinet in this case) I am forced to use someone else's idea of perfect, which may not be perfect for me.
there is a certain satisfaction that does not come with just buying things when the inevitable day comes when we no longer breathe its nice knowing you have things family will fight over because "gramps built that back when cannabis was still prohibited and you had to hide your med grow inside" legacy i suppose
Yeah it feels better making things. More of a joy and accomplishment. I wouldnt dare mess with making a lighting fixture my expertise is computers but Ive made sheds and things like that it was fun. I dont mind sanding as much as most people. But your setup is very nice.
i actually find sanding meditative and therapeutic within reason glad i have a palm and belt sander for when im done with therapy lol
When I was in high school I had a wart on my finder. All of the treatments such as cold,cutting it off,cauterizing it never worked. So one day in shop class I used sand paper and sanded the thing down until it was flush to the rest of my finger and just a bit more. It never came back after having it for 2 years. True story. Haha therapy I can see that actually.
I had one the size of a dime between my thumb and index finger I used those remover things and that how it ended up so big
took just over a year actually more like year and a half of going to the dermatologist once a month and freezing the thing with liquid nitrogen hurt like hell but everytime she asked if I wanted to take a break I said no just keep going no sense in prolonging the pain just take it and get it over with of course by the time it starts to feel better I gotta go again lol
Yeah had the freezeing treatment I was 12 or 13 then after about 8 or 9 freezes and them lopping it off it just would come back.
Jandre2k3's Intelligent-Gro Testing: Phase 1


The cabinets:

You all will remember this:

But you won't remember this: It's new!
The Bi-fold Door

Just to give you some perspective, This is WITH FLASH!! This pic should be completely washed out...except the aperture is completely closed down to show the LED clearly...

The flash barely registers in the center of the box...

In the next update, you'll see the Harlequin in this box.
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